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Wonderful Phonograph Offer

Here is our New Style E. D. L. Phonograph-the latest improve| ment-without the horn. The lightest, most durable and compact practical phonograph ever produced. It is beautifully finished, tone arm black japanned, nickel winding crank, accurately constructed, smooth running spring motor, which plays 2 to 3 records at one winding, speed regulator, stop lever and feltcovered turn table. New improved sound box with mica diaphragm, which makes perfect reproductions of all kinds of music -band pieces, talking pieces, instrumental, orchestra, vocal, etc.

Plays Any Disc Record

Up to 7 inches, and plays them properly. This
machine is simply wonderful-not to be com-
pared with any other of this kind. Will give
you more entertainment than anything you ever
owned. Strong and durable. Small and com-
pact with no parts to get out of order.


and guaranteed in every way. A real phono-
graph, not. a toy, yet small and light enough
to be carried to camps, excursions, etc. Gives
a clearness and volume of tone not surpassed by
most high-priced instruments.

Free to You-Send No Money

Just your name and we will send you 24 of our Art Pictures to dispose of on special offer at 25c each. Send us the $6 you collect and for your trouble we will send this new improved E. D. L. Phonograph and a selection of 6 records, free for your trouble. You can dispose of pictures and earn this great machine and the records in a few hours' time.


E. D. LIFE, 337 W. Madison St., T-86, Chicago

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