Abbildungen der Seite

I propose, that a commission of five members be sent to the Marshal from the deputies assembled at Paris."

All sides." Well said! well said!"

The commission was appointed. Perier, Lafitte, and Mauguin were members of it.

M. Labbey de Pompières." Well, then, we can do nothing more at present."

M. Sebastiani.

watch events."


Nothing, nothing. We must

M. Lafayette.—"Very true; but affairs press, and we must decide. At present, we deliberate, and determine nothing."

M. Mauguin.-"And, in the mean time, they fight, kill, and murder in every corner of the city."

Several Deputies.-"Ah! it is very unfortunate." M. Audry." "Tis horrible!"

The assembly broke up, agreeing to meet again at four o'clock, at M. Bérard's, to receive the report of the commissioners.

As the deputies dispersed, they were beset by the mob, enquiring what had been done.

"Act! act!" cried the populace: "it is you who have excited us to do all this, and now you will not direct us. What are you going to do?"

"We are going to send a protest to his Ma

jesty," said M. Guizot: "it is already sent to the printer's, and, in all probability, it will be ready to-morrow."

"A protest! poh! To-morrow l-pah!"

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AT four o'clock they met at M. Bérard's; but, in the mean time, the Hôtel de Ville had been retaken by the troops.* In other quarters, the populace had been repulsed. Ardour and defiance had now given way to terror and despair. It was thought to be all over. The attendance of the deputies was very thin indeed.

The Commissioners made their report. Indignant at the answer of the Marshal, several deputies declared the civil war commenced, and proposed to head the people: a proposition received with profound silence. The meeting broke into desultory conversation, chiefly on the subject of personal safety.

"They say that Paris is in a state of siege." "It is, positively."

* Such was the rumour: but it is meant, that the troops had repulsed the people from the Place de Grève.

"Shall you sleep at home to-night?"


“It is said that there is an intention of arrest

ing several deputies."

“The devil!

"We shall see.

Paris is not a village.”

"I shall not sleep at home.”

"You are right. Let us look to ourselves: these fellows would do any thing."

“I wish I knew how it would end.”

"I never thought it would come to this." A brace of journalists were now introduced. This meeting in no way assumed the appearance of a deliberative assembly. Every one seemed to think only of his own safety; dismay was on every


The journalists brought a printed proof of the protest. They had taken upon themselves, after consulting two or three of the deputies, to erase every expression of devotion to the King.

This circumstance excited murmurs among the Deputies. "They could not think of compromising themselves; they were afraid." Here several citizens who were in the room entreated them to adopt it. "We engage to defend you young France will defend you-will perish for

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ON the morrow, before noon, the court and offices of the house of M. Audry de Puyraveau were filled with citizens, many of them armed. The deputies arrived slowly. Many of them, before they entered, conversed with the surrounding groups, who urged them to second the people. There had been some sharp fighting on the previous evening.

There was at length a tolerably numerous assemblage of deputies. M. Dupin was no longer present. Casimir Perier and Sebastiani insisted upon the exclusion of the Press. "I wish I could let you in," said Audry to a complaining journalist; "we want a little gunpowder; but they insist upon being private.”


M. Mauguin opened business. you wished yesterday to await the progress of events. Well, events have progressed; and I think they speak a sufficiently plain language. They fought all yesterday evening. They have

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