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We flood ftill at the corner of the Rue de Nevers whilft this pafs'd-We then stopp'd a moment whilft fhe difpofed of her Egarements du Coeur &c. more commodiously than carrying them in her hand-they were two volumes; fo I held the fecond for her whilft fhe put the first into her pocket; and then the held her pocket, and I put in the other after it.

'Tis fweet to feel by what fine-fpun threads our affections are drawn together.

We set off a-fresh, and as fhe took her third step, the girl put her hand within my arm-I was juft bidding her -but fhe did it of herself with that unde liberating fimplicity, which fhew'd it was out of her head that the had never feen me before. For my own part, I felt the conviction of confanguinity fo ftrongly,

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frongly, that I could not help turning half round to look in her face, and fee if I could trace out any thing in it of a family likenefs-Tut! faid I, are we not all relations?

When we arrived at the turning up of the Rue de Guineygaude, I ftopp'd to bid her adieu for good and all: the girl would thank me again for my company and kindness-She bid me adieu twice I repeated it as often; and fo cordial was the parting between us, that had it happen'd any where elfe, I'm not fure but I fhould have figned it with a kiss of charity, as warm and holy as an apostle,

But in Paris, as none kiss each other but the men-I did, what amounted to the fame thing.

I bid God blefs her.



WHEN I got home to my hôtel,

La Fleur told me I had been enquired after by the Lieutenant de Police-The duce take it! faid I-I know the reafon. It is time the reader fhould know it, for in the order of things in which it happened, it was omitted; not that it was out of my head; but that had I told it then, it might have been forgot now and now is the time I want it,

I had left London with fo much precipitation, that it never enter'd my mind that we were at war with France; and had reach'd Dover, and look'd through


my glass at the hills beyond Boulogne, before the idea prefented itself; and with this in its train, that there was no getting there without a paffport. Go but to the end of a street, I have a mortal averfion for returning back no wiser than I fat out; and as this was one of the greateft efforts I had ever made for knowledge, I could lefs bear the thoughts of it: fo hearing the Count de *** had hired the packet, I begg'd he would take me in his fuite. The Count had fome little knowledge of me, fo made little or no difficulty-only faid, his inclination to ferve me could reach no further than Calais, as he was to return by way of Bruffels to Paris: however, when I had once pafs'd there, I might get to Paris without interruption; but that in Paris I muft make friends and fhift for myself.-Let me get to Paris, Monfieur le Count, faid I, and I shall



very well. So I embark'd, and never thought more of the matter.

When La Fleur told me the Lieute nant. de Police had been enquiring after me-the thing inftantly recurred and by the time La Fleur had. well told me, the master of the hôtel came into my room to tell me the fame thing, with this addition to it, that my paffport had been particularly afk'd after: the mafter of the hôtel concluded with faying, He hoped I had one. Not I, faith! faid I.

The mafter of the hôtel retired three

fteps from me, as from an infected perfon, as I declared this and poor La Fleur advanced three fteps towards me and with that fort of movement which a good foul makes to fuccour à diftrefs'd one-the fellow won my heart by it and from that fingle trait,


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