health. Costs 1 Cent a Week to Operate per Person Place in any room, hall or closet. No trouble to install, Guaranteed sanitary and odorless, Endorsed by thousands of users, doctors, sanitary experts, health boards. etc. Send to-day for free trial offer and literature. KAWNEAR CABINET CO. 802 Kawnear Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. TRADE MARK NEW RUPTURE CURE DON'T WEAR A TRUSS RUPTURE Brooks' Appliance. New discovery. Wonderful. No obnoxious springs or Dads. Automatic Air Oushions. Binds and draws the broken parts together as you would a broken limb. No salves. No plasters. No lies. Durcheap. Sent on trial to prove it. information and booklet FREE. C. E. BROOKS, 1611-B State St., Marshall, Mich. able, Full For sale by all the leading stationers. AARON'S CHILLED PENS Positively the smoothest points and most durable. Made in twenty styles, suited to all penmen, and are indorsed by 59,000 bankers, court officials, railroads, colleges, bookkeepers, etc. Manufactured Expressly for the Trade by THE D. C. AARON PEN CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. Pen Building, Freckles There is just one way to remove freckles and make the skin clear and beautiful. It is in this way that Kintho Cream gets rid of the old, freckled skin, gradually and harmlessly, and gives a soft, clear, white, youthful and beautiful skin, which, of course, should have no freckles. Just get a box of Kintho Beauty Cream at any drug store and apply it night and morning as directed, and your freckles should begin to disappear in a day or two. It is well to get a cake of Kintho Soap also, as this helps to keep the freckles away, once Kintho has removed them. No craving for tobacco in any form when you begin taking Tobacco Redeemer. Don't try to quit the tobacco habit unaided. It's a losing fight against heavy odds and means a serious shock to the nervous system. Let the tobacco habit quit It will quit you. if you will YOU. just take Tobacco Redeemer. according to directions for two or three days. It is a most marvelously quick and thoroughly reliable remedy for the tobacco habit. NOT A SUBSTITUTE. Tobacco Redeemer contains 110 habit forming drugs of any kind. It is in no sense a substitute for tobacco. After finishing the treatment you have absolutely no desire to use tobacco again or to continue the use of the remedy. It makes not particle a of difference how long you have been using tobacco. how much you use or in what form you use it-whether you smoke cigars. cigarettes. pipe. chew plug or fine fine cut or use snuff. Tobacco Redeemer will Dositively banish every trace of desire in from 18 to 72 hours. This we absolutely guarantee in every case or money refunded. Read What These Men Say About Tobacco Redeemer: "IT SURE DOES THE WORK." "Have completed the course of Tobacco Redeemer and it sure does the work. Have been a constant user of tobacco for 52 years. "J. H. Castholt. Missouri." USED TOBACCO FOR 32 YEARS. "Am perfectly satisfied with the zure. Desire for tobacco has left me entirely. Being a tobacco user for 32 years. I know what I am talking about. A. Eble. Wis." "AS GREAT AS ADVERTISED." "Tobacco Redeemer is sure a* wonderful remedy. Didn't think it would cure me. but tried it and must say that I found it as advertised. Paul Lauretz. Oregon." SMOKED FOR 25 YEARS. Am 37 years old. Smoked cigarettes and pipe since I was 12 or 14. Did not think I could auit. Now have no desire for tobacco. even hate to see or smell smoke. gained 15 pounds. Am unable to explain fuld benefit Tobacco Redeemer has done for me. but in my opinion it it is worth thousands of dollars. T. J. Lauthner. Tenn." Have WRITE for free booklet show ing the deadly effect of tobacco upon the system and positive proof that Tobacco Redeemer will quickly free you of the habit. NEWELL PHARMACAL CO.. Dept. 599. St. Louis, Mo. |