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graced A.D. 44 (DCass. LX 24 § 6). So Suillius A.D. 58 Tac. XIII 43 adempta bonorum insulas Baleares pellitur, non in ipso discrimine, non post damnationem fractus animo; ferebaturque copiosa et molli vita secretum illud toleravisse. ib. III 17 fin. Lips. Plin. ep. Iv 11 § 3 Domitian allowed Licinianus, siqua posset, ex rebus suis raperet, ante quam bona publicarentur, exiliumque molle velut praemium dedit.

I 49 50 DIS IRATIS Sen. n. q. 11 59 § 4 iratis dis propitiisque moriendum est.

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51 VENUSINA LUCERNA Hor. s. II 1 7 nequeo dormire.

52 seq. cf. anthol. Pal. xi 141 pleaders, whose brief concerns a lost ox, pig, goat, drag in Xerxes and Thermopylae. Mart. Iv 29 7 8 (satire more attractive than tedious epics) saepius in libro numeratur Persius uno, quam levis in tota Marsus Amazonide.

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54 MARE PERCUSSUM PUERO Sil. Ix 325 pes pede, virque viro teritur. 55 LENO ind. Ov. am. I 4. m 4. a. a. II 539-558 esp. 545-6. anthol. Lat. 127 R 1-4 Graecule, consueta lenan di callidus arte, | coepisti adductor coniugis esse tuae, et quem forte procax penitus corraserat uxor, consueras propria praecipitare domo. Marquardt Privatleben 77 3. Apul. met. Ix 27. Luc. Timon 16.

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56 ACCIPIAT, SI CAPIENDI IUS NULLUM UXORI dig. L 16 71 aliud est capere, aliud accipere. capere cum effectu accipitur. accipere, et si quis non sic accepit, ut habeat. Here the husband takes the legacy to satisfy the law, but passes it on to his wife.

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56 SPECTARE LACUNAR Sen. rh. contr. 9 § 11 mensam et lacunaria sua...intueri. cf. Sen. ep. 90 § 42. Muson. in Stob. fl. 1 84 (1 38 18 Mein.) τί δ' αἱ χρυσόροφοι στέγαι; HSt. φάτνωμα (add Ios. bell. v 5 § 2. Eus. p. e. Ix 34 § 5 p. 450 4514. Phot. p. 128 15. CIG 3847 m).

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57 AD CALICEM Ov. her. 16 75-88. Tibull. 1 2 21 22. 6 19-27. VIGILANTI STERTERE NASO anth. Pal. v 43 5 6 to an adultress beating her face and weeping, because her husband has cast her out: 'wipe your eyes, my child, weep no more; we shall find another, τòv μỶ Kai Tò Bλéteiv eidóta kai tò dépeiv.' Petron. 22 f. stertere tamquam olim dormientes coeperunt.

58 CURAM COHORTIS Philologus XLI 485. Marquardt Staatsverw. II1 356 8. SPERARE spes prospect of promotion. Mommsen in Renier mél. d'épigr. p. 239. CIL v (1) 543 (Friedländer).

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59 Hor. s. 1 2 56 patrium mimae donat fundumque Laremque. PRAESEPIBUS Suet. Nero 22. Hdn. vi 7 § 10 ǹvoxelαis кai тpvpaîs προσέχοντος. CARET of the loss of a good III 56 somno. VIII 5 naso.

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61 AUTOMEDON Varro sat. Men. 257 B (Non. p. 79) Automedo meus, quod apud Plotium rhetorem bubulcitarat, erili dolori non defuit. Friedländer 15 516. Luc. merc. cond. 35 'Adúvides Tákιvol.

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62 Liv. xxxix 42 § 9 ut obsequium amatori iactaret.

63 CERAS Le Blant les actes des martyrs p. 9. Combefis Asterii orat. r. 209. Herm. Hugo de prima scribendi origine c. 10 p. 81 with Trotz (Utr. 1738).

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64 QUADRIVIO ind. quadrivium. Orelli inscr. 3844.

65 HINC ATQUE INDE VIII 195 inde atque hinc. XIV 12 13 inde...hinc. Mühlmann (s. v. hinc 1193 fin.) has hinc inde (Tac. Suet. Plin. ep.), hinc et inde (Suet. Mart.), hinc...inde (Tac. Mart.). Plin. pan. 22 § 4 alacrem hinc atque inde populum. cf. id. inde 634 f. 635. Prisc. perieg. 52 hinc atque inde. Hand Tursell. 111 365-6.

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66 SUPINO OV. a. a. 1 487 sive illa toro resupina feretur.

67 on forgery see Schiller's Nero 151-2. DCass. LXI 7 § 6.





I 67 Friedländer (Bursian Jahresber. xiv 175) reads signator falso, qui, taking falso as adv. I still think that signator, falso is right. True, signator alone cannot mean 'forger', but it is defined by the relative clause.

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68 ind. anulus. FECERAT 'sic Pithoeanum secuti scripserunt editores omnes praeter Ribbeckium, qui sano ductus iudicio fecerit praetulit formam aliis iisque haud contemnendis testibus probatam. nam fecerit a librario codicis X e textu suo depromptum lemmaque praefixum esse codicum P et S consensus ostendit, accedit auctoritas librorum f V, testimonia codicum Servii, Vallae, Danielis qui fecerit legerunt omnes. elegantius dici coniunctivum perfecti post nonne libet implere et feratur nemo non videt, melius etiam respondere sermoni Iuvenaliano docuit Kiaer 1. c. p. 209 not.' (BEER); but K in reality supports fecerat, cl. 1x 96 qui modo secretum commiserat, ardet et odit. x 272 quae post hunc vixerat. I retain fecerat.

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69 MATRONA POTENS SO Hor. a. p. 116.

70 (p. 118) the medicus servus and his poisons Plin. xxix § 20. See ind. s.v. poisoners. Beckmann Gesch. d. Erfind. 12 (1786) 257-288 on 'poudre de succession,' a euphemism for 'slow poison.' Luc. d. mort. 4 § 2. Philostr. soph. 1 21 § 4.

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RUBETAM Notes and Queries 6 S. vI 398. Marquardt Privatleben 67 1. PSV lemmaque glossae Keilianae praebent RUBETA qua pusilla mutatione facta verum demum colorem inducit imago' (BEER). 72 NIGROS EFFERRE ind. s.v. niger. AV. ill. 54 § 10 obvoluto capite elatus, ne livor in ore appareret. Manil. Iv 71 ex ipsis quidam elati rediere sepulchris. MARITOS Apul. met. II 27.


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73 74 AUDE ALIQUID BREVIBUS GYARIS DIGNUM, SI VIS ESSE ALIQUID VI 557 praecipuus tamen est horum, qui saepius exul.

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BREVIBUS GYARIS cf. x 16 n. on Longinus. Lipara DCass. LXXVI 6 § 3. cf. 5 § 3. Capreae LXXII 4 § 6. Sicily Hdn. III 13 § 3. Philostr. Apoll. vII 8 § 1 Orfitus and Rufus, suspected of plotting against Domitian, ἐς νήσους καθείρχθησαν. VIII 5 § 4 διὰ δὲ τοὺς ἀλιτηρίους τούτους ἀπολώλασι μὲν αἱ πόλεις, πλήρεις δ ̓ αἱ νῆσοι φυγάδων, ἡ δ ̓ ἤπειρος οίμωγῆς, τὰ δὲ στρατεύματα δειλίας, ἡ δὲ ξύγκλητος ὑπονοίας. Philo leg. ad Gai. 43 (II 595 fin. M) some looked on banishment as a godsend (ëpμatov) having expected death from Caligula. Yet after a short time, for no cause, he would send soldiers to despatch them τοὺς ἀρίστους καὶ εὐγενεστάτους ζῶντας ὡς ἐν πατρίσι ταῖς νήσοις, καὶ τὴν ἀτυχίαν εὐτυχέστατα φέροντας ἀθρόους ἀναιρεῖ. On the desolation of the Greek islands see Hertzberg Gesch. Griechenl. III 36. With the general thought cf. Solin. 40 § 3 Herostratus, ut nomen memoria sceleris extenderet, incendium nobilis fabricae manu sua struxit, sicut ipse fassus est, voto adipiscendae famae latioris.

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74 ALIQUID XII 110. PROBITAS LAUDATUR ET ALGET paneg. in Pison. 121 probitas cum paupertate iacebit. Translated by Massinger fatal dowry II 1 (Gifford) Pontalier loq. 'in this partial avaricious age, What price bears honour? virtue? long ago It was but praised and freezed; but now-a-days, 'Tis colder far, and has nor love nor praise.' 75 CRIMINIBUS DEBENT HORTOS cet. Plin. pan. 45 pr. et priores quidem principes excepto patre tuo, praeterea uno et altero et nimis dixi, vitiis potius civium quam virtutibus laetabantur, primum quod in alio sua · quemque natura delectat, deinde quod patientiores servitutis arbitrabantur quos non deceret esse nisi servos. horum in sinum omnia congerebant. HORTOS the parks engrossed the soil of Italy (K. Woksch, der röm. Lustgarten. Leimeritz 1881, Progr. pp. 1-22). Plin. ep. ш 19






§ 3 n. pp. 243-4. Obbar on Hor. ep. 1 14 42 p. 223 n. Plin. xxi e.g. §§ 64 -69. Mart. I 58 2--4, 45–51. XII 31.

I 75 PRAETORIA ind. MENSAS, ARGENTUM Mart. cited 111 51 n.

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76 ARGENTUM VETUS Sil. XI 279 Dr. Plin. ep. III 1 § 9 n. 6 § 3 n. Sen. ad Helv. 11 § 3 antiquis nominibus artificum argentum nobile. Plin. XXXIII §§ 4. 157 habuit et Teucer crustarius famam. XXXVII § 12 caelatum argentum came in after the victories of L. Scipio (B.c. 190) and Cn. Manlius (B.c. 189).

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77 NURUS CORRUPTOR AVARAE Fortunat. cited vir 145 n. Sen. rh. exc. contr. vIII 3 'infamis in nurum.' Gossip against Perikles Ath. 589d. 78 SPONSAE TURPES Serv. Aen. x 79 GREMIIS ABDUCERE PACTAS id est sponsas: nam ante usum tabularum matrimonii cautiones sibi invicem emittebant, in quibus spondebant se consentire in iura matrimonii, et fideiiussores dabant.

,,,, PRAETEXTATUS ADULTER X 308. Cic. Catil. 11 § 4 Tongilium mihi eduxit, quem amare in praetexta coeperat. § 23. Suet. Aug. 5 Cas. 56. Scipio saved his father's life in battle, while yet praetextatus (Sen. ben. III 33 § 1. Flor. II 6 § 10). Mart. II 47. 49. Marquardt Privatleben 122, 125-131 (age of assuming the toga virilis). Flor. Verg. orat. an poeta XLIIII 12 Jahn of a schoolmaster praetextatis inperare. Auson. Mosella 403 praetextati celebris facundia ludi.

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79 NATURA NEGAT Tac. xv 42 quae natura denegavisset. Coripp. Ioh. praef. 33 quos doctrina negat, confert victoria versus. Maximiani el. 5 (Bährens p. 1. m. v 342) 54 quod natura negat, reddere nemo potest.

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79 80 SI NATURA NEGAT, FACIT INDIGNATIO VERSUM QUALEMCUMQUE POTEST Bücheler in Rhein. Mus. xxxv 391-2 habet ipse versus notam mediocritatis, consulto numeros poeta fecit artis minimae quales doctus et 'iunctura callidus acri' vates nullus admisisset. o finalem antiquos non corripuisse praeterquam in iambicis nemo nescit, horum licentiam Augustea aetate imitari coeperunt cretica ut quae pedes in versu singulos explerent, itaque potio pensio quaestio ultio in hexametris iam legebantur sine offensione. molestiora quadrisyllaba erant talia cenatio cunctatio damnatio occasio, correpta a Iuvenale ubi ad finem versus properat in pede quinto, unum occasio etiam in quarto (xIII 183). molestissima vel propter ambitum contrarium carminis articulis verba quinque sylla barum, quae binos pedes complectuntur nec locum in versu habent nisi si antecedant pedem ultimum. indignatio semel repetitum est a Iuvenale in extrema primi libri satura idemque emollitum sic nequa indignatio desit v 120: in altero libro admiratio desperatio permutatio (v1 646 367 653), in reliquis nulla exempla inveniuntur. trepidatio atque huius modi nomina Iuvenalis vitavit omnino, quamvis frequentaret trepidi et trepidantis vocabula.

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FACIT VERSUM, QUALES EGO VEL CLUVIENUS Plin. ep. 1 16 § 5 facit versus, quales Catullus aut Calvus.

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82 SORTES Sil. 1 416. Apul. met. Ix 8. Macrob. Sat. 1 7 § 28 from Varro. Hor. a. p. 403. cf. 219. Marquardt röm. Alterth. Iv 103.

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84 like scoffs VII 212. x 355. XIII 38-52. XVI 5.

85 Aug. civ. Dei xx1 3 (112 490 29 D). Hor. ep. 1 6 12 Obbar and Reid in Wilkins. the verse is cited by Dracont. satisf. 15 quicquid agunt homines, bona tristia prospera prava (Bücheler).

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86 DISCURSUS Sen. brev. vit. 7 §§ 6 7.

87 ET QUANDO VI 342 et quis tunc hominum contemptor numinis? Aen. I 48. vI 806 (Kiaer). Hand II 491—2,





I 87 88 both end with quando cf. 1 166-7 n. vi 146-7. vir 143—4. XIII 33 34 (Kiaer).

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88 AVARITIAE PATUIT SINUS Hier. ep. 123 § 15 auro sinum expan dimus.

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89 90 Nor do our gamesters lay their purses down, But set their trunks at play.' COMITANTIBUS VII 107 n. Mart. 1 2 2 comites (libellos). XIV 188 1.

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90 TABULAE Mart. xIv 17 'tabula lusoria.'

92 FUROR Sen. ep. 99 § 5. ben. Iv 19 § 1. n. q. ш 18 § 3 fin.

95 96 PRIMO LIMINE Aen. II 485 in limine primo.

97 TREPIDAT, NE XIV 64 trepidas, ne. For the rhythm Kiaer compares v 20 soliicitus ne. vI 36. 279 280 aut equitis. dic, | dic. XIII 150. 99 A PRAECONE VOCARI Sen. ep. 19 § 11 alioquin habebis convivas, quos ex turba salutantium nomenclator digesserit. errat autem, qui amicum in atrio quaerit, in convivio probat. Hier. ep. 22 § 32 (1 117b) cum ad agapen vocaverint, praeco conducitur. Luc. Nigrin. 24 'imagine my feelings, when I see a professed philosopher, especially when advanced in years, mixing with a crowd of flatterers, acting as a body-guard to some man in office, and τοῖς ἐπὶ τὰ δεῖπνα παραγγέλλουσι κοινολογούμενον. Aristid. or. 45 (11 400 D= 513 C=11 308 Jebb) κȧv тоîs πρоlúpois kaλívδοῦνται, πλείω τοῖς θυρωροῖς συνόντες ἢ τοῖς δεσπόταις αὐτῶν. Patrons demanded of their freedmen the doles they received (Wallon II 418).

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100 TROIUGENAS e.g. Glabrio (Hdn. 11 3 § 4). Preller-Jordan röm. Myth. 13 100.

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VI 228

102 LIBERTINUS Friedländer 15 348-9. Sen. n. q. Iv pr. § 7. ADSUM elision in same place also III 110. x 87. xIII 151. XIV 276. 104 MOLLES IN AURE FENESTRAE III 132 in legione tribuni. virides in limine ramos. VII 107. 145. vIII 61. x 136. xI 80. xv 50 (Kiaer). Syrian slaves Petron. 22 n. (1 102 b Burm.). earrings. N. and Q. 5 S. VIII 361-4.


Savaro on Sidon. ep. 1 9

106 PURPURA MAIOR Plut. qu. Rom. 81. p. 70. lampoon in Suet. Caes. 80 Gallos Caesar in triumphum ducit, idem in curiam. Galli bracas deposuerunt, latum clavum sumpserunt. Petron. 76 pr. accepi patrimonium laticlavium.

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109 generic plural Plin. ep. III 21 § 5 n. Hier. ep. 58 5. 60 5
on the gardens of Pallas see, Friedländer 15 86 1.

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LICINIS Friedländer 15 76. Desjardins Gaules III 183. 277 3. Sidon. ep. v 7 (=v 11 Baret) seems to have this passage in view: hi sunt, quorum comparationi [read -e] digitum tollerent [cf. cedat here] Narcissus Asiaticus Massa Marcellus Carus Licinus et Pallas. Mart. III 31 6.

110 SACRO Plut. qu. Rom. 81 fin. The tribune Haterius Agrippa prevented by his intercession the scourging of actors (Tac. an. 1 77); a like interposition of the tribune Antistius rebuked by the senate (xm 28 pr.); A.D. 16 intercession of a tribune on behalf of citizens guilty of sorcery (DCass. LVII 15 § 9). Thrasea forbad the tribune Arulenus Rusticus to intercede on his behalf (Tac. xv1 26). Mommsen StR. п2 298, 316-7.

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NEC CEDAT HONORI Aen. III 484 nec cedit honori. Henry Aeneidea III 136.

111 Marquardt Privatleben 169.

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worship of wealth 88. III 131-185. vI 292–300. xiv 107-331. Prop. III (IV) 13 esp. 48-50 aurum omnes victa iam pietate colunt. | auro



pulsa fides, auro venalia iura, | aurum lex sequitur, mox sine lege pudor. Ov. f. 1 195-8. Petron. 14. 44. 88.

I 115 abstract divinities Conybeare and Howson St Paul 11 3S2 n. 4. Eur. Bacch. 370 Sandys. 116 Claud. in Rufin. 1 52-3 Concordia Virtus | cumque Fide Pietas.

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116 SALUTATO Vitr. iv 5 § 2 si circum vias publicas erunt aedificia deorum, ita constituantur uti praetereuntes possint respicere et in conspectu salutationes facere. Friedländer (Bursian Jahresber. xIv 1880 180) conjectures that there may have been a stork's nest in the temple of Concord in the Forum as well known as the raven's nest in the temple of Castor (Plin. h. n. x § 120). So schol., Holyday, Dryden. I never thought (as Fr. supposes) of any other Concordia. C. L. Roth (Jahrbb. f. Philol. LXXXI, 1860, 437-9): the relative clause describes the attribute of a temple of Concord, and the attribute, by a common figure of speechtemplum desertae Cereris-is transferred to the deity of the temple. quae crepitat Concordia= C. cuius templum crepitat=templum in quo crepitatur. On the temple of Concord see Burn Rome and the Campagna 90-92. With the position of Concordia in the relative clause Kiaer compares II 41. VII 45 46. 170. VIII 264-5. XxIV 85.

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117 SUMMUS HONOR Luc. V 383-4 summo dictator honori | contigit et laetos fecit se consule fastos. Stat. 8. IV 1 26 27 lucemque a consule ducit omnis honos. Ov. Pont. rv 4 25. Consuls crowding the

levees of Seianus Iuv. x 90 n.

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119 HINC TOGA, CALCEUS HINC chiasmus as in Hor. s. 1 1 17 18 hinc vos, vos hinc. On кáλтios see Cobet collectan. 513-4.

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120 FUMUS ind. DENSISSIMA LECTICA XIII 215 densissima ruga. Dissen on Tibull. 1 3 27. 9 68. Obbar on Hor. ep. 1 17 59. 126 VEXARE (eam) vi 347 pone seram, prohibe. 220 audi.

Sil. 1 500.

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127 DISTINGUITUR Plin. ep. л 1 § 1 n.

128 Hor. ep. 1 7 68 mane domum.

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s. I 1 101 Heind. ind. salu

,, IURISQUE PERITUS APOLLO Kirchner (on Hor. s. 1 9 78) rightly, with Ruperti (and Grangaeus), sees here (Plin. h. n. vII § 183 cited) the Apollo in the forum of Augustus, and not (as Burn Rome and the Campagna 175 n. 9) the Palatine Apollo.

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129 TRIUMPHALES Plut. Rom. 16 § 16 all the triumphal statues of Romulus in Rome were on foot; those of others on quadrigae.

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130 NESCIO QUIS statue to an Iberian DCass. LXIX 15 § 3. TITULOS Ov. her. 2 67-74. ARABARCHES ind. Schürer neutest. Zeitgesch. (1874) 627-8.

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131 NON TANTUM ind. non. Ov. am. 1 4 63 oscula iam sumet: iam non tantum oscula sumet. II 5 59. Another formula for cetera quis nescit? Plin. ep. 1 14 § 1 n. MEIERE Wilmanns inscr. 2730. anthol. 1312 Meyer (Burm. anth. II p. 145).

132 VESTIBULIS Sen. cons. ad Polyb. 4 § 2 alium [torquet] semper vestibulum obsidens turba.

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134 schol. III 250 pulmentaria portant secum comparata ex sportula. 137 ORBIBUS Plin. xvi §§ 66. 68. Petron. 119 27-31 Bücheler ecce Afris eruta terris | ponitur ac maculis imitatur vilius aurum | citrea mensa greges servorum ostrumque renidens, | quae sensum trahat. hoc sterile ac male nobile lignum | turba sepulta mero circum venit. Pers. I 52-3. Plut. Lycurg. 10 § 1. Marquardt Privatleben 297-301, 702. Remember the Hamilton sale.

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