Abbildungen der Seite

Medals neatly engraved, and a Map entitled Orbis Juftinianeus Seculi fexti.


The Life of Mr. Bayle, by Mr. Des Maizeaux has been tranflated into High-Dutch by Dr. Kobl. In 8vo.


The two following Books have been printed here: Introduzzione alla Filofofia Wolffiana, nella quale fi difcorre d'alcuni Principii di questo Sistema di Filofofia, da G. G. K. in 8vo.

Controverfe Philofophique qu'il y a eu entre M. le Baron de Leibnitz d'une part, & Meffieurs Foucher, Bayle, Newton & Clarke de l'autre, fur l'Harmonie préetablie qui fe trouve entre l'Ame &le Corps: avec une Preface, où l'on prouve la verité de cette Harmonie. Par J. J. K. In 8vo.


They have printed here, under the Name of Amfterdam, a Book intitled Le Monde fou preferé au Monde fage. M. de Muralt, known by his Letters upon the English and the French, is thought to be Author of it. That Gentleman has given into a refined Devotion, which bears the Name of Pietifm, and lives now in the Principality of Neufchâtel, with fome other Perfons, who profefs a fingular Piety. They do not affift at the ufual religious Affemblies, but separate themfelves from them, upon the account of the general Corruption of Mankind, They are Charitable, vifit the Sick, and behave themselves in a very regular and edifying manner. Some of them pretend to be infpired, but these are of the lower rank, and the Chiefs

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amongst them don't pretend to that divine favour, tho' they have a great regard for fuch Inspirations.


Father Montfaucon will foon publish the IV. Volume of his Monumens de la Monarchie Françoife.

Mr. Silhouette has put out a fecond Edition of Idée generale du Gouvernement & de la Morale des Chinois, tirée particulierement des Ouvrages de Confucius. In 12mo. The firft Edition was printed in 1729.

Les Privileges des Suiffes, enfemble ceux accordés aux Villes Imperiales & Anfeatiques, & aux habitans de Geneve, refidens en France. Avec un Traité Hiftorique & Politique des Alliances entre la France &les treize Cantons, depuis Charles VIII. jusqu'à prefent. Et des Obfervations fur la Justice des Suiffes fondées fur les principes du Droit Public. Dedié à S. A. S. Monfeigneur le Duc du Maine. Par M. Vogel, Grand Juge des Gardes Suiffes. In 4to.

Lettre de M. de Sal--- Medecin, à M. l'Abbé de M. D. L. ou Differtation Critique fur l'Apparition des Efprits. In 12mo. pag. 57. The Author of that Pamphlet denies all forts of Apparitions.


They have printed here, under the Name of Avignon, a fecond Edition of Bibliotheque Fanfénienne. In 12mo. F. Colonia, a Jefuit, is the Author of it. It gives an Account of the Books of the Janfenifts; but that Account is very imperfect.



F. Boyer has published Histoire Generale de Eglife Cathedrale de Vaifon, avec une Chronologie de tous les Evêques qui l'ont gouvernée ; & une Chorographie ou Defcription en Vers Latins François des Villes, Bourgs, Villages, Paroiffes &Chapelles qui compofent ce Diocefe. Par le R. P. Louis Anfelme Boyer de Sainte Marthe de Tarafcon, Profeffeur, en Theologie de l'Ordre des FF. Prêcheurs de la Congregation du Très-Saint Sacrement, 2 vol. in 4to. The Chorography or Defcription of the Diocefs of Vaifon in Latin Verfe, was written by Jofeph-Maria Suarez, Bishop of that Place, a very learned Man.


Wetstein and Smith have printed a very curious Book, entitled La Vie de Mahomet, traduite & compilée de l' Alcoran, des Traditions Authentiques de la Sonna, & des meilleurs Auteurs Arabes, par M. Jean Gagnier, Profeffeur des Langues Orientales dans l'Univerfité d'Oxford, 2 vol. in 12mo. The Preface contains feveral curious and learned Obfervations upon the Life of Mahomet, by Count Boulainvilliers.


They have likewife printed, Entretien infructif d'un Pere avec fon Fils, fur les premiers Principes de la Religion & de la Morale; ou Catechifme raifonné, traduit de l'Anglois, par Mylord *** in 12mo.


Lately printed a new Edition of the Marmora Oxonienfia, which were published by Dr. Prideaux in the year 1676,



This Edition bears this Title,

Marmorum Arundellianorum, Seldenianorum, aliorumque Academic Oxonienfi donatorum, cum variis Commentariis & Indice, fecunda Editio Londini Typis Gulielmi Bowyer. 1732 Folio. By Michael Mattaire. All the Plates are graved afresh; and two new ones added.

Befides what Dr. Prideaux's Edition contains, there are added in this the Notes of the following learned Men, Jacob. Palmerius, Joan. Marfham, Thom. Reinefius, Edm. Chihull, Thom. Smith, Rich. Bentley, Scipio Maffeus, Henr. Dod well. As alfo a Specimen Conjecturarum ac Annotationum, in which the Editor has been affifted by three Copies of Dr. Prideaux's Edition, with marginal Notes, and by fome other Pieces not before printed.

The Work is concluded by a very large Index of all the Words in the Marbles, and of all the Things mentioned in the foregoing Comment. In which Index are interfpers'd a great many Obfervations.

There are 300 Copies only printed, all in large Paper. The whole contains 175 Sheets.

THE following Extract of a Letter, which we have received from M. Argelati, cannot but be acceptable to our Readers.

Extract of a Letter from Mr. Argelati, dated Milan November the 20th 1731.

I fuppofe your Medallifts have not yet well examined my Edition of Mezzobarba. In my Preface, 1 faid, that I was only giving the


numberless Corrections, and the Additions contained in the MSS. communicated to me. The fecond Volume which I am preparing without intermiffion, will contain my own Additions, which will be much more confiderable than thofe of Paris. I am affifted by fix Gentlemen, who are travelling on purpose to view the most remarkable Cabinets of Europe..

The following Books have been juft imported, and are fold by NIC. PREVOST Bookfeller in the Strand.

Ommentarii Academia Scientiarum Petropo

Clitasta. Tom. I. ad annum 1726. Tom. II.

ad annum 1727. Petropoli, typis Academiæ 1728, & 1729, In 4to.

Plantarum minus cognitarum Centuria I. II. III. complectentés Plantas circa Byzantium & in Oriente obfervatas per J. C. Buxbaum. Acad. Scient Socium. Petropoli ex Typographiæ Academiæ, 1728, 1729. In 4to.

Theophili Sigefridi Bayeri Regiomontani, Academici Petropolitani, Græcarum Romanarumque Antiquitatum Prof. Publ. Ord. Societ. Regi Berolin. Sodalis, Mufeum Sinicum in quo Sinica Linguæ & Litteraturæ ratio explicatur. Petropoli, ex Typographia Academiæ Imperatoria 1730. 2 vol. In 8vo.

Chriftiani Wolfii Elementa Mathefeos Universæ. Tom. I. qui Commentationem de Methodo Mathematica, Arithmeticam, Geometriam, TrigonoNo XIV. 1731. metriam VOL. III.


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