688. SWAEN, A. E. H. Thersytes. Neophilologus, jaargang 5, p. 160. 2 PP. 689. SYMONS, ARTHUR. Studies in the Elizabethan Drama. London: Heinemann. 1920. 81 × 51. 261 pp. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., May 6. 128. 690. TAFT, LINWOOD. The Technique of Pageantry. In The Drama, July-Sept. 1920, X, 365–72. 691. THALER, ALWIN. The Elizabethan Dramatic Companies. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 123-159, March 1920. 692. Milton in the Theatre. In Studies in Philology, July 1920, XVII, 269–308. 692 a. The 'Free-List' and Theatre Tickets in Shakespeare's Time and After. Mod. Lang. Review, April 1920. 692 b. The Players at Court, 1564-1642. In Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., January 1920, XIX, 19–46. 692 c. The Travelling Players in Shakspere's England. In Modern Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 489–514. 693. TISDEL, FREDERICK MONROE. Symbolism in the Theatre. In The Sewanee Review, April-June 1920, XXVIII, 228–40. 694. TUFFER, F. and W. (ed. by). Representative English Dramas from Dryden to Sheridan; selected and edited. Oxford: University Press. 1920. 466 pp. 6s. 6d. 695. VAN DOREN, MARK. England's Rarest. In The Nation, Feb. 14, 1920, CX, 206. A review of G. Gregory Smith's Ben Jonson and Percy Simpson's ed. of Every Man in His Humour. 696. WALKLEY, A. B. The English Actor of To-Day. In The Yale Rev., Apr. 1920, IX, 542-54. 697. WEBSTER, JOHN. La duquesa de Malfi. Tragedia. Traducción de E. Díez-Canedo. Madrid: Tipográfica Renovación. 1920. 8°. 192 págs. I pta. Colección Universal (Calpe). 698. WITHINGTON, ROBERT. Scott's Contribution to Pageantic Development-a Note on the Visit of George IV to Edinburgh in 1822. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 121–5. 699. WHITNEY, ANNE T. Drama in the Industries. In The Drama, Nov. 1920, XI, 62-4. 700. WHITWORTH, GEOFFREY. The British Drama League. In The Drama, Oct. 1920, XI, 9–10. 2. AMERICAN 701. Poetry Society of America. List of 20th Century American Poetic Drama. In The Library Journal, May 1, 1920, XLV, 395–6. 702. ALLEN, Beverly SpraguE. William Godwin and the Stage. In Publ. Mod. Lang. Assn America, Sept. 1920, XXXV, 358-74. 703. ANDREWS, HAZEL M. Vocational and Moral Guidance Through Dramatics. In Education, Oct. 1920, XLI, 123–31. 704. ARCHER, WILLIAM. The Development of the American Drama. In Harper's, Dec. 1920, CXLII, 75–86. 705. Baker, George Pierce, ed. Modern American Plays, with an Introduction. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920. pp. x + 544. Includes As a Man Thinks, The Return of Peter Grimm, Romance. 706. BURTON, RICHARD EUGENE. Theatre Activities in Southern California. In The Theatre Arts Mag., Oct. 1920, IV, 346–7. 707. COAD, ORAL SUMNER. Stage and Players in Eighteenth Century America. In Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., Apr. 1920, XIX, 201-23. 708. CRAIG, EDWARD GORDON. The Theatre-Advancing. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 21 cm. pp. vii + 298. Illus. Rev. by Oliver M. Sayler in The New Republic, July 14, 1920, XXIII, 206–7. 709. DRUMMOND, ALEXANDER M. A countryside theatre experiment. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Feb. 1920, VI, I, 44–7. 710. EATON, Walter PRICHARD. Playwrights and Professors. In The Theatre Arts Mag., Jan. 1920, IV, 16–20. 711. HAMILTON, CLAYTON. Seen on the Stage. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1920. 712. LEWIS, BENJAMIN ROLAND. The One-Act Play in Colleges and High Schools, with Bibliographies and a List of One-Act Plays for Study and Production. Salt Lake City: University of Utah. [1920.] 23 cm. pp. 25. Bulletin of the University of Utah, x, 16. 713. MACGOWAN, KENNETH. American Drama Mid-Channel. In The Theatre Arts Mag., Jan. 1920, IV, 3-15. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS |