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Late News Events.




COL. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, twenty-sixth President of the United States, died early in the morning of Monday, January 6, at his home, Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N. Y. Inflammatory rheuma tism was given as the cause. He had been only a few days out of the hospital, where he suffered from sciatica and a return of his ear trouble. He was the son of Theodore Roosevelt and Martha (Bulloch) Roosevelt, and he was born October 27, 1858, at No. 28 East 20th Street, New York City, and graduated at Harvard University in 1880. He was a member of the New York Legislature, 1882-4: Delegate Republican National Convention, 1884; ranched in North Dakota, 1884-6; defeated for Mayor, New York City, 1886; United States Civil Service Se Commissioner 1889-1895: President New York City Folice Board, 1895

1897; Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1897-1898; organized and served in Cuba with First United States Cavalry (Roosevelt's Rough Riders); made Colonel for military services in war with Spain; Governor, New York, 1899-1900; Vice-President, United States, March 4, 1901; became President on the assassination of William McKinley, September 14, 1901; elected President, November 8, 1904, by largest popular majority on record; defeated for re-election by Wilson, in November, 1912; awarded Nobel Peacel rize in 1906; Special United States Ambassador to Great Britain at funeral of King Edward VII., in 1910; contributing editor of the Outlook, 1909-1914; made hunting trip in Africa, 1909-1910; made exploring visit to Brazil, 1914; wrote books and magazine articles for many years. One of his sons, Quentin Roosevelt, an aviator, was killed in Europe in the war with Germany. Col. Roosevelt's first wife, whom he married October 27, 1880, was Alice Hathaway Lee, daughter of George Cabot Lee. She died February 14, 1884, at London, leaving one child by the union, Alice, who, in 1906, became the wife of Nicholas Longworth of Cincinnati, a Republican Representative in Congress. The Colonel's second wife was Edith Kermit Carow. He married her in 1886. She survives her husband, as do their children, Theodore Jr., Kermit, Ethel and Archie.

President and Mrs. Wilson and party arrived at London on Dec. 26 and were welcomed by the King and Queen_and cheering populace. On Dec. 27 the American Executive and party were the guests at a State banquet at Buckingham Palace, where Mг. Wilson spoke on his plan for a League of Nations. On Dec. 28 he spoke at the Guildhall, on receiving the freedom of London. On Dec. 30 the President and wife visited Manchester and other points; on Dec. 31 they returned to France, and on Jan. 1. 1919, they set out for Italy, where they were the guests, at Rome, of the King and Queen. A visit was pald to the Pope; and on Jan. 4 the President left Rome for Genoa, Milan, and Turin.

On Jan. 1, 1919, the transport Northern Pacific, bound for New York with 2,925 returning troops, many of them wounded and invalided, went ashore in a fog on Fire Island, L. I. The work of taking off the soldiers was begun on Jan. 2.

American losses in the war were estimated on Dec. 16, 1918, at 302,693, including 40,440 unreported casualties in process of verification. See page 722 for earlier data.

Canada's war casualties were reported, Jan. 3, 1919, as totalling 220,182, with 60,383 dead, of whom 1,842 were officers killed in action. See page 710 for British casualties.

American troops in Russia defeated (Dec. 30, 1918-Jan. 4, 1919), Bolshevik forces near Kadish, on the Petrograd road.

Anarchists blew up the homes of three Philadelphia officials, Dec. 30.

French war dead are estimated at 1,400,000, with 800,000 recovered from wounds, it is stated in the Chamber of Deputies.

German war dead are estimated by the Cologne Gazette at 2,000,000. Up to Oct. 25 the total casualties reported were 6,066,769, of whom more than 4,750,000 were Prussians. The total includes the naval casualties, which were about 70,000, comprising more than 25,000 dead, more than 15,000 missing, and nearly 29,000 wounded.

Prussia-1,262,060 dead, 2,882,671 wounded, 616,139 missing: total, 4,760,870.

Bavaria-150,658 dead, 363,823 wounded, 72,115 missing; total, 586,596.

Saxony-108,017 dead, 252,027 wounded, 51,787 missing; total, 411,831.

Wurttemberg-64,507 dead, 155,654 wounded, 16,802 missing; total, 236,963.

Navy-25,862 dead, 28,968 wounded, 15,579 missing; total, 70,509.

The Democratic National Committee reports expending $450,459 and receiving $498,519. The Republican National Committee received $678,815, and distributed $675,605. The Sufiragists spent $7,693. The New York County Democratic and Republican County Committees spent, respectively, $140,978 and $50,089.

On Dec. 13 the American Army of Occupation crossed the Rhine. Just before crossing three French divisions were put in to take over the southern part of our sector across the river, and one American division, the Third, composed of Regulars, was sent south to take over part of the French bridgehead at Mainz. The 1st, 2d, and 32d American Divisions comprised the force which went over the river. The First crossed over the old pontoon bridge, the Thirty-second and the French using the big Coblenz bridge. It was raining and just getting light when the troops started over, but the American flag was waving and bands were playing.

On Dec. 13 two robbers killed the Paying Teller and also the Assistant Treasurer at the East Brooklyn Savings Bank, Brooklyn, and escaped with $13,000.

On Dec. 14 general elections for a new Parliament were held throughout Great Britain. About twenty million persons cast their ballots. The women getting their first country- wide opportunity. Lloyd George and his Coalition candidates won the day.

Dr. Sidonio Paes, President of Portugal, was shot and killed by an assassin at about 12 P. M. Dec. 14.



Ellsler. Mrs. Euphemia Emma - "Effie Ellsler" (1823) Nutley, N. J., actress, supported Charlotte Cushman, Edwin Forrest, Clara Morris, Dec. 12.

Count George von Hertling, seventy-five years old, former German Chancellor, died Jan. 3, at Ruhpolding, Bavaria.


The vast extent of Red Cross operations in France is to some degree indicated by the fact that up to July 1, 1918, the sum of $36,613,682.73 had been expended, of which more than fifteen millions had been used for relief work among soldiers, while the balance went for various forms of civilian relief. For the six months ending Dec. 31, 1918, an appropriation has been made of $25.752.126.

The Red Cross furnished 3.800 hospitals with medical and surgical supplies. It has equipped eight American Red Cross military hospitals of the highest grade. which serve American troops alone; it has equipped similar hospitals for French soldiers and in addition operates hospitals for French civilians, and for children.


When the United States troops were being assembled along the Mexican border in 1916 the Knights of Columbus, answering-a number of appeals, ventured into a new field of work, namely, the establishment and conduct of buildings as recreation centres for the men in the service. This work received the commendation of the War Department, of officers, privates and the public generally.

Upon the declaration of war on April 6, 1917, by President Wilson, the appeals again commenced for similar work at the camps, cantonments, encampments, naval bases and allied centres, with the result that the Knights tendered their services, which were accepted by the United States Government.


United States Army Pay.

(By the Department of War.)

Pay of Enlisted Men.

THE pay of enlisted men depends on their grades, ratings, and length of service. From June 1, 1917 and continuing during the term of the war, the pay of enlisted men is as follows: Men receiving $30: All privates, the army entering grade. Men receiving $33: First class privates, men promoted to act in minor non-commissioned officer capacity. Men receiving $36: Corporals, saddlers, mechanics, farriers and wagoners, and musicians of the third class. Men receiving $38: All sergeant grades in the line, which include infantry, field artillery, coast artillery, and cavalry; cooks, horseshoers, band corporals, and musicians of the second class. Men receiving $44: 'Sergeants of the various corps of the engineers, ordnance, signal corps, quartermaster corps, and medical department; band sergeants and musicians of the first class.

Men receiving $48: Battalion sergeant majors, squadron sergeant majors, sergeant majors (junior grade), sergeant buglers, master gunners, and assistant band leaders of the line. Men receiving $51: Regimental sergeant majors, regimental supply sergeants, sergeant majors (senior grade), quartermaster sergeants of the quartermaster corps, ordnance sergeants, first sergeants, electrician sergeants of the first class, assistant engineers and battalion sergeant majors and battalion supply sergeants of the engineers. Men receiving $56: Sergeants, first class, of the medical department. Men receiving $71: Hospital sergeants, master engineers of the junior grade, and engineers. Men receiving $81: Quartermaster sergeants of the sentor grade of the quartermaster corps, band leaders, master signal electricians, master electricians, master engineers of the senior grade, and master hospital sergeants.

Assignment to Special Duties.

(1) Increased pay is allowed for continuous service, computed under what is known as "enlistment period." An enlistment period ordinarily represents a period of three or four years, dependent upon the law in effect at date of enlistment. There are seven such periods, covering a period of service of from one year to more than eighteen years, provided for, and the increases range from $3 to $24 per month, according to the grade and length of service. Men in the grade of private calling for $30 per month are increased $3 per month during the second enlistment period, an additional $3 during the third enlistment period, and $1 per month for each additional enlistment period to include the seventh enlistment period. Men above the $30 grade and up to and including the $38 grade are entitled to $3 per month additional pay for each enlistment period from the second to the seventh for each successive enlistment period. Men above the $38 grade are entitled to $4 per month additional pay for each enlistment period from the second to the seventh.

Some Additional Ratings.

(2) Enlisted men of the coast artillery, below the grade of mess sergeant, are entitled to the following additional ratings, according to established individual qualifications: Casement clectricians, observers of the first class, plotters, and coxswains, $9 per month; chief planters, observers of second class, chief loaders, gun commanders, and gun pointers, $7 per month; enlisted men of the field artillery-expert first class gunners, $5 per month; first class gunners, $3 per month; and second class gunners, $2 per month; enlisted men of the cavalry, engineers and infantry-expert riflemen, $5 per month; sharpshooters, $3 per month: and marksmen, $2 per month; enlisted men of the medical department-surgical assistants, $5 per month; nurse (enlisted man), $3 per month; and dispensary assistant, $2 per month.

(3) Enlisted men of the signal corps, while on duties which require them to participate regularly in aero flights, assuming that they have rating of aviation mechanician, receive 50 per cent. increase in their monthly pay.

Housing and Subsistence.

(4) All enlisted men, while on detached duty not in the field where there are no army quarters, receive in addition to their pay $15 per month for housing and an allowance for subsistence, heat and light. (5) Enlisted men, if serving in a foreign country or beyond the continental limits of the United States (Porto Rico, Hawail and Panama Canal Zone excepted) receive 20 per cent. increase in pay computed on the base pay and service pay prevailing prior to June 1, 1917.

(6) Enlisted men attached to the United States Military Academy are entitled to the same pay and allowances as other enlisted men of the regular army of the same grade and additional compensation provided for performing certain duties upon detall therefor in orders.

The Pay of Officers.

Officers of the army are paid according to rank held by them. A second Heutenant receives $141.67 initial pay per month; first lieutenants, $166.67; captain, $200; major, $250; lleutenant colonel, $291.67, and a colonel, $333.33, with an increase of 10 per cent. known as longevity pay for each period of five years of service, provided that such increase shall not exceed 40 per cent. The pay of a brigadier general is $6,000 per year, major general, $8,000; Heutenant general, $9,000, and a general, $10,000. These officers receive no increase for continuous service. All officers are entitled to be furnished public quarters, with fuel and light, but if these cannot be provided the officers receive a commuted money value of the same. The alowance for quarters for a second lieutenant is 2 rooms, or $24 per month. All get an allowance for heat and light, dependent upon the locality of their stations and the season. While on foreign service officers receive an increase of 10 per cent. of their base pay and longevity pay.

Aerial "Flight" Increases.

Aviation officers of the signal corps, or officers attached to the signal corps, while on duty which requires them to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights, are entitled to an increase in the pay of their grade, under their commissions, as follows: Aviation officers, 25 per cent.; junior military aviators, 50 per cent.; military aviators, 75 per cent. Each junior military aviator and each military aviator duly qualified and serving has the rank, pay, and allowances of one grade higher than that held by them under their commissions, provided that the ranks under their commissions are not higher than that of captain. For deeds of valor, recognized by acts of Congress, officers and enlisted men receive certificates of merit which entitle them to an additional compensation of $2 per month.

Allowances at Retirement.

Enlisted men can apply for retirement after 30 years of service. They are retired on 75 per cent. of the monthly pay drawn at the time of retirement, and $15.75 a month additional in lieu of allowances. Officers are retired for disability or after 64 years of age, and receive 75 per cent. of the pay of the grade held at date of retirement. An onlisted man in active service has no necessary personal expenses, except for barber and laundry. Uniforms, underclothing, shoes, hats, quarters, medical attendance, and subsistence are supplied them at Government expense. Such materials as tobacco, postage, confectionery, and incidentals of individual taste may be purchased at the post exchange at cost. Officers, while in hospital, are charged S1 per day for subsistence. They are not entitled to clothing or equipment and are required to subsist themselves, purchasing their supplies either from the quartermaster or through the ordinary channels of trade. The officers and enlisted men of the army are paid at the end of each month, or as soon thereafter as possible, by the disbursing officers of the quartermaster corps, in cash or by check, at their stations or in the Geld. It on duty in France they are paid in French currency or by United States checks, as officers and men may elect.

United States Navy Pay.

(By the Navy Department.)

Annual Base Pay of Officers.

Admiral (in command of fleet), $10,000; vice admiral (second in command of fleet), $9,000; rear admiral, upper half, $8,000; real admiral, lower half, $6,000; commodore, $6,000; captain, $4,000; commander, $3,500; lieutenant commander, $3,000; lleutenant, $2,400; lieutenant (junior grade), $2,000: ensign, $1,700.

To each commissioned officer below the rank of rear admiral is allowed 10 per cent. of his yearly pay for each five years of service in the army, navy, and marine corps, but not exceeding in all 40 per cent. Additional provision is made by law that the pay of a captain shall not exceed $5,000, a commander $4,500, and a lieutenant commander $4,000 per


Sea and Foreign Shore Duty.

An officer on sea or on shore duty beyond the continental limits of the United States receives while so serving 10 per cent. additional of his pay. An officer on shore duty where no Government quarters are furnished is paid $12 per month for each of the number of rooms to which his rank entitles him, that is: Rear admiral, upper half, 9 rooms; rear admiral, lower half, 8; captain, 7; commander, 6; lieutenant commander, 5; lieutenant, 4; lieutenant (junior grade), 3; ensign, warrant officer and nurse, 2.

Varying allowances for heat and light, depending upon the month and place of duty, are allowed for the number of rooms actually occupied, but not exceeding the number to which an officer's rank entitles him. Aids to rear admirals of the upper half are each paid $200 per annum and aids to rear admirals of the lower half, $150 each per annum.

Student Naval Aviators.


Petty Officers, First. Class-Master at arms, ûrst class, $52.00; boatswains' mates, fast class, $52.00; gunners' mates, first class, $52.00; turret captains, first class, $61.00; quartermasters, first class, $52.00; boilermakers, $77.50; machinists' mates, frst class, $66.50; coppersmiths, $66.50; shipfitters, first class, $66.50; electricians, first class, $61.00, blacksmiths, $61.00; plumbers and fitters, $55.50; sailmakers' mates, $52.00; carpenters' mates, first class, $52.00; water tenders, $52.00; painters, first class, $52.00: storekeepers, first class, $25.00; pharmacists' mates, first class, $52.00: yeomen, first class. $52.00; first musicians, $47.60; commissary stewards, $72.00; ships' cooks, fürst class, $66.50: bakers, first class, $55.50; printers, Orst class, $52.00.

Petty Officers, Second Class-Master at arms, second class, $46.50; boatswains' mates, second class. $46.50; gunners' mates, second class, $46.50; quartermasters, second class, $46.50; machinists' mates, second class, $52.00: clectricians, second class, $52.00; shipfitters, second class, $52.00; oilers, $48.70; carpenters' mates, second class, $16.50: printers, second class, $46.50; painters, second class, $46.50: storekeepers, second class, $46.50: yeomen second class, $46.50: ships' cooks, second class, $52.00; pharmacists' mates, second class, $46.50.

Petty Officers, Third Class-Masters at arms, third class, $41.00; coxswains, $41.00: gunners' mates, third class, $41.00; quartermasters, third class, $41.00; electricians, third class, $41.00; carpenters, mates, third class. $41.00; painters, third class, $41.00; storekeepers, third class. $41.00; yeomen. third class, $41.00; pharmacists' mates, third class,


Seamen, First Class-Seamen gunners, 836.60; seamen, $38.40; firemen, first class, $46.50;

wrights, $35.50; musicians, first class, $43.20; ships' cooks, third class, $41.00; bakers, second class, $46.50; hospital apprentice, first class, $38.40.

Officers of the navy appointed student naval aviators and while detailed for duty involving actual flying in aircraft receive the pay and allowances of the rank plus 35 per cent. increase thereof, and those officers who have qualified as naval aviators shall while so detailed receive the pay and allowances of their rank plus 50 per cent. thereof. Boatswains, gunners, pay clerks, machinists, carpenters, sall-class, $35.90. makers, and pharmacists are known as warrant officers and are paid as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Warrant officers on shore duty receive ensign's allowances for quarters and heat and light.

After six years from date of warrant these officers are, if duly qualified, commissioned chief warrant officers and receive the pay and allowances of ensign. After six years from date of commission each commissioned warrant officer with a creditable record receives the pay and allowances of a lieutenant (junior grade), and after 12 years from date of commission the pay and allowances of a lieutenant. Warrant officers while attached to a seagoing ship are paid a ration allowance of 40 cents per day. All officers in the regular navy are required to provide their own uniforms and to pay for subsistence both ashore and afloat.

The Enlisted Personnel.

The following show classifications and base monthly pay during the war as provided by the act of May 22, 1917:

Chief Petty Officers-Chief master at arms, $77.50; chief boatswains' mates, $61.00; chief gunners' mates, $61.00; chief turret captains, $72.00; chief quartermasters, $61.00; chief machinists' mates, $83.00; chief electricians, $72.00: chief carpenters' mates, $61.00; chief water tenders, $61.00: chief yeomen, $72.00; chief storekeepers, $61.00: chief pharmacists mates, $72.00; band masters, $63.20: chief commissary stewards, $83.00; chief printers, $72.00.

Any of the above named chief petty officers who has served as such for one year with credit is given what is known as a "permanent appointment which ncreases his base pay to $83 per month.

Seamen, Second Class-Seamen, second class, $35.90; firemen, second class. $41.00; musicians, second class, $41.00: buglers. $41.00; ships' cooks, fourth class, $35.50; hospital apprentice, second

Scamen, Third Class-Apprentice seamen, $32.60; firemen, third class, $36.20; landsmen. $32.60.

Messmen Branch-Stewards to corumanders in chief, $72.00; cooks to commanders in chief, $61.00;

stewards to commandants, $72.00: cooks to com

mandants, $61.00; cabin stewards, $61.00; cabin cooks, $55.50; wardroom stewards, $61.00: wardroom cooks, $55.50: steerage stewards, $46.50: steerage cooks, $41.00; warrant officers' stewards, $46.50; warrant officers' cooks, $41.00; mess attendants, first class (United States citizen), $41.00; mess attendants, second class (United States citizen), $35.50; mess attendants, third class (United States citizen), $37.00; mess attendants, first class (not United States citizen), $38.40: mess attendants, second class (not United States citizen), $37.00; mess attendants, third class (not United States citizen), $32.60.

In addition to the pay as provided in the above, the following amounts are also paid monthly to each enlisted man who is qualified to receive them: $1.50 for each successive re-enlistment for four years within four months of date of honorable discharge from previous enlistment. $5.50 for first re-enlistment and $3.30 for each subsequent re-enlistment, if citizen of the United States and completed previous enlistment. $2.20 if a seaman gunner. $2.20 if a graduate of a petty officers' school. $5.50 to a steward or cook who holds a certificate of qualifica|tion and is a citizen of the United States. 83 cents for each good conduct medal a man holds.

Extra Monthly Compensation.

The following extra monthly compensation is paid to men who perform the transient duties specified: $5 to a seaman in charge of hold. So to a coxswain of a steam or motor launch. $5 to a captain of a gun's crew. $5 to a "jack-of-the-dust." $5 to a lamplighter. $5 to a messman. From $10 to $30 to a mail clerk, the amount depending upon the complement of the ship. From $2 to $10 to a man who qualities at target practice as a gun pointer, the amount depending upon the calibre of the gun. From $1 to $3 to a signalman. From $10 to $20 to a tailor or tailor's helper, the amount depending upon the complement of the ship,




Who's Who in the Great War.

WHO'S WHO IN THE CREAT WAR. (Date of birth is in parentheses.)


UNITED STATES. Woodrow Wilson (1856)-President, March 4, 1913. Newton D. Baker (1871) - Secretary of War. Bernard M. Baruch (about 1873)-Head of War Industries Board.

Rear Admiral William S. Benson (1855)-Chief of Naval Operations abroad.

Major Gen. Tasker H. Bliss (1853)-Chief of Staff, Feb. 15, 1915-Dec. 31, 1917.

William Jennings Bryan (1860) - Secretary of State, March 4, 1913-June 9, 1915. hamp Clark (1860)-Speaker of House of Representatives.

George Creel (1878) - Chairman Committee on
Public Information.

Brig. Gen. Enoch Herbert Crowder (1859)-Provost
Marshal General, in charge of draft.
Josephus Daniels (1862) - Secretary of Navy.
Thomas A. Edison (1847)-President of Naval Con-
sulting Board.

Henry Ford (1863)-Assistant Director of United
States Shipping Board.

Hugh Frayne (1868)-On War Industries Board.
Harry A. Garfield (1863)-Fuel Administrator.
James W. Gerard (1867) - Ambassador to Germany,
July 28, 1913, to July, 1917.
Cardinal James Gibbons (1834)-Honorary Chair-
man of League for National Unity.
Major Gen. G. W. Goethals (1858) - Director United
States Shipping Corporation.

Samuel Gompers (1850) -Chairman of Federal Committee on Labor, of Council of National Defense. Thomas Watt Gregory (1861)-Attorney General. Herbert C. Hoover (1874) - Federal Food Administrator.

Col. Edward M. House (1858)-Special Representa-
tive of the President to Europe.
Charles Evans Hughes (1862) - Federal Aircraft In-

Edward N. Hurley (1864)-Chairman of United
States Shipping Board.
Robert Lansing (1864) - Secretary of State, June 23,

Miss Julia C. Lathrop (1858)-National Chairman
Women's Committee Council of National Defense.
Brig. Gen. John A. Le Jeune (1866) - Commander
United States Marines, June, 1918.

Ger Peyton C. March (1864)-Chief of Staff. Thomas R. Marshall (1854) - Vice President United States.

William G. McAdoo (1863) - Secretary of the Treasury, Director General of the Railroads.

J. P. Morgan (1867) - Official Representative the British Government placing munition contracts in United States.

Henry Morgenthau (1856)-Ambassador to Turkey, 1913.

Rear Admiral Albert T. Niblack (1859) -In com-
mand of United States warships in Mediterranean.
A. Mitchell Palmer (about 1872) -Alien Property

Gen. John J. Pershing (1860)-In charge of Ameri-
can Expeditionary Forces in Eurоре.
Charles A. Piez (1867)-General Manager United
States Shipping Board.

Rear Admiral Hugh Rodman (entered Annapolis in 1875)-Commander United States Battleships in Foreign Waters.

Elihu Root (1845)-Head of American Mission to Russia.

Major Gen. Hugh L. Scott (1854)-Trained Soldiers for Overseas Duties.

Charles M. Schwab (1862)-Director General Emer-
gency Fleet Corporation.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw (1847) -Chairman Women's
Committee Council of National Defense.
Vice Admiral William S. Sims (1858)-Commander
United States Fleet in European Waters.
William Howard Taft (1857) -Member of War Labor
Conference Board, President League to Enforce

Frank P. Walsh (1864)-Chairman Labor Board. Major Gen. Leonard Wood (1860) - Commander. 1917, Department of the East, United States Army,


King George V. (1865).

Lord Alfred Charles William Harmsworth Northcliffe (1865)-Head of British War Mission to United States, 1917.

Herbert Asquith (1852) - Prime Minister when war broke out; resigned Dec. 5, 1916.

Arthur J. Balfour (1848) - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Admiral Sir David Beatty (1871)-Commander of the Grand Fleet, succeeding Jellicoe, May 31, 1916. Louis Botha (1863) - Premier of the Transvaal, 19071910.

Gen. Sir Julian Byng (1862)-Commander of British Third Army; In attack on Cambrai, Nov. 20, 1917. Miss Edith Cavell (about 1874)-Nurse; executed Oct, 13, 1915.

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Sir John French (1852)-Commander of British Forces at first Battle of the Marne.

Right Hon. David Lloyd George (1863)-British Premier, Dec., 1916.

Sir Douglas Haig (1861)-Commander of British Forces on Western Front, 1918. Admiral Sir John R. Jellicoe (1859)-Commander of Fleet at battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916. Andrew Bonar Law (1858)-Chancellor of Exchequer.

Sir Horace Curzon Plunkett (1854)-Chairman of Irish Convention.

Earl Rufus Daniel Isaacs Reading (1860)-Ambassador to United States.

Gen. Jan Christian Smuts (1870)-Colonial Secretary of the Transvaal.


Raymond Poincaré (1860)-President, Jan. 17, 1913. Aristide Briand (1862) - Prime Minister, Oct. 30, 1915-March 17, 1917.

Georges Clemenceau (1841)-Prime Minister, Nov. 17, 1917.

Gen. Ferdinand Foch (1851)-Commander in Chief

Allied Forces, 1918.

Joseph Jacques Césaré Joffre (1852)-Commander at first Battle of the Marne.

Gen. Robert Georges Nivelle (1858)-French Commander in Chief in latter part of 1916.

Gen. Henry Philippe Pétain (1856)-Defender of Verdun, Feb.-Oct., 1916.

René Viviani (1863)-Head of French Commission to United States.


Nicholas II. (1868)-Czar, Oct. 20, 1894-March 15, 1917.

Commander Marie Botchkarova (1890)-Organizer of first Russian Women's Battallon of Death. Alexander F. Kerensky (1881)-Premier, July to Nov., 1917.

Nikolai Lenine [real name Vlamer Utulyanoffi (1870) -Premier, 1918.

Leon Trotzky (real name Leber Braunstein) (about 1877)-Minister of Foreign Affairs. ITALY.

Victor Emmanuel III. (1869)-King.

Gen. Luigi Cadorna (1850)-Commander in Chief until 1917.

Gen. Armando Diaz (1861)-Commander in Chief 1 since Nov., 1917.

Orlando (1860) - Premier, Oct., 1917.


William II. (1859) -German Emperor till November, 1918.

Charles I. of Austria, IV. of Hungary (1887)-Emperor of Austria till November, 1918.

Count J. H. von Bernstoff (1862)-German Ambassador to United States, 1908 to 1917. His passports handed to him Feb. 3, 1917. Dr. Theobald Bethman-Hollweg (1856) -German Chancellor, 1909-1917.

Count V. zu Chudenitz Czernin 1857)-Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Constantine Dumba (about 1857)-Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to United States, Sept. 8, 1915. Sent home.

Gen. Paul von Hindenburg (1847) - Commander of Teutonic Forces in France, 1917.

Count Georg von Hertling (1843)-German Chancellor, Nov., 1917.

Gottlieb von Jagow (1863)-German Foreign Minister, 1913-1916.

Karl Liebknecht (1871) -Socialist Member of Reichstag. Imprisoned for speech May, 1916. Gen. Ludendorfi (1865)-German Chief of Staff

Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz (1849) Secretary of State for the German Admiralty, 1897-1916.



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