Abbildungen der Seite

THIS very curious and valuable Hi-

story has never been tranflated into

any European Language before. Our

learned Editor obferves, that it has appeared un-
der fome variation of Title and Author's Name
in the printed Catalogue of the Leyden Library.
In the Edition of 1674, the Title runs thus,
The Hiftory of Ebn Abbas the Gazite, concerning
the Life and Actions of Salâh'addîn, who reco-
vered the Land of Palestine from the hands of the
European Chriftians; which appears to be a
first-rate Blunder. In the laft Edition of the
fame Catalogue in the year 1716, there is this
Title; The Hiftory of Ebn Abbâs Abu Mod-
haffer Yûfof Ebn Shâd of the Acts of the Emperor
Salâh'addîn, and how be regained the Land of Pa-
leftine from the Chriftians. This Title is not

* That the Reader may not wonder that we differ pretty

widely from the Latin Tranflator in spelling the Names ; it may

be proper to acquaint him, that therein we act according to the

Genius of the Arabic Orthography, and the Power of our own


more juft and accurate than the firft, and proceeds from an inattention to, or ignorance of, what is found in the Frontifpiece of the Origi nal; which has Words to this effect: The Life and Actions of Soltân Al-Malec Al-Nafer the Reformer of the World and of Religion; the Iflamite Soltan of the Mollems; the Refcuer of the Houfe of God, at Jerufalem, from the Hands of the Idolaters; Servant of the two Holy Cities, Mecca and Medina Abu Modhaffer Yufof the Son of Shâd, whofe Sepulchre God Sprinkle with the Shower of bis Favour, and grant unto bim to taste, in the Seat of his Compaffion, the fweet Fruits of Faith, as unto our Brethren, who are gone before us in the fame. The Bleffing of God rest also upon our Lord Mohammed the Prince of the Sons of Adnân, and all Health. All the foregoing Names belong to the Soltan himfelf, and none of them to the Hiftorian, as is miftaken in the Title of this Work as it is found in the last Edition of the Leyden Catalogue, and as we have just now transcribed it.


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THE Hiftorian's Name is fome how or other omitted in the Original; a defect which our Editor fupplies by this means: Omâdo'ddin of Ifpaban relates, that Babad'ddin the Kadi and himself were sent on an Embaffy to the Soltan from his Brother, to know his thoughts upon an Offer the King of England had made towards a Peace, by agreeing to give him his Sister in Marriage; which very Fact is found in our Hiftorian, (p. 209. c. 127.) where he profeffes to have had this bufinefs in charge; and from hence and other corroborating Evidence our Editor ventures to call him Babâo'ddîn the Son of Shedad; and he seems to be very right. He was in high efteem with the Soltan, as appears

in almost every Page of his Hiftory, scarce ever ftirring from his fide. But tho' he doubtless had very full inftruction in all points relating to his Master, he has chiefly infifted on the HOLY WAR against the Franks or Chriftians at Jerufalem, where they had for a confiderable time erected themfelves into a Kingdom. This may be attributed to an over-fond Zeal, which blinded him fo much, as to make him fancy that the glory of that War absorbed all that his Hero had acquired in all the reft of his Life; or else to an unwillingness to mention any thing which might reflect difhonour on him. In the HOLY WAR his Mafter fills up, as it were, the whole Scene, equally admired on both fides; in that great Affair, he deems all to be glorious, great, and irreprehenfible; whereas if he had acted the faithful Recorder of his Deeds in general, he, among other Particulars, muft have mentioned his Ingratitude to the Family of Nûro'ddin in Syria, and his Severity towards the Race of the Fatemite Khalifs in Egypt; neither of which could have been excufed by the most specious Gloffes he could have resorted to for that, purpose.

Babao'ddin is an Arabic Compound, fignifying the Beauty of Religion, whence our Editor concludes him to have been the Mufty. This he gathers alfo from his conftant Form of Bleffing and Curfing: as for example, when he mentions Saláb'addin, it is always with a God be merciful unto him—The Mercy of God rest upon him: but when the Franks are to be named, they are con-stantly attended with a Curfe of God be on them 31 herein, acting the Difpenfer of Benediction and Malediction, and the Mouth of the fupreme Being bere on Earth, as the Turks at this day speak of


their Mufty. Besides, his Stile and Manner of treating fome Points, and infifting upon others, betray him to have been a Churchman. However, to refume his Stile again, it is like that of the great Abu'l Feda, fimple, copious, and unaffected.

FROM fo mafterly and fo well-inftructed a Pen, what can we expect lefs than a very good History? Wherefore as there are few who would not be glad to know how the Mohammedans speak of the downfal of the Christian Kingdom of Jerufalem, and to be acquainted with the Character, Genius, and Exploits of the Prince who was able to effect fo terrible a difafter upon the Chriftian Name in Afia and Afric; we will, in the most compendious and confpicuous manner we are able, gratify the Curiofity of our Readers, by giving them a fuccinct Abridgement of the whole Hiftory, and particularly for the fatisfaction of fuch as are as ignorant in Latin as in Arabic.

Salâh'addin was born in the five hundred and Year of the Mohamthirty-fecond Year of the Mohammedan Hejra, and even in his Childhood gave early and well- Hejra or grounded Hopes that he was destined to Empire Hegira and high Command. His Piety was pure, fub- 532. lime and perfect, according to the five traditionary Precepts of Mohammed. 1. His Faith in one God, was not a blind Affent to he knew not what; he dived deep into the Arguments whereon it was built, and having made himfelf a perfect Mafter of the Controverfy, would decide with wonderful perfpicuity upon any Branch of it; and being convinced he was right, refolved to inculcate hisOpinion into every body elfe. 2. In Prayer he was conftant and fervent, and almost without an equal; therein would he pour

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pour out his Soul with the most melting Devotion, and tho' in private, with all the troublefome and folemnCeremonies obferved in the public Worship, from which he would not wholly excufe himself when even upon his Death-bed. 3. Alms-giving and Generofity together had fo thoroughly drained him of his Wealth and Subftance, that he had nothing to bequeath to his Heir when he died. 4. The Fast of Ramadan he kept with a strictness and rigour quite extraordinary, altho' he was of a Constitution which could but very indifferently admit of Abftinence. 5. The Pilgrimage to Mecca he had folemnly vowed, but when he happened to have leisure to undertake that important Act of Religion, it fell out that his Treafure was at a very low ebb; wherefore, as he could not at that time go like himself, he deferred it till the next Year; but e'er that came about, he died.

THE Koran was his principal delight, in that it may be faid of him, that he exercised himself Day and Night, rewarding the fame laudable Practice in others, with a munificence and favour altogether princely. He never heard or read certain Paffages of that Holy Volume, but, being of a foft and tender Heart, he diffolved into Tears. Nor was he lefs mindful of Tradition,eagerly feeking after all fuch as poffeffed it; among whom, if at any time there were any, who, wrapped in Contemplation, fhunned the Thresholds of the Great; fuch he would frequently vifit, with great Humility, and liften. to them with a moft religious Attention. Moreover, he was a rigid Affertor of his Creed, and therefore hated Philofophy and all inquifitive Learning. To doubt or difpute upon any Article of his Belief, was Death, if it came to his


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