Abbildungen der Seite

r is indistinctly sounded, but has a tendency to become


In Avesta words th has the same lisping sound as in English and Greek, ? and ǹ have the sound of ng, q ought to be sounded like khw, zh bears the same relation to sh as z to s (that is, it has the sound of s in pleasure), and shk is pronounced sh by the Parsis. They also pronounce the other sibilants s and sh as written in this work, and there seems no sufficient reason for departing from their traditional pronunciation, which is corroborated, to a great extent, by Pahlavi and Persian words derived from the Avesta, such as Zaratusht, âtash, &c.

The author's principal object in publishing these Essays originally was to present, in a readable form, all the materials for judging impartially of the scriptures and religion of the Parsis. The same object has been kept in view while preparing this second edition, giving a larger quantity of such materials collected from a variety of sources, which I may now leave to the reader's impartial judgment.

MÜNCHEN, February 1878.


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