NAMPONT. THE POSTILLION. THE concern which the poor fellow's flory threw me into, required fome attention: the poftillion paid not the leaft to it, but fet off upon the pavé in a full gallop. The thirftieft foul in the most fandy defart of Arabia could not have wifhed more for a cup of cold water, than mine did for grave and quiet move.. ments; and I fhould have had an high opinion of the poftillion had he but ftolen off with me in fomething like a penfive pace. On the contrary, as the mourner finished his lamentations, the fellow gave an unfeeling lafh to each of his beafts, and fet off clattering like a thoufand devils. 1 I called to him as loud as I could, for heaven's fake to go flower-and the louder I called the more unmercifully he galloped. The deuce take him and his galloping too-faid I-he'll go on tearing my nerves to pieces till he has worked me into a foolish paffion, and then he'll go flow, that I may enjoy the fweets of it. The poftillion managed the point to a miracle by the time he had got to the foot of a fleep hill about half a league from Nampont, he had put me out of temper with him-and then with myfelf, for being fo. My cafe then required a different treatment; and a good rattling gallop would have been of real fervice to me. -Then, prithee get, on-get on, my good lad, faid I The The poftillion pointed to the hill-I then tried to return back to the ftory of the poor German and his afs-but I had broke the clue and could no more get get into it again, than the poftillion could intoba trot. The deuce go, o, faid I, with it all! Here am I fitting as candidly difpofed to make the best of the worst, as ever wight was, and all runs counter. There is one fweet lenitive at least for evils, which nature holds out to us; 3 fo I took it kindly at her hands, and fell afleep; and the firft word which roused me was Amiens, mort Blefs me! faid I, rubbing my eyes this is the very town where my poor lady is to come. A MIEN S. THE words were fearce out of my mouth, when the Count de L's postchaife, with his filter in it, drove haftily by: fhe had just time to make nie a bow of recognition-and of that particular kind of it, which told me fhe had not yet done with me. She was as good as her look; for, before I had quite finished my fupper, her brother's fervant came into the room with a billet, in which fhe faid fhe had taken th liberty to charge me with a letter, which I was to prefent myself to Madame R the firft morning I had nothing to do at Paris. There was only added, fhe was forry, but from what penchant fhe had not confidered, that fhe fhe had been prevented telling Then I will meet thee, faid I, fair fpirit! at Bruffels- 'tis only returning from Italy through Germany to Holland, by the rout of Flanders, home- 'twill fcarce be ten pofts out of my way; but were it ten thoufand! with what a moral delight will it crown my journey, ifharing in the fickening incidents of a tale of mifery told to me by fuch a fufferer? to fee her weep! and though I cannot dry up the fountain of her tears, what an exquifite fenfation is there fill left, in wiping them away from off the cheeks of the firft and fairest of women, |