Abbildungen der Seite

V. ii. 395. Jump. Exactly. Cf. I. i. 65. Question. Af

fair, controversy.

V. ii. 403. Put on.

Incited to, and so "caused." Forced.

Not properly justified or inevitable. The reference is to the killing of Hamlet by Laertes.

V. ii. 409.
V. ii. 413.

V. ii. 415.

V. ii. 417.

V. ii. 418.

Of memory. Which must be remembered.
Presently. Immediately.

On. Founded on, or, better, "in addition to."
Put on. Tested.

Proved most royally.

Turned out as a king

should. Passage. Bearing off the body.

The last speech here as in Shakspere's other tragedies is uttered by the man of highest rank surviving, in whose hands the conduct of affairs is left. The anti-climax with which the scene ends is due to the absence of a curtain on the Elizabethan stage. A modern dramatist would close the play with the curtain at line 378, but Shakspere was forced to arrange for the exit of the actors who took the parts of the characters whose bodies are left on the stage.

A, V. I. 71; 167.


about, II. ii. 634.
abridgement, II. ii. 450.
absolute, V. i. 150.
abstract, II. 11. 563.
absurd, III. ii. 68.

abuse, IV. vii. 50.
abused, I. v. 38.
abuses, II. 11. 649.
action lies, III. iii. 61.
Adam's profession, V. 1. 35.
addition, I. iv. 20; II. 1. 47.
admiration, I. ii. 192; III. ii. 325.
adulterate, I. v. 42.
aery, II. ii. 361.

affections, I. iii. 34; III. i. 171.
affront, III. i. 31.

after, II. ii. 569.

against, II. ш. 520.

against the doom, III. iv. 51.
aim, IV. v. 9.

allow, I. ii. 38.

allowance, II. ii. 79.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


IV. vii. 8; V. ii. 356.
as a stranger, I. v. 165.
as stars, I. i. 118.

as you said, III. iii. 30.

as-es of great charge, V. ii. 43.
aspect, II. ii. 598.

assault, II. i. 35.

assay, III. i. 14.

assay of arms, II. ii. 71.
assays of bias, II. i. 64.
assigns, V. ii. 156.
assistant, I. iii. 3.
at height, I. iv. 21.
at help, IV. iii. 47.
at home, III. i. 135.
at point, I. ii. 200.
attribute, I. iv. 22.
augury, V. ii. 236.
avouch, I. i. 57.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


batten, III. iv. 68.

be, I. i. 108.

beaten, II. ii. 282.

bear, IV. iii. 7.

bear't, I. iii. 67.

beaver, I. ii. 230.

becomes, IV. v. 161; IV. vii. 79.
beggars bodies, II. i. 274.
behove, V. i. 71.

bent, II. ii. 30; III. ii. 389-90.
berattle, II. ii. 365.

bestow, III. iv. 176.

bestowed, II. ii. 561.
bespeak, II. ii. 141.
beteem, I. ii, 141.
bettered, V. ii. 282.

bilboes, V. ii. 6.

breathing, I. iii. 130.

breathing time of day, V. 11.


broad, III. iv. 2.

brokers, I. iii. 127.

brooch, IV. vii. 94.
brow of woe, I. ii. 4.
bringing home, V. 1. 258.
bugs, V. ii. 22.
bulk, II. i. 94.
business, I. ii. 37.
busy, III. iv. 34.
buttons, I. iii. 40.
buz, buz, II. ii. 422.
buzzers, IV. v. 79.
by, II. ii. 190.

by the card, V. 1. 151.

bisson, II. ii. 544.

blank, IV. i. 42.

blanks, III. ii. 216.

Calendar, V. ii. 113.

can, IV. vii. 85.

blank verse shall halt, II. 11.347- canker, I. iii. 39; v. ii. 69.


blast in proof, IV. vii. 155.

canonized, I. iv. 47.

capable, III. iv. 126.

blastments, I. iii. 42.

blazon, I. v. 21.

blench, II. ii. 643.

blister, III. iv. 45.

bloat, III. iv. 182.

blood, III. 11. 77.

blown, III. 1. 168.

board, II. ii. 171.

bodkin, III. i. 76.
bore, IV. vi. 27.

borne in hand, II. ii. 67.
botch, IV. v. 10.

both, II. ii. 29.

both the worlds, IV. v. 123.
bound, I. v. 6.

bourn, III. i. 79.

brands, IV. v. 107.

brainish apprehension, IV. i. 11.
brave, II. ii 318; 628.

bravery, V. ii. 79.

brazed, III. iv. 38.

break, I. ii. 159.

breathe, II. i. 31.

capable of, III. ii. 14.

cap-a-pie, I. ii. 200.
capital, IV. vii. 7.

capitol, III. 11. 113.

card, V. ii. 113.

carriage, I. 1. 94.

carries them through, V. 11. 203.

carrion, II. ii. 184.

carry it away, II. ii. 384.

cart, III. il. 151.

cast beyond, II. i. 114.
cataplasm, IV. vii. 144.
cautel, I. iii. 15.

caviare, II. ii. 471.

cease of majesty, III. ill. 15.
censure, I. iii. 69; I. iv. 35; III.
ii. 32; 95.

centre, II. ii. 160.

cerements, I. iv. 48.

chameleon's dish, III. ii. 101-2.

change, I. ii. 163.

chapless, V. i. 98.

character, I. iii. 59; IV. vii. 52.

charge, III. iv. 87; IV. iv. 47; condolement, I. ii. 93.

V. ii. 43.

checking at, IV. vii. 63.

congruing, IV. iii. 67.

conjunctive, IV. vii. 14.

cheer, III. ii. 160.

chief, I. iii. 74.

choler, III. ii. 300.
chop-fallen, V. i. 213.

chopine, II. ii. 459.
chorus, III. ii. 243.
chough, V. ii. 88.
cicatrice, IV. iii. 63.
clepe, I. iv. 19.
climatures, I. i. 126.
closely, III. 1. 29.

closes ... consequence, II. 1. 45.
closet, II. i. 76; III. ii. 329.
clown, V. i.

coagulate, II. ii. 499.

cockle hat, IV. v. 25.

coil, III. i. 67.

coldly set, IV. ill. 65.

collateral, IV. v. 195.


conscience, III. i. 83; IV. v. 121.

consequence, II. 1. 45.

consonancy, II. ii. 300.

considered time, II. ii. 81.

contagious, I. iii. 42.
continent, IV. iv. 64.
contract, V. i. 71.
contraction, III. iv. 47.
contriving, IV. vii. 136.

convenience, IV. vii. 150-51.

conversation coped, III. 11. 63.

converse, II. i. 42.

convert, III. iv. 127-28.

convey, III. iii. 28.

conveyance, IV. iv. 3.

convoy, I. iii. 3.

coted, II. ii. 337.

count, IV. vii. 17.

countenance, IV. ii. 15; V. 1. 30.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

complete, I. iv. 52.
complexion, I. iv. 27.

comply, II. ii. 398; V. ii. 198.

compost, III. iv. 150.
compulsatory, I. i. 103.
compulsive, III. iv. 87.
comrade, I. iii. 65.

conceit, II. ii. 596; III. iv. 113.

IV. v. 46; V. ii. 159-60.
concernancy, V. ii. 127.
concernings, III. iv. 191.
conclusions, III. iv. 195.

cozened, III. iv. 78.


ring, II. ii. 461.

crants, V. 1. 257.

cried in the top of, II. il. 473-74.
cries on, V. ii. 384.

cross it, I. 1. 128.

crowner's quest, V. 1. 25.

cry, III. ii. 274.

curb, III. iv. 154.
curiously, V. i. 228.
currents, III. iii. 57.

Daintier sense, V. 1. 78.
dalliance, I. iii. 50.
damn, II. 11. 649.
days of nature, I. v. 12.
dear a halfpenny, II. ii. 287.
dearest, I. ii. 182.

dearly, I. iii. 107; IV. iii. 44.
defeat, II. ii. 615; V. il. 58.

defeated, I. ii. 10.
definement, V. i. 116.
deject, III. i. 164.
delated, I. ii. 38.
delicate, V. ii. 159.

deliver, I. ii. 193.

delivered, I. ii. 209.

demanded of, IV. ii. 11.

depends and rests the lives, III.

iii. 14-15.

deprive, I. iv. 73.

desperation, III. ii. 214.

despised, III. i. 72.

destroy, III. ii. 193.

devil, III. iv. 160; 168.
dexterity, I. ii. 157.
diameter, IV. i. 41.

difference, IV. v. 172.
differences, V. ii. 111.

disappointed, I. v. 77.

disasters, I. i. 119.
disclose, III. i. 175.

disclosed, I. iii. 40; V. i. 313.
discourse, IV. iv. 36.

discourse of reason, I. ii. 150.

discovery, II. ii. 310.

disjoint, I. ii. 20.

dispatched, I. v. 75.

disposition, I. iv. 55; III. i. 12.

distemper, III. ii. 337.
distempered, III. ii. 298.
distilled, I. ii. 204.

distract, IV. v. 2.

distracted, IV. iii. 4.

distrust, III. ii. 161.
divulging, IV. 1. 22.
dizzy, V. ii. 118-19.

document in madness, IV. v. 167.
does well, V. i. 52.
doomsday, I. i. 121.
doubt, II. ii. 56; 118.
doubtful, V. 1. 252.
dout, I. iv. 37.
douts, IV. vii. 192.
down-gyved, II. i. 79.
dram of eale, I. iv. 36.

draw, III. iv. 216; IV. v. 131.
dreaded, I. i. 25.

drift of circumstance, III. i. 1.
drift of question, II. i. 10.

dull, I. iii. 64.

dumb-show, III. ii. 139.

Eager, I. iv. 2; I. v. 69.

ease, I. i. 132.

ecstasy, II. i. 101; III. i. 169;

III. iv. 75; 137.

edge, III. i. 26.

edified by the margent, V. ii.

effect, I. iii. 45; III. iv. 127-28.

eisel, V. i. 302.
election, V. ii. 65.

emulate, I. i. 83.

enactures, III. ii. 193.

encompassment, II. 1. 10.

encounter, V. ii. 202.

encumbered, I. v. 174.

engaged, III. iii. 69.
England, IV. iii. 61.
enginer, III. iv. 206.
entertainment, I. iii. 64; II. i.

entreatments, I. iii. 122.
envious, IV. vii. 174.
equivocation, V. i. 151.
erring, I. 1. 155.

escoted, II. ii. 369.

espials, III. i. 32.

estate, III. iii. 5.

eternal blazon, I. v. 21.

even, II. ii. 303; V. i. 32.

even to the teeth, III. iii. 63.
event, IV. iv. 41.

exception, V. ii. 250.

excrements, III. iv. 120.

exercise, III. 1. 45.

exercises, II. ii. 314.
expostulate, II. ii. 86.
express, II. ii. 324.
extent, II. ii. 399.
extravagant, I. i. 155.

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