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Moft Excellent MAIESTY.

May it please your Majeftie,

Here needs no propheticall Spirit to difcern by fmall Cloud, that there is a storm comming towards our Church, fuch a one, as shall

not only drench our plumes, but shake our peace. Already do we fee the Skie thicken, and hear the winds whistle hollow afarr off, and feel all the Prefages of a Tempest, which the late example of our Neighbours bids us fear. It boots not to perfwade your Majefty to betake your self to your Chariot, to outride the Showre, fince your gracious compaffion would not be willing to put off the fenfe of a common evill: Rather let me take boldness to implore your Majefties seasonable prevention: Only the powerfull breath of your Soveraign authority can difpell these Clouds, and clear our Heaven, and reduce an happy Calme. In the mean time give leave to your well meaning Servants, to contribute their best wishes to the common Tranquillity. I fee every Man ready to ranke himself unto a fide, and to draw in the quarrel be affecteth: Ifee no Man thrusting himself between them, and either holding, or joyning their hands for peace: This good (however thankless)

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office I have here boldly undertaken, fhewing how unjustly we are divided, and by what means we may be made, and kept entire. A project (which if it may receive life, and light from your gracious eyes, and shall by your Royall command be drawn into Speedy practife) promifeth to free this noble and flourishing Church from perilous inconvenience. Let it be no difparagement to So important a motion, that it falls from so mean a hand, then which, yet none can be more fyncerely confecrated to the fervice of your Majefty and this Church, the mu tuall happiness of both which, is dearer then life to

Your Majefties most humble,

and faithful devoted Subject

and Servant



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2. There is no Son of Adam, whom God hath not promifed, that, if he fhall believe in Chrift, repent, and perfevere, he fhall be faved.

3. This generall, and undoubted will of God, must be equally proclaimed to all Men through the World without ex

D. Overal. de 5. Artic. in Bel- ception, and ought to be fo regio controverfis. Art. 1.

ceived, and believed, as it is by him published, and revealed.

Eft quidem decretum hoc annuntiativum falutis omnibus ex æque, & indifcriminatim promulgandum. Theol. Britan, Dordrac. in A&tis Synodi in Thefibus heterodox. Thef. 1.


Gratiam communem & fufficien tem in mediis divinitus ordinatis, fi homines verbo Dei Spirituique fando deeffe noluerint,&c.

D. Overal. Artic. 1.

In Ecclefia, ubi juxta promiffum boc Evangelii, falus omnibus offertur, ea eft administratio gratiæ quæ fufficit ad convincendos omnes impœnitentes & incredulos, quod fua culpa voluntaria, vel neglect, vel contemptu Evangelii perierint, & oblatum beneficium amiferint. Theel. Britan, Dordrac. de Art, 2. Thef. 5.

Deinde in fecundo loco, ut fuccurreret humane infirmitati, &c. voluiffe addere fpecialem gratiam magis efficacem & abundantem,quibus placuerit communicandam, per quam non folum poffint, fed etiam actu velint, credant, obediant perfecerent. D.Overal. Art. 1.

He hath conftantly decreed by his Counsel fecret to us, to deliver from curfe and damnation thofe whom he hath chofen in Chrift out of Mankinde, and to bring them by Chrift to everlafting falvation, as Veflels made to honour; wherefore they which be called according to Gods purpofe by his Spirit working in them in due feafon, they through


All Men (within the Pale of the Church especially) have from the mercy of God fuch common helps towards this belief, and Salvation, as that the neglect thereof makes any of them juftly guilty of their own condemnation.

5. Befides the generall will of God, he hath eternally willed, and decreed to give a fpeci all, and effectuall grace to thofe, that are predeftinate according to the good pleasure of his will, whereby they do actually believe, obey, and perfevere, that they may be faved: fo as the fame God, that would have all Men to be faved, if they believe, and be not wanting to his Spirit, hath decreed to work powerfully in fome, whom he hath particularly chofen, that they fhall believe, and not be wanting to his Spirit in whatfoever fhall be neceffary for their falvation.

6. It is not the previfion of faith or any other grace, or a& of Man, whereupon this decree of God is grounded, but the mecr, and gracious good will, and pleafure of God from all eternity appointing to fave thofe, whom he hath chofen in

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