Abbildungen der Seite

them hereof in remembrance,-I ask of you, which are a part of the residue of God's elect and chosen people, Who is there amongst you that hath taken a survey of the house of God, as it was in the days of the blessed apostles of Jesus Christ? Who is there amongst you that hath seen and considered this holy temple in her first glory? And how do you see it now? Is it not, in comparison of the other, almost as nothing? When you look upon them which have undertaken the charge of your souls, and know how far these are, for the most part, grown out of kind, how few there be that tread the steps of their ancient predecessors, ye are easily filled with indignation, easily drawn into these complaints, wherein the difference of present from former times is bewailed; easily persuaded to think of them that lived to enjoy the days which now are gone, that surely they were happy in comparison of us that have succeeded them were not not their bishops men irreprovable, wise, righteous, holy, temperate, well reported of, even of those which were without? Were not their pastors, guides, and teachers, able and willing to exhort with wholesome doctrine, and to reprove those which gainsayed the truth? Had they priests made of the refuse of the people? Were men, like to the children which were in Nineveh, unable to discern between the right hand and the left, presented to the charge of their congregations? Did their teachers leave their flocks, over which the Holy Ghost had made them overseers? Did their prophets enter upon holy things as spoils, without a reverend calling? Were their leaders so unkindly affected towards them, that they could find in their hearts to sell them as sheep or oxen, not caring how they made them away? But, be loved, deceive not yourselves. Do the faults of your guides and pastors offend you? It is your fault if they be thus faulty. “Nullus, qui malum rectorem patitur, eum accuset: quia sui fuit meriti perversi pastoris subjacere ditioni," saith St. Gregory; "Whosoever thou art, whom the inconvenience of an evil governor doth press, accuse thyself, and not him; his being such is thy deserving." "O ye disobedient children, turn again, saith the Lord, and then will I give you pastors according to mine own heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding" (Jer. iii. 14, 15.) So that the only way to repair all ruins, breaches, and offensive decays, in others, is to begin reformation at yourselves. Which, that we may all sincerely, seriously, and speedily do, God the Father grant for his Son our Saviour Jesus's sake, unto whom, with the Holy Ghost, three persons, one eternal and everlasting God, be honour, and glory, and praise, for ever. Amen.

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ABSOLUTION, the extravagant abuse of
it by the papists, iii. 56. 63. What in
the doctrine of the church of England,
iii. 58, 59.

Adversity, prayer to be evermore deliver-
ed from it, vindicated, ii. 141.
Aerius, his different opinion from Tertul-
lian about fasting, ii. 308. The first op-
poser of the order of bishops, iii. 128.
Agents, natural and voluntary, how distin-
guished, i. 128.
Anabaptists in Germany, their first tenets,
i. 111.
By what steps they gained
ground, i. 114. Their bold assertions at
last, i. 116. Their notions as to the li-
berty of Christians censured, i. 273.
Angels, what law they act by, i. 133. How
some of them came to fall, i. 134. How
dispersed after their fall, i. 135. Their
knowledge full and complete, i. 137.
Antiquity, what deference to be paid to it
in disputable points, ii. 18.
Apocryphal books, what denoted by the
word formerly, and what now, ii. 51, 52.
The reading of them in churches vindi-
cated, ii. 54.
Apollinarians, their heresy, what, ii. 170.
Apostacy, what, iii. 429.

Apostles, in what things they have succes-

sors, and in what not, iii. 94. The dan-
ger of despising their words or preach-
ing, iii. 423.

Appetite, how it differs from will, i. 140.
Archbishop, to what end appointed, iii.

Archdeacon, his office what, iii. 116.
Archpresbyter, his office what, ib.
Arianism, its rise and progress, ii. 122, 123.
Athanasian creed, by whom and when writ-
ten (according to the judgment of Mr.
Hooker), ii. 126, 127. The use of it in
our Liturgy vindicated, ii. 130.
Atheism, when affected, the most opposite
to true religion, ii. 8, 9.
Augustine, (St.) vindicated, i. 208.


Baptism, in cases of necessity, to be ad-
ministered without the usual ceremonies,
ii. 190. 198. The necessity of it, ii.
190. The inward grace of it conferred

where the outward means cannot be had,
ii. 196. The case of infants dying with-
out it considered, ii. 197. To be privately
administered in cases of necessity, ii.
200. Administered by women and laymen
valid and effectual (in the judgment of
Mr. Hooker), ii. 204. Administered by
heretics, why rejected by the ancients,
i. 241.

(See Cross, Interrogatories.)
Benedictus, the use of it in our service
vindicated, ii. 117.

Benefice, what the name signifies, ii. 370.
Bishops, their order appointed of God, iii.
85. Were in all churches universally,
for 1500 years after Christ, iii. In Eng-
land before the year 359, and ever since,
iii. 86. Whence they took their name, iii.
88. Their order ancienter than their name,
ib. A definition of a bishop, and in what
his office consists, iii. 90. At large,
and with restraint, how distinguished,
ib. Their superiority, in what sense dis-
puted, ib. The apostles the first bi-
shops, and all bishops the apostles' suc-
cessors, iii. 92. All bishops originally
called apostles, ib. They were first insti-
tuted with restraint, and why, iii. 95. St.
Jerome's notion of them vindicated, iii.
97. Their succession from the apostles to
be proved in all churches which the apo-
stles founded, iii. 103. What their power
was originally, iii. 105. Have the power
of ordination invested solely in them, ib.
Have the power of jurisdiction invested
solely in themselves, iii. 107. How far
they admitted presbyters to the exercise
of jurisdiction, iii. 114. How far their
power extended originally in compass, iii.
118. Some superior to others, and why,
iii. 119. By whom their order was first
opposed, iii. 128. Their interest in civil
affairs vindicated, iii. 155. What honours
due to them, and upon what account,
iii. 172. 184. In what instances honour is
to be shewed them, iii. 186. What share
they had formerly out of the public main-
tenance of the church, iii. 200. Their
behaviour and conduct, what it should
be, iii. 206. The great sin of procuring
their office by simony, iii. 207. Their vi-
sitation and courts, how they ought to

be managed, iii. 210, 211. The great de-
triment that arises from careless bishops
to the church, iii. 212. The duty of their
clergy and people to bear with their in-
firmities, iii. 214. Their revenues and
wealth to be carefully protected, iii. 217.
Their title to their revenues justified,
iii. 221.

(See Episcopacy, Maintenance, and Pre-

Bowing at the name of Jesus vindicated,
ii. 96.

Brazen serpent destroyed by Hezekiah,
how far to be drawn into a precedent, ii.

Burial office, the design of it, ii. 319.
Mourning attire at funerals, lawful and
decent, ii. 320. Processions at funerals,
decent and ancient, ii. Sermons at
funerals, the proper use of them, ii. 321.
Funeral banquets or doles, the decency
of them, ib. Testification of our hope of
the resurrection, at such times, how ne-
cessary, ib. Funeral offices used by
Jews and Christians of old, ii. 322.


Calvin, (John) born in France, and ori-
ginally a lawyer, i. 80. How he intro-
duced himself into the church of Gene-
va, ib. Is banished thence, and recalled
thither again, i.81, 82. What conditions
he required of them upon his return,
i. 182. The subtilty of his conditions,
and how received by the people, i. 82, 83.
Is again disgusted, and takes his leave
of them, i. 84. His just praise, and how
universally honoured among the foreign
reformed, i. 86.

Catechizing, the design and usefulness of
it, ii. 43, 44.

Ceremonies, what meant by them, i. 291.
302. The use of them, i. 302. ii.
233. How universal, i. 303. How far
we may vary from the primitive ceremo-
nies, i. 305.
The objections that are
made against our ceremonies as popish,
i. 308. These objections contradict
themselves, i. 311. Not to be abolished
upon account of the boasts and hopes of
the papists, i. 325. The grief of those
that are disturbed at them, by whom to
be remedied, i. 328. Not always to be
rejected, because originally derived from
the Jews, i. 331. When scandalous, and
when not, i. 342. When to be removed
for fear of scandal, and when not, i.
344. Not necessary to be formed after
the pattern of elder churches, i. 346.
The moderation and prudence of the
church of England in establishing them,
i. 354.

Certainty of assurance, what, iii. 406. Of
evidence, what, ib.

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Chorepiscopi, how distinguished from bi-
shops, iii. 118, 119.

Christ hath the second person in the Trinity
united with him, ii. 157. Is but one per-
son, ii. 159. Hath two natures entire
and distinct, ii. 162. What his huma-
nity gained by its union with the Deity,
ii. 166. 173, 174. His body not every
where present, ii. 171. In what sense
he may be said to be present every where
as man, ii. 174. In what manner, and
by what means, he is united with his
church, ii. 177. Has the same authority
in the government of the world as in the
government of the church, iii, 256.
Chrysostom, (St.) vindicated as to his no-
tion of the jurisdiction of bishops, iii.

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Church, what it signifies, ii. 270. Mysti-
cal and visible, sound and unsound, how
distinguished, i. 237. How united with
Christ, ii. 177. What power we attri-
bute to it, in the making of laws, i. 292.
What deference due to her judgment,
ii. 21. How it is distinguished from the
commonwealth, iii. 225. Both one and
the same society, iii. 226. 229.
notion of their being two separate socie-
ties, whence it arises, iii. 227.
Churches, the decency of dedicating them
solemnly to God, ii. 30. The lawful-
ness of distinguishing them by the names
of angels and saints, ii. 33. The fashion
of them vindicated, ii. 35. Ought to be
stately and sumptuous, ii. 36. Not to
be abolished, because formerly abused
to superstitious uses, ii. 40, 41.
Church-goods, lands, offerings, and reve-
nues, &c. the property of them in God,
iii. 190. The right of the clergy to re-
ceive and use them, iii. 195. Sacrilege
to alienate them, iii. 205. The sad con-
sequences that would attend a sacrile-
gious alienation, iii. 217. 219.
Church-polity, see Ecclesiastical polity.
Churching of women, the lawfulness of the
rite, ii. 317. The woman not before ex-
cluded the church as unholy, ii. 319.
The attire of a woman at churching to
be decent. Oblations, a proper name
for her offerings at such times, ib.
Civil powers, see King.
Clergy (Christian), three orders of them
mentioned in the New Testament, ii.
349. 351.

(See Maintenance.)
Clergy (Jewish), their distinct orders and
offices, ii. 341. Their distinct jurisdic-
tion, ii. 285. Their plentiful mainte-
nance allotted by God, iii. 197, 198.
Collects, the shortness of them vindicated,
ii. 101, 102.
Common prayer, the place where perform-
ed to be decent and solemn, ii. 81.

The ministers that perform it to be zeal-
ous and fervent, ii. 82. The several
exceptions made against it, ii. 85. ii. 105.
The objections to it as popish consider-
ed, ii. 87. Not to be postponed to any
foreign liturgies, ii. 88. The easiness
of reading it considered, ii. 98. The
length of it vindicated, ii. 99. The short-
ness of the collects vindicated, ii. 101,
102. The frequent petitions for temporal
blessings vindicated, ii. 105.

(See Forms of prayer.)
Commonwealth, see Church-Prayer.
Communion, see Eucharist.

Communion of saints, wherein it consists,
ii. 184.

Conference, see Disputation.
Confession, how practised by the primitive
church, iii. 12. How practised among
the Jews, iii. 15. How practised by
the protestants abroad, iii. 36. How
it stands with the church of England,
iii. 37..

Confession (auricular) the pretended texts
of Scripture for it examined, iii. 17.
The rise, progress, and discontinuance,
of it in the primitive church, iii. 19. How
abused by the papists, iii. 30. How far
practised by the church of England, iii.
38. Confirmation, the antiquity of it,
ii. 247. An office peculiar to bishops,
ii. 249. Why severed from baptism, ii.

Contrition, wherein it consists, iii. 9.
Councils to be called and dissolved by the
civil powers, iii. 266.

Courts (of bishops) how pernicious, if cor-
rupt, iii. 210.

Cross in baptism, justified, ii. 231. Its
antiquity and use, and why made in the
forehead, ii. 234. Not to be disconti-
nued because abused by the papists, ii.

Cyprian (St.) vindicated, i. 209. iii. 140.
143. 169.


Deacons, their order and office, ii. 346.
Death (sudden), the petition against it in
the Litany vindicated, ii. 137.
Diocess and province (of a bishop), how
they differ, iii. 121. Whence the distinc-
tion at first arose, ib.

Discipline and doctrine, the difference be-
tween them, i. 249. (Penitential), the
severity of it in the primitive church,
iii. 51. The danger of too easily re-
mitting it, iii. 52. How abused by the
papists, iii. 54. (Of the puritans), by
what means it got footing among the
people, i. 87. By what means among
the learned, i. 94. The dangerous con-
sequences that would follow from it, i,

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Ecclesiastical Polity, why chosen by the
Author for the title of his book, i. 247.
The substance and matter of the eight
books, i. 105. Not necessary to be the
same in all churches, i. 247. Nor to be
wholly and minutely set down in Scrip-
ture, i. 248.

(See Discipline.)
Elect, never wholly fall from the faith, iii.
408. 429. God's care of them, when
he executes judgments on the wicked,
iii. 436.

Endowments, religious; see Donations.
Episcopacy, by whom first opposed, iii.
128. In what respect opposed by the
modern sectaries, iii. 131. Their argu-
ments against it as a human invention,
ib. Those arguments answered, iii.
133. Their arguments against the ne-
cessity of it, iii. 139. An answer to
those arguments, iii. 140. The objec-
tion of bishops usurping more power
now than formerly, answered, iii. 144.
No where condemned in Scripture or
antiquity, iii. 165.

(See Bishops-Prelates.)
Error and heresy, how they differ, iii. 346.

Evangelists, what they were, ii. 348.
Eucharist, not to be received before bap-
tism, ii. 255. The design and use of it,
ib. The manner of Christ's presence
in it, not to be inquired into too curious-
ly, ii. 257. 264. In what sense the ele-
ments are his body and blood, ii. 258.
Distributing the elements to every per-
son singly, justified, ii. 267. Kneeling
at the time of receiving, justified, ii. 269.
Examination of the communicants not
to be laid aside, ib. Papists, when con-
forming, not to be repelled, ii. 270.
The objection as to the fewness of our
communicants answered, ii. 276. Very
properly administered at marriages, ii.

317. The power of ministers to ex- Goodness, the degrees of it, and whence

clude men from it, iii. 38.

Evil, as evil, not to be desired, i. 141.
How to be distinguished from good, i.


Eutyches, his error, what, ii. 162. 170.


Faith, why weak and imperfect in some
believers, iii. 405. When once received,
never afterward entirely fails, iii. 370.
408. 429. The sole basis of a Chris-
tian, iii. 441. The foundation of it, what,
iii. 348. 355. What it is to hold it, iii.
357. What to deny it directly, and
what by consequent, iii. 358. The dif-
ference of faith in good men and wicked,
iii. 359. He that once holds it can never
afterward directly deny it, iii. 370.
Fasting, the design and use of it, ii. 299.
What fasts observed by the Jews, ii.
501. What by the Christians, ii. 304.
The oppositions made to it, ii. 307.
The political benefits of it, ii. 312. Why
appoiuted before festivals, ii. 313.
Fathers, how far they make use of nega-
tive arguments from Scripture, i. 209.
Fathers, Romish; see Romanists.
Fear, not sinful in itself, iii. 402. On
what it ought to be exercised most, ib.
Fear and zeal, the roots of superstition, ii. 12.
Festivals, the natural cause of their insti-
tution, ii. 279. In what manner to be
celebrated, ii, 282. What days to be
observed as festivals, ii. 285. The ob-
jections against observing them answer-
ed, ii. 287.

First cause, acknowledged by the heathens,

and what they thought of it, i. 125.
Forms of prayer, used by the Jews and
primitive Christians, ii. 83, 84.
(See Common Prayer.)

Foundation, see Faith.

Foundations, religious; see Donations.
Funerals, see Burial-office.

Geneva, see Calvin.


Gestures, different, at the time of prayer
vindicated, ii. 96.
Gloria Patri, why the usual conclusion of
Psalms, &c. ii. 127. The use made of
it against the Arians, ii. 128. The use
of it in our Liturgy vindicated, ii. 130.
The Arian doxology, orthodox in words,
ii. 129.

God and his doings unsearchable, i. 124.
A law to himself, i. 125. Does nothing
without reason, ib.

Good works, how far instrumental to sal-
vation, iii. 353. Not meritorious, or
the cause of salvation, iii. 355. 367.

it proceeds, i. 135. 137. How to be
discerned, i. 144. How to be distin-
guished from evil, i. 143. Government,
public, how and upon what occasion it
at first began, i. 158. The kinds of it
arbitrary, i. 159. Its happiness and
prosperity dependent upon religion, ii.

Grace, no falling away from it entirely,
iii. 370. 408. 429.

Grief and heaviness, when reprovable, iii.


Habit of the clergy for distinction, proper,
ii. 352.

Halting between two opinions condemned,

iii. 424.

Head of the church, the lawfulness of ap-
plying that title to the king, iii. 248.
Not applied in the same sense to the
king as to Christ, iii. 250. In what
sense applied to one and the other, iii.
252. 261. Implies no contradictions or
absurdities, when applied to the king, iii.
254. Applied to the king and to the
pope in different senses, iii. 262.
Heresy, what, iii. 428. How it differs
from error, iii. 346. 363.
Hezekiah's destroying the brazen serpent,
how far to be drawn into a precedent,
ii. 240.

Holidays, see Fasts-Festivals.
Holy Ghost, in what sense given and re-
ceived in ordination, ii. 334.
Honour, to whom, and upon what accounts
due, iii. 173. How to be expressed;
ib. How and upon what accounts due
to the clergy, iii. 184. In what respects
to be shewed them, iii. 186.

(See Bishops-Prelates.)
Human authority, how far to be urged, i.

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