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Public Acts of Congress.

engineers, two hundred and thirty-five thousand
five hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents.
For clothing, eighty-five thousand dollars.
For bounties and premiums, fifteen thousand

For the medical and hospital departments, fifteen thousand dollars.

For camp equipage, fuel, tools, and transportation, ninety thousand dollars.

For fortifications, arsenals, magazines, and armories, two hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and forty-two dollars, five cents.

For purchasing maps, plans, books, and instruments, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For contingencies, eighteen thousand dollars. For the payment of such balances as have been ascertained, and which may be ascertained during the years one thousand eight hundred and six and one thousand eight hundred and seven, from actual settlements by the accountant from the War Department, and which cannot be discharged out of any existing appropriation, eight thousand dollars.

For the Indian department, one hundred thousand and six hundred dollars.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations hereinbefore made shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, January 10, 1807.

An Act to alter the time of holding the Circuit and
District Courts in the District of North Carolina.

October; and at Edenton, in and for the district of Albemarle, on the first Tuesday which shall follow the Friday next after the first Mondays in February, June, and October. And that all actions, suits, writs, process, pleadings, or other proceedings, commenced or to commence, or which shall be now depending in any of the district courts of the district of North Carolina, shall be continued over, and have day in the next district court to be holden in the several districts as hereby established. anything in any former act or acts to the contrary notwithstanding.

Approved, February 4, 1807.

An Act for the relief of the sufferers by fire, in the town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Be it enacted, &c., That all persons, who, being indebted to the United States for merchandise, have given bond therefor, with one or more sureties, payable to the collector of the district of Portmouth, in the State of New Hampshire, or to the collector of the district of Boston and Charlestown, and who have suffered a loss of property by the late conflagation at Portsmouth, shall be and hereby are allowed to take up, or have cancelled, all bonds heretofore given for duties as aforesaid, upon giving to collectors new bonds, with one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the said collector or collectors, for the sums of their former bonds respectively, payable in twelve months from and after the day of payment specified in the bonds to be taken up and cancelled, as aforesaid; and the said collectors are hereby authorized to give up, or cancel all such bonds upon the receipt of others, as described in this act; which last mentioned bonds shall be proceeded with, in all respects, like other bonds which are taken by collectors for duties due to nothing in this act contained shall extend to the United States: Provided, however, That bonds which had fallen due prior to the twentyfourth day of December last. Approved, February 10, 1807.

Be it enacted, &c., That, instead of the times heretofore established by law, for the sessions of the circuit court for the district of North Carolina, the said courts shall hereafter commence and be holden on the twelfth day of May, and the twelfth day of November, in each year, anything contained in any former act or acts to the contrary notwithstanding. And all actions, suits, process, pleadings, and other proceedings of what nature or kind soever, civil or criminal, commenced or to commence in the said court, and all recognisances returnable to the said court, on the twen-An Act to provide for surveying the coasts of the Unitieth day of June next, shall be continued, returned to, and have day, in the session to be holden by this act, and the same proceedings shall be had thereon as heretofore, and shall have all the effect, power, and virtue, as if the alteration had never been made: Provided, nevertheless, That when the twelfth day of May, or the twelfth day of November shall happen on Sunday, the next succeeding day shall be the first juridical day of the


SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the district courts of the United States for the district of North Carolina, shall, after the passing of this act, commence, and be holden on the following days, instead of the times heretofore established by law; that is to say: at Wilmington, in and for the district of Cape Fear, on the first Mondays in February, June, and October; at Newbern, in and for the district of Pamptico, on the Friday next after the first Mondays in February, June, and

ted States.

Be it enacted, fc., That the President of the United States shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to cause a survey to be taken of the coasts of the United States, in which shall be designated the islands and shoals, with the roads or places of anchorage, within twenty leagues of any part of the shores of the United States; and also the respective courses and distances between the principal capes, or head lands, together with such other matters as he may deem proper for completing an accurate chart of every part of the coasts within the extent aforesaid.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to cause such examinations and observations to be made, with respect to St. George's bank, and any other bank or shoal and the soundings and currents beyond the distance aforesaid to the Gulf Stream, as in his opinion may be especially sub

Public Acts of Congress.

servient to the commercial interests of the United States.

rocks and shoals in the channel leading into the harbor of Salem, in the State of Massachusetts.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That, for the President of the United States shall be, and he is purpose of defraying the expenses which may be hereby authorized and requested, for any of the incurred in the execution of this act, the following purposes aforesaid, to cause proper and intelligent sums shall be, and the same are hereby respectpersons to be employed, and also such of the pub-ively appropriated, to be paid out of any moneys lic vessels in actual service, as he may judge expe- in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated: that dient, and to give such instructions for regulating is to say, for building the light-house on Fair their conduct as to him may appear proper, ac- Weather island, five thousand dollars; for buildcording to the tenor of this act. ing the light-house at Naushawn island, two thousand five hundred dollars; for pulling down, and rebuilding the light-house on Smith's point, six thousand dollars; for rebuilding the light-house on North island, twenty thousand dollars; for fixing buoys and stakes in Winyaw bay, one thousand five hundred dollars; for fixing buoys and beacons in the channel leading to Salem harbor, one thousand five hundred dollars.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That for carrying this act into effect there shall be, and hereby is appropriated, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, to be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 10, 1807.

An Act authorizing the erection of certain light-houses, and the fixing of stakes, buoys and beacons, at certain places therein named.

Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to cause a good and sufficient light-house to be built at each of the following places, that is to say; on Fair Weather island, in the State of Connecticut, and at Naushawn island, near Tarpaulin cove, in the State of Massachusetts, at such points as the President of the United States may select for those purposes; and to appoint keepers, and otherwise provide for such light-houses, at the expense of the United States: Provided, That sufficient ground for the accommodation of said light-houses, respectively, can be obtained at a reasonable price: And provided, also, That the Legislatures of the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts, shall cede the jurisdiction over each respectively to the United States.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to cause the light-house at present established on Smith's point, at the mouth of the river Potomac, to be taken down, and to cause another good and sufficient one to be built at such other spot on the said point, as the President of the United States may select: Provided, That sufficient ground for the accommodation thereof can be obtained at a reasonable price; and provided also, that the Legislature of the State of Virginia shall cede the jurisdiction over the same to the United States. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby further authorized and directed to cause the light-house heretofore established on North Island, at the entrance into Winyaw bay, in the State of South Carolina, to be rebuilt in such manner as may in his opinion be most likely to secure its future safety.

Approved, February 10, 1807.

An Act supplementary to the act, entitled "An act making provision for the redemption of the whole of the public debt of the United States."

Whereas it is desirable to adapt the nature of the provision for the redemption of the public debt to the present circumstances of the United States, which can only be done by a voluntary subscription on the part of the creditors:

Be it enacted, &c., That a subscription to the full amount of the old six per cent. deferred and three per cent. stocks be, and the same is hereby proposed; for which purpose books shall be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and by the several Commissioners of Loans, on the first day of July next, to continue open until the seventeenth day of March next following, inclusively, the fourteen last days of each quarter excepted, for such parts of the abovementioned descriptions of stock as shall, on the day of subscription, stand on the books of the Treasury, and of the several Commissioners of Loans, respectively; which subscription shall be effected by a transfer to the United States, in the manner provided by law for such transfers of the credit or credits standing on the said books, and by a surrender of the certificates of the stock subscribed.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the whole or any part of any sum which shall thus be described, in old six per cent. or deferred stock, credits shall be entered to the respective subscribers, and the subscriber or subscribers shall be entitled to a certificate, or certificates, purporting that the United States owe to the holder or holders thereof, his. her, or their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, equal to the amount of principal of the stock thus subscribed, which shall remain unredeemed on the day of such subscription, bearing an interest of six per centum per annum,

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to cause proper and suffi-payable quarter yearly, from the first day of the cient buoys and stakes to be fixed in, and along the channel in Winyaw bay, leading to the harbor of Georgetown, in the State of South Carolina: and also, to cause proper and sufficient buoys and beacons to be placed on, or near the

quarter, during which such subscription shall have been made, transferable in the same manner as is provided by law for the transfers of the stock subscribed, and subject to redemption at the pleasure of the United States: Provided, That

Public Acts of Congress.

no single certificate shall be issued for an amount respectively, triplicate abstracts of the certificates greater than ten thousand dollars: And provided of stocks subscribed, and of the new certificates further, That no reimbursement shall be made issued by them, during such quarter, in order that except for the whole amount of any such new the proper credits may be entered on the books of certificate, nor till after at least six months previ- the Treasury, and of the Commissioners of Loans, ous public notice of such intended reimbursement. as the case may be, to the holders of such new SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the certificates. And the said agents, before they whole or any part of any sum which shall thus enter upon the execution of their several offices, be subscribed in three per cent. stock, credits shall shall, respectively, take an oath or affirmation for likewise be entered to the respective subscribers; the diligent and faithful execution of their trust, and the subscriber, or subscribers, shall be entitled and shall also become bound with one or more to a certificate, purporting that the United States sureties, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners owe to the holder or holders thereof, his, her, or of the Sinking Fund, or of the Secretary of the their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, equal Treasury, in the penal sum of twenty thousand to sixty-five per centum of the amount of the dollars, with condition for their good behaviour principal of the stock thus subscribed, bearing an in their said offices. interest of six per centum, per annum, payable SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the quarter yearly, from the first day of the quarter, holders of old six per cent. deferred, or three per during which such subscription shall have been cent. stock, who may become subscribers, as made, and transferable and subject to redemption aforesaid, either in the United States or in Europe, in the same manner, and under the same regula- and who, on the first day of July next, and also tions and restrictions, as the stock created by the on the day of the subscription, shall be resident preceding section of this act: Provided, That no in Europe, may at their option, which must be part of the stock thus created, shall be reimburse-made at the time of subscribing, receive the interable without the assent of the holder or holders of such stock, until after the whole of the eight per cent. and four and a half per cent. stocks, as well as all the six per cent. stock which may be created by virtue of the preceding section, shall have been redeemed.

est accruing on the stock created by virtue of the preceding sections of this act, either in the United States as other creditors, or at London, or Amsterdam: that is to say, the stockholders residing, at the times above mentioned, in the dominions of Great Britain, in Europe, at London, and at SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the the rate of four shillings and six pence, sterling, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund shall be, and for each dollar; and the stockholders residing, they are hereby, authorized to appoint an agent at the times above mentioned, in any other part in London, and another in Amsterdam, whose of Europe, at Amsterdam, and at the rate of two duty it shall be to receive subscriptions and trans- guilders, and a half guilder, current money of fers, and to issue new certificates in the manner, Holland, for each dollar; in which last mentioned and at the times above mentioned, and as the option the condition shall be expressed in the officers of the Treasury Department, or the Com- new certificates to be issued, and the credit, or missioners of Loans might do; that is to say, the credits, to be given to the proprietors thereof, agent in London in favor of such stockholders shall be entered, and shall thereafter be transferresiding in the dominions of Great Britain, in able only on the books of the Treasury: Provided, Europe, and the agent in Amsterdam, in favor of however, That the interest thus payable in Lonsuch stockholders, residing in any other part of don and Amsterdam, shall not be payable until Europe, as may respectively become subscribers: the expiration of six calendar months from the Provided, That the certificates issued by the day on which the same would be payable in the said agents shall bear interest only from the first United States, and shall be subject to a deduction day of the quarter next succeeding that in which of one half of one per cent. on the amount paythe subscription shall have taken place, and that able, for commission to the bankers paying the in relation to subscriptions made in old six per same: And provided also, That every proprietor cent, or deferred stocks, the sums expressed in of such stock may, on surrendering his certificate, such new certificates shall be equal to the amount receive another to the same amount, the interest of the principal of the old six per cent. or defer- whereof shall be payable quarter yearly in the red stocks thus subscribed, which shall remain United States, in the same manner as that accruunredeemed after payment of the dividend pay-ing on the stock held by persons residing in the able on such stock, on that day from which the interest of the new certificates shall commence. The foreign stockholders thus subscribing with either of the said agents shall be entitled to receive the dividend on the old six per cent. deferred, or three per cent. stock subscribed by them, respectively, which shall be payable on that day, from which the interest on the new certificates shall commence. And it shall be the duty of the said agents, respectively, to transmit, before the end of each quarter, to the Register of the Treasury, and to the several Commissioners of Loans,

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United States.

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the same funds which heretofore have been, and now are, pledged, by law, for the payment of the interest, and for the redemption or reimbursement of the stock which may be subscribed by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall remain pledged for the payment of interest accruing on the stock created by reason of such subscription, and for the redemption or reimbursement of the principal of the same. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to cause to be

Public Acts of Congress.

applied, and paid out of the said fund, yearly, and every year, such sum, and sums, as may be annually wanted to discharge the annual interest and charges accruing on the stock which may be created by virtue of this act. The said Commissioners are hereby authorized to apply, from time to time, such sum and sums, out of the said fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming, by purchase, or by reimbursement, in conformity with the provisions of this act, the principal of the said stock. And the annual sum of eight millions of dollars, vested by law in the said Com missioners, shall be, and continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redemption of the public debt, until the whole of the stock which may be created by the preceding sections of this act, shall have been redeemed, or reimbursed.

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to each of the agents to be appointed by virtue of this act, in addition to the necessary expenses incurred by them for printing, stationery, and postage, a sum of three thousand dollars, as a full compensation for their services. The said agents, and the Commissioners of Loans, shall also be allowed such additional sum as may be actually and necessarily expended for the clerk hire requisite for carrying this act into effect. And for defraying the said compensations and allowances, and such other contingent charges as may be incurred for carrying this act into effect, a sum not exceeding sixteen thousand dollars, to be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, is hereby appropriated.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That whensoever notice of reimbursement shall be given, as prescribed by the second and third sections of this act, the certificates intended to be reimbursed, shall be designated therein. In every reimbursement the preference shall be given to such holders of certificates as, previous to the said notice, shall have notified in writing to the Treasury Department their wish to be reimbursed. If there should not be applications to the Treasury sufficient to require the payment of the whole sum to be applied to that purpose, the Secretary of the Treasury, after paying off all sums for the payment of which application shall have been made, shall determine, by lot, what other certificates shall be reimbursed so as to make up the whole amount to be discharged: and in case the applications shall exceed the amount to be discharged, the Secretary of the Treasury shall proceed to determine, by lot, what applications shall be entitled to priority of payment.

SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the agents appointed by virtue of this act, and the several Commissioners of Loans, shall observe and perform such directions and regulations, as shall be prescribed to them by the Secretary of the Treasury, touching the execution of this act. SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed, in anywise, to alter, abridge, or impair the rights of those creditors of the United States, who shall not subscribe to the loan created by virtue of this act.-[Approved February, 11, 1807.

An Act to extend the power of granting writs of injunctions to the judges of the district courts of the United States.

Be it enacted, &c., That, from and after the passing of this act, the judges of the district courts of the United States shall have as full power to grant writs of injunctions to operate within their respective districts, in all cases which may come before the circuit courts within their respective districts, as is now exercised by any of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, as are prescribed by the several acts of Congress, establishing the judiciary of the United States, any law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That the same shall not, unless so ordered by the circuit court, continue longer than to the circuit court next ensuing, nor shall an injunction be issued by a district judge, in any case where a party has had a reasonable time to apply to the circuit court for the writ.

Approved February 13, 1807.

An Act to annex certain shores and waters to the district of Mississippi; and to authorize the building a custom-house at New Orleans.

Be it enacted, &c., That, from and after the thirtieth day of June next. all the shores and waters of the river Ohio, and of the several rivers and creeks emptying into the same; and also, all the shores and waters of the rivers which empty into the river Mississippi, or any of its branches, be, and the same are hereby annexed to, and shall make part of the district of Mississippi.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That a surveyor shall be appointed for each of the following towns or places, that is to say: Pittsburg, Charles town, Marietta, Cincinnati, Limestone, Louisville, Massac, and Natchez, who shall be authorized to grant temporary registers to vessels of the United States, in the same manner, and on the same terms and conditions as may be done by the collectors of the several districts of the United States; and each of the said surveyors, besides the fees paid in relation to the admeasurement, and registering of vessels, shall receive an annual salary of one hundred and fifty dollars.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the collector of the district of Mississippi shall, on the surrender of any temporary register, granted to a vessel of the United States as aforesaid, issue a permanent register for such vessel: Provided, That the master of such vessel shall take the usual oath, and perform all the other conditions required by the registering act, except that he shall not be obliged to give any new bond to the said collector.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That so much of any act or acts as erects any of the shores or waters, annexed by this act to the Mississippi district, into separate districts be, and the same is hereby, repealed.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to cause to be built upon

Public Acts of Congress.

some convenient site, belonging to the United States, in the city of New Orleans, a good and sufficient house, to serve as an office and place of deposit for the collector of the customs at that place. And the sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to defray the expense of erecting the same, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 13, 1807.

An Act authorizing the President of the United States to accept the service of a number of volunteer companies, not exceeding thirty thousand men.

Be it enacted, fc., That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized to accept of any company or companies of volunteers, either of artillery, cavalry, or infantry, who may associate and offer themselves for the service, not exceeding thirty thousand men, who shall be clothed, and furnished with horses, at their own expense, and armed and equipped at the expense of the United States, after they shall be called into service, except such of them as may choose to furnish their own arms, and whose commissioned officers shall be appointed in the manner prescribed by law in the several States and Territories to which such companies shall, respectively, belong: Provided, That where any company, battalion, regiment, brigade, or division of militia, already organized, shall tender their voluntary service to the United States, such company, battalion, regiment, brigade, or division, shall continue to be commanded by the officers holding commissions in the same, at the time of such tender, and any vacancy thereafter occurring shall be filled in the mode pointed out by law in the State or Territory wherein the said company, battalion, regiment, brigade, or division, shall have been originally raised.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That any company, battalion, regiment, brigade, or division, thus offering itself for the service, shall be liable to be called upon to do military duty at any time the President of the United States shall judge proper, within two years after he shall accept the same, and shall be bound to continue in service for the term of twelve months after they shall have arrived at the place of rendezvous, unless sooner discharged, and when called into actual service, and whilst remaining therein, shall be under the same rules and regulations, and be entitled to the same pay, rations, forage, and emoluments of every kind, bounty and clothing excepted, with the regular troops of the United States: Provided, That in lieu of clothing, every non-commissioned officer and private, in any company, who may thus offer themselves, shall be entitled, when called into actual service, to receive in money, a sum equal to the cost of the clothing of a non-commissioned officer, or private, (as the case may be,) in the regular troops of the United States.

dering their service, as aforesaid, into battalions, squadrons, regiments, brigades, and divisions, as soon as the number of volunteers shall render such organization, in his judgment, expedient; but until called into actual service, such companies shall be bound to do regular militia duty, as is required by law, in like manner as before the passage of this act.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That in case any volunteer above-mentioned, while in actual service, shall sustain any damage, by injury done to his horse, or such other equipment as shall have been furnished at his own expense, or by loss of the same, without any fault or negligence on his part, a reasonable sum, to be ascertained in such manner as the President of the United States may direct, shall be allowed and paid to such volunteer for each and every such damage or loss.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, to be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, be, and the same hereby is, appropriated towards defraying any expense incurred by virtue of the provisions of this act. Approved, February 24, 1807.

An Act establishing Circuit Courts, and abridging the jurisdiction of the District Courts of the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio.

Be it enacted, &c., That so much of any act or acts of Congress, as vests in the district courts of the United States, in the districts of Kentucky, East, and West Tennessee, and Ohio, the powers, authority, and jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States, shall be, and the same is hereby, repealed.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of holding therein the circuit courts, to be established by this act, the State of Kentucky shall constitute one district, the State of Tennessee, one district, and the State of Ohio, one district; and the said districts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio, shall constitute, and be denominated the seventh circuit. And there shall be holden annually in each district of the said circuit, two courts, to be called circuit courts, and to consist of one justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the judge of the district where such court shall be holden. And the ses sions of the said courts, in the district of Kentucky, shall be held at Frankfort, and commence on the first Monday in May and November, annually ; in the district of Tennessee, at Knoxville and Nashville alternately, to commence on the first Monday in June and third Monday in October, annually, beginning at Nashville; and in the district of Ohio, at Chilicothe, to commence on the first Monday in January and September, annually. And the circuit court of Tennessee shall designate at which of the two places, where the said court is hereby directed to be holden, the office of clerk thereof shall be kept.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That the President of the United States be, and he hereby SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That all the auis, authorized to organize the companies so tenthority, powers, and jurisdiction, vested in the sev

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