Abbildungen der Seite

4847 4° Que les stipulations contenues dans les paragraphes précédens sont applicables, dans toute leur étendue, aux bâtimens toscans et à leurs cargaisons, soit que lesdits bâtiments viennent des ports de Toscane ou de ceux de tout autre pays étranger, soit qu'ils partent directement pour la Toscane ou pour un autre pays quelconque, de sorte que pour les droits de navigation et de douane il ne sera fait, dans la navigation directe comme dans la navigation indirecte, aucune distinction entre les bâtimens toscans et les bâti

mens russes.

5° Qu'en conséquence de ces stipulations et de la parfaite réciprocité assurée aux bâtimens russes dans les ports de Toscane, les clauses des §§ 2 et 3 de l'Oukase Impérial du 19 Juin 1845, lesquelles établissent un droit de tonnage d'un rouble argent par laste, et une surtaxe de 50 pour cent en sus des droits de douane, pour les bâtimens marchands appartenants aux pays qui n'accordent pas une parfaite réciprocité au pavillon russe que ces clauses ne seront point applicables aux bâtimens naviguants sous pavillon toscan, ni à leurs cargaisons.

6° Que les stipulations ci-dessus ne s'étendent pas toutefois à la navigation de côte ou cabotage, laquelle est exclusivement réservée en Russie aux bâtimens nationaux.

7° Que tout navire toscan qui sera forcé par des tempêtes ou par quelque accident de se réfugier dans un port de Russie, aura la liberté de s'y radouber, de s'y pourvoir de tous les objets qui lui seront nécessaires, et de se remettre en mer, sans payer aucun droit de port ou de navigation perçu ou à percevoir au profit de l'État sous quelque dénomination spéciale que ce soit, bien entendu toutefois que les causes qui auront donné lieu à la relâche forcée soient réelles et évidentes; que le bâtiment ne se livre à aucune opération de commerce en chargeant ou déchargeant des marchandises, et qu'il ne prolonge son séjour dans le port au-delà du temps nécessaire d'après les causes qui l'auront forcé à y relâcher; que le déchargement ou réchargement occasionnés par les travaux de réparation du navire, ou pour la subsistance de l'équipage, ne seront point considérés comme opérations de commerce; que si toutefois le patron d'un tel navire se trouvait dans la nécessité de se défaire d'une partie de ses marchandises pour subvenir à ses dépenses, sera tenu de se conformer aux ordonnances et aux tarifs de l'endroit où il aura abordé.

8° Que s'il arrivait qu'un navire toscan fit naufrage, sombrât ou soffrit quelque autre dommage sur les côtes de Russie, il sera accordé à ce navire, et à toutes les personnes qui seront à bord, le

même secours et la même protection dont jouissent en pareil cas les 1847 bâtimens russes; et ce navire naufragé, les marchandises ou autres effets qu'il contiendra, ou leur produit si ces objets avaient été déjà vendus, seront restitués à leurs propriétaires, ou à leur ayant-droit, en payant un droit de sauvetage égal à celui qui serait payé dans le même cas par un bâtiment russe. Les marchandises sauvées ne payeront aucun autre droit, à moins qu'elles ne soient admises à la consommation.

9° Qu'il est entendu que les stipulations qui précèdent auront pleine force et valeur dans tous les ports de l'Empire de Russie, où le commerce étranger est permis en général, y compris les ports du Grand-Duché de Finlande, sauf une parfaite réciprocité en faveur des bâtimens russes ou finlandais dans les ports du Grand-Duché de Toscane.

Enfin :

40° Que les dispositions mentionnées ci-dessus, et qui sont entrées en vigueur dès l'ouverture de la navigation de l'année 1846, seront maintenues et resteront obligatoires pendant l'espace de huit ans, et au-delà de ce terme jusqu'à l'expiration de douze mois après que l'un ou l'autre des deux Gouvernemens aura annoncé l'intention d'en faire cesser l'effet.

La présente Déclaration, destinée à être échangée contre une Déclaration semblable de la part du Ministère de S. A. I. et R. le GrandDuc de Toscane, tiendra lieu d'un Traité formel, et les stipulations qu'elle renferme auront la même force et valeur.

En foi de quoi, etc.

Une déclaration semblable à été transmise par le gouvernement toscan à celui de la Russie.)


Traité de paix, d'amitié et de commerce entre la Chine et la Suède, signé à Canton, le 20 Mars 1847.

(En anglais et en suédois.)

ART. I. There shall be a perfect, permanent, universal peace and a sincere and cordial amity between the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway on the one part, and the Ta Tsing Empire on the other

1847 part, and between their people respectively, without exception of persons or places.

ART. II. Subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, resorting to China for the purposes of commerce, will pay the duties of import and export prescribed in the Tariff, which is fixed by and made a part of this Treaty. They shall, in no case, be subject to other or higher duties, than are and shall be required of the people of any other nation whatever. Fees and charges of every sort are wholly abolished, and Officers of the revenue, who may be guilty of exaction, shall be punished according to the laws of China. If the Chinese Government desire to modify, in any respect, the said Tariff, such modifications shall be made only in consultation with Consuls or other functionaries thereto duly authorised by His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, and with consent thereof. And if additional advantages or privileges, of whatever description, be conceded hereafter by China to any other nation, Sweden and Norway and citizens thereof shall be entitled thereupon to a complete, equal and impartial participation in the same.

ART. III. The subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway are permitted to frequent the Five ports of Kwangchow, Amoy, Fuchow, Ningpo and Shanghai, and to reside with their families and trade there, and to proceed at pleasure with their vessels and merchandize to and from any foreign port and either of the said Five ports, and from either of the said Five ports to any other of them. But said vessels shall not unlawfully enter the other ports of China, nor carry on a clandestine and fraudulent trade along the coasts thereof. And any vessel belonging to a subject of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, which violates this provision, shall, with her cargo, be subject to confiscation to the Chinese Govern


ART. IV. For the superintendence and regulation of the concerns of Swedes and Norwegians, doing business at the said Five ports, His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway may appoint Consuls, or other Officers, at the same, who shall be duly recognized as such by the Officers of the Chinese Government, and shall hold official intercourse and correspondence with the latter, either personal or in writing, as occasions may require, on terms of equality and reciprocal respect. If disrespectfully treated or aggrieved in any way by the local authorities, said Officers on the one hand shall have the right to make representation of the same to the superior Officers of the Chinese Government, who will see that full enquiry and strict justice be had in the premises: and on the other hand the said Con

suls will carefully avoid all acts of unnecessary offence to, and col- 1847 lision with the Officers and people of China.

ART. V. At each of the said Five ports the subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, lawfully engaged in commerce, shall be permitted to import, from their own or any other ports, into China and sell there, and purchase therein, and export to their own or any other ports, all manner of merchandize of which the importation or exportation is not prohibited by this Treaty, paying the duties which are prescribed by the Tariff hereinbefore established, and no other charges whatsoever.

ART. VI. Whenever any merchant vessel, belonging to Sweden or Norway, shall enter either of the said Five ports for trade, her papers shall be lodged with the Consul, or person charged with affairs, who will report the same to the Commissioner of Customs; and tonnage duty shall be paid on same vessel at the rate of five mace per ton if she be over one hundred and fifty tons burden; and one mace per ton if she be of the burden of one hundred and fifty tons, or under, according to the amount of her tonnage as specified in the register; said payment to be in full of the former charges of measurement and other fees, which are wholly abolished. And if any vessel, which having anchored at one of the said ports and there paid tonnage duty, shall have occasion to go to any other of the said ports to complete the disposal of her cargo, the Consul, or person charged with affairs, will report the same to the Commissioner of Customs, who on the departure of the said vessel will note in the port clearance that the tonnage duties have been paid, and report the same to the other Custom-houses; in which case, on entering another port, the said vessel will only pay duty there on her cargo, but shall not be subject to the payment of tonnage duty a second time.

ART. VII. No tonnage duty shall be required on boats belonging to subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, employed in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters and articles of provision, or others not subject to duty, to or from any of the Five ports. All cargo-boats, however, conveying merchandize subject to duty, shall pay the regular tonnage duty of one mace per ton, provided they belong to subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, but not if hired by them from subjects of China.

ART. VIII. Subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, for their vessels bound in, shall be allowed to engage pilots, who will report said vessels at the passes and take them into port, and when the lawful duties have all been paid, they may engage

1847 pilots to leave port. It shall also be lawful for them to hire at pleasure Servants, Compradors, Linguists and Writers, and passage- or cargo-boats, and to employ Laborers, Seamen, and persons for whatever necessary service for a reasonable compensation to be agreed on by the parties, or settled by application to the Consular Officer of their Government, without interference on the part of the local Officers of the Chinese Government.

ART. IX. Whenever merchant vessels, belonging to Sweden or Norway, shall have entered port, the Superintendent of Customs will, if he see fit, appoint Customhouse Officers, to guard said vessels, who may live on board the ship, or their own boats, at their convenience; but provision for the subsistence of said Officers shall be made by the Superintendent of Customs, and they shall not be entitled to any allowance from the vessel or owner thereof; and they shall be subject to suitable punishment for any exaction practised by them in violation of this regulation.

ART. X. Whenever a merchant vessel, belonging to Sweden or Norway, shall cast anchor in either of said ports, the Supercargo, Master or Consignee, will within forty eight hours deposit the shipspapers in the hands of the Consul, or person charged with affairs of Sweden and Norway, who will cause to be communicated to the Superintendent of Customs a true report of the name and tonnage of such vessel, the names of her men and of the cargo on board, which being done the Superintendent will give a permit for the discharge of her cargo. And the Master, Supercargo and Consignee, if he proceed to discharge the cargo without such permit, shall incur a fine of Five Hundred Dollars; and the goods so discharged without permit shall be subject to forfeiture to the Chinese Government. But if the master of any vessel in port desire to discharge a part only of the cargo, it shall be lawful for him to do so, paying duties on such part only, and to proceed with the remainder to any other ports. Or if the master so desire, he may within forty eight hours after the arrival of the vessel, but not later, decide to depart without breaking bulk, in which case he will not be subject to pay tonnage or other duties or charges, untill on his arrival at another port he shall proceed to discharge cargo, when he will pay the duties on vessel and cargo according to law. And the tonnage duties shall be held to be due after the expiration of said forty eight hours.

ART. XI. The Superintendent of Customs, in order to the collection of the proper duties, will, on application made to him through the Consul, appoint suitable Officers, who shall proceed in the presence of the Captain, Supercargo or Consignee, to make a just and

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