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*In the heading of this chapter, an error was committed by retaining the
words in the copy, "concluded at different periods, up to the year 1814."-
The chapter contains the treaties up to the year 1826.

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2. Of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience, of 24th
October, 1801; negotiated at Chickasaw Bluffs, by James
Wilkinson, Benjamin Hawkins, and Andrew Pickens.
Ratified 1st May, 1802,

3. Of arrangement, of the 23d July, 1805; negotiated in the
Chickasaw country, by James Robertson and Silas Dins-
moor. Ratified 22d May, 1807,

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4. Of the 20th September, 1816; negotiated at the Chickasaw
council house, by Andrew Jackson D. Meriwether, and
J. Franklin. Ratified 30th December, 1816,
5. Of the 19th October, 1818; negotiated at the treaty ground
east of Old Town, by Isaac Shelby and Andrew Jackson.
Ratified 7th January, 1819,

CHAPTER 7.-Treaty with the Shawanees.
1. Of the 30th January, 1786; negotiated at the mouth of the
Great Miami, by G. Clarke, Richard Butler, and Samuel
H. Parsons. Entered on the journals of congress 17th
April, 1786,

2. See chapter 40 in this table, and at page 360.

CHAPTER 8.—Treaties with the Creeks.

Of peace and friendship, of the 7th August, 1790; nego-
tiated at New-York, by Henry Knox, secretary of war.
Ratified 15th August, 1790,

2. Of peace and friendship, of the 29th June, 1796; negoti-
ated at Colerain, by Benjamin Hawkins, George Clymer,
and Andrew Pickens. Ratified 18th March, 1797,
s. Of limits, of the 16th June, 1802; negotiated at .camp,
near fort Wilkinson, on the Oconee, by James Wilkinson,
Benjamin Hawkins, and Andrew Pickens. Ratified 11th
January, 1803,

4. Of the 14th November, 1805; negotiated at the city of
Washington, by H. Dearborn, secretary of war. Ratified
2d June, 1806,










5. Of agreement and capitulation, of the 9th August, 1814;
negotiated by Andrew Jackson. Ratified 16th February,


6. Of the 22d January, 1818; negotiated at the Creek
cy, by David B. Mitchell. Ratified 28th March, 1818,
7. Of the 8th January, 1821; negotiated, at the Indian Spring,
in the Creek nation, by Daniel M. Forney and David Meri-
wether. Ratified 2d March, 1821,



8. Of the 12th February, 1825; negotiated at the Indian
Spring, by Duncan G. Campbell and James Meriwether.
Ratified 7th March, 1825,

9. See chapter 42 in this table, and at page $71.

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CHAPTER 9.-Treaty with the Kaskaskias.


1. Of the 13th August, 1803; negotiated at Vincennes, by William Henry Harrison. Ratified 24th November, 1803, 292

CHAPTER 10.-Treaties with the Piankeshaws.

1. Of the 27th August, 1804; negotiated at Vincences, by
William Henry Harrison. Ratified 21st January, 1805,
2. Of the 30th December, 1805; negotiated at Vincennes, by
William Henry Harrison. Ratified 22d May, 1807,
3. Of peace and friendship, of the 18th July, 1815; negotia-
ted at the Portage des Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian
Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th Decem-
ber, 1815,

4. Contract entered into on the 3d January, 1818, under the
authority of the United States, between Governor Thomas
Posey, (of the Indiana territory,) superintendent of Indian
affairs, and Chekommia or Big River, principal chief of the

[This contract it appears, was never ratified in the usual form, but has been duly executed on the part of the government and the Indians.]

CHAPTER 11.-Treaties with the Sacs and Foxes. 1. Of the 3d November, 1804; negotiated at St. Louis, by William Henry Harrison. Ratified 25th January, 1805, 2. Of the 13th September, 1815, with the Sacs of Missouri; negotiated at the Portage des Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

3. Of the 14th September, 1815, with the Foxes; negotiated at the Portage des Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

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4. Of the 13th May, 1816, with the Sacs of Rock river; nego-
tiated at St. Louis, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards,
and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 30th December, 1816,
5. Of the 3d September, 1822; negotiated at fort Armstrong,
by Thomas Forsyth. Ratified 13th February, 1823,
6. Of the 4th August, 1824; negotiated at the city of Wash-
ington, by William Clark. Ratified 18th January, 1825,
CHAPTER 12.-Treaties with the Great and Little Osages.
1. Of the 10th November, 1808; negotiated at fort Clark, by
Peter Chouteau, commissioned by Meriwether Lewis, go-
vernor, &c. Ratified 28th April, 1810,













2. Of the 12th September, 1815; negotiated at the Portage
des Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Au-
guste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,
3. Of the 25th September, 1818; negotiated at St. Louis, by
William Clark. Ratified 7th January, 1819,



4. Of the 31st August, 1822; negotiated at the U. States' factory on the M. de Cigne, by Richard Graham. Ratified 13th February, 1823,

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5. Of the 2d June, 1825; negotiated at St. Louis, by Wil-
liam Clark. Ratified 30th December, 1825,
6. See chapter 73 in this table, and at page 417.



CHAPTER, 13.-Treaties with the Weas.

1. Of the 26th October, 1809; negotiated at Vincennes, in
the Indiana territory, by William Henry Harrison. Rati-
fied 2d January, 1810,

2. Of the 2d October, 1818; negotiated at St. Mary's, Ohio,
by Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke.
Ratified 7th January, 1819,






3. Of the 11th August, 1820; negotiated at Vincennes, by
Benjamin Parke. Ratified 8th January, 1821,

CHAPTER 14.-Treaties with the Kickapoos.

1. Of the 9th December, 1809; negotiated by William Hen-
ry Harrison. Ratified 5th March, 1810,
2. Of the 2d September, 1815; negotiated at the Portage des
Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste
Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

3. Of 30th August, 1819; negotiated at fort Harrison, by Ben-
jamin Parke. Ratified 10th May, 1820,

4. Of the 30th July, 1819; negotiated at Edwardsville, in
the state of Illinois, by Auguste Chouteau and Benjamin
Stephenson. Ratified 13th January, 1821,

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5. Of the 19th July, 1820; being supplementary to the treaty
of the 30th July, 1819; negotiated at St. Louis, by Au-
guste Chouteau and Benjamin Stephenson. Ratified 13th
January, 1821,

6. Of the 5th September, 1820; negotiated at Vincennes, by
Benjamin Parke. Ratified 8th January, 1821,

CHAPTER 15.-Treaties with the Pottawatimas.

1. Of the 18th July, 1815; negotiated at the Portage des
Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste
Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

2. Of the 2d October, 1818; negotiated at St. Mary's, Ohio,
by Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke,
Ratified 15th January, 1819,

CHAPTER 16.-Treaty with the Teetons.
1. Of the 19th July, 1815; negotiated at the Portage des
Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste
Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

[The Teetons are parties in common with other tribes, to another trea-
ty; for which see chapter 32 in this table, and at page 336.]

CHAPTER 17.-Treaties with the Sioux.

1. With the Sioux of the Lakes, of the 19th July, 1815; ne-
gotiated at the Portage des Sioux, by William Clark, Ni-
nian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th De-
cember, 1815,

2. With the Sioux of the river St. Peter, of the 19th July,
1815; negotiated at the Portage des Sioux, by William
Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified
26th December, 1815,












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3. With the Sioux of the Leaf, the Broad Leaf, and who shoot in the Pine Tops, of the 1st June, 1816; negotiated at St. Louis, by William Clark; Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 30th December, 1816,

CHAPTER 18.-Treaty with the Yanctons.

1. Of the 19th July, 1815; negotiated at the Portage des Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

[The Yanctons are parties in common with other tribes to another treaty, for which see chapter 32 in this table, and at page 336.]

CHAPTER 19.-Treaties with the Mahas.

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1. Of the 20th July, 1815; negotiatad at the Portage des
Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste
Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,
2. Of the 6th October, 1825; negotiated at fort Atkinson,
Council Bluffs, by Henry Atkinson and Benjamin O'Fal-
lon. Ratified 6th February, 1826,

CHAPTER 20.-Treaties with the Ioways.







1. Of the 16th September, 1815; negotiated at the Portage des Sioux, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815, 2. Of the 4th August, 1824; negotiated at the city of Washington, by William Clark. Ratified 18th January, 1825, 288

CHAPTER 21.-Treaties with the Kanzas.

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1. Of the 28th October, 1815; negotiated at St. Louis, by Ninian Edwards and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1815,

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2. Of the 3d June, 1825; negotiated at St. Louis, by William Clark. Ratified 30th December, 1825,

3. See chapter 74 in this table, and at page 419.

CHAPTER 22-Treaty with the Winnebagoes. 1. Of the 3d June, 1816; negotiated at St. Louis, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 30th December, 1816,

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CHAPTER 23.-Treaty with the Menomeenees.
1. Of the 30th March, 1817; negotiated at St. Louis, by
William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau.
Ratified 26th December, 1817,

CHAPTER 24.-Treaties with the Ottoes.

1. Of the 24th June, 1817; negotiated by William Clark
and Auguste Chouteau. Ratified 26th December, 1817,
2. Of the 26th September, 1825; negotiated at fort Atkinson,
Council Bluffs, by Henry Atkinson and Benjamin O'Fal-
lon. Ratified 6th February, 1826,







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