Abbildungen der Seite

stated, occur on Thursday evening April 28th, in the Pan-American Building. The address will be followed by two papers of a general nature, the first of which will outline the advantages of the codification of international law and the second state the objections to the proposed codification. In this way Saturday morning can be devoted to the con sideration of the report of the committee on the resolution without considering the general question of codification.

It is expected that the reception at the White House will be held on Saturday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock.

It is suggested that members intending to be present at the banquet should secure their tickets well in advance in order to aid the committee in making the necessary arrangements.

Any changes in the time of the meeting or in the programme will be duly notified to the members of the Society.



Abbreviations: Ann. sc. pol., Annales des sciences politiques, Paris; Arch. dipl., Archives diplomatiques, Paris; B., boletín, bulletin, bollettino; B. A. R., Monthly bulletin of the International Bureau of American Republics, Washington; Doc. dipl., France: Documents diplomatiques; Dr., droit, diritto, derecho; For. rel., Foreign Relations of the United States; Ga., gazette, gaceta, gazzetta; Cd., Great Britain: Parliamentary Papers; Int., international, internacional, internazionale; J., journal; J. O., Journal Officiel, Paris; Mém. dipl., Mémorial diplomatique, Paris; Monit., Moniteur belge, Brussels; N. R. G., Nouveau recueil général de traités, Leipzig; Q. dipl., Questions diplomatiques et coloniales; R., review, revista, revue, rivista; Reichs-G., Reichs-Gesetzblatt, Berlin; Staatsb., Staatsblad, Gröningen; State Papers, British and Foreign State Papers, London; Stat. at L., United States Statutes at Large; Times, the Times (London); Treaty ser., Great Britain: Treaty Series.

March, 1909.

15 GERMANY-GREAT BRITAIN. Exchange of notes of February 22 and March 15 confirming protocols defining boundaries between British and German territories in Africa: (1) Gorege to Lake Chad (February 12, 1907); (2) Uba to Maio Tiel (March 11, 1907). Treaty ser., 1909, No. 17.

July, 1909.

3 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN. Convention signed at Paris concerning compensation for accidents of work. Mém. dipl., August 29;

London Ga., November 30.

3 SALVADOR-UNITED STATES. Exchange of ratifications at Washington of arbitration treaty signed at Washington December 21, 1908. Ratification advised by Senate January 6, 1909; ratified by the President March 1; by Salvador June 14; proclaimed July 7. U. S. Treaty ser., No. 529; B. A. R., September.

12 JAPAN-KOREA. New convention to ameliorate the judicial and penal administration in Korea. Signed by the Japanese Resident-General in Korea and the Prime Minister of Korea. Mém. dipl., August 22.

July, 1909.

20 BELGIUM-NICARAGUA. Exchange at Guatemala of ratifications of arbitration treaty signed at Guatemala March 6, 1906. Text in Mem. dipl., September 12; B. Usuel, September 2.

20 COSTA RICA-UNITED STATES. Exchange at Washington of ratifications of arbitration convention signed January 13, 1909. Proclaimed July 21. La Gaceta, August 4; B. A. R., September; U. S. Treaty ser., No. 530.

26 MEXICO. Accession to the arrangement of Madrid of April 14, 1891, concerning international registration of trade-marks becomes effective. Monit., July 11; B. A. R., October.

27 MEXICO NICARAGUA. Exchange of ratifications, at Mexico City, of the parcels post convention approved by Mexican Senate October 23, 1907; ratified by President Diaz April 23, 1909; ratified by the Congress of Nicaragua February 6, 1908, and approved by President Zelaya July 27, 1909. It will continue in force till twelve months after either party notifies its intention to terminate it. B. A. R., October.


GREAT BRITAIN. Conference on the Naval and Military Defence of the Empire, held at London July 28 to August 19. Representatives from the self-governing dominions: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Cape Colony, Newfoundland, Natal, Transvaal, and Orange River Colony, met the Prime Minister and other officials. The conference was of a purely consultative character and was held in private at the Foreign Office. Cd., 4948; Times, dates of meeting.

30 PARAGUAY-UNITED STATES. Paraguay approved the arbitration. convention signed at Asuncion, March 13. B. A. R., November. 30 BRAZIL-HONDURAS. Honduras approved treaty of arbitration negotiated in April, 1909. Terms published in La Gaceta, August 19, 1909. B. A. R., November. GERMANY-NETHERLANDS. Agreement signed at Berlin, supplementary to the convention concluded at The Hague on July 17, 1905, concerning civil procedure. In effect September 1, and continues till six months after denunciation. Staatsb., 1909, No. 296. 31 SPAIN FRANCE. Royal decree approving telegraph convention. signed at Paris, June 29, q. v. Gaceta de Madrid, August 1.

August, 1909.

1 AUSTRIA-MEXICO. Special arrangement in force for exchange of money orders, including Austrian offices in the Levant. L'Union Postale, 34:203.

1 FOURTH LATIN-AMERICAN MEDICAL CONGRESS opened at Rio de Janeiro. At the same time the International Exposition of Hygiene was opened at the same place. Next meeting will be at Lima. B. A. R., October; Diario Oficial, Mexico, October 18.

3 LUXEMBURG. Ratification of the International Convention relative to Civil Procedure, concluded at The Hague July 17, 1905. Monit., August 25; B. Usuel, August 3.

3 TWENTIETH EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS opens at Cologne. Mém. dipl., August 8.

6 BRAZIL. Decree declaring that the provisions of the Brazilian law of September 24, 1904, requiring the publication in the Diario Oficial of the certificate of registration and description of national and foreign trade-marks are inapplicable to trade-marks deposited at the International Bureau at Berne, under the Madrid convention of 1891. B. A. R., November, 1909.

7 GREAT BRITAIN-UNITED STATES. Denunciation of the agreement of November 19, 1907, respecting (1) Commercial Travellers' Samples entering the United Kingdom; (2) Import Duties on British Works of Art entering the United States. Effective February 7, 1910. See May 1, 1909. Treaty ser., 1909, No. 23. 10 BRAZIL ECUADOR. Decree by President of Brazil approving the treaty signed at Rio de Janeiro May 10, 1907, on Commerce and River Navigation between these countries. Diario Oficial (Brazil), September 17, 1909.

11 COSTA RICA-MEXICO. The President of Costa Rica approved the postal convention signed June 29, 1909. Text in La Gaceta, San José, August 19, 1909.

12 FRANCE SPAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of declaration made at Bayonne, April 6, 1908, relative to fisheries in the Bidassoa. Decree August 19 putting it in force. J. O., August 20; Gaceta de Madrid, August 21. This is a modification of the convention of February 18, 1886, and the additional protocol of January 19, 1888.


Hankau-Szechuan Railway loan definitely settled at Peking. Loan to be increased to $30,000,000 and British, French,

August, 1909.

German, and American groups each to take one-quarter. Times,
August 18.

17 UNITED STATES-VENEZUELA. Decree of President Gomez approving protocol for settlement of certain claims, including that of A. F. Jaurett, signed at Caracas February 13, 1909. Gaceta Oficial, Caracas, September 8, 1909.


SECOND INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON LEPROSY held at Bergen. The report of the British delegates is embodied in Cd., 4916; Times, October 29; Mém. dipl., August 22. The first conference was held at Berlin, October 11–16, 1897.

20 FRANCE-MEXICO. In pursuance of a compromise signed at Mexico, March 2, 1909, these governments request the King of Italy to decide a question arising as to the sovereignty over Clipperton Island. Mém. dipl., August 22.

21 UNITED STATES-VENEZUELA. Protocol of settlement of the claim of the United States and Venezuela Company ("Crichfield case") signed at Caracas. U. S. Treaty ser., 531.

10-23 SERVIA. Adherence to the additional act of Brussels of December 14, 1900, modifying the international convention signed at Paris March 20, 1883, for the protection of industrial property. J. O., September 21.

23 FIFTH INTERNATIONAL DENTAL CONGRESS opened at Berlin. The former congresses met (1) at Paris in 1889; (2) at Chicago in 1893; (3) at Paris in 1900; (4) at St. Louis in 1904. Times, August 24.

27 PERU. Decree fixing January 1, 1910, as the date for the reception in Peruvian consulates abroad of applications for the registry of trade-marks, to meet the needs of companies who desire protection but have no representatives at Lima. B. A. R., November. 27-28 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE MEDICAL PRESS met at Vienna. Mém. dipl., September 5. The earlier congresses met (1) at Paris, 1900; (2) at Madrid, 1903; (3) at Lisbon, 1906. A special international conference growing out of the first congress met at Monaco in 1902. Annuaire de la Vie Int., 1908–


29 SIXTEENTH INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS opened at Budapest. Closed September 4. Next congress meets at London, 1913. Times, September 1; Mém. dipl., September 5. Former con

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