Abbildungen der Seite

Ver. 257,- Scylla would weepe,

[tion Chiding her barking waves into atten

It was at first And chide.

Ver. 268. Liv'st here with Pan and Sylvan. Ver. 270. To touch the prospering growth of this tall wood.

Ver. 279. Could that divide you from thire ushering hands.

Ver. 280. They left me wearied on a grassie


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ver. 327. Less warranted than this I cannot be. Ver. 428. Yea,

Ver. 329. Square this tryal.

After v. 330, STAGE-DIRECTION.


The two Brothers enter."

Ver. 340. With a long-levell'd rule of streaming

Ver. 349. In this sad dungeon of innumerous
But first lone, then sad, and lastly close.
Ver. 352. From the chill dew, in this dead soli-
[ster now,
Perhaps some cold banke is her boul-
Or 'gainst the rugged barke of some
broad elme

She leanes her thoughtfull head musing
at our unkindnesse:

Or lost in wild amazement and affright,
So fares, as did forsaken Proserpine,
When the big rowling flakes of pitchie
And darknesse wound her in.


1 Br. Peace, brother, peace, I do not
think my sister, &c.

Ver. 361. Which, grant they be so, &c.

Shall dare to soile her virgin puritie.
even where very desolation
[horrid shades,


By grots and caverns shagg'd with
And yawning dens, where glaring mon-
sters house,

She may pass on, &c.

The line And yawning, &c. is crossed, and there-
fore omitted, I suppose, in the printed copies.
Ver. 433. In fog, or fire, by lake, or moorie fen,
Ver. 432. Nay more, no evill thing, &c.

Blue wrinkled hag, or stubborne un-
laid ghost.

Ver. 448. That wise Minerva wore, æternal virgin.
Then, unvanquish'd, then, unconquer'd.
Ver. 452. With suddaine adoration of her pure-


Then, bright raycs, then, blank awe.
Ver. 454. That when it finds a soul sincerely so.
Ver. 465. And most by the lascivious act of sin.
Ver. 471. Oft seene in charnel vaults, and mo-


Hovering, and sitting by a newe-made

List, list, methought I heard.
Some curl'd man of the sword calling te
his fellows.

Dead solitude is also surrounding wild. Some of

the additional lines (v. 350-366.) are on a separate slip of paper.

[blocks in formation]

Ver. 362.

The date of grief.

Hedger is

also, written over curl'd man of the

Ver. 365. This self-delusion.


Ver. 371. Could stirre the stable mood of her Ver. 490.

Had best looke to his forehead: here

calme thoughts.

be brambles.

Ver. 376. Oft seeks to solitarie sweet retire.

[blocks in formation]

Ver. 383. Walks in black vapours, though the dæmon hallows again, and enters in the habit of a

[blocks in formation]

I could be willing, though now i th' Ver. 523. Deep learnt in all his mother's
A tough encounter with the shaggiest
[corcuit, It had been first written, Enur'd; and lastly
That lurks by hedge or lane of this dead Deep skill'd.
To have her by my side, though I were Ver. 531. Tending my flocks hard by ? th' pas



tur'd lawns.


[blocks in formation]

Rose like the softe steame of distill'd perfumes.

So he had at first written these lines: in the former of which softe is altered to still, then to sweet, and lastly re-admitted; but in the latter softe is erased, and the line is completed thus:

Rose like the steam of slow distill'd perfumes.

But slow is altered to rich. Possibly Gray had noticed this very curious passage in Milton's manuscript; for, in his Progress of Poesy, he calls the Æolian lyre

"Parent of sweet and solemn breathing

which is Milton's second alteration of ver. 555.
Ver. 563. Too well I might perceive.-
Ver. 574. The helplesse innocent lady.--
Ver. 605. Harpyes and hydras, or all the mon-

strous buggs.
'Twixt Africa and Inde, I'le find him
And force him to release his new-got
Or drag him by the curles, and cleave
his scalpe

[blocks in formation]

for before, Comus's first speech was uninterrupt edly continued thus,

"Root-bound, that fled Apollo. Why do you frown?"

Ver. 669. That youth and fancie can beget, When the briske blood growes lively.In the former line it was also written "can ind vent;" and in the latter "blood returnes." Ver. 678. To life so friendly, and so coole to


[ing Poor ladie thou hast need of some refreshWhy should you, &c.-

After v. 697, the nine lines now standing were introduced instead of "Poore ladie, &c." as above.

Ver. 687. That hast been tired all day.-
Ver. 689. - Heere fair virgin.
Ver. 695. Ougly-headed monsters.
Ver. 696. Hence with thy hel-brew'd opiate.
Then foule-bru'd, then brew'd enchantments.
Ver. 698. With visor'd falshood and base fur-

Ver. 707. To those budge doctors of the Stois

[blocks in formation]

And settlings of a melancholy blood;
But this, &c.

After v. 813. STAGE-DIRECTION.
rush in, strike his glasse down: the [monsters,
"The brothers
then shapes make as though they would resist, but
are all driven in. Dæmon enters with them."

Ver. 814. What have you let the false enchan

Ver. 816.

ter pass?

Without his art reverst.

Ver. 818. We cannot free the lady that remains.
And, here sits.

Ver. 821. There is another way that may be


Ver. 826. Sabrina is her name, a goddess chaste. Then erased; then virgin before goddess, and pure after chaste.

Ver. 829. She, guiltlesse damsel, flying the mad


Ver. 831, To the streame.
But first "the flood."

Ver. 834. Held up thire white wrists and re

ceav'd her in,

And bore her straite to aged Nereus hall.

Ver. 845. Helping all urchin blasts, and ill-luck [lights to leave;


[blocks in formation]

Ver. 979. Up in the plaine fields.

Hesperus is written over Atlas, and neeces over Ver. 982. Of Atlas and his daughters three. daughters: but daughters are distinguished by which is not the case with Atlas. See Mr. the line underneath, although it had been erased; Whiter's acute remark on this circumstance, Specimen &c. as above, p. 133.

Ver. 983. After "the goulden tree," he had written, but crossed,

Where grows the high-borne gold upon his native tree.

1 P


That the shrewd meddling elfe deAnd often takes our cattel with strange pinches.

[blocks in formation]

Balm and cassia's fragrant smells. Ver. 992. Iris there with garnisht [then garish]

Which she, &c.



Ver. 849. Carrol her goodnesse loud in lively Ver. 995. Then her watchet scarf can shew.

And lovely, from lively.

Ver. 851. Of pansies, and of bonnie daffadils.

Ver. 853. Each clasping charme, and secret hold

ing spell.

Ver. 857. In honour'd virtue's cause: this will I trie.

And in the margin " In hard distressed need."
Then follows, "And adde the power of some
strong verse." Adjuring is a marginal correction.
Ver. 860. Listen, virgin, where thou sit'st.
Before v. 867, is written, "To be said."
Ver. 879. By dead Parthenope's dear tomb, &c.
This and the three following lines are crossed.
Ver. 895. That my rich wheeles inlayes.

Ver. 910. Vertuous ladie, look on me.

Ver. 921. To waite on Amphitrite in her bowre.
Ver. 924. May thy crystal waves for this.
Ver. 927. That tumble downe from snowie hills.
Ver. 948. Where this night are come in state.
Ver. 951. All the swains that near abide.

Ver. 956. Come let us haste, the stars are high.

But night reignes monarch yet in the mid skie.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

changes, and then is presented Ludlow town, and the president's castle: then enter country dances and such like gambols, &c. At these sports the Damon, with the two Brothers and the Lady, enters. The dæmon sings."

Ver. 962. Of nimbler toes, and courtly guise,
Such as Hermes did devise.

In the former line "such neat guise," had also been written.

After v. 965. NO STAGE-DIRECTION, only “ 2 Song."

Ver. 971. Thire faith, thire temperance, and

thire truth.


[blocks in formation]

manuscript by the rev. Francis Henry Egerton, I printed it entire in 1798.

I then supposed it to be one of the many copies written before the mask was published, by Henry Lawes, who, on his editing it in 1637, complained in his dedication to lord Brackley, that "the often copying it had tired his pen :" or, at least, to be a transcript of his copy. And I am still of the same opinion.

I mentioned that, at the bottom of the titlepage to this manuscript, the second earl of Bridgewater, who had performed the part of the Elder Brother, has written " Author Io: Milton." This, in my opinion, may be considered as no slight testimony, that the manuscript presents the original form of this drama. The mask was acted in 1634, and was first published by Lawes in 1637, at which time it had certainly been corrected, although it was not then openly acknowledged, by its author. The alterations and additions, therefore, which the printed poem exhibits, might not have been made till long after the representation; perhaps, not till Lawes had expressed his determination to publish it.. The coincidence of Lawes's Original Music with certain peculiarities in this manuscript, which I have already stated in the Account of HENRY LAWES, may also favour this supposition.

Most of the various readings in this manuscript agree with Milton's original readings in the Cambridge manuscript; a few are peculiar to itself. Since I published the edition of Comus in 1798, I have examined the latter; and have found a closer agreement between the two manuscripts than I had reason, from the collations of that at Cambridge by Dr. Newton and Mr. Warton, to have supposed.

This manuscript resembles Milton's also in the circumstance of beginning most of the verses with small letters.

The poem opens with the following twenty lines, which in all other copies, hitherto known to the public, form part of the Spirit's epilogue. STAGE-DIRECTION. "The first sceane discovers a wild wood, then a guardian spiritt or dæmon

descendes or enters."

[blocks in formation]

wild beasts, &c."

Ver. 99. Shoots against the Northerne pole. Ver. 123. Night has better sweets to prove. STAGE-DIRECTION after v. 144. "The Measure

in a wild, rude, and wanton antic:" And after v. 147, "they all scatter."

Ver. 170. This waye the noise was, if my care be true. Ver. 191. But where they are, and whye they come not back.

The three beautiful lines, preceding this verse in the printed copies, are wanting in this MS. Ver. 195. Had stolne them from me. The remaining hemistich, and the thirty follow. ing lines, which the other copies exhibit, are not in this MS.

Ver. 229. Prompt me, and they perhaps are not

Ver. 241.

farr hence.

Sweete queene of parlie, daughter to the sphere.

Ver. 243. And hould a counterpointe to all heav'n's
STAGE-DIRECTION after v. 243. "Comus looks
in and speakes."

Ver. 252. Of darkness till she smil'd!
Ver. 256. Whoe, when they sung, would take

Ver. 270.

the prison'd soule.

To touch the prosperinge growth of this tall wood.

Ver. 297.

From the heavens now I flye, And those happy clymes that lye Where daye never shutts his eye,, Vp in the broad field of the skye.

Their porte was more than humane as they stood,

So this line is pointed in the manuscript. Compare note on Com. v. 297.

Ver. 300. That in the cooleness of the raynebow

There I suck the liquid ayre


All amidst the gardens fayre

Ver. 312. Dingle, or bushie dell, of this wide

Of Hesperus, and his daughters three


That singe about the goulden tree.

Ver. 349. In this lone dungeon of inumerous

There eternall summer dwells,


[blocks in formation]

Ver. 356. Or els in wild amazement and affright, Soe fares as did forsaken Proserpine, When the bigg rowling flakes of pitchie

Iris there with humid bowe


Waters the odorous bankes, that blowe

And darkness wound her in: EL. BRO.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Ver. 398. You may as well spreade out the un- (After v. 631, the six lines which fol'ow in the printed copy are not in this MS.

sum'd heapes [den. Of misers treasures by an outlawes And tell me it is safe, as bid me hope Dainger will winke at opportunitie, And she a single helpless maiden passe Vninjur'd in this wide surrounding


Ver. 409. Secure, without all doubt or question,


I could be willing, though now i'th
darke, to trie
A tough encounter with the shaggies!
That lurks by hedge or lane of this dead

To have her by my side, though I were
She might be free from perill where she is,
But, where an equal poise of hope and
feare, &c.

Ver. 415. As you imagine, brother; she has a hidden strength.

Ver. 426. Noe salvage, feirce bandite, or moun


In the manuscript a comma is placed both after salvage and feirce: the former may be retained; and we might read fierce bandite, instead of savage fierce in the printed copies. And thus Pope, Essay on Man, Ep. iv. v. 41. No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride.

Ver. 428. Yea even, where very desolac on dwells

By grots and caverns shag'd with horrid shades,

And yawninge denns, where glaringemonsters house.

Ver. 432. Naye more, noe evill thinge that walks by night. Ver. 437. Has hurtefull power ore true virginitie:

Ver. 647. Thirsis, lead on apace, I followe

[blocks in formation]

Ver. 772.

Ver. 448. The wise Minerva wore, vnconquer'd | Ver. 777.

Doe you beleeve me yet, &c.

Ver. 460. Begins to cast a beam on th' outward
Ver. 465. And most by lewde lascivious act of sin.
Ver. 472. Hoveringe, and sitting by a new made
STAGE DIRECTION after v. 489. He hallowes
and is answered, the guardian dæmon comes in,
habited like a shepheard."

[ocr errors]

Ver. 497. How cam'st here, good shepheard? hath any ram, &c.

Ver. 513. Ile tell you, tis not vain or fabulous. Ver. 555. At last a sweele and solemne breath

[blocks in formation]

as my eyes.

Nature's full blessinge would be well dispenst.

Ne'er looks to Heav'n amidst his gorgeous feasts.

But with besotted base ingratitude Crams, and blaspheames his feeder. After feeder the following lines in the printed copies, viz. from v. 779, to v. 806, are not in this MS.

Ver. 810. And setlinge of a melancholy bloud. STAGE-DIRECTION after v. 813. "The brothers

rushe in with swords drawne, wrest his glasse of liquor out of his hand, and brake it against the ground; his rowte make signe of resistance, but are all driven in, the Demon is to come in with the brothers."

Ver. 814. What, have yee let the false enchaunter


Ver. 821. Some other meanes I have that may be vsed.

Ver. 828. Whoe had the scepter from his father


Ver. 847. is wanting in this MS.

STAGE-DIRECTION after v. 866. "The verse to singe

or not."

Ver. 867. Listen, and appear to vs,

In name of greate Oceanus,

By th' Earth-shakinge Neptune's mace,
And Tethis grave majestick pace.

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