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read; of the spear in his side; of the nails in his hands and his feet; when they reflect that all those sufferings were endured for them, the joys of heaven must become more joyous, and its glories more glorious. While the celestial worshippers proclaim, to him that loved us, they add with transports which none but the spirits of the just made perfect can feel; which even they cannot fully utter, "and washed us from our sins in his own blood; to him be glory."

"They sing Hosannah all the while,
He cheers them with eternal smiles,
Or overwhelm'd with rapture sweet,
Sink down adoring at his feet.”

By this plan, man becomes more intimately related to man. That union which naturally subsists among them as the offspring of one God, and the members of one great family, is incomparably surpassed by their relation as the election of the same grace, and as the redemption of the same blood.All that ever have been, or that ever shall be reconciled to Jehovah through the mediation of Jesus are like stones of the same building; branches of the same vine; members of the same Head. They being many are one body in Christ, and members one of the other. They are redeemed by the same blood; renewed by the same spirit; adorned with one robe; interested in the same covenant; partakers of the same consola

tions, and heirs of the same kingdom, and glory. In short, all the ransomed are ONE with each other, even as Jesus and the Father are ONE. On earth they all live by faith on the same object Christ and him crucified, and they shall everlastingly encircle the same throne in heaven.

By this plan, a relation the most intimate is effected between ransomed men, and elect angels. At the revolt of a particular province from their prince, all intercourse between that, and the other provinces of the realm is immediately suspended; so at the apostacy of man from his Creator all agreeable fellowship between him, and unsinning angels instantly ceased. These exalted spirits, remaining loyal to their sovereign, became enemies to man the moment that he became hostile to their Lord: But by the dispensation of the fulness of time, a free intercourse is established, and these jarring parties constitute one great society under Jesus Jehovah their common Ruler and Head. As the dutiful child rejoices at the repentance and return of a brother who had unnaturally abandoned his father's house; or as the loyal subject exults when one returns to his duty who had rebelled against the Prince, so the angels hail with rapture. the return of apostate man. There is joy in


the plan of reconciliation, it is obvious that where sin abounded, grace did much more a bound: But what finite mind can fully survey this amazing scheme, or comprehend the glories which result from it? Could we conceive the majesty of that law which is thereby honored, or tell all those joys which the saved myriads of the human family shall experience through the ever revolving ages of eternity; could we calculate all that bliss which is diffused through the various orders of angels, and thrones, and dominions, and pricipalities and powers at the brighter display of the divine character and perfections, or that happiness which these pure spirits enjoy in witnessing the encreas ed happiness of man; could we imagine the tendency of this schenre in exposing to all worlds the enormity of sin, in recommending the excellence of holiness, in vindicating the justice of Jehovah in the damnation of the fallen angels, and of men who refuse to bo reconciled: Could we calculate its tendency in cementing man. to man; men to angels, and all to the Uncreated, Infinite Three, as the fountain of perfection an bliss; could we fully comprehend all these consequences then we might form some conception of this scheme. But verily eye hath not seen, nor car heard, nor hath it entered the heart of man to covering the dimensions. New myst the same consola wisdom and cord


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