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been wrote upon this Occafion, are funk into the common Mafs of Matter.


The Prefent STATE of LEARNING.


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ON Juan Ferreras, has publifh'd an Abridgment of the Hiftory of Spain, in fixteen Volumes in 4to. Hiftoria de Espana, &c. That Work raised the Spleen of fome Critics. D. Diego Martinez Cifneros begun the Attack, and put out Anti-Ferreras, &c. in 4to. D. Diego Mefcolae has criticized the fixteenth Volume, and charged the Author with contradicting himself: Ferreras contra Ferreras, y Cuna de mifmo palo, fobre la parte 16. de fu Hiftoria de Efpana, &c. in 8vo. D. Francifco de Berganfa is alfo come out againft him, with this Title: Ferreras convenido con critico defengano en el Tri bunal de los Doctos, in 4to..

They have reprinted the Defcription of the Indies, Defcripcion de las Indias, with feveral Additions and Corrections, in five Volumes. In folio.

Origen de los Indios del Nuevo Mundo y Indias occidentales. In folio.

De los Hechos de los Espanoles en las Indias occidentales. In folio.

F. Juan de S. Antonio, a Francifcan, has put out here the fecond Volume of his Caftilla la Vieja, &c. In folio. The first Volume was printed at Salmanaca.

Defcription hiftorica de Genova. In folio,

with Cuts.

Vida de S. Luis Gonzaga, by Jof. Caffani. In



Vida de Santa Rita de Cafia, por el Padre Alvarez de la Fuente. In 8vo.

Enchiridion de Noticias particulares que ban fucedido en toda Espana y otras partes defde la Criacion del Mundo, bafta el ano de 1726. In 410.


The Royal Academy of the Portuguese Hifory has already publish'd eight Volumes of their Memoirs.

Mr. Anton. Rod. Cosfius lately put out a Volume, in folio, with Cuts, de Vita & rebus geftis Nonni Alvarefii Peyreria, Lufitania Comitis Stabuli, &c.


Signore Francefco Ficoroni, a great Antiquarian, well known to Travellers, has published Memorie delle Cofe più fingolari di Roma e fua Vicinanza. In 4to. He has fubjoin'd to it the Explanation of a Medal of Homer.

Dr. Dionifio Andrea Sancaffani, affifted by fome learned Men, is preparing a Collection of feveral Tracts, with a defign to restore Phyfick to the fame Integrity and Simplicity, it was brought to by Hippocrates. That Collection will make up one Volume in folio, intitled, Dilucidazioni Fifico-Mediche, and contain the following Tracts:

Sopra il medicare le Ferite, con un Remedio commune a tutti, e de niun costo: con 17. Cap. Alcune Efperienze del Dottor Giuseppe Zambeccari, intorno a diverfe Vifcere tagliate a diverfi Animali viventi: con 21. Dilucidazioni.

Venti Esperienze fatte dal Signor Dottor Francefco Redi, intorno a quell' Aqua, che fi diceva


Stagnare fubito tutt'i fluffi di fangue, che fgorgono per qualfi voglia parte del Corpo: con 10 Saggi. Ermanno Vander-Heyrden dell'incredibile Virtù dell' Acqua fredda, fi data per bocca, come applicata di fuori alle Ferite: con 15. Esperienze, e 5. Corollari.

Dieci Offervationi fopra l'incredibile Virtù dell' Acqua fredda, Uomo morficato dal Cane arrabiata, e fatto Idrofobo, rifanato poi coll' effere tuffato nell' Acqua: con Epiftole di Esperienze, e 10. Ripalate, ed Offervationi Etiologiche.

Il Magati Redivivo per beneficio de' Feriti, e regolamento di chi li cura.


THEY are reprinting here the Commentaries of Cornelius à Lapide upon the Bible. That Edition will be more correct, and better printed, than the former ones, and fold very cheap.

The fifth and laft Volume of the Works of Monfignor de la Cafa, in 4to. is come out. There are fome Pieces in this Edition, which are not to be found in the Edition of Florence.

They are reprinting, by Subfcription, the Works of the celebrated Poet Chiabrena, in ten Volumes, in 8vo.

A Benedictine of Ragufa has put out a learned Differtation, wherein he undertakes to prove, that the Inland Melita, near which St. Paul fuffered Shipwreck, is not the Ifle of Malta, as it is commonly thought, but another of the fame Name, near the Coaft of Dalmatia, now called Meleda. Divus Paulus in Mari, quod nunc finus Venetus dicitur, naufragus, & Melide Dalmatenfis Infulæ poft naufragium hofpes. In 4to.



Job Lamii de recta Patrum Nicanorum fide Differtatio. In 4to. The Author examines in what Sense the Fathers of the Council of Nice took the words, and vindicates fome of them against the Cenfure of Mr. le Clerc, who affirm'd, that they did not well underftand what the meant by that word.

F. Angelo Calogiera has publish'd the third Volume of his Raccolta d'Opufcoli Scientifici e Filologici, in 4to. That Collection contains feveral Pieces relating to Phyfick, Natural Philofophy, Litterature, &c.

Arte del Verfo Italiano con le Favole delle Rime di tutte le forti copiofiffime del Cavalier F. Thomafo Seigliani con varie giunte e notazioni di Pompeo Colonna, Principe di Gallicano. Arrichita in questa novella edizione di molte definenze, e del Sillabario di Udeno Nifieli. In

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They have publifh'd fome Pieces of Guidi, never before printed, with the Life of that Poet, by Mr. Crefcimbeni, and a Difcourfe of Mr. Vincent Gravina concerning Poetry, and the most celebrated Poets. In 12mo.

Della Philofophia Nuovo-Antica di Callimaco Neridio P. A. Libri fei, volgarizzati dal fuo compastore e Amico Olpio Acheruntino. In 12mo. It is a Syftem of Philofophy in Verfe.


MR. Giannone, who lives now at Vienna, has fent us a very smart Answer to the Jefuit San Felice's fcurrilous Animadverfions upon his Hiftory of Naples. He has collected the Affertions of the Canonifts concerning the Pope's Authority, to fhew how ridiculous and extravagant they are. That Anfwer is not yet printed.


Sir Thomas Derham has abridged and tranflated into Italian the Philofophical Tranfactions of the Royal Society of London. That Abridgment will contain feveral Volumes in 4to. with Copper-Plates.

We loft lately a very learned Man, viz. Michael d'Amato, who was Doctor of Divinity, Apoftolical Protonotary, Penitentiary, &c. He publifhed the following Books:

De Balfami fpecie ad facrum Chrifma conficiendum requifita, Differtatio Hiftorico-DogmaticoMoralis. Neap. 1722. In 800.

Ejufdem Differtationis ab Auctore recognita & audia Editio altera. Neap. 1722. In 8vo.

De Pifcium atque Avium efus confuetudine apud quofdam Chrifti fideles in Ante-Pafchali Fejunio, quam memorat Socrates, lib. 5. fua Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, Cap. xxii, Differtatio Hiftorico-Phyfiologico-Moralis. Neap. 1723. In 8vo. Differtationes quatuor Hiftorico-Dogmatica, anno 1728. coram Litterario Confeffu recitate in Edibus præclariffimi & eruditiffimi Viri D. Jofephi Ruffi, Patritii Neapolitani.

Differtatio I. In qua ad trutinam revocatur, quibus de caufis in Antiquis Fidei Symbolis Nicano & Conftantinopolitano Articulus ille, Defcendit ad Inferos, fuerit prætermiflus.

Differtatio II. De Inferni Situ adverfus novum commentum cujufdam Natione Angli.

Differtatio III. In qua enucleatur quomodo Chriftus in ultima Cana Euchariftiam benedixerit, & utrum uno, an pluribus Calicibus ufus fuerit.

Differtatio IV. De Ritu quo in Primitiva Ecclefia Fideles S. Euchariftiam percepturi manibus excipiebant; ubi expenditur quidnam fuerit Dominicale quod Mulieres adferre debere jubebantur. Neap. 1728. In 4to.


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