Abbildungen der Seite

Translations. 607. Obras completas. Traducción de R. Martínez Lafuente. Valencia: Edit. Prometeo. 8°. 12 vols.

608. Hamlet. Traducción de M. Morera Galicia. Barcelona. 8°. 183 págs. 2 ptas.

609. Hamlet: Romeo y Julieta. Traducción sor Roviralta Borrel. Barcelona: Editorial Ibérica.

610. Romeo y Julieta. Traducción de G. Martínez Sierra. 12°. 198 págs. 4 ptas.

611. La tragedia de Hamlet, príncipe de Dinamarca. Traducción de G. Martínez Sierra. 12°. 213 págs. 4 ptas.

612. La tragedia de Macbeth. La traducción del inglés ha sido Mecha por L. Astrana Marín. Madrid: Tip. Renovación. 1920. 8°. 175 págs. I pta. Colección Universal (Calpe).

613. BOGDANOVIC, MILAN. Julije Cezar. Tragedija u 5 činova (Mat. hrv.). Zagreb, 1920. 8°. 148 str., broš.

614. Sen kresne noči. Ljubljana 1920. Preveo sengleskog Otto Župančić. Tiskarna Zadruge. 128 strana. Cena 22 krune.

615. MACBETH. Tragedija u 5 činova. Sengleskog preveo V1. Nazor. Suvodom o životu i djelima W. Shakespeare-a od Vl. Dukata. Broširano K. 2.

616. Otelo. Preveo Dr. Milan Bogdanović. Hrvatske. Cena K. 6.

Izdanje Matice

617. Kralij Lear. Preveo Dr. Milan Bogdanović. Zagreb, 1919. Izvanredno izdanje M. N. 8-ina. 195 str. Cijena K. 8.

618. Julije Cezar. Tragedija u 5 činova. Preveo Dr. Milan Bogdanović, izdanje Matice Hrvatske. Zagreb, 1920. 8-ina. 148


619. SERRURIER, C. Voltaire et Shakespeare. A propos du Monologue d'Hamlet. Neophilologus, jaargang 5, April 1920, p. 205, 5 PP. 620. SGROI, C. Nuova luce su W. Shakespeare. Rassegna italiana, July 31-Aug. 31.

621. SHARP, R. F. Travesties of Shakespeare's Plays. Library, 4th ser., I, I, June 1920.

622. SHORE, W. TEIGNMOUTH. Shakespeare's Self. London: Philip Allan & Co. 1920. 7 × 5. 186 pp. 5s.

623. STEVENSON, W. H. Shakespeare's Schoolmaster and Handwriting. Times Lit. Suppl., Jan. 8, 1920.

624. STOLL, Elmer Edgar. Hamlet: an Historical and Comparative Study. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota. 1920. 10 × 6o. 76 pp. $1.00.

625. SYKES, H. DUGDALE. The Authorship of 'The Taming of the Shrew,' 'The Famous Victories of Henry V' and the additions to Marlowe's 'Faustus.' (For the Shakespearean Association.) London: Chatto and Windus. 1920. 9 × 61. 35 PP. Is. 6d.

626. SYMONS, ARTHUR. On Hamlet and Hamlets. In The Nation, July 24, 1920, CX1, 97–8.

627. THOMPSON, James WesTFALL. Shakespere and Puritanism. In The No. Am. Rev., Aug. 1920, CCXII, 228–37.

628. TIECK, LUDWIG. Das Buch über Shakespeare. Handschriftliche Aufzeichnungen. Aus dem Nachlass her. v. Henry Lüdeke. No. I der Neudrucke deutscher Literaturwerke des 18. und 19. Jahrh. her. v. A. Leitzmann und Waldemar Oehlke. xxvi + 524 PP. Halle: Niemeyer. 36 Mk.

629. VULLIAND, PAUL. Le mythe shakespearien. Mercure de Fr., vol. CXXXIX, pp. 5-33, 1920.

630. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. Some Versions of Timon of Athens on the Stage. In Modern Philology, September 1920, XVIII, 269–85. 630a. (ed. by). Life of Timon of Athens. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. London: Milford. 1920. 18mo. 62 × 41. 141 pp. 4s. 6d. 631. WOLFF, MAX J. Italienisches bei Shakespeare. Engl. Stud. 54, 473. 6314.

Der dramatische Begriff der 'History' bei Shake

speare. Engl. Stud. 54, 194–201.

632. WOLFFHARDT, ELISABETH. Shakespeare und das Griechentum. Berliner Dissert. von 1920. vii + 55 pp. Berlin: Mayer u. Müller. 633. WOODBRidge, Stower E. The Yale Shakespeare. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 426–30.

(b) Sixteenth-Twentieth Century Drama (excl. Shakespeare) I. ENGLISH

634. ARCHER, W. The Duchess of Malfi. The Nineteenth Century, Jan. 1920.

635. BASKERVill, Charles READ. Dramatic Aspects of Medieval Folk Festivals in England. In Studies in Philology, January 1920, XVII, 19-87.

636. BATEMAN, MAY. Drama with an Ideal. In The Catholic World, June 1920, CXI, 318-29.

637. Boas, F. S. 'Hamlet and Volpone' at Oxford. Fortn. Rev., May 1920.

637a. Stage Censorship under Charles II: Sir Henry Herbert and The Cheats. Times Lit. Suppl., April 15, 22, 1920. Cf. Summers, Montague. ib. April 29.

638. BRERETON, J. LE ROYy. One-Door Interiors on the Elizabethan Stage. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 119-120.

639. Brooke, Charles FreDERICK TUCKER. Elizabethan 'Nocturnal' and 'Infernal' Plays. Modern Language Notes, XXXV, 2, February 1920, pp. 120–121.

640. BROWN, CARLETON FAIRCHILD, ed. The Stonyhurst Pageants. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1920. 24 x 16.5 cm. pp. 30, 302. Hesperia: Supplementary Series 7.

641. BRUCE, HAROLD L. Is Comedy Free? In The Sewanee Review, July-Sept. 1920, XXVIII, 438-43.

642. CANNAN, GILBERT. The English Theatre During and After the War. In The Theatre Arts Mag., Jan. 1920, IV, 21-4.

643. CLARK, Barrett HarPER. A Study Outline of Plays with a Purpose, Dealing with an Ethical Truth. In The Drama, Jan. 1920, X, 167.

644. CORDEIRO RAMOS, GUSTAVO. Sobre três tragedias inglesas com motivos portugueses. V. Historia e Memorias da Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, nova serie, 2a classe, tomo xiv, No. 6. Coimbra. 1920. 199 pags. 30.5 x 23 cm.

645. CRAWFORD, JACK RANDALL. Pageant Technique. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Feb. 1920, VI, 1, 76–8.

646. CREW, HELEN COALE. Behold a Great Hiatus. In The Drama, Dec. 1920, XI, 77-9.

647. CROCKER, LOUIS. A Note on Comedy. In The Nation, Sept. 25, 1920, CXI, 347-8.

648. CRUICKSHANK, A. H. Philip Massinger. Oxford: Blackwell. 1920. 8 × 51. vii + 228 pp. 15s.


Co. 1920.

Philip Massinger. New York: Frederick A. Stokes

649. DICKINSON, THOMAS H. The Contemporary Drama of England. 8vo. 8 × 51. pp. 303. J. Murray. 1920. 7s. 6d.

650. FERGUSON, A. S. The Plays of George Chapman. II. Mod. Lang. Review, July 1920.

651. COSTA, FERNANDES. Infiltração da litteratura hespanhola, mormente a dramatica, nas letras inglesas, desde o corneço do seculo xv até hoje. V. Boletim da Segunda Classe da Academia das Sciencias, vol. 12°. pags. 565–586. 23.5 × 14.5 cm. Coimbra. 1920. 652. FISCHER, WALTHER. Zur Biographie Kaspar Heywoods. Engl. Stud. 54, 352–358.

653. Gammer Gurtons Nedle, by Mr. S. Mr. of Art. Ed. by H. F. B. Brett-Smith. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1920. I2mo. PP. xv+79. The Percy Reprints, No. 2.

654. GILBERT, ALLAN H. Milton and the Mysteries. In Studies in Philology, Apr. 1920, XVII, 147–69.

655. GOVINDA RAO, C. K. Scott's Ivanhoe Dramatised. pp. 87. 8°. Published by the author at Ramachandrapuram, 1920. Price 8 annas.

656. GRAVES, THORNTON SHIRLEY. The Elizabethan Trained Ape. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 248–249.


Notes on the Elizabethan Theatres. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 170–82.


Richard Rawlidge on London Playhouses. In Modern

Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 41-7.

656c. Quarterly, April 1920, XIX, 131–40.

The Devil in the Playhouse. In The So. Atlantic

656d. GRAVES, THORNTON SHIRLEY. Organized Applause. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, July 1920, XIX, 236–48.

657. GROSSMANN, RUD. Spanien und das elisabethanische Drama. (Hamburgische Universität, Abhandl. aus dem Gebiet der Auslandskunde, Bd. 4.) Hamburg. 1920. 138 pp.

658. HAMILTON, CLAYTON. Problems of the Playwright. 7 × 51. Pp. xiii + 339. London: Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.

659. HENDERSON, ARCHIBALD. The Drama-After the War. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, July 1920, XIX, 258–65.

660. HILLEBRAND, HAROLD N. The Early History of the Chapel Royal. In Modern Philology, September 1920, XVIII, 233–68.

661. HUGHES, GLENN. Concerning a Theatre of the People. In The Drama, Nov. 1920, XI, 45-6.

662. KOBERG, WERNER. Quellenstudien zu John Crowne's 'Darius.' Kieler Diss. 142 pp. 8°.

663. LAWRENCE, W. J. Elizabethan 'Motions.' Times Lit. Suppl., Jan. 29, 1920. Cf. C. Stuart Allison. Ib. Feb. 12; W. J. Lawrence, Feb. 19; Alwin Thaler, Feb. 26.

663 a.

Music in the Elizabethan Theatre. In The Musical Quarterly, Apr. 1920, VI, 192–205.


The Authorship of 'Fedele and Fortunio.' Times Literary Supplement, May 20, 1920.

664. LEWISOHN, LUDWIG. Toward a People's Theatre. In The Nation, Jan. 17, 1920, cx, 80-2.

664 a.

CX, 118.


664 c. 664d. 806-7.

The Cult of Violence. In The Nation, Jan. 24, 1920,

Play-Making. In The Nation, Feb. 28, 1920, CX, 270.
Underworld. In The Nation, Oct. 6, 1920, CXI, 383.
Balance Sheet. In The Nation, June 12, 1920, CX,

665. LIEBERMANN, F. Zwischenspiele für Edward II. Archiv 140,


666. LOCKERT, LACY. A Scene in The Fatal Dowry. (Philip Massinger and Nathaniel Field. The Fatal Dowry.) Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 5, May 1920, pp. 291–293.

667. LYLE, MARIE CAROLINE. The Original Identity of the York and Towneley Cycles. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota. 1919. 25′5 cm. pp. iv, [2], 113. Research Publs. Univ. of Minnesota, VIII, 3. Rev. by Grace Frank in Mod. Lang. Notes, Jan. 1920, XXXV, 45-8. 668. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. Playwrights on Playwriting. In The No. Amer. Rev., Oct. 1920, CCXII, 552–60.

668 a.

Tragedies with Happy Endings. In The No. Amer. Rev., March 1920, CCXI, 355-65.


Telescoping Time in the Theatre. In The Bookman, Jan. 1920, L, 467-73.

669. MCCALLUM, J. D. Greene's Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920.

670. MILLER, FRANCES H. Stanzaic Division in York Play xXXIX. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, pp. 379–380.

671. MORIN, PILAR. Silent drama and its application to the spoken word. In Amer. Phys. Educa. Rev., Jan. 1920, XXV, 13-14. 672. NASON, A. H. James Shirley, Dramatist: a biographical and critical study. New York: University Press.

673. NICOLL, ALLARDYCE. Doors and Curtains in Restoration Theatres. Mod. Lang. Review, April 1920.


44, 325-337.


The Origin and Types of the Heroic Tragedy. Anglia,

Scenery in Restoration Theatres. Anglia, 44, 217–226. 674. NICHOLS, CHARLES W. A Note on The Stage-Mutineers. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 225–227.

675. OLSON, BEATRICE. The Morris Dance in Drama before 1640. In Quart. Journal of the Univ. of No. Dakota, July 1920, X, 422-35. 676. PATCH, HOWARD R. The Ludus Coventriae and the Digby Massacre. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 324-343, September 1920.

677. PHELPS, WILLIAM LYON. The Plays of J. M. Barrie. In The No. Amer. Rev., Dec. 1920, CCXII, 829-43.

678. RICHTER, HELENE. G. B. Shaws Dramen aus der Kriegszeit. Germ.-Rom.-Monatsschrift, VIII, 290–299. Heidelberg. 1920.

679. RÖHRICHT, IRMGARD, Dr. Frauenprobleme in der englischen Literatur. I. Das Idealbild der Frau bei Philipp Massinger, 1920, III, 121. 8°. München: Piloty u. Loehle. 5 Mk.

680. ROLLINS, HYDER EDWARD. William Elderton: Elizabethan Actor and Ballad-Writer. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 199-245.

681. Ross, CLARENDON. A Note on the Lack of Theatricality in Modern Realistic Drama. In The Drama, Jan. 1920, X, 156–8.

682. SCHARPFF, PAULUS. Über ein englisches Auferstehungspiel. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Dramas und der Lollarden. Winnenden. 1920. 63 pp. 8°. Erlanger Diss.

683. SCHOELL, F. L. Charlemagne: The Distracted Emperor. Drame Elisabethain Anonyme. Roy. 8vo. Oxford: University Press. I2s. 6d.

684. SCHWEMMER, PAUL. John Bales Drama: A brefe Comedy or Enterlude concernynge the temptacyon of our lorde and sauer Jesus Christ by Sathan in the desart. Nürnberg. 1919. Erlanger Diss. 1920.

685. SHAY, FRANK, and PIERRE LOVING, eds. Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays. Cincinnati: Stewart and Kidd Co. 1920. 21.5 × 15.3 cm. pp. viii + 582.

686. SMITH, Hester Travers. Drama in Ireland, 1919-1920. In The Drama, June 1920, X, 308-9.

687. SYMONS, ARTHUR. Stevenson Again on the Stage. The Literary Digest. Oct. 9, 1920, LXVII, 2, 32–3. On a dramatization of The Master of Ballantrae.

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