Abbildungen der Seite

Account of which may be feen in Dr. Goetzius's Hiftoria Scriptorum, Stablii & Stabliano


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The Royal Academy of Sciences has publifh'd the following Paper concerning the Prize propofed by them for the Year 1734.


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HE late Mr. Rouillé de Meflay, ancient Counfellor in the Parliament of "Paris, having formed the noble Defign of contributing to the Advancement of the *Sciences, and to the Advantage which the

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Publick would reap from thence, bequeath❝ed to the Royal Academy of Sciences à Fund *for two Prizes to be given to thofe, who, in "the Judgment of that Body, fhould produce

the beft Performance upon two different "Subjects, which he pointed out in his Will, and of which he gave Inftances.

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"The Subjects, or Themes for one of these **Prizes, regard the general Syftem of the "World, and phyfical Aftronomy.

"This Prize was defigned by the Donor "to confift of 2000 Livres, and to be given "once a Year; but the Deficiency of the "Revenue has occafioned its being given but 66 once in two Years, in order to make it more confiderable, and will amount to 2500

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"The Subjects, or Themes for the other « Prize, must treat of Trade and Naviga


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“This also is given but once in two Years, and confists of 2000 Livres.

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The Learned of all Nations are invited to write upon the Subjects propofed, and

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even the Foreign Members of the Academy: "But it has been agreed upon to exclude fuch "Members of the Academy, as are Natives "of the Kingdom, from pretending to the "Prizes.

"Those who defign to write upon the a"forefaid Subjects, are defired to do it either " in French or Latin, but without any Obli"gation: They may write in what Language they please, and the Academy will get their " Letters translated.

"'Tis requested that their Papers may be "very legible, efpecially when there are Al"gebraical Calculations.

"They are not to put their Names to what they write, but only a Sentence or Device, And they are defired to inclofe in their Pa per, a separate Note, fealed up by them, "wherein, befides the fame Sentence, will be written their Name, Quality, and Place of Abode, or Direction; and this Note fhall not be opened by the Academy, unlefs their Piece has gained the Prize. "Those who defign to put in for the Prize, are to direct their Letters, To the Secretary of the Academy of Sciences at Paris; or get "them deliver'd into his hands. In this laft "Cafe, the Secretary will at the fame time "give the Person who so delivers it, his Re"ceipt for the fame, whereon fhall be written "the Sentence in the Piece, and its Number, "according to the Order of Time in which << it comes to hand,

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"If there is a Receipt of the Secretary for "the Piece that has gained the Prize, the Treasurer of the Academy fhall deliver the "Sum

"Sum of the Prize to the Perfon that produces the Receipt, without any other Formality.

If there be no Receipt of the Secretary, the Treasurer fhall not pay the Prize to any but the Author himself, who fhall make himself known, or to the Perfon that produces his Letter of Attorney.

"The Subject propofed for the Prize in the "Year 1732, was, What is the phyfical Caufe of the Inclination of the Planes of the Orbits

of the Planets, with relation to the Plane of "the Equator of the Sun's Revolution about its "Axis; and whence comes it, that the Inclinations of thofe Orbits are different from each other?

Tho' among the Pieces fent in Competition for this Prize, there are fome which appear to have been written by Men of great Learning, and contain feveral curious Difcoveries; yet, as none of them feemed "to be clear enough, or to come home to the Point in queftion, they thought they "ought not to adjudge the Prize.

So important a Point of Phyfical Aftro"nomy well deferving to be fifted to the bottom, the Academy thought they ought to "propofe the fame Subject again for the Year 1734 3 when the Prize fhall be double, to wit, 5000 Livres, according to M. de **Melay's Will.

The Authors of the Pieces which were Ofent for 1732, may make fuch Alterations therein, or put them into what new Form "they pleafe; but they muft fignify that they

are the Pieces to which they gave fuch and fuch Sentences or Devices, and they muft write them all entirely over again.

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If they make no Alteration in them, they "have nothing to fay, or to make known s "but their Pieces fhall be put in again among the others.

Much more fhall the Pieces which are "abfolutely New be received.

"But neither New nor Old will be received "any longer than until the 1ft of September, N. S. 1733..

"The Academy will proclaim the Piece that has gained the Prize, at their general Meeting after Eafter, 1734."

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