| Samuel Clarke - 1712 - 554 Seiten
...believe alfo in Me. In my FATHERSHoufe, &c. . 7,z8,3o. The Father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye - • have believed that I came out from GOD. . I came forth from the father &c. - thou cameft forth from GOD. 55"' xx, 1 7 I afcend unto my FA TH ER .V and your Father, and to... | |
| Thomas Bennet - 1718 - 300 Seiten
...and that be was come from God, and went to God. John IJ. ?. For the Father himfelfloveth you, becauje ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. , I came forth from the Father, and am come into the y?orld : again I leave the world, and go to the Father , John 16. 27, 28. And... | |
| John Locke - 1721 - 334 Seiten
...and I fay not unto " you, that I will pray the Father for ** you* For the Father himfelf loveth 27; " you becaufe ye have loved me, and " have believed that I came out from " God. I am come forth from the Fa- afc " ther, and am come into the world : " again, I leave the world, and... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 Seiten
...fpeak unto you in Proverbs, but I fhall fhew you plainly of the Father. 27. For the Father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. 28. I came forth from the Father, and am come into the World : Again, I leave the World, and go to... | |
| William Darrell - 1736 - 340 Seiten
...fpeak unto you in proverbs-, but I Jhall Jhew you plainly ef the Father. 2 7. For the Father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. 28. / came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the... | |
| Joseph Burroughs - 1737 - 164 Seiten
...[ dmicreiQs ] and I fay not unto you that I "will pray the Father for you ; for the Father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me,. and have believed that I came out from God. In thefe paflages our Lord fpeaks very plainly his mind, candi, ab immunditia cordis & corporis, &... | |
| Philip Doddridge - 1745 - 686 Seiten
...I have been telling you, and was particularly my Meaning in what I faid be27 For the Father himfeif loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from G o D, 28 I came forth from tbe Father, and am come into the World : again, I ksv« the World, and... | |
| Caleb Fleming - 1749 - 172 Seiten
...ajk in my name: And I fay not #//to you, that I will pray the father for you ; for the father himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. Hence it is evident that afking in Chrift's name, does not fuppofe, that God is made propitious by... | |
| 1765 - 506 Seiten
...ask m my Name: and I fay not unto you/ that I will pray the Fathef for you ;. for the Father m'mfelf loveth you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed...came out from God. I came forth, from the Father, and am co ne into, the world ; Again, I leave the world, amFgo ta the Father. His difciples faid unto... | |
| 1765 - 500 Seiten
...my Name: arid I fay not unto you/ that I willpray the Father for you; for the Father himfelf loved* :you, becaufe ye have loved me, and have believed...I came out from God. I came forth from the Father, and am co> ne into the world ; Again, I leave the world, antTgo to tne Father. His difciples faid unto... | |
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