knew his character as perfectly, and could rely upon it as firmly, as if he had ferved me with fidelity for seven years. Mon Seigneur! cried the master of the hôtel-but recollecting himself as lie made the exclamation, he inftantly changed the tone of it-If, Monfieur, faid he, has not a paffport (apparemment) in all likelihood he has friends in Paris who can procure him one.-Not that I know of, quoth I, with an air of indifference. Then certes, replied he, you'll be fent to the Baftile or the Chatelet, au moins. Poo! faid I, the king of France is a good natured foulhe'll hurt no body.-Cela n'empêche pas, faid he-you will certainly be fent to the Bastille to morrow-morning. But I've taken your lodgings for a month, anfwer'd I, and I'll not quit them a day before the time for all the kings of France A France in the world. La Fleur whisper'd in my car, That no body could oppofe the king of France. Pardi! faid my hoft, ces Meffieurs Anglois font des gens très extraordi naires-and having both faid and fworn it-he went out. THE PASSPORT. THE HOTEL AT PARIS. I COULD not find in my heart to tor ture La Fleur's with a ferious look upon the fubject of my embarraffment, which was the reafon I had treated it so cavalierly and to fhew him how light it lay upon my mind, I dropt the fubject entirely ; and whilft he waited upon me at fupper, talk'd to him with more than ufual gaiety about Paris, and of the opera comique.-La Fleur had been there himself, and had followed me through the freets as far as the bookfeller's fhop; but feeing me come out with the young fille de chambre, that we walk'd down the Quai de Conti together, La Fleur deem'd it unneceffary and to to follow me a step further-so making his own reflections upon it, he took a fhorter cut-and got to the hôtel in time to be inform'd of the affair of the Police against my arrival. As foon as the honeft creature had taken away, and gone down to fup himself, I then began to think a little feriously about my fituation. I know, Eugenius, -And here, I know, thou wilt fmile at the remembrance of a fhort dialogue which pass'd betwixt us the moment I was going to fet outI must tell it here. Eugenius, knowing that I was as little fubject to be overburthen'd with money as thought, had drawn me afide to interrogate me how much I had taken care for; upon telling him the exact fum, Eugenius fhook his head, and faid it would not do; fo pull'd out his purfe in order to empty it into mine. -I've enough in confcience, Eugenius, faid I.-Indeed, Yorick, you have not, replied Eugenius-I know France and Italy better than you. But you' don't confider, Eugenius, faid I, refufing his offer, that before I have been three days in Paris, I fhall take care to fay or do fomething or other for which I fhall get clapp'd up into the Baftile, and that I fhall live there a couple of months entirely at the king of France's expence. -I beg pardon, faid Eugenius, drily: really, I had forgot that refource. Now the event I treated gaily came feriously to my door. Is it folly, or nonchalance, or philofophy, or pertinacity-or what is it in Vol. II. B me |