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MARBLE'S Sixty Specialties

For Sportsmen

Standard equipment for men who KNOW, Ueed and indorsed by world-famed hunters. Known for their QUALITY and dependability. Sold by sporting goods dealers everywhere. Orders filled direct where we have no dealer,

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"I hear you.
I can hear now as well as anybody.
'How? With THE MORLEY PHONE. I've a pair in
my ears now, but they are invisible. I would not know
I had them in, myself, only that I hear all right.
"The Morley Phone for the


is to the ears what glasses are to the eyes. Invisible,
comfortable, weightless and
weightless and harmless. Anyone
can adjust it." Over one hundred thousand sold.
Write for booklet and testimonials.

THE MORLEY CO., Dept. 762. Perry Bldg., Philadelphia.

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