Abbildungen der Seite

A Poetical Epistle from a great Man in the Army"The King save his Grace"

Britannia's Lamentation-" In hostile fields why lives my Lord"

An Account of the Embassy of the Right Hon. Sir
Charles Hanbury Williams





A Letter to Mr. Fox-" Since you, and Winnington and Williams"



The Sequel" Then struck up a Smart with a soldierly air"


An Epigram on Quin, the Comedian-"When Quin of all grace, and all dignity void"..


An Epigram on Lord Anson and his Lady—“As Anson his voyage, to my Lady was reading".


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SAY, knight, for learning most renown'd,

What is this wond'rous drop?

Which Friend ne'er knew, nor can be found,
In Grah❜ms or Guerney's † shop.

* Sir Thomas Robinson, afterwards Governor of Barbadoes, a great Pretender to Virtue.-W.

Sir Thomas Robinson was bred in German courts, and was rather restored than naturalized to the genius of that country: he had German honour, loved German politics, and could explain himself as little as if he spoke only German, The Duke of Newcastle dragged poor Sir Thomas into light and ridicule.-W.

Sir Thomas Robinson gave up the seals in 1755, and was made Master of the great Wardrobe with a pension of £.2,000 a year on Ireland, for 31 years.-W.

1754, the German, Sir Thomas Robinson, was thought on for the Secretary's seals, but has just sense enough to be unwilling to accept them under so ridiculous an administration; this is the first act of the Comedy.-W.

+ The most eminent apothecaries of the day.-W.

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With Busts and Medals others come

Back to their native coast;

You, Sir, have brought a Jewel home,
Which Pitt* could never boast.

'Tis said, as tho' by magic force,
This Med'cine were directed,

Like Mercury it takes its course
Unto the part affected.
If so, this drop so prais❜d by you,
Should by yourself be ta'en;

If to th' affected part 'twill go,
You'll find it in your brain.
There may it all its pow'rs dispense,
And may th' effect be such;

As to dispel that little sense,

That troubles you so much.

* Governor Pitt, Grandfather to Lord Chatham, who sold the famous Diamond to the King of France.-W.



THO' Peggy's charms have oft been sung,
The darling theme of every tongue,

* She was born in Dublin, 1718; for her education she was indebted to Madame Violante [the present Mrs. Garrick], a French lady of good reputation, and famous for feats of agility: from her instructions she learned that easy action and graceful deportment which she improved by unremitting application. She acted Sir Harry Wildair, in 1738—this gay, dissipated, good-humoured rake, she represented with so much ease, elegance, and propriety of deportment, that no male actor has since equalled her. Her chief merit consisted in a representation of females of high rank and of dignified elegance, whose graces in deportment, as well as foibles, she understood and displayed in a lively and pleasing manner. The fashionable irregularities and sprightly coquetry of a Millament, Lady Townly, Lady Betty Modish, and Maria, were exhibited by her with that happy ease and gaiety, and with such powerful attractions, that the excesses of these characters appeared not only pardonable but agreeable; her Pliant in Congreve's Double Dealer was whimsical. In Mr. Day in the Committee she made no scruple to disguise her beautiful countenance; she aimed at general excellence, and with this view she visited Paris. Colley Cibber, at the age of

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