Abbildungen der Seite

368. CAIRNS, WILLIAM B. British Criticisms of American Writings, 1783-1815: a Contribution to the Study of Anglo-American Literary Relationships. Madison, Wis. 1918. 23 cm. pp. 98. University of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature 1. Reviewed by Killis Campbell in Jour. Eng. and Germanic Philol., Apr. 1920, XIX, 302-3.

369. CANBY, HENRY SEIDEL. Literature in a Democracy. In The Century, Jan. 1920, XCIX, 396–401.

370. CARDEN, PERCY T. The Murder of Edwin Drood-a new solution of the mystery. Cecil Palmer. xviii + 125 pp. 6s.

371. CARDIM, LUIZ. Torrent of Portyngale. V. Revista da Faculdade de Letros da Universidade do Porto, Nos. 1-2, pags. 116–136. 24 × 16.5 cm. Porto. 1920.

Catalan Translations. 372. ALDINGTON, RICHARD. Images of War. La Revista, 1920, p. 60. L'Alba. Ibid. p. 37. BALDERSTON, JOHN L. The Genius of Marne. Bibl. Notes in La Veu de Catalunya, July 4, 1920. Carner, JOSEP. El Papat i els Temps moderns esbòs politic per William Barry. Enciclopedia Catalana. 8vo. pp. 178. 1919. BODENHEIM, MAXWELL. 'A un enemie' i 'El Minaire.' La Revista, 1920, p. 36. FROST, ROBERT. El meu hoste de Novembre. Ibid. 1920, p. 35. KREYMBERG, ALFRED. 'America' and 'Old Manuscript.' Ibid. p. 36. MASTERS, EDGAR LEE. Silenci. Ibid. p. 33. LOWELL, AMY. 'Chinoi series,' 'Reflexions,' 'Caient neu i Gebre.' Ibid. pp. 37–38. MASEFIELD, JOHN. 'Que sóc, vida?' 'Mirant.' Ibid. p. 38. MEYNELL, Alice. Maternitat. Ibid. p. 38. MONRO, HAROLD. Un ciuitat gran.' POUND, EZRA. 'La vinguda de la guerra,' 'Acteu in Ortus.' Ibid. p. 35. SANDBURG, KARL. 'Perduda,' 'Killers i Chicago.' Ibid. pp. 34, 35. UPWARD, ALLEN. Fulles oloroses d'un gerro xinès. Ibid. pp. 39-40. LAWRENCE, D. H. Cuques de llum en el blat. Ibid. p. 37. ROBINSON, EDWIN ARLINGTON. Casandra. Ibid. p. 33. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM CARLES. 'Figura mètrica' i 'Moviment pausat.' Ibid. p. 36. See also FARRAN, J. I MAYORAL, Lletres a una amiga estrangera, for references to Bacon, Dickens, William James, Goldsmith, B. Shaw, etc.

373. CATEL, JEAN. La poésie américaine d'aujourd'hui. Mercure de Fr., vol. 138, pp. 601-27. Mars 1920.

374. CAZAMIAN, LOUIS. L'évolution psychologique et la littérature en Angleterre (1660-1914). 268 pp. 12 × 18.5. Alcan, Paris. 13 f.

375. CHESTERTON, G. K. The Uses of Diversity. A Book of Essays. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 44. pp. 197. Methuen. 6s.

376. CLARKE, GEORGE HERBERT, ed. A Treasury of War Poetry. Second Series. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1919. 18 cm. pp. xxxvii + 361, [1]. Rev. by Robert P. Utter in the Nation, Feb. 21, 1920, CX, 237-8.

377. COLBY, ELTRIDGE. The Echo-Device in Literature. New York. The Public Library. 1920. 25.5 cm. pp. 61. Reprinted from

the Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Nov., Dec. 1919, XXIII, 683-713, 783-804.

378. COLLINS, JOSEPH. Idling in Italy: Studies of Literature and of Life. New York: Scribner. 1920. 21 cm. pp. x, [2], 316. Includes Fictional Biography and Autobiography; The Literary Mausoleum of Samuel Butler. Rev. in The No. Amer. Rev., Dec. 1920, CCXII, 856-9. 379. Cook, HOWARD WILLARD. Makers of Modern American Poetry. In The Mentor, June 15, 1920, VIII, i-ii.

380. COSTA, FERNANDES. O arcade curvo Semmedo na poesia anglo-americana. Influencias litterarias peninsulares em alguns poetas ingleses do começo do seculo XIX. V. Boletim da Segunda Classe da Academia das Sciencias, vol. 12°. pags. 587-607. 235 × 14.5 cm. Coimbra. 1920.

381. CUTLER, Frances WeNTWORTH. Soldier-Poets of England. In The Sewanee Review, Jan.-March 1920, XXVIII, 85–92.

382. DARWIN, Sir FRANCIS. Springtime and other Essays. Cr. 8vo. 71 × 5. pp. 253. Murray. 7s. 6d.

383. DAVIES, T. H. Spiritual Voices in Modern Literature. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1920. 8s. 6d.

384. DAVIS, FRANKLIN PIERRE, ed. Anthology of Newspaper Verse for 1919. Enid, Okla.: P. F. Davis Co. 1920.

385. D'HANGEST, G. Orthodoxie et Autonomie [étude du roman de Cath. Carswell: Open the door]. Les Langues Modernes, pp. 513–32, Nov.-Déc. 1920.

386. EDMUNDS, E. W. An Historical Summary of English Literature. London: Carvell. 1920. 71 × 51. viii + 276 pp. 5s.

387. ELIOT, T. S., HUXLEY, ALDOUS, FLINT, F. S. Three Critical Essays on Modern English Poetry. Chapbook No. 9. (The Poetry Book-shop.) Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., April 15, 1920. Is. 6d.

388. ELIOT, T. S., The Sacred Wood (Essays on Poetry and Criticism). London: Methuen. 1920. 7 × 41. xviii + 155 PP. 6s. 389. ELLIS, HAVELOCK. The Philosophy of Conflict and Other Essays in War-Time. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company. 1919. 20.5 cm. pp. 299. Includes essays on Herbert Spencer, Mr Conrad's World, Cowley.

390. ELTON, OLIVER. A Survey of English Literature, 1830-1880. London: Arnold. 1920. 8 × 5o. Vol. 1. xvi + 434 pp. Vol. 11. xi + 432 pp. 32s.

391. Poems of To-day. An Anthology. Published for the English Association by Sidgwick and Jackson. 3s.

392. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. VI. Collected by A. C. Bradley. 8vo. 82 × 51. pp. 145. Oxford: Univ. Press. Contents: 1, The Caedmonian Genesis, by Henry Bradley; 2, The Humanist Ideal, by W. P. Ker; 3, Trollope Revisited, by George Saintsbury; 4, On Playing the Sedulous Ape, by George Sampson; 5, Conrad, by F. Melian Stawell; 6, South Eastern and South East Midland Dialects, by H. C. Wyld. 6s. 6d.

393. ERSKINE, JOHN (ed. by). 'Life and Literature': Lafcadio Hearn. London: Heinemann. 1920. 9 × 61. x + 393 pp. 25s. 394. ERVINE, ST JOHN GREER. Concerning Heroes. In The New Republic, June 9, 1920, XXIII, 47–9.

394 a.

Literary Taste in America. In The New Republic, October 6, 1920, XXIV, 144-7. 394b. Some Impressions of My Elders. In The No. Amer. Rev., Feb.-Aug. 1920, CCXI, 225-37, 402-10, 669-; CCXII, 118-28, 238-49. On W. B. Yeats, Bernard Shaw, J. M. Synge, H. G. Wells, A. E.

395. FIGUEIREDO, FIDELINO DE. Bibliographia das escriptas portugueses sobre as litteraturas inglesa e norte-americana e sobre as relações litterarias de Portugal com a Inglaterra a os Estados Unidos. V. A Critica Litteraria Como Sciencia, Lisboa, 1920. 22.5 x 14.5 cm. Edição da Livraria Classica Editora, P. dos Restauradores, 17, Lisboa. Esta materia esté comprehendida no capitulo da secção do appendice intitulado Bibliographia Portuguesa de Critica Litteraria.

396. FOLLETT, HELEN THOMAS and WILSON. Some Modern Novelists. 7 × 51. ix + 368 pp. Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. 397. FULLER, HENRY BLAKE. The American Image as It to Jean Catel. In Poetry, March 1920, XV, 327-31.


398. GAYLEY, CHARLES MILLS, and BENJAMIN PUTNAM KURTZ. Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism: Lyric, Epic, and Allied Forms of Poetry. Boston: Ginn & Co. 1920. 19× 17.5 cm. pp. xi+911.

399. GEROULD, Katharine FULLERTON. Modes and Morals. New York: Scribner. 1920. 19.5 cm. pp. [vi], 278. Includes Miss Alcott's New England; British Novelists, Ltd.; The Remarkable Rightness of Rudyard Kipling. Rev. by Dorothy Brewster in The Nation, Apr. 10, 1920, CX, 486-8.

400. GOOCH, G. P. Historical Novels. Cont. Review, Feb. 1920. 401. GRAHAM, WALTER. Poets of the American Ambulance. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Jan. 1920, XIX, 18–23.

402. HANEY, JOHN LOUIS. English Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920. 8vo. pp. xii + 452. Rev. by Geo. H. Clarke in The Sewanee Rev., Oct.-Dec. 1920, XXVIII, 606-7.

403. HAVENS, GEORGE R. The Abbé Le Blanc and English Literature. In Modern Philology, Dec. 1920, XVIII, 423–41.

404. HELLER, ОTTO. Convention and Revolt in Poetry. In Washington Univ. Studies, Apr. 1920, VII, 163–85. St Louis.

405. H[ENDERSON], A[LICE] C[ORTIN]. The Folk Poetry of these States. In Poetry, Aug. 1920, XVI, 264–73.

406. HENLEY, WILLIAM ERNEST. Essays. Macmillan. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., Feb. 24, 1921. 12s.

407. HENRÍQUEZ UREÑA, P. Sobre J. de L. Ferguson: American Literature in Spain. RFE, 1920, VII, 62–71.

408. HERRICK, ROBERT. New England and the Novel. In The Nation, Sept. 18, 1920, CXI, 323-5.

409. HINE, R. L. The Cream of Curiosity (an account of certain literary and historical MSS of 17, 18 and 19 cent.). London: Routledge. 9 × 6. xvi + 416 pp. 12s. 6d.

410. HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN, ed. The Great Modern American Stories: an Anthology; with an introduction. New York: Boni and Livewright. 1920. 8vo. pp. xx + 432. 24 stories that have appeared since 1860.

411. IMELMANN, RUDOLF. Vom romantischen und geschichtlichen Waldef. Engl. St. 53, S. 362-370. Cf. Section 1x (b).

412. JAKETOMO, TORAO. American Imitations of Japanese Poetry. In The Nation, Jan. 17, 1920, CX, 70–2.

413. JONES, LLEWELLYN. Free Verse and Its Propaganda In The Sewanee Review, July-Sept. 1920, XXVIII, 384–95.

414. KAYE, Frederick B. Puritanism, Literature and War. In The New Republic, Dec. 15, 1920, XXV, 64-7.

415. KER, W. P. The Art of Poetry. (Inaugural lecture at Oxford, June 5.) Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1920. 91 × 6. 20 pp. IS. 6d.


The Humanist Ideal. See Essays and Studies by the

English Association. x. 392.

416. LANGENFELT, GÖSTA. Sverige och svenskarne i äldre nyengelsk litteratur. Nordisk Tidskrift för Filologi 1920, 1–2.

417. LATHROP, HENRY BURROWS. The Art of the Novelist. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 5. pp. 300. Harrap. 7s. 6d.

418. LAWDER, Donald. W. L. George on American Literature. In The Bookman, Nov. 1920, LII, 193-7.

419. LAWSON, Mrs ALEXANDER and ALEXANDER (ed. by). A St Andrew's Treasury of Scottish Verse. London: Black. 1920. 7s. 6d.

420. LEWISOHN, LUDWIG. The Poet and His Moment. In The Nation, July 10, 1920, CXI, 42.

421. LOGEMAN, H. Air Songs, in English Studies, vol. II, No. II, Oct. 1920. pp. 129–31.

422. LOPES, DAVID. Parecer favoravel á publicação nas memorias da Academia do trabalho do sr. Dr. Gustavo Ramos intitulado 'Sobre três tragedias inglesas com motivos portugueses.' V. Boletim da Segunda Classe da Academia das Sciencias, vol. 12o. pags. 370– 372. 23.5 x 14.5 cm. Coimbra. 1920.

423. LYND, ROBERT. The Art of Letters. London: Fisher Unwin. 1920. 8 × 6. 340 pp. 15s.

423a. Old and New Masters. New York: Scribner. 1919. 23 cm. pp. 249, [1]. Dostoevsky the Sensationalist. Jane Austen: Natural Historian. Mr G. K. Chesterton and Mr Hilaire Belloc. Wordsworth. Keats. Henry James. Browning: the Poet of Love. The Fame of J. M. Synge. Villon: the Genius of the Tavern. Pope. James Elroy Flecker. Turgenev. The Madness of Strindberg. 'The Prince of French Poets' [Ronsard]. Rossetti and Ritual. Mr Bernard

Shaw. Mr Masefield's Secret. Mr W. B. Yeats. Tchehov: the Perfect Story-Teller. Lady Gregory. Mr Cunninghame Graham. Swinburne. The Work of T. M. Kettle. Mr J. C. Squire. Mr Joseph Conrad. Mr Rudyard Kipling. Mr Thomas Hardy. Rev. by Philip Goodman in The Bookman, Feb. 1920, L, 614-16.

424. MACPHERSON, W. Principles and Method in the Study of English Literature. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 5s.

425. MADAN, F. Books in Manuscript. (2nd edition.) London: Kegan Paul. 1920. 5s.

426. MAIS, S. P. B. Books and their Writers. London: G. Richards. 7s. 6d.

427. MCDOWALL, STEWART. Beauty and the Beast; an Essay in Evolutionary Esthetic. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 8 × 51. 93 pp. 7s. 6d. 428. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. The Centenary of a Question. In Scribner's Mag., Jan. 1920, LXVII, 41–6. On Sydney Smith's question, 'Who reads an American Book?'

429. MAURICE, Arthur BartlETT. A New Golden Age in American Reading. In The World's Work, March 1920, xxxix, 488–507. 429a. Literary Landmarks of New York. In The Mentor, Sept. 15, 1920, VIII, I–II.

430. MENCKEN, HENRY LOUIS. The National Literature. In The Yale Rev., July 1920, IX, 804-17.

431. MOORE, T. STURGE. Some Soldier Poets. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920.

432. MORDELL, A. The Erotic Motive in Literature. New York: Boni and Livewright. I dol. 75.

433. MURRY, JOHN MIDDLETON. America and England: a Literary Comparison. In The New Republic, Sept. 8, 1920, XXIV, 41–3.

433a. ix + 204 pp. 433b.

Aspects of Literature. London: Collins. 1920. 9 × 6.


The Condition of English Literature. In The New Republic, May 12, 1920, XXII, 339–41.

434. NEAL, ROBERT WILSON. Short Stories in the Making. [New ed.] New York. Oxford: University Press. [1920.] 19 cm. pp. xiv, 269, [3], 33.

435. NEWBOLT, H. A New Study of English Poetry. London: Constable. 9 × 6. vii + 306 pp. 7s. 6d.

436. NITCHIE, ELIZABETH. Vergil and the English Poets. New York: Columbia University Press. 1919. 20.5 cm. pp. x + 251. Columbia Univ. Studies in English and Comp. Lit. Reviewed by Wilfred P. Mustard in Jour. Eng. and Germanic Philol., Apr. 1920, XIX, 298-300; by G. H. C[lark] in The Sewanee Review, Jan.-March 1920, XXVIII, 116–17.

437. O'BRIEN, EDWARD JOSEPH HARRINGTON (Arthur MidDLETON, pseud.). The Best Short Stories of 1919; and the Year Book of the American Short Story. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. 1920. 8vo. pp. xix + 414.

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