Abbildungen der Seite

not become cnemies of Great-Britain. 7 The gate of Rosetta shall be placed in the hands of the forces of his Britannic majesty, as well as fort Cretin and fort Caffarellie. From the camp without the city of ***Alexandria, the 20th of March, : 1807, or the 10th of the month Maharen, of the year 1222. (Signed) SEED MAHAMED NAIM EFFENDI.

HAGG MAHAMET KATEP. SIEG IBRAHIM BASA. (Signed) ALEX, M. FRASER, Maj.general, commanding

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his Britannic najesty's troops. BEN. HALLOWELL, captain of his majesty's ship Tigre.

Return of the Killed and Wounded of the Army, in the Attack of the Isth of March, 1807, under the Command of Major-gen. Fraser

1st battalion 35th regiment, 2 rank and file killed; 1 subaltern, 1 serjeant, 4 rank and file, wound ed. Reg. de Roll, I assistant surgeon, 2 rank and file, killed; i rank and file wounded.-Sicilian volunteers, 2 rank and file killed.

Royal artillery, 1 bombardier, 1 gunner, wounded.-Total, 1 officer, 6 rank and file, killed; 1 oflicer, 1 serjeant, & rank and file, wounded.

Assistant-surgeon, Catanazo, kil led; lieutenant Cammeron, wound.


240, Total prisoners remaining, 227.

G. AIREY, Acting-Dep. Adj. gen.

[Here, follows a letter from lord Collingwood, inclosing a dispatch from captain Hallowell, of the 'figre, to sir J. Duckworth, the substance of which is as follows:-After men. tioning the arrival of the ships on the 15th, off Arab's Tower, captain H. observes, that having received satisfactory assurances of the friendly disposition of the natives and inhabitants, from major Misset, the British resident, and Mr. Briggs, the vice-consul, the transports anchored off the western harbour, and the landing was effected, as described in the letter of general Fraser. On the 19th, the Apollo, with the remainder of the transports, 19 sail, which had separated, arrived and proceeded to Aboukir Bay. Cap. tain H., who was requested to remain on shore, by general Fraser, pays some high compliments to Mr. Fowel, his first-lieutenant, captain Withers. principal agent for transports, and all the oicers and men of the Tigre and transports, as they performed an arduous service, in consequence of the distance they had to row, and the surf they en countered on the beach. Captain H. mentions, that the ships taken in the old western port wère, two Turkish frigates and a corvette, all mounting brass guns; one of the frigates carried 40 guns, the other 32, and the corvette, 16.]

Return of the Garrison of Alexandida previous to its Surrender, the?. 21st of March, 1807: 10N la Soldiers of the line, 215; gunners, 44; sailors and marines, 208. Total, 467.

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Escaped of the above number while the capitulation was pending, VOL. XLIX.

The Gazette of May 12, contains his majesty's grant to lord Colling wood, that he and his descendants may bear, in commemoration of the victory off Cape Trafalgar, the fol lowing augmentation to his arms *U■


viz, a chief wavy, thereon a lion pas- took possession of the heights of sant guardant ; and narally crowned, Abourmandour (which command

( with the word TRAFALGAR ;” and the town) without any loss; but, in addition in the family crest, the from circumstances as yet unexplainstern of a man of-car, representing ed, the general, instead of keeping his that of the Royal Sovereign, between post there, unfortunately was tempta branch of laurel and a branch of ed to go into the town, with his oak.

whole force, without any previous examination of it; when the troops

were so severely handled frm the Action at Rosetta. The follow. windows and 'tops of the houses, ing intelligence was received by vis. without ever seeing their enemy, count Castlereagh, one of his ma. that it was thought expedient to rejesty's principal secretaries of state, tire, more especially as major-gen. from major-gen. Alexander M-Ken- Wauchope was unfortunately killed, zie Fraser, commanding his majes. and the second in command, bri. ty's land forces in Egypt, trans. gadier-general Meade,

Meade, severely mitted in a letter from the right wounded. hon. general Fox, to the right hon. The troops, I understand, alWilliam Windham.

though certainly placed in a most

trying and perilous situation, be. Extract of the Copy of a Letter from haved extremely well; and after

Major-gen. A. M. Fraser, to the having suffered, I am sorry to say, Right Hon. W. Windham ; dated very materially in killed and wound.

; Alexandria, April 6, 1807;,trans- ed (as you will see by the annexed mitted to him by General For, the returns), retired to Aboukir, in original not having been received. good order, without molestation, SIR,

from whence I directed them to re. My letter of the 27th ultimo has turn to Alexandria. already informed you, that in con. This has certainly been a very sequence of the strong representa. heavy and unexpected stroke upon tion of major Missett, his majesty's us; more especially as every inforresident here, (a copy of which I mation led me to conclude, that the then transmitted,) stating the risk opposition, if any, would be tri. the inhabitants of Alexandria ran fling ; and every precaution was reç of being starved, unless Rosetta and commended that prudence could Rahmanie were taken possession of suggest. by his majesty's troops, I had, with Finding, however, by the renew. the concurrence of rear-admiral sired representation of major Missett, John Duckworth, detached the 31st corroborated by the personal appli. regiment and chasseurs Britan, cation of the sorbagi, or chief ma

. niques, under major-gen. Wauchope gistrate, in the name of the people and brigadier-gen. Meade, for that at large, that a famine would be the purpose.

certain and immediate consequence I am now under the disagreeable of our remaining at Alexandria necessity of aequainting you, that, without the occupation of Rosetta, contrary to all expectation, this I have, with the concurrence, ad. measuro did not succeed. Our troops vice, and co-operation, of rear-ad.

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by his majesty's ship Thunderer, which will leave Alexandria very soon; and as I have not time to acquaint his majesty's ministers of this event by this opportunity, I must request you to have the goodness to do it as soon as possible.

Return of Killed and Wounded of the Army in the Action of the 31st of March, 1807, at Rosetta. Killed.-Staff, 1 major-general. Royal artillery, 2 rank and file. 31st regiment, 1 captain, 3 serjeants, 3 drummers, 69 rank and file. Chasseurs Britanniques, 1 captain, 1 hentenant, 3 serjeants, 2 drummers, 99 rank and file.-Total, 1 major general, captains, 1 lieutenant, 6 serjeants, 5 drummers, 170 rank and file.

I have the mortification to acquaint you, that the second attempt that I thought necessary to make against Rosetta has failed, owing to a great reinforcement of the enemy being sent down the Nile from Cairo, which overpowered our troops, and obliged them to fall back with the loss (I am grieved to say) of nearly 1000 men, in killed, wounded, and missing. Among the latter are, lieutenant-colonel McLeod, major Vogelsang, and major Mohr. Brigadier general Stewart, who commanded the troops on this service, is only now upon his march towards Alexandra with the remainder of his force, and has not yet sent me the details; but, as the admiral thinks it necessary to dispatch the Wizard brig immediately from this bay to Messina, I think it necessary to give you all the information I am at present in possession of, and shall send you the particulars of this unfortunate affair

Wounded.-Staff, 1 brigadier-general, 1 brigade-major. Royal artillery, 10 rank and file. 31st regiment, 1 captain, 6 subalterns, 7 serjeants, 1 drummer, 129 rank and file. Chasseurs Britanniques 4 captains, 5 subalterns, 1 adjutant, 4 serjeants, 111 rank and file. Staff corps, rank and file.-Total, 1 brigadier general, 1 brigade-ma. jor, 5 captains, 10 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 11 serjeants, 1 drummer, 251 rank and file.

Nomes of officers killed.-Majorgenera! Wauchope. 31st regiment, captain John Robertson, Chasseurs Britanniques, captain B de Serocourt, and liewenant d'Amiel.

Names of officers wounded.-Brigadier-general the hon. Robert Meade. 31st regiment, captains Horsburgh, brigade-major, Dowdall; lieutenants E. Knox,

* Detachment of royal artillery, detachment of 20th light dragoons, detachment of seamen, light infantry battal on, 1st battalion of 35th re, ment, 2d battalion of 78th regiment, regiment de fioll; amounting, in the whole, to about

2500 men.

*U u 2


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Fearon, Thornton, Sleddon, and of Onrust and Java, the line of Ryan; ensign Kirby, Chasseurs battle ships taking a tnore circuitous Britanniques, captains Duhautoy, passage. On discovering us as we de Combremont, de Calonne, and approached, the Dutch national fri. de Lafitte; lieutenants le Maitre, J gate Phenix, Aventurier, and Zee Spitz, de Sault, and Klinger; ensign Ploeg brigs, two of their company's Bonsingault, adjutant.

armed ships, and two armed brigs, (Signed) GEO. AIREY, immediately run on shore, followed

Acting-dep. Adj. Gen. by the merchantmen; the William N.B. Most of the wounded of- corvette having previously struck to ficers and men are recovering. the Terpsichore on passing Onrust.

The shoal water prevented our an

choring sufficiently near to fire with Destruction of the Enemy's Ships at effect on the batteries or the ships Batuviu. Leiter from Rear Ad

on shore. The boats of the squa. miral Sir E. Pelleže, Bart. Com- dron accordingly assembled along. mander-in-Chief of his Majesty's side the Terpsichore, which, with Ships and Vessels in the East In. the Sir Francis Drake, had been dies, to W. Marsden, Esq. dated placed as near as possible to cover on-board his Majesty's Ship Culo them, and were led in to destroy loden, Batavia Roads, November the enemy's ships by captain Fleet.

wood Pellew, under a heavy fire

from tho ships and the batteries. Sir,

On approaching the Phoenix, the Their lordships have been already crew abandoned her, and on board. apprised of niy intention of pro. ing she was found scuttled. The ceeding to this quarter in search of guns were immediately turned on the French squadron, which I had the other ships, while the boats been led to believe would have ere were destroying the remainder, when this appeared in the Asiatic seas- she was also set on fire and burnt, I was joined off the island of Eu. with the whole of the enemy's armed geino, on the 22d instant, by his force, and nearly 20 merchantmen. majesty's ship Sir Francis Drake, The gallant conduct of captain and proceeding through the straits Fleetwood Pellew, lieutenant Wil. of Sunda with the ships named in liam Fitzwilliam Owen, commander the margin,* on the 26th, captured of the Sea Flower, and lieutenant off Bantam, the Dutch company's Thomas Groule, first of the Culloarmed brig Maria Wilhelmina. On den, the officers, seamen, the following morning we arrived rines, employed under their com. off Batavia, the Terpsichore leading mand in this important duty, is the fleet through the very intricate deserving of every praise. The navigation in a most judicious, man- service was directed with great cool. ver, preceded by the Sea Flower. 'ness and judgment, and executed in . I directed the frigates and brig to the most steady, zcalous, and active enter the roads between the island manner. Though exposed to the

28, 1806.


and ma.

* Culloden, Powerful, Russel, Belliqueux, Sir Francis Drake, Terpsichore; and Sea Flower.


continued fire of the enemy, happily with little effect, the only loss sustained being one marine killed, one marine and three seamen wounded. The enemy's two remaining. line-of-battle ships had unfortunately quitted this anchorage, or must inevitably have shared a similar fate. The Dutch admiral was left at Batavia. I have landed the prisoners upon parole, under an assurance from the governor that they shall not serve again until regularly exchanged. The necessary destruction of the William corvette has

deprived me of an opportunity of rewarding the services of lieutenant Owen on this occasion; I therefore beg leave to recommend him and lieutenant Thomas Groule, first of his majesty's ship Culloden (who were appointed to lead divisions on this service), to their lordships' protection. I inclose herewith a list of the enemy's ships destroyed and taken and a return of killed


and 98 men ;-national brig Maria Wilhelmina, of 14 guns and 50 men About 20 merchant-ships destroyed, and two taken.

N. B. The William corvette was afterwards destroyed, as unfit for his majesty's service.

A Return of Killed and Wounded in
the Boats of his Majesty's Ship
Culloden, in destroying the Enemy's
Force at Batavia, on Nov. 27, 1806.
William Richards, marine, killed ;
John Field, seaman, wounded;
Christopher Moss, seaman, ditto;
Thomas Brian, seamán, ditto; Ro-
bert Miles, marine, ditto.

Further Particulars from Egypt.

[See page *670.],

Dispatches from major-general A. M'Kenzie Fraser, commanding his majesty's troops in Egypt; and from Brigadier sir S. Auchmuty, commanding in South America. Extract of a Letter from Major-General A. McKenzie Frazer to Mr. Secretary Windham; dated Alexandria, May 1, 1807.

and wounded: and have the honour to be, &c.


(Signed) Ships destroyed and taken in Batavia


Burnt.-National frigate Phoenix, captain Vander Sande, of 36 guns and 260 men, laden with naval stores for the ships at Crissy ;-National brig Avanturier, captain E. Coudere, of 18 guns, and 90 men ;National brig Zee Ploeg, captain L. Febre, of 14 guns and 50 men ;company's armed ship Patriot, of 18 guns, and 90 men ;-company's armed ship Arnistein, of 10 guns, and 50 men ;-company's armed brig Johanna Suzanna, of 8 guns, and 24 men;-company's armed brig Snelheid, of 6 guns, and 24 men. Taken.--National corvette William, captain Feteris, of 14 guns,


I have now the honour to inclose you herewith, two dispatches from brigadier general Stewart, commanding the troops before Rosetta ; and as he has been so very circumstantial, I scarcely need say any thing further, than that I feel as. sured, however unsuccessful we have been, no blame can possibly attach to the brave officers and men employed on this service. Brigadiergeneral Stewart, though wounded the very day of his arrival before the place, never quitted his post, but continued in the command till the last moment, with his usual activity and perseverance. I feel it but justice also to add my fullest. testimony

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