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M. Alemanni has published the second Part of the third Volume of his Bibliotbeca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, &c. That Part contains the History of the Neftorian Churches. In Folio.

M. Cavalli has given us part of a large Treatife concerning the Myfteries of Religion, which Treatife will yet be but an Appendix to a much larger Work, he has been about for these five and twenty Years, intitled, Index generalis Hebreo-Chaldaïco-Latino-Biblicus. In the Specimen he has now publifhed, he undertakes to prove the Mystery of the Trinity against the Jews; and even to fhew, that there can be no God but fuch a one as confifts of one Effence and three Perfons. La vera fede portata in trionfo da Facopo Cavalli nella spiegazione dell'incomprenfibile Mistero della Santiffima Trinità, al sempre mifero, cieco ed oftinato Ebraismo; in forma di difputa tra l'Ebreo e il Chriftiano. Finalmento decifa à favore della verità, cioè che non può darfi Dio, fe non uno in effenza e trino in perfone. In 4to.

Abbot Pafcoli of Perugia has put out the first Volume of his Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, e Arcbitetti moderni. In 4to.

Codex Conftitutionum quas fummi Pontifices ediderunt in folemni Canonizatione Sanctorum à Jobanne XV. ad Benedictum XIII. five Anno Domini 993 ad an. 1729. Accurante Jufto Fantar nino, Archiepifcopo Ancyrano, qui lemma & natulas addidit. In Folio.


M. Muratori has at laft published the xx Volume of his Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, &c. The Pieces contained in that Volume were


never before printed, as may be seen in the fol lowing Account of them.


CHRONICON REGIENSE ab An.MCCLXXII. ufque ad McccxxXVIII. Auctoribus Sagacio & Petro de Gazata Regienfibus: munc primùm editum ex MS. Codice Bibliothecæ Eftenfis.

MEMORIALE HISTORICUM Rerum Bononienfium ab Anno Mcix ufque ad Mccccxxvi. Autore Matthæo de Griffonibus: nunc primùm profertur ex MS. Codice Bononienfi.

HISTORIA MISCELLA Bononienfis ab Anno McIv, ufque ad annum McccxcIV. Autore præfertim Fratre Bartholomeo della Pugliola Ordinis Minorum. Accedit ejufdem Continuatio ufque ad annum MCCCCLXXI ab aliis Auctoribus Synchronis falta. Omnia nunc primùm in lucem prodeunt è Codicibus MSS. Bibliotheca Eftenfis.

JOHANNIS SERCAMBII Auctoris Synchroni Chronicon de Rebus geftis Lucenfium ab Anno Mcccc ufque ad annum Mccccix: nunc primùm in lucem producitur è MS. Codice Bibliotheca Ambrofiane.

ANNALES ESTENSES Jacobi de Delayto Cancellarii D. Nicolai Eftenfis Marchionis Ferra rie, Au&toris Synchroni, de geftis ipfius Marchionis ab Anno McccXCH. ufque ad Mccccix. nunc primum editi è MS. Codice Bibliotheca Eftenfis.

MONUMENTA HISTORICA de Rebus Florentinorum, Auctore Gino Capponio ab Anno MCCCLXXVIII. ufque ad annum MccccxIx. Cum Continuatione Nerii illius filii ufque ad annúm MCCCCLVI. Nunc primùm prodeunt ex MS. Codicibus Florentinis.

Malatesta defigns to print all the antient Latin Poets, with an Italian Tranflation: Corpus omnium Poetarum Latinorum cum eorumdem Italica Verfione. The two firft Volumes con

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tain Statius's Thebais, and the Tranflation of Selvaggio Porpora. In 4to.


THEY have reprinted the Chronological Tables of F. Muzantio, a Jefuit; Fax Chronologica ad omnigenam Hiftoriam. Thefe Tables were become very fcarce; they confift of four Sheets, which may be pafted up together.

Dr. Francefco del Taglia, Profeffor of Moral Philofophy, died fuddenly on the 5th of January 1731, while he was reciting a Harangue before a great Affembly. He was 60 Years old. Befides his Commentary on the Poems of Menzini, he has published:

Lezione del Dottor Francefco del Taglia Profef for di Filofophia Morale nello Studio di Firenze, publicata da ello per Introduzione e preambulo alla nuova Etica volgare che a commune utilità egli va compilando in occafione di spiegare moralmente e eruditamente illuftrare i più favi ed arguti Proverbi de Tofcano Idioma. Firenze 1714. In 4to.

Della Bellezza e del Bello e onefto Orgoglio che decorofamente ba da guernifta e difenderla. Ibid. $726. 4ta.

Sonetti e Canzoni printed in the Raccolte delle Rime degli Arcadi di Roma, &c.

Abbot Gori has honoured Dr. de Taglia's Memory by the following Inscription:

Siccine tam cito à nobis feparas amara mors
Viros probitate, ingenio, doctrina infignes?
In uno cive optimo ac præftantiffimo
Francifco Jofephi F. del Taglia J.U. C.
Summo omnium mærore inopina morte defun&lo
Dum Studia Sapientia publice aufpicaretur.



Heu quantum ornamenti Florentia,
Quantum gloria Patrium Lyceum,
Quantum elegantia Latina & Etrufce Mufe,
Quantum gravitatis fplendorifque eloquentia,
Quantum utilitatis & exempli Philofophia ipfa
Quam fumma cum laude docuit, beu dolor!

Viro eruditiffimo & politiffimo
Chriftiana pietatis cultori eximio
Filiorum fuorum tam magno præfidio
Orbatorum Magiftro

Luminis æterni claritatem quietemque perennem
A Deo pracamini
Non fine lacrimis pientiffimi cives.


M. Volpi has given us a beautiful Edition of Sannazar's Works, with the Life of that celebrated Poet: Jacobi five Altii Synceri Sannazarii Neapolitani, Viri Patricii, Poemata ex Antiquis Editionibus accuratiffimè defcripta. Acceffit ejufdem Vita, J. Ant. Vulpio Autore. Item Gabrielis Attilii, & Honorati Fafcitelli Carmina quæ extant. In 4to."

De Piftilli verfatione Acroafis Jacobi Facciolati babita in Gymnafio Patavino ad inftauranda Logica Studia Menfe Novembri MDCCXXX. In 8vo.


Francefco Pilleri is printing by Subfcription Cicero's Works in 8vo, from the Edition of Mr. Verburg, printed at Amfterdam in 1724. The firft Volume is already come out.

Differtazioni Epiftolari Storiche e Chronologiche. In 8vo. Thefe Differtations contain feveral Critical and Hiftorical Obfervations.

[blocks in formation]

Poleti has printed a new Edition of the Latin Tranflation of F. Mabillon's Treatife des Etudes Monaftiques. The first came out in the Year 1705; but to this laft they have added feveral Pieces relating to the fame Subject,

Roletti intends to print by Subfcription a Latin Traflation of the Bibliotheque Ecclefiaftique of F. Cellier, a Benedictine, which will make up fixteen Volumes in 4to. The two first Volumes have already been publifhed at Paris.


THEY have printed here a new Edition of Benivieni's Poem on the Love of God: Del Amore celefte e divino. Canzone di Girolamo Benivieni Fiorentino; col Commento del Conte Giovanni Pico Mirandolano. In 8vo.

Leonardo Venturini propofes to reprint by Subfcription all the Works of F. Paarino, a famous Dominican, in feveral Volumes in Folio. R. P. F. Petri Maria Pafferini de Sextula, Magiftri & Procuratoris Generalis ordinis Prædicatorum, & in Romana Sapientia S. Theologia Profefforis Matutini, Opera omnia Theologica & Ca-. nonica; à quam plurimis mendis, quæ in Romana Editione irrepferunt, expurgata. Accefferunt in Libris Decretalium Textus earumdem, novufque & locuples Commentarius, &c.

The fame Bookfeller, who fome time ago printed the Latin Tranflation of F. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, has put out a Tranflation of the Supplement to that Work: Supplementum ad Dictionarium Hiftoricum, Criticum, Chronologicum, & Litterale Sacræ Scripturæ, Autore R.D. D. Auguftino Calmet. Opus Gallicè primùm, nunc Latinis Litteris traditum à


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