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left thofe focial affections interfere, in a greater and more immediate degree than any other pursuits, with private utility, and cannot be gratified, without fome important facrifices of honour and advantage? If fo, we are but ill inftructed in the nature of the human paffions, and are more influenced by verbal distinctions than by real differences..

Whatever contradiction may vulgarly be fuppofed betwixt the felfifh and focial fentiments or difpofitions, they are really no more oppofite than felfish and ambitious, felfifh and revengeful, selfish and vain. "Tis requifite, that there be an originali propenfity of fome kind, in order to be a bafis to felf-love, by giving a relish to the objects of its purfuit; and none more fit for this purpose than benevolence or humanity. The goods. of fortune are spent in one gratification or other: The miser, who accumulates his annual income, and lends it out at intereft, has really spent it in the gratification of his avarice. And it would be difficult to fhow, why a man is more a loser By a generous action, than by any other method of expence; fince the utmoft which he can attain, by the most elaborate. felfishness, is the indulgence of fome affection..

Now if life, without paffion, must be altogether infipid and tiresome; let a man suppose that he has full power of modelling his own difpofition, and let him deliberate what appetiteor defire he would choofe for the foundation of his happiness and enjoyment. Every affection, he would obferve, when gratified by fuccefs, gives à fatisfaction proportioned to its force and violence; but befides this advantage, common to all, the immediate feeling of benevolence and friendship, humanity and kindnefs, is fweet, fmooth, tender, and agreeable,

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independent of all fortune and accidents. These virtues are befides attended with a pleafing consciousness or remembrance, and keeps us in humour with ourselves as well as others; while we retain the agreeable reflection of having done our part towards mankind and fociety. And though all men show a jealousy of our fuccess in the pursuits of avarice and ambition ; yet we are almost fure of their good-will and good-wishes, so long as we persevere in the paths of virtue, and employ ourfelves in the execution of generous plans and purposes. What other paffion is there where we shall find so many advantages united; an agreeable fentiment, a pleafing consciousness, a good reputation? But of these truths, we may obferve, men are, of themselves, pretty much convinced; nor are they deficient in their duty to fociety, because they would not wish to be generous, friendly, and humane; but because they do not feel themselves fuch.

Treating vice with the greatest candour, and making it all poffible conceffions, we must acknowlege, that there is not, in any instance, the smallest pretext for giving it the preference above virtue, with a view to felf-intereft; except, perhaps, in the cafe of juftice, where a man, taking things in a certain light, may often feem to be a lofer by his integrity. And though it is allowed, that, without a regard to property, no fociety could fubfift; yet, according to the imperfect way in which human affairs are conducted, a sensible knave, in particular incidents, may think, that an act of iniquity or infidelity will make a confiderable addition to his fortune, without caufing any confiderable breach in the focial union and confederacy. That honefty is the best policy, may be a good general rule; but is liable to many exceptions: And he, it may, perhaps,

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be judged, conducts himself with most wisdom, who obferves the general rule, and takes advantage of all the exceptions..

I must confefs, that if a man thinks, that this reasoning much requires an answer, it will be a little difficult to find any, which will to him appear fatisfactory and convincing. If his. heart rebels not against fuch pernicious maxims, if he feels. no reluctance to the thoughts of villany or baseness, he has indeed loft a confiderable motive to virtue; and we may expect, that his practice will be answerable to his fpeculation.. But in all ingenuous natures, the antipathy to treachery and roguery is too strong to be counterbalanced by any views of profit or pecuniary advantage. Inward peace of mind, confciousness of integrity, a fatisfactory view of our own conduct; these are circumstances very requifite to happiness, and will be cherished and cultivated by every honeft man, who feels the importance of them..

Such a one has, befides the frequent fatisfaction of seeing knaves, with all their pretended cunning and ability, betrayed by their own maxims; and while they purpose to cheat with moderation and fecrecy, a tempting incident occurs, nature is frail, and they give into the fnare;. whence they can never extricate themselves, without a total lofs of reputation, and the forfeiture of all future truft and confidence with man- kind.

But were they ever so secret and fuccefsful, the honeft man, if he has any tincture of philofophy, or even common obfervation and reflection, will difcover that they themselves are, in the end, the greatest dupes, and have facrificed the inva luable enjoyment of a character, with themfelves at least, for


the acquifition of worthless toys and gewgaws. How little is requifite to fupply the neceffities of nature? And in a view to pleafure, what comparison between the unbought fatisfactions of conversation, fociety, ftudy, even health and the common beauties of nature, but above all the peaceful reflection on one's own conduct: What comparison, I fay, between these, and the feverish, empty amusements of luxury and expence ? These natural pleasures, indeed, are really without price; both because they are below all price in their attainment, and above it in their enjoyment.

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F the foregoing hypothefis be received, it will now be eafy

IF foregoing hye the queftion arft ftarted", concerning

the general principles of morals; and though we postponed the decifion of that question, left it should then involve us in intricate speculations, which are unfit for moral discourses, we may refume it at prefent, and examine how far either reafon or sentiment enters into all determinations of praise or censure.

One principal foundation of moral praise being supposed to lie in the usefulness of any quality or action; "tis evident, that reafon must enter for a confiderable share in all determinations of this kind; fince nothing but that faculty can instruct us in the tendency of qualities and actions, and point out their beneficial confequences to fociety and to their poffeffors. In many cafes, this is an affair liable to great controversy: Doubts may arise; oppofite interefts may occur; and a preference must be given to one fide, from very nice views, and a small Overballance of utility. This is particularly remarkable in questions with regard to justice; as is, indeed, natural to fuppofe, from that fpecies of utility, which attends this vir

Sect, I.


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