30. Sonnet." The chilling Gale," &c. 31. On the Deity 38. On a Friend refufing to fign the Petition, &c. Ryley. 44. To a Young Afs, its Mother tethered near it Coleridge. IX. Anderfon. X. 51. Night Thoughts among the Tombs 52. The Blind Beggar 53. The Young Fly and Old Spider 54. To the Memory of Dr. Stonehoufe's Lady 56. Peace and Home 57. Such Things were XI. 58. On feeing Children gathering Flowers 59. The Retrofpect of Life 88. Giles Jollup the Grave & Brown Sally Green Lewis. 89. William Penn, Nathan, and the Bailiff Peter Pindar. 96. To a Lady, who refused to accept a Knife Sheridan. XVIII. 97. Elegy on the Thirty-firft of December 98. The Prostitute Anon. Anon. 99. Elegy. Written to diffuade a young Lady, &c. Bull. 104. Canzonet." Can aught be more fair," &c. Hurdis. |