Philips' Cabinet Series of Educational Maps, Edited by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. 19 Minor States of Germany 20 Austrian Empire 21 Switzerland Size-Imperial quarto. 22 Spain and Portugal 24 Turkey in Europe, and Greece 26 Turkey in Asia 27 Russia in Asia, and Transcaucasia 30 The Empires of China and Japan 35 Africa-General Map 36 Egypt, Arabia Petræa, &c. 37 Northern and Southern Africa 38 North America 39 United States 40 Canada 41 Mexico and Yucatan 42 West Indies, and Central America 43 South America ANCIENT MAPS. Price 6d. each. 44 Palestine 45 World, as known to the Ancients *Outlines or Blank Projections of any of the above Maps may be had, printed on drawing paper, price 3d. each, (except the Double Maps, which are charged 6d. each); they are well adapted for pupils preparing for the Oxford or Cambridge Middle-Class Examinations. Philips' Series of Maps for Beginners, Crown quarto, carefully printed in colors. neat cover, each id. 1 The World, in Hemispheres 2 Europe LIST OF THE MAPS. 9 Sweden, Norway, and Denmark 10 Russia in Europe 11 Austria 12 Italy 13 Turkey in Europe, and Greece On sheet, or folded in *Outlines or Blank Projections of any of the above Maps may be had, inted on drawing paper, price 1d. each. Philips' Series of Large Sixpenny Maps, Full Sheet Imperial, 22 by 27 inches, engraved in the best style, with all the recent Discoveries, In Sheets, full colored, each 6d. The same Maps, printed on superfine paper and extra colored, • These Maps can also be had, folded in neat cover, price 6d. each. Philips' Series of Penny and Twopenny Maps, Size-Imperial quarto. Engraved in the best style. Plain Maps, id.; Colored Maps, 2d. each. Hughes's Series of Physical Maps, Designed to illustrate, on a scale of large size, and in a strictly clear and methodical manner, the leading features in the Physical Geography—Ist, of the World at large; 2ndly, of the Great Divisions of the Globe (Europe, &c.); 3rdly, of the British Islands, and lastly, of the Holy Land. Constructed by W. Hughes, F.R G. S. Size-21 by 17 inches.-On sheet, colored, each Is., or mounted on rollers and varnished, each 2s. 6d. The Outlines and Blank Projections, corresponding with this series of Maps, can be had, price 6d. each, printed on hand-made drawing paper. Philips' Series of Classical, Historical, and Scriptural Maps, Illustrating the Ancient Classics, Historians, and Poets. Sizefull Sheet Imperial, 29 by 23 inches; engraved in the best style, beautifully printed on superfine paper, and carefully colored. — Sheets, each Is. 6d. ; or mounted on rollers and varnished, each 5s. No. of Sheet. 1 2 3 LIST OF THE MAPS. The World, as peopled by the descendants of Noah Geography of the Primitive Greeks trative of the Mosaic Writings World at the time of Herodotus Geographical System of Ptolemy Geographical System of Eratosthenes Geographical System of Strabo Ancient Palestine 4-Travels of the early Patriarchs, Canaan, and Plan of Jerusalem Empire of Sesostris, according to Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus Empire of Ninus and Semiramis, according to Ctesias 6- Map of the Trojan War, with Plans 7-The World, as known to the Ancients, according to D'Anville (Empire of Persia at the time of Cyrus and Darius 8 Empire of the Medes Ancient Greece, illustrating the 9 Ancient Greece, D'Anville according to 24 Ditto. Roman Provinces of Pannonia, Illyricum, Dacia, and Mosia The Roman Provinces of Vinpelicia, Rhætia, and Noricum 25-Countries visited by the Apostles, showing the Routes of St. Paul 26-Countries of Western Europe, according to D'Anville 27-Europe before the Invasion of the Huns, A.D., 370 28-Europe after the Invasion of the Barbarians in the Sixth Century 29-Turkey in Europe, Northern Part, containing Illyricum, Dacia, &c. 30-Turkey in Europe, Southern Part, containing Græcia, Macedonia, Thracia, &c. 31-Ancient Sarmatia, &c. 32-England under the Saxons 33-Map to illustrate the Crusades 34-Eslem, or the Countries subdued by Mahomet 35-Empire of Charlemagne (Europe in the Ninth Century Europe in the Eleventh Century 36 Europe at the time of Charles V. Europe in 1789, at the commencement of the French Revolution Philips' Series of School Physical Maps, Imperial quarto, Constructed by William Hughes, F.R. G. S. carefully printed in colors.-On sheet, each 6d. LIST OF THE MAPS. 1 The World, showing the Distribution of Land and Water 2 The World, illustrating the Chief 3 The Geological Structure of the 5 Map of the Mountain Chains and 6 Map of the Mountain Chains and River Systems of Asia 7 The Mountain and River Systems of Africa, with Sections 8 The Mountain Chains and River Systems of North America, &c. 9 The Mountain Chains and River Systems of South America, &c. 10 Map of the World, illustrating the CLIMATES of Different Regions, Trade Winds, Monsoons, Isothermal Lines, Rain Map, &c. 11 Co-tidal Lines, and Curves of equal Magnetic Variation 12 Map of the World, illustrating the 14 Diagrams illustrating the Perpen- 19 Map showing the Industrial Productions of various Countries; with the principal Trade Routes 20 Physical Map of the British Islands OUTLINE MAPS. Hughes's Series of Outline Maps, Correspondent in number and size to the Maps contained in the "Training-School Atlas," and exhibiting the Natural Features clearly and accurately delineated. By W. Hughes, F. R. G. S. Printed on Hand-made Drawing Paper. Size 21 inches by 17 inches, each 6d. The Outline Maps exhibit the natural features, clearly and accurately delineated, but without the names. They are admirably suited for exercising the learner by filling in the Names, and thus fixing the natural features clearly on the mind. |