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Mr. Swem Reporting One of the
President's Addresses.

Hundreds of men are rendering war-winning service at home or at the front with Gregg Shorthand. Charles L. Swem, Official Reporter and Assistant Secretary to President Wilson, has just entered the aviation service. For six years the President's messages, state papers and addresses came to us through the medium of Gregg Shorthand. Warren Johnson, Secretary to Secretary Tumulty, another Gregg Stenographer, has also joined the band of

fliers. Roscoe Kincaid is private secretary to General Pershing, Joseph Shaffer is assistant secretary to Director General of Railroads McAdoo-and the list could be extended indefinitely. All these men have found opportunity with Gregg Shorthand. You can study Gregg Shorthand in your leisure time, at the camps, at the fighting front, at home, anywhere-thousands are doing it-and prepare for bigger opportunities.

Send for a Sample Lesson No. WA-1, and the address of your nearest school-free.

75% of the Boards of Education Indorse Gregg Shorthand

Seventy-five per cent of the Board of Education whose high schools teach shorthand have adopted Gregg Shorthand exclusively. It is taught in 85 per cent of the private commercial schools, and in 80 per cent of the Y M. C. A. schools. These adoptions constitute the highest endorsement a shorthand system has ever received. Gregg Shorthand has secured its overwhelming leadership because it is the best system for all purposes from office to high-speed reporting. It is easy to learn, easy to write, easy to read, and possesses speed equal to all demands. Gregg writers hold speed certificates from the National Shorthand Reporters' Association for speed up to 268 words a minute. Not more than half a dozen writers of any other system have ever equalled this speed in the contests and these had from two to seven times the experience of the Gregg writers.

The opportunities for efficient shorthand writers were never greater than to-day. Get ready for a vocation that possesses unlimited opportunities for advancement. Send for list No. WA-2 of the official court reporters using Gregg Shorthand--free.


New York

San Francisco


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