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Individuals sufficiently acquainted with it will view it very differently. They will regard it as one of the most grand and impressive physiological truths that has ever been disclosed. For physiological the phenomena it relates to are-as clearly and decidedly so, as the digestion of food, the secretion of bile, or the circulation of the blood. Yet was it never dreamt of as such until the discoveries of Gall, which will yet be acknowledged to constitute themselves one of the chief scientific triumphs of the nineteenth century; while their fruits will be deposited in the temple of Philosophy, among the most glorious and invaluable trophies her ministers have


Nor is it the so deemed mysterious events of the conquest of Mexico, Peru, and Hindostan, that the discoveries of the great German are destined to illuminate and make intelligible and useful. They will render to mankind a similar service, as relates to many other enigmas that have confounded the anthropologist and eluded his scrutiny. In truth they will yet be referred to, by the students and masters of mental and moral science, as the great expounders of the philosophy of history. They will shed on the deeds and characters of the ancient Greeks a light which the world has never yet enjoyed. They will disclose the causes of the ambition, wars, and conquests of Philip and Alexander. They will tell why Cæsar first glorified and then enslaved his country, and ultimately fell by the dagger of Brutus; why the Roman empire, after having become and continued for centuries, a marvel of power and greatness, injustice and crime, was reduced at length to a mighty ruin, by barbarian invaders; why Palestine was inundated by the mingled blood of the Crusaders and the Saracens; why the clouds of the Dark Ages, brought down on the world by the disasters of the sword, were ultimately dispersed by the return of the sun of literature and science; why Napo

leon first astonished the world by the miracles of his greatness and power, and then ended his career in captivity and exile; and why our own country was rendered independent and glorious, by Washington and his compatriots; and has increased in wealth and renown, and their concomitants, with a rapidity and steadiness altogether unprecedented in the annals of nations.

These were all physiological events, produced through the functions of the human brain, and will hereafter be universally acknowledged as such, by those who shall become competent judges of the subject. And for this great result, the world will be indebted to the genius and labors of the founders of phrenology. Physiologists and philosophers will learn and acknowledge, that man, to be studied correctly, as a being to be acted on mentally himself, or to act by mind on others, whether for elevation or degradation, for good or for evil, must be studied through his brain. And that in all their manifestations and conditions, his moral and intellectual natures, instead of being any longer investigated by or through the laws, supposed to regulate abstract spirit, must be approached and comprehended (if comprehended at all,) through the instrumentality of the material machinery, on which his spirit immediately acts. In other words; that all the events and phenomena, in which man is concerned, either as agent or subject, and whether they be peaceful or belligerent, scientific or literary, instead of being regarded, as heretofore, as the immediate products of mind, will be considered, in time to come, as referable to mind, only through the attributes of the nervous system. Thus will anatomy and physiology be justly ranked among the most elevated branches of human knowledge, and be received and recognized as the true foundation of anthropology and mental philosophy.

This digression however we must pursue no further, but here conclude both it and our review. Meantime it is our purpose to bring the "Crania Americana" once more before the public, in a future number of the Journal, when we shall endeavor to submit to our readers a fuller, more direct, and more detailed analysis of it, than we have given in the present. C. C.

Selections from American and Foreign Journals.

Case of Introsusceptio cured by forcing Air into the Intestines.-James Thompson, æt. 44, of a rather spare habit of body, but in the general enjoyment of good health, was suddenly taken ill with pain in his bowels, about ten o'clock in the evening of the 25th Nov. last. He took some spirits, warm drinks, bathed his feet in warm water, and applied warm fomentations to the belly, thinking the pain would wear off. It continued to increase however, and I saw him on the morning of the 29th. I found him laboring under the following symptoms. Pulse full and not particularly hurried-tongue clean-face anxious-belly not distended, and particularly relieved by severe but equitable pressure. No alvine discharge since 4 P. M. the preceding day-pain about the umbilicus most excrutiating-not steady, but at intervals of from three to four minutes, accompanied by severe vomiting and great thirst. I immediately ordered a purgative glyster, which came off almost immediately, bringing with it the contents of the rectum without abating the pain. I ordered its repetition. -part returned the same as thrown up, and part remained; but the violent pain still continued. I then applied a blister over the whole surface of the abdomen, and give him a powerful opiate; after an hour this settled the vomiting, and in some degree dulled the pain. I then gave him s. m. hyd. gr. xii. and left him. Twelve hours after the pain and vomiting had returned as violently as ever-still no pain on pressure. I then endeavored to open the bowels by throwing up as much warm water by the domestic machine as I possibly could; he complained of straitness, and part of the water returned without any effect-I then repeated the calomel and left him. On the morning of the 27th, the calomel had proved useless, and the vomiting and pain were as violent as ever; thirst severe, and perspiration profuse. On pressing the belly pain was

now felt in the region of the caput cæcum. It was now evident that unless he was speedily relieved death must ensue. I again attempted to overcome the obstruction by throwing up about a gallon of warm water until it was forced back and a considerable part discharged without the least relief. Having some little time ago seen the injection of air suggested in cases similar (I think in a recent Number of the Medico-Chirurgical Review, although I cannot lay my hand upon it now,) I determined to try it. Having nothing at hand but a common bellows, I inserted the tube into the rectum, and commenced gradually to force up the cold air. As soon as it found its way into the intestines, the patient said he felt somewhat easier, and I persevered until I could force no more. In a second or two the rarified air, was forced back with great violence bringing with it the remaining portion of the water I injected, but nothing more. He said he felt rather easier and urged its repetition. This I did for other two different times with no appearance of relief. On the fourth trial, however, the room was filled with a most fetid smell caused by a very free discharge of fæculent matter-he felt relieved, the vomiting ceased, and he complained only of general soreness. I now gave him 8 grs. of cal. with one grain p. opii and left him. That evening he had an alvine discharge, and the following morning he got ol. ricini, 3j. which operated freely in the course of the day, and the cure was complete.

Whether the foregoing case was real introsusceptio or not I am not prepared to say, but I am sure of this, that, had I not succeeded by the forcing up of air into the intestines, there were no other means that I am aware of whereby I had the least chance to save the poor fellow. I have given the case at this length, as I conceive the plan pursued worthy the attention of the profession in similar cases. It would be absurd to draw a conclusion from a single case, but from what occurred to me in this instance, the practice appears to be perfectly harmless, since the moment the air became rarified it came off with great force, and left no disagreeable consequence behind.-Medico-Chirurg. Review.

Dividing the Internal Rectus Muscle for the cure of Squinting.-William James Egan, aged 10, was born with his eyes perfectly straight. When he was two years of age he suffered from convulsions, and after a more severe one than usual the strabismus took place.

Present state. His left eye turned deeply inwards, with a

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