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Costume Design and Illustration

Are you interested in a well-paying profession? Our unique method of instruction has developed some of the leading fashion illustrators and creators in New York; not an art course requiring years of study; our lessons are practical, interesting and prepare you in short time; only school recommended by the trade; under direction of Emil Alvin Hartman, Master of costume design; morning, afternoon, evening classes. Visit our permanent exhibition of students' work or write for Portfolio W. A. of sketches. Special Home Study Course for Non-Residents

New Studios Occupy
Entire Building

THE FASHION ACADEMY, Inc., 608 Park Ave., at 65th St., N. Y.



How to Grow Fruit FREE

Write to-day for our book-more than a catalogue. Tells what
to plant in your locality. How to plant, how to trim, spraying.
as well as giving you the choicest varieties of apples, peaches,
cherries and other fruit-all "Wood Quality" stock. Cost you
about half agents' prices. We sell direct only. We will send
this book absolutely free. Not the biggest book, but one you can
depend on.
Return mail brings it.-

Don't fail to write for a copy.

1022 Culver Road, Rochester, N. Y.

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