NEW YORK FARMS RAISE THE BEST APPLES, PEACHES, GRAPES, &c. HARRISON REAL ESTATE CORPORATION Send for Our List. World Bldg., 15 West Eagle St., Buffalo, N. Y. ALL THESE FREE Secret Locket and Neck Chain, Pendant and Neck 10000 DALE MFG. CO., 88 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. Handsome Gold Filled Signet FREE Ring, Guaranteed for 3 Years To introduce our bargain sheet of THE AUCTION CO., Dept. 996, Pink Cameo Ring 12 Cts. Cameos are set in fine rings. guaranteed 10 kt. 1-20th gold filled. It will wear 3 years. To get acquainted with you will send your correct size, postpaid, upon receipt of 12 cents. AUCTION DEPT. CO., Dept. 995, Attleboro, Mass. We pay CASH premiums on hundreds of U. S. and Foreign Coins. Al C. F. CLARKE & CO., Coin Dealers, Box 148, Le Roy, N. Y. New York Camera Exchange J. H. ANDREWS, Proprietor Our Business is buying, selling and exchanging Cameras and Lenses. Your Business need in the Photographic Supply line at LOWEST prices. We save you from 10 to 50 per cent. on prices of other dealers on NEW GOODS. Send 2-cent stamp for Bargain List, and mention "World Almanac." Telephone 2387 Beekman, Dept. A. 111 FULTON STREET to know where you can SAVE MONEY, get what you No. 381 PATRIOTIC No. 3$3 By the Oldest and Most Reliable School of For schools, colleges, fraternities, &c., Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolia, Guitar, Banjo, Etc in two colors, hard enamel, 20 cents each, $2 dozen; sterling, 40 cents each, $4 dozen. Send now for our catalog of 300 designs. It's FREE. Write to-day. Metal Arts Co. Earned $6.500 BLC21 No. 384 You can read Music like this quickly Beginners or advanced players. One lesson weekly. Illustrations make everything plain. Only expense about 20 per day to cover cost of postage and music used. Write for Free booklet which explains everything in full. American School of Music, 81 Lakeside Bidg., Chicago. WANTED-More Salesmen-Salesman Earns $6500 This Year Last year I EARNED $800. C. W. BIRMINGHAM, Dayton, Ohio. ----only an ordinary record. Thousands of successful members. Even greater oppormities are yours AS A CITY OR TRAVELLING SALESMAN. Increased prosperity, enlistments and the "Draft" have created THOUSANDS OF GOOD FOSITIONS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. Write for large list of lines in which Good Positions Are Open and how to obtain them. Address Dept. 30. NATIONAL SALESMEN'S TR. ASSN. Chicago. Illinois. U. S. A. BE A TRAVELLING SALESMAN Do Your Own Printing Cards, circulars, labels, price cards, menus, programs, book, newspaper &c. PRESS $6.00. Larger size $20. Also foot and power presses. Great money savers. You can cut your printing bills in half. Big profit printing for others during spare time. Everyone needs printing. Typesetting easy. Complete instructions with every press, Write to factory for catalog of presses, TYPE, cards, EXCELSIOR paper, samples &c. THE PRESS CO. D-10, Meriden, Conn. |