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merie entered at each end of the street, which is strait and short. The crowd grew very insolent, and at last violent. The gendarmes charged, but gently; and avoided, as much as much as possible, hurting any one; most of the crowd escaped: but

those who were in the middle of the crowd could find no point of refuge, and endeavoured to find safety in the court-yard of M. Perier. That gentleman, roused by the shouts, immediately came down, and ordered the servants to lock the gates, and allow no one to enter. About eighteen young men were, in consequence, trampled upon and wounded, and were carried to the corps de garde of the Foreign Office. I do not mention this as any blame to M. Perier, but it was a little hard that those who were attracted by his popularity should have been the first victims of his prudence. If they had not, as it seems, relied on the protection of his gates, they would have retreated with their more fortunate companions down the sides of the streets, where the cavalry good-naturedly allowed them to pass.

Great precautions were taken to prevent any but deputies from attending at M. Perier's. Every one was obliged to send up his name. The attendance might be called numerous. Old Labbey

His age, not his talents, entitled him to this distinction. Labbey de Pompières had but one idea, and almost only one word, and these were "Republic."

“Well, gentlemen," said old Labbey de Pompières, in his snuffling tone, and looking like an ancient monkey; "well, gentlemen, you know exactly what situation we are in; you know all about the Ordonnances. Has any body any thing to propose?"


"There is one question," said M. Dupin, "which must be settled at once. It takes precedence of all others. I wish to know in what character we are here assembled ?'

"In our character as deputies," replied several.

"That is precisely what I deny," answered M. Dupin, with decision. "We are not deputies. Whatever question may arise as to the legality of the new Ordonnances, none can dispute the legality of that which has dissolved the Chamber. On this point the charter is clear. The King having an unquestionable power, has exercised it to dissolve us. We are, consequently, nothing more than a company of individuals, it may, or it may not, be influential ones. Doubtless we shall be all willing to exercise whatever credit

we may possess with our fellow-citizens in maintaining order; but it becomes us to look well to our position. We must take care not to compromise ourselves. Calumny is ever active, and it may reach the ears of the Sov-"

"I am not a little astonished, I confess, at what I hear," interrupted M. Mauguin, the leader of the Mouvement, with indignation, and in deference, perhaps, to a murmur, which had interrupted the address of M. Dupin,-" I am not a little astonished, I confess, at what I hear. What! is there any one now who can seriously mention the word legality! Is the law obligatory only upon us, and is it to be violated at pleasure by the other side? The time has arrived when we are not to discuss whether this or that act be legal or illegal. The question now is between life and death, between liberty and slavery, between a constitutional government, and the régime of Madrid."

This ebullition made a great sensation, and M. Sebastiani,-who only contemplated a change of ministry, which should give him a portfolio, and not a revolution which might assign to him the place only which he deserved,-entreated the assembly to be calm, and to be moderate.

MM. Laborde, Milleret, Bertin de Vaux, and

His age, not his talents, entitled him to this distinction. Labbey de Pompières had but one idea, and almost only one word, and these were "Republic."

"Well, gentlemen," said old Labbey de Pompières, in his snuffling tone, and looking like an ancient monkey; "well, gentlemen, you know exactly what situation we are in; you know all about the Ordonnances. - Has any body any thing to propose?"

“There is one question," said M. Dupin, "which must be settled at once. It takes pre

cedence of all others. I wish to know in what

character we are here assembled ?'

"In our character as deputies," replied s veral.

"That is precisely what I deny," answer M. Dupin, with decision. "We are not deputi Whatever question may arise as to the legality the new Ordonnances, none can dispute the les lity of that which has dissolved the Cham On this point the charter is clear. The K having an unquestionable power, has exerc it to dissolve us. We are, consequently, not! more than a company of individuals, it may it may not, be influential ones. Doubtless shall be all willing to exercise whatever c

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