Abbildungen der Seite

to be sent to this port-in short, that no navigation or trade with England or the English colonies shall be pernitted either in English or neutral bottoms.-Now whereas the strict observance and execution of this point, stipulated in the treaty of Tilsit between France and Prussia, has been enjoined to us by his royal majesty in the most rigorous manner, and on pain of being dismissed from our offices, and other severe punishments; therefore, we have strictly directed and instructed all our subordinate officers carefully to watch over all cases of trangression, and as soon as any such cases shall happen and take place, immediately to report them to us.

"While we thus give the public notice on the said subject, we at the same time advise and warn all merchants of this place not to render themselves guilty of a contravention, which from the measures we have adopted will certainly be discovered, and not to expose them selves, on account of a small illicit profit, to the confiscation of their goods, and other severe criminal punishment.


"Royal Prussian court of navigation and trade.

"Memel, Sept. 2, 1807."

Letter from the King of Prussia to the Magistracy and present Authorities of Berlin, dated Memel, August 3, 1807.

selves, and of the inhabitants of Berlin in general, on the occasion of our birth-day, and the conclusion of the peace. In your faithful attention we have not failed to notice, even under the most unfavourable circumstances, your steady fidelity; and our conviction of it, as also the accounts we have received of the in- ́ tegrity and patriotism with which you have laboured to preserve tranquillity and order has been a comfort to us amid all our too-wellfounded grief. We return' our thanks to you, and all the people of Berlin, who remained faithful to us, for the proofs you have already begun, as well as for the present testimony of your love, and rely with certainty on the same for the future. Be assured on your parts of our paternal sentiment towards you. We and our house expect with anxiety the moment when we shall return to you, and give ourselves entirely up to the care of healing, by heaven's assistance, and as far as our exhausted strength will permit, the deep wounds which the state has received. To reward the sentiments of our good subjects by these endeavours and proofs of our affection, will ever be our joy, and the greatest consolation of our heart.


To the General Staff of the Berlin

"His majesty acknowledges the patriotism, fidelity, aud attachment of the guards towards the state and "Honourable and wise, dear the sovereign, and wishes and ex

and faithful, &c.

"We have read with emotion the letter you transmitted to us as the expression of the sentiments of your

pects that the members of that body will still continue their services for the good of the city and their fellow-citizens, and thereby obtain new

claims to his majesty's approbation they found on taking possession of and gratitude.

them. • FREDERICK WILLIAM. The Sublime Porte shall appoint “Memel, Aug. 8, 1807."

conimissaries to receive the aforesaid fortresses from Russian officers ap

pointed for the aforesaid purpose. Treaty of Armistice between Russia The Ottoman troops shall, in like and the Ottoman Porte. manner, retire from Moldavia and

Wallachia, and repass the Danube. Article I. From the date of the They will only leave in the fortresses signature of the treaty, all bostilities of Ismail, Brailow, and Giurgion, shall cease between the two bellige- garrisous sufficient to keep them. rent powers.

The Russian troops shall correII. As the Sublime Porte and spond with the Ottomans; so that the Russia equally wish, with the most two armies shall begin to retire at amicable intention, the establishment the same time from Wallachia and of peace and harmony, the high con- Moldavia. tracting parties will appoint, after the The two contracting parties shall siguature of the present armistice, in no way meddle with the adminiplenipotentiaries to negociate and stration of the two principalities of conclude a peace as soon as possible, Moldavia and Wallachia, till the arrito meet in the most convenient situ- val of plenipotentiaries charged with ation for both.

the office of negociating for a definir If in the course of the negociation tive peace. for a definitive peace,

difficulties Till peace is concluded, the Ottoshould unfortunately arise, so as to man troops shall not enter any of the obstruct a definitive arrangement, fortresses evacuated by the Russians. hostilities shall not re-commence be- The inhabitants alone shall be at fore next spring, that is to say before liberty to enter them. the 21st March, 1808, new stile of IV. Conformably to the preceding the christian æra.

article, the island of Tenedos, as well IW. As soon as the present armis- as every other place in the Archipe. tice is signed, the Russian troops lago, whiclı, before the intelligence of sball begin to evacuate Wallachia the arniistice shall have arrived, shall and Moldavia, and all the pro- be occupied by the Russian troops, vinces, fortresses, and other territory shall be evacuated. which they have occupied during the The Russian troops which are stawar; and tu retire within their an- tioned before Tenedos, or any other cient frontiers ; so that the said eva- place in the Archipelago, shall return cuation shall be completed in the to their ports, in order that the Dars space of thirty-five days from the danelles shall be at once open and date of the signature of the present free. armistice.

If the Russian ships in proceeding The Russian troops shall leave in to their ports shall be obliged to the territory and fortresses which stop at any port in the Archipelago, they shall evacuate, all the effects, in couisequence of tempestuous weacannon, and awnunition, which ther, or any other unavoidable acci

3 R3


dent, the Turkish officers shall not VII. The present treaty of armisoppose any obstacle, but, on the cou- tice written in Turkish and in French trary, shall afford them the neces- has been signed by the two pleniposary aid.

tentiaries, and by the adjutant eonAll the ships of war, or other mandant Guilleminot, and has been Ottoman vessels, which during the exchanged in order that it may be war shall have fallen into the hands ratified by the grand vizier, and by of the Russians shall be restored, his excellency the general in chief, with their crews, as well as the Rus- Micholson. sian vessels, which shall have fallen The two plenipotentiaries shall take into the hands of the Ottomans. The care, that the said ratifications shall Russian ships in proceeding to their be exchanged within one week, or ports shall not take on board any sooner, if possible. subject of the Sublime Porte.

Done and decreed at the castle of V. All the vessels of the Russian Slobosia, near Gieurgion, the 20th flotilla stationed at the mouth of the of the month of Dgemaziul-Ahir, the Suone or elsewhere, shall go out and year of the Hegira, 1222, and the proceed to their ports, in order that 12th of August (old style), or the the Ottoman vessels inay go out and 24th of August, 1807, (new style), of come in with perfect safety.

the christian æra. The Sublime Porte will give orders (Signed) GALIB EFFENDI. that the Russian vessels proceeding

SERGIO LASKAROFF. to their ports shall be respected, and

GUILLEMINOT. that they shall be permitted to enter into any Ottoman port in case they Proclamation published at Constanshall be obliged to do so by tempes- tinople immediately after the late tuous' weather or any other inevita

Revolution :ble accident,

VI. All the prisoners of war and « It is some time since several other slaves of both sexes, of what- ministers and counsellors of state, ever quality or rank, shall be imme- persons belonging to the court, but diately liberated and restored on both occupied solely in promoting their sides, without any rausom; with the private interests, having established exception, however, of Mussulmen certain new regulations, under the who shall Irave voluntarily embraced name of Nizam Gedidd, had not the christian religion in the Russian only alienated the minds of the illusempire, and the christian subjects of trious body of Ulemas, of the other Russia who shall have voluntarily servants of the einpire, and of all the embraced the Mahonetan religion in companies of the Janissaries, but exthe Ottoman empire.

ercising, from the same motive, every Immediately after the conclusion species of tyranny and vexation toof the present armistice, all the com- wards the inhabitants of the mighty manders, officers, and inhabitants of empire, were become the objects of the fortresses of Turkey, who are at general hatred. Mahmoud, Ex-Reispresent in Russia, shall be restored Effendi, created inspector of the forand sent to Turkey with all their tifications and castles on the coast, in property and baggage,

order to gratify bis perverse inten

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tions, began by treating the garrison with violence and injustice, obliging them to wear a different dress, and adopt the practice of different military movements, in order, in cooperation with Halil Aga, commander of Cavae, to spread among them misunderstandings and dissentions. The garrison, irritated to the utmost, rose in great fury, and on the 17th of the Moon Babiulevel, massacred both. The fire of rage burning in the heart of the troops not being yet extinguished, on the 20th of the same Moon, they came in a mass to Tophana, and thence before the palace of the Aga of the Janissaries, and to El Meidan, whence they detailed all the unworthy actions committed by the said ministers and counsellors, and demanded their punishment. These demands were silently listened to, for the public in general partook of the same sentiments of discontent; and on the day after, in conformity with their desires, Mehemise Effendi, Kiehaja Bey, Bostanchi Bachi, were decapitated, and their heads sent to El Meidan. The Ex-Kiehaja Bey, Ibrahim Nenin Effendi, having concealed himself in the house of an infidel, near Jeni-Rapon, he was discovered, and dragged immediately to El Meidan, where he was cut to pieces. On Friday the above-mentioned troops repaired to the Sublime Porte, where, in the presence of the chief of the Ulemas, and the most eminent men of the empire, after having received the garment of honour, and pledged to each other their mutual faith, they proceeded together towards the imperial palace. They met at Souk-Cochme. Achmet Effendi Mubei Aga, who had been taken and brought to the gate, they cut to pieces in an instant, and continued on their way to the imperial

palace. They immediately proclaimed as sultan, and placed upon the illustrious throne of the Ottomans, the most powerful and most magnificent sultan, Mustapha, son of the sultan Abdorlhamidihan, whose cine pire may God prolong to the cousummation of ages.

"Hagi Ibrahim Effendi, Festerdar of the Arsenal, and Ahmed Effendi, his secretary, were taken and deca. pitated. The intendant of the provisions has been exiled to Prousse, Raghib Pacha, to whom the province of Caramania had been given, with the title of vizier, was, on account of his inexperience in business, and for having made suspicious proposals, deposed, and seut into banishment at Kuitabia. The troops of the Nizam Gedidd, and the superintendance over the new revenues, which were contrary to the ancient constitution, were utterly suppressed; and this event was inade known and published in the Firmans distributed through the empire. The superintendance of the arsenal was, according to the ancient customs, conferred upon Mustapha Eeschid Effendi, and he was invested with the garment of honour. honour. Excepting the individuals named above, who were punished, no one has suffered the least injury in his person or fortune, or been even looked upon with an evil eye. All the authorities became pledges for each other; and the troops of the garrison engaged, on their part, that in future they would be entirely submissive to their commanders, and that they would offer up their heads and souls in the service of the empire. The grand seignior has deigned to promise them, that they shall never be prosecuted or troubled on account of any thing that has taken place; and Munib Effendi, of the body of 3 B 4


Ulemas, with Seid Haleth, Reis Ef- Declaration of War against Denfendi, announced to them this pro

mark. mise from the palace of the Aga of the Janissaries ; assuring them, at the At tlie Court at the Queen's Pasame time, that the constitutions of lace, the 4th of Nov. 1807, the Ottoman empire shall be re-esta- present, the King's Most Excelblished, such as they were during the lent Majesty in Council. tune of the ancient sultans, whose Whereas the king of Denmark has

1 judgments may God enlighten; that issued a declaration of war against the bodies of the Janissaries, those of his majesty, his subjects, and people; the Spahis, the Siliktars, the four and his majesty's anxious' and recompanies of Gebegi, Topei, Ara- pealed endeavours to obtain the rebagi, Kumbarayi, being bodies of vocation of such declaration, and to ancient establishment, and the an- procure the restoration of peace, have cient laws having been just confirmed, proved ineffectual; his majesty therewould be ruled according to the all- fore is pleased, by and with the adeient manner. The great change was vice of bis privy council, to order, effected without offencing any one,

and it is hereby ordered, that general to the great joy of all who were reprisels he granted against the ships, afflicted with the evils of the Nizam goods, and subjects of the king of Gedidd. The aforesaid troops pro- Denmark, (save and except any veseeeded towards the castles, to occupy sels to which his majesty's licence has themselves in the public service. been granted, or which have been

" A Firman having been issued by directed to be released from the emthe grand seignior, importing, that bargo, and have not since arrived at the friends of the mighty empire any foreign port,) so that as well his would be treated with amity, accord- majesty's fleets and ships, as also all ing to the established usages, and other ships and vessels that shall be the evenvies pursued with all possible comunissioned by letters of marque force and energy; and thanks to or general reprisals, or otherwise, by God, with the return of the govern- bis majesty's commissioners for exement to its apcient form, safety and cuting the office of lord high admiral tranquillity having re-appeared in the of Great-Britain, shall and may lawempire, we hasten to make known, fully seize all ships, vessels, and goods, officially, the happy accession of the belonging to the king of Denmark, grand seignior to the throne, and the or his subjects, or others inhabiting manner in which this great change within the territories' of the king of was effected, with the assurance that Denmark, and bring the same to the Sublime Porte will never depart judgment in any of the courts of adfrom its ancient habits, full of can- miralty within his majesty's domidour and sincerity; and that all ils nions; and, to that end, bis majesty's ancient relations with its friends will advocate-general, with the advocate remain, as before, tirin and unshak- of the admirally, are forthwith to able.

prepare the draft of a commission, and “ The 14th of the Moon Rabiula presenť the same to his majesty at

bir, in the year of the Hegirą this board, authorising the commis122: (20th of June, 1807)." sioners for executing the office of


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