PHILIPS' EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. ATLASES. Philips' Comprehensive School Atlas Of Ancient and Modern Geography, comprising Thirty-five Modern and Five Ancient Maps, constructed from the latest and best Authorities. The Maps carefully printed in colors. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. Accompanied by a Consulting Index, carefully compiled.-Imperial 8vo., strongly bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. Philips' Select School Atlas, Comprising Twenty-four authentic Maps of the Principal Countries of the World. The Maps carefully printed in colors. Edited by William Hughes, F. R. G.S. With a copious Consulting Index.-Imperial 8vo., strongly bound in cloth, 7s. 6d. Philips' Introductory School Atlas, Comprising Eighteen Maps of the Principal Countries of the World, clearly engraved and carefully printed in colors. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G. S. Accompanied by a Consulting Index. -Imperial 8vo., bound in cloth, 5s. This Atlas is an abridgment of Philips' "Comprehensive School Atlas," and is intended for the use of Junior Geographical Classes. Philips Atlas for Beginners, Comprising Twenty-four Maps of the Principal Countries of the World, constructed from the best authorities and engraved in the best style. New and improved edition. Edited by W. Hughes, F. R. G. S. The Maps beautifully printed in colors.— Crown quarto, strongly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. This favourite Atlas, which is in use in most of the Principal Schools in Great Britain and the Colonies, contains all the Maps that are required by a Junior Class of Learners, and may be used conjointly with any Elementary Book on Geography. It is, however, more especially designed as a Companion to Hughes's "Elementary Class-book of Modern Geography," every name contained in which work will be found in the Maps comprising this Atlas Philips' Student's Atlas of Modern Geography, Comprising Eighteen Maps, constructed from the most recent Authorities, and carefully printed in colors.—Imperial quarto, bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. Philips' Young Scholar's Atlas Of Modern Geography, containing Twelve Large Imperial Quarto Maps, printed in colors, intended as a First Class-Book for Young Learners.-Cloth, lettered, 2s. 6d. Philips' First School Atlas, Comprising Ten Maps, selected from the "Atlas for Beginners," consisting of the World (in Hemispheres,) the Continental Divisions of the Globe, (Europe, &c.,) England, Scotland, Ireland, and Palestine.-Crown quarto, with illustrated cover, 6d. plain, or with the Maps colored, Is. Philips' National School Atlas, Consisting of Ten Maps, the same that are contained in the lastmentioned work. Its distinctive title is adopted with a view to its use in popular Schools, established for the purpose of strictly elementary education.-Crown quarto, bound in cloth, 8d. plain, or with the Maps colored, Is. 2d. Philips' Shilling Atlas of Modern Geography, Containing Nine Imperial Quarto Maps, clearly engraved, and constructed from the most recent Authorities.-Imperial quarto, in illustrated cover, Is. Philips' Initiatory Atlas for Young Learners, Containing Twelve Maps, constructed from the_best authorities, and clearly and accurately engraved. Size-Imperial 16mo. Illustrated cover, plain Maps, 3d.; colored, 6d.; or bound in cloth, limp, 8d.-A superior edition, printed on thick paper, with the Maps guarded and strongly bound in cloth, Is. Philips' School Atlas of Australia, Comprising Maps of the separate Colonies, including a General Map of Australia, and Maps of New Zealand and Tasmania, constructed and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R. G. S. Maps carefully printed in colors.-Crown quarto, bound in cloth, 2s. The Philips' School Atlas of Physical Geography, Comprising a Series of Maps and Diagrams Illustrating the Natural Features, Climates, Various Productions, and Chief Natural Phenomena of the Globe. Edited by Wm. Hughes, F. R. G. S. -Imperial 8vo., strongly bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. This Atlas is intended as a companion volume to Hughes's "Class-Book of Physical Geography." Philips' Physical Atlas for Beginners, Comprising Twelve Maps, constructed by W. Hughes, F. R. G. S., and adapted for use in Elementary Classes. The Maps very clearly engraved and beautifully printed in colors.-Crown quarto, strongly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d, *This Atlas is intended to accompany "Philips' Elementary Class-Book of Physical Geography." Hughes's Training-School Atlas, A series of Maps illustrating the Physical Geography of the great Divisions of the Globe. The Maps carefully printed in colors. New and enlarged edition. By William Hughes, F. R. G. S., author of a "Class-Book of Physical Geography," &c., &c.Medium folio, cloth, lettered, 15s. The Training-School Atlas is a work altogether distinct in character from any of those previously described. It consists of a series of Maps (sixteen in number) designed to illustrate, on a scale of large size, and in a strictly clear and methodical manner, the leading features in the Physical Geography-1st, of the World at large; 2ndly, of the Great Divisions of the Globe (Europe, &c.); 3rdly, of the British Islands; and lastly, of the Holy Land. The political divisions of the earth at the present time are embodied upon the information thus afforded, but in such a manner as not to interfere with its clear and distinct exposition. Philips' School Atlas of Scripture Geography, A series of Twelve Maps, constructed by Wm. Hughes, F. R. G. S., and engraved in the best style. The Maps carefully printed in colors, and accompanied by a complete Consulting Index.Crown quarto, strongly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. Philips' Smaller Scripture Atlas, Containing Twelve Maps, constructed by W. Hughes. F.R.G.S. The Maps beautifully printed in colors.-Imperial 16m0; Illustrated cover, 6d. A superior edition, cloth, lettered, Is., or extra cloth, gilt edges, Is. 6d. Philips' School Atlas of Classical Geography, A series of Eighteen Maps, constructed by W. Hughes, F. R.G. S., and engraved in the first style of the art. The Maps printed in colors. A carefully compiled Consulting Index accompanies the work, in which is given the modern as well as the ancient names of places.-Medium quarto, bound in cloth, 5s. Hughes's Atlas of Outline Maps, With the Physical Features clearly and accurately delineated; consisting of Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, The British Islands, England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Palestine. Size-21 inches by 17 inches.-Medium folio, bound in cloth, 7s. 6d. Hughes's Atlas of Blank Projections, Corresponding in size and scale with the "Outline Atlas" Medium folio, bound in cloth, 7s. 6d. Philips' Atlas of Outline Maps, For the use of Schools and for Private Tuition. Printed on fine Drawing Paper. Size-11 inches by 13 inches.-Three Series, each containing Thirteen Maps, in stiff cover, each 3s. Philips' Atlas of Blank Projections, Corresponding in size and scale with the "Atlas of Outline Maps.” Three Series, each containing Thirteen Maps, in stiff cover, each 35. Philips' Outline Atlas for Beginners, Constructed by J. Bartholomew, F.R.G.S., being Outlines of the Maps in Philips' "Atlas for Beginners "--Two Series, each containing Twelve Maps, stitched in neat cover, each is. Philips' Blank Projections for Beginners, Uniform in size and scale with the "Outline Atlas."-Two Series, each containing Twelve Maps, in neat cover, each Is. Philips' Initiatory Outline Atlas, Comprising Twelve Maps:-The World, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, India, Palestine.-Demy 6to. In neat cover, 6d. EDUCATIONAL MAPS. Philips' Series of Large School-room Maps, With the Physical Features boldly and distinctly delineated, and the Political Boundaries carefully colored Size 5 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished. Constructed by William Hughes, F. R. G.S. The Publishers were led to undertake this Series from a conviction of the inadequacy of any similar Maps, previously issued, to represent fairly the Geographical knowledge of the present day, and their consequent failure to supply the wants of the educational community. A really good Map is a geographical document of the highest value. Its qualities as such cannot be too forcibly impressed on the mind of Teacher and Learner alike. It must be looked on, not as a mere thing of lines and colors, but as the embodiment of vital truths, affecting the condition of mankind in all ages. And it is only a really good Map-one in which the great features of natural Geography are brought prominently into view-that can justly be so regarded. The truths that are taught by the aid of such a Map, pointed out to the comprehension of the learner as embodied within it, and to be educed thence by diligent and appreciative study, will remain in after life as landmarks in the record of mental progress. The Publishers of the present Series are content to rest their claims to notice upon their merits alone, and they confidently invite the inspection of teachers and all persons interested in education, who desire to possess a set of really good Maps. Philips Smaller Series of School-room Maps, Size-3 feet by 2 feet 6 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, The above are reductions of the large series, constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S., and are designed for use in Private Schools and Families. They are clearly and distinctly engraved, and embody an amount of information not to be had in any similar series of Maps. |