Abbildungen der Seite

133. ELDER, LUCIUS W. The Pride of the Yahoo. Modern Lan guage Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 206–211.

134. FIRTH, C. H. The Political Significance of Gulliver's Travels. For the British Academy. 23 pp. London: Milford. 1920. IS. 6d.

135. GUTHKELCH, A. C. and SMITH, D. NICHOL (ed. by). 'A Tale of a Tub,' to which is added 'The Battle of the Books and the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit,' by Jonathan Swift, together with 'The History of Martin,' Wotton's observations upon the Tale of a Tub, Curll's complete key, etc. The whole edited with an Introduction and Notes, historical and explanatory. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1920. 245.

136. JONES, RICHARD F. The Background of The Battle of the Books, 1920. Reprinted from Washington University Studies, VII, Humanistic Series 2.

Theobald, Lewis. 137. JONES, RICHARD FOSTER. Lewis Theobald: His Contribution to English Scholarship. With Some Unpublished Letters. New York: Columbia University Press. 1919. 21 cm. pp. xi + 363. Columbia Univ. Studies in Eng. and Comparative Literature. Reviewed by George Sherburn in Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 57-63.

Thomson, James. 138. SNYDER, FRANKLYN BLISS. Notes on Burns and Thomson. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 305-17.

Walpole, Horace. 139. FINCH, M. B. and E. ALLISON PEERS. Walpole's Relations with Voltaire. In Modern Philology, August 1920, XVIII, 189–200.

140. SARGEAUNT, J. The Text of Walpole's and Gray's Letters. Times Literary Suppl., May 13, 1920.

Webb, Daniel. 141. HECHT, HANS. Daniel Webb. Ein Beitrag zur englischen Aesthetik des 18. Jahrh. Mit einem Abdruck der Remarks on the beauties of poetry 1762 und einem Titelkupfer, 1920. iii+117 pp. 8°. Hamburg: H. Grand. 10 Mk.

Wesley, John. 142. GILLIES, ANDREW. Sidelights on John Wesley from Boswell's Johnson. In The Methodist Review, Jan.-Feb. 1920, CIII, 22-9.

Young, Edward. 143. MORLEY, EDITH J. Edward Young's Conjectures on Original Composition. (Modern Language Texts: English Series; General Editor, W. P. Ker. Manchester: At the University Press; London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1918.) 19.5 cm. pp. xviii + 64. Brief mention by James W. Bright in Modern Language Notes, January 1920, xxxv, 58–62.



144. Asquith, Herbert HenRY. Some Aspects of the Victorian Age. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1918. 23.5 cm. pp. 28. The Romanes Lecture, 1918. Brief mention by J. W. T[upper] in Modern Language Notes, January 1920, xxxv, 63–64.

145. BLORE, G. H. Victorian Worthies. Sixteen Biographies. 7 × 51. viii + 376 pp. London: H. Milford. 7s. 6d.

146. BRIE, FR. Aesthetische Weltanschauung in der Literatur des XIX. Jahrhunderts. Freiburg. 1921. pp. 80.

146 a. Exotismus der Sinne. Eine Studie zur Psychologie der Romantik. Heidelberg. 1920. pp. 79. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosoph.-Histor.

Klasse, 1920.

147. CHUDOBA, FRANTIŠEK. Básníci, věštci a Bojovníci. Nová Rada. Poets, Prophets, and Fighters. New Series. 255 pp. Plzěn. Beníško. Price: 16 kč. Contents: Robert Browning. The Praeraphaelites. Ruskin's Praeterita. The Poetical Legacy of D. G. Rossetti. From the letters of George Meredith. Meredith's Poems.


Z Novější Literatury Swinburnovské. I. From recent literature on Swinburne. Zrání, vol. II, 1920. 49 n.

148. CLUTTON-BROCK, A. Essays on Books. (Including Dickens, Swinburne, Keats, etc.) 7 × 41. pp. 181. London: Methuen. 6s.

149. COLVIN, Sir SIDNEY. Some Personal Recollections. In Scribner's Mag., Jan.-March 1920, LXVII, 69–82, 210-23, 338-54. On Ruskin, Burne-Jones, Rossetti, Browning, Gladstone, Charles T. Newton, Trelawney, Victor Hugo, Gambetta, Stevenson.

150. COURTNEY, Mrs JANET ELIZABETH HOGARTH. Freethinkers of the Nineteenth Century. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. 1920. 22.5 cm. pp. [x], 260. Front., ports. On Maurice, M. Arnold, Bradlaugh, Huxley, Leslie Stephen, Harriet Martineau, Kingsley. Reviewed in The Weekly Review, October 13, 1920, III, 322; in The New Republic, Aug. 11, 1920, XXIII, 313–4.

151 HANSTEIN, MARG. Die französische Literatur im Urteil der englischen Romantiker Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey. Halle Diss. 1920. 127 pp. 8°.

152. HARPER, George McLEAN. John Morley and other Essays. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 1920. 21 cm. PP. viii + 162. Contents: John Morley, Michelangelo's Sonnets, The Fame of Victor Hugo, Balzac's Human Comedy, An American Critic -W. C. Brownell, Wordsworth at Blois, Wordsworth's Love Poetry, David Brainard, a Puritan Saint.

153. Herzfeld, G. Aug. W. Schlegel in seinen Beziehungen zu englischen Dichtern und Kritikern. Archiv f. d. St. d. n. Spr. u. Lit. 139, 149-162.

154. LANZA, Marquise CLARA. Literary New York in the 'Eighties. In The Bookman, March 1920, LI, II-21.

155. PHILLIPS, WALTER C. Dickens, Reade, and Collins—Sensation Novelists. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. 1919. 21 cm. pp. ix, [3], 230. Columbia Univ. Studies in English and Comp. Lit. Rev. in The Nation, Jan. 10, 1920, CX, 47-8.

156. PIERCE, FREDERICK ERASTUS. Currents and Eddies in the English Romantic Generation. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1918. 23 cm. pp. 342. Reviewed by Robert Calvin Whitford in The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Jan. 1920, XIX, 84–5.

157. RUSSELL, Mrs FRANCES. Theresa Peet. Satire in the Victorian Novel. New York: Macmillan. 1920. 20.5 × 14 cm. pp. xiii, [2], 335. Bibl. note, pp. 317-27. Rev. in The Nation, July 10, 1920. CXI, 50.

158. THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE. Biography in the Nineteenth Century. In The No. Amer. Rev., May, June 1920, CCXI, 632–40, 826-33.

159. VILLARD, LÉONIE. La femme anglaise au dix-neuvième siècle, et son évolution d'après le roman anglais contemporain. 324 PP. 12 × 18. Didier, Paris. 5 f.


Arnold, Matthew. 160. FURRER, PAUL. Der Einfluss SainteBeuves auf die Kritik Matthew Arnolds. Zürcher Dissertation. 1920. Arnold, Thomas. 161. Ensayos pedagógicos. Traducidos por L. Luzuriaga. Madrid: Tipográfica Renovación, 1920. 8°. 84 págs. Colección Universal (Calpe). 0.30 ptas.

Austen, Jane. 162. AUSTEN-LEIGH, MARY AUGUSTA. Personal Aspects of Jane Austen. viii + 171 pp. London: Murray. 9s.

163. FIRKINS, OSCAR W. Jane Austen. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1920. 19.5 cm. pp. ix + 254. Rev. by Horner E. Woodbridge in The Nation, Apr. 10, 1920, cx, 485.

Beaconsfield, Benj. Disraeli, Earl of. 164. Current Opinion. Disraeli Portrayed as the Eternal Romantic. Oct. 1920, LXIX, 521–4. 165. ABBOTT, WILBUR CORTEZ. An Accidental Victorian. In The Yale Rev., Apr. 1920, IX, 600-19.

166. GEYL, P. Disraeli. In De Gids, Sept. and Oct. 1920.

Beecher-Stowe, Harriet. 167. SCHNEIDER, ARTUR. Čiča Tomina Koliba pripovijetka iz života Crnaca u Sjevernoj Americi prije ukinuča robijaštva. Preveo sa slikama Sjube Babiča Mirko Breyer, Zagreb, 1920. Cijena 36 kruna―povezano.

Borrow, George. 168. Borrow, Jorge. La Biblia en España. Traducción directa del inglés por M. Azaña. Madrid. 8°. 2 vols. 351 y 305 págs. (Falta el 3o tomo.) Colección Granada. 2.50 ptas cada vol.

Brontë, Anne. 169. Complete Poems. Edited by Clement Shorter and C. W. Hatfield. Hodder and Stoughton. 12s. 6d.

Brontë, Charlotte. 170. DOOLEY, LUCILE. Psychoanalysis of Charlotte Brontë, as a Type of the Woman of Genius. Bibliog. In The Amer. Jour. of Psychology, July 1920, XXXI, 221–72.

171. KAVANAGH, COLMAN. The Symbolism of 'Wuthering Heights.' 74 × 42. PP. 30. John Long. 9d.

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 172. JOYCE, HEWETTE ELWELL. Mrs Browning's Contributions to American Periodicals. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 7, November 1920, pp. 402–405.

Browning, Robert. 173. CLARKe, George HeRBERT. Browning's A Blot in the 'Scutcheon: a Defence. In The Sewanee Review, Apr.June 1920, XXVIII, 213–27.

174. Cook, A. K. A Commentary upon Browning's The Ring and the Book. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 5. xxiii + 343 pp. Oxford Univ. Press. Rev. Time Lit. Suppl., Sept. 23, 1920. 16s.

175. KAYE, Frederick BENJAMIN. Addison's Tye-Wig Preachment. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, p. 379.

176. LEWIS, EDWIN. The Making of The Ring and the Book. In The Methodist Review, March-April 1920, CIII, 237–52.

177. MAKON, ESTHER. A Triad of Symbols: the Bird, the Star and the Circle as used by Robert Browning. In Poet Lore, June 1920, XXXI, 284-90.

178. SALAZAR, F. Z. Il centenario della nascita di R. Browning. (Nuova Antologia, May 16.)

179. TANNER, ALEPT. Homage to Robert Browning. Waco, Texas. The Baylor Bulletin, Jan. 1920, XXIII, 1. 22.7 X 15.3 cm. pp. 151.

Butler, Samuel. 180. JONES, HENRY FESTING. Samuel Butler, Author of Erewhon (1835-1902): a Memoir. London: Macmillan. 1919. 21.9 × 14.5 cm. 2 vols. Reviewed by Maurice F. Egan in The New York Times Book Review, Jan. 15, 1920, pp. 1, 3; by Stuart P. Sherman in The Evening Post Book Review, Jan. 31, 1920, pp. 1, 4; by Clark S. Northup in Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 1; by Edmund Gosse in Edinburgh Rev., Jan. 1920.

181. LARBAUD, VALÉRY. Samuel Butler (étude et fragments traduits d'Erewhon). Nouv. Rev. Franç. Janv. 1920.

Byron. 182. ROE, HERBERT C. The Rare Quarto Edition of Lord Byron's 'Fugitive Pieces.' Described by. With a note on the Pigot family. Privately printed.

183. Selections from the Poems of Lord Byron. Cambridge: University Press (English Romantic Poets Series). xliv + 178 pp. 4s. 6d.

184. BADER, FR. Byroniana III. Der Verfasser des Uriel. Arch. f. d. St. d. n. Spr. u. Lit. 139, 214-217.

185. DALGADO, D. G. Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to Portugal critically examined by.... Lisboa, 1919. 99 pags. Ed. da

Academia das Sciencias. 20.5 x 14.5 cm. (Só foi distribuido em 1920.)

186. FERRIMAN, Y. D. Lord Byron. Anglo-Hellenic League. 279 PP. 3d.

187. LOPES, DAVID. Parecer favoravel á publicação por conta da Academia do trabalho do sr. Dr. Dalgado intitulado 'Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to Portugal.' V. Boletim da Segunda Classe da Academia das Sciencias. vol. 12°. pags. 368-370, 23. Coimbra, 1920.

188. LOCKWOOD, FRANK C. Byron, the Revolutionist. In The Methodist Review, March-Apr. 1920, CIII, 220-30.

189. ZACCHETTI, C. Lord Byron e l' Italia (Biblioteca di Scienza e Lettere, 71). Palermo: R. Sandron. 124 pp. 4.50 lire.

Carlyle. 190. FORNELLI, G. La Concezione storica di Tommaso Carlyle. Rivista di Cultura, Sept. 15.

191. POPOVIĆ. Francuska revolucija, La Bastille, I dio. Ćelap i, Zagreb, 1920 godine. Cijena 6.25 dinara.

191 a.

Francuska revolucija, La Bastille, II dio. Ćelap i

Popović, Zagreb, 1920 godine. Cijena 6.25 dinara.

192. Francuska Revolucija. S engleskog preveo i komentarom propratio Dr. Nikola Karlić. I deo: La Bastille. Druga sveska. Zagreb, 1919. 8-ina, 298 str. K. 15.


Francuska Revolucija. S engleskog preveo i komentarom propratio Dr. Nikola Karlić. I deo: La Bastille. Izdanje Jugoslov. Akad. Znanosti i Umetnosti. Cena K. 5.

193. RALLI, AUGUSTUS. Guide to Carlyle. 2 vols. 413, 456 pp. London: Allen and Unwin. 42s.

194. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. Carlyle's Life of John Sterling. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Oct. 1920, XIX, 341-9.

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain). 195. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Mark Twain. In The Atlantic Monthly, April 1920, CXXV, 462-73.

196. BROOKS, VAN WYCK. The Ordeal of Mark Twain. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Reviewed in The Weekly Review, Aug. 4, 1920, III, 108-9.


Mark Twain's Humour. In The Dial, March 1920, LXVIII, 275-91. Mark Twain's Satire. In The Dial, Apr. 1920, LXVIII, 424-43.

197. FARRÁN I MAYORAL, J. Critical Study of Mark Twain in 'Lletres a una amiga estrangera' (p. 84). Barcelona, 1920. Rev. by La Revista.

198. JOHNSON, ALVIN. The Tragedy of Mark Twain. In The New Republic, July 14, 1920, XXIII, 201−4.

199. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. Mark Twain and the Art of Writing. In Harper's, Oct. 1920, CXLI, 635–43.

200. PAINE, Albert BigELOW. Letters of Mark Twain, with a Biographical Sketch and a Commentary. 9 × 61. xv + 433 PP.

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