Global Shift: Transforming the World Economy

SAGE Publications, 30.03.1998 - 512 Seiten
Preoccupation with the `global' is an emblematic feature of our time. While much of the literature is stronger on hype than on reality, the totally revised and updated Third Edition of Global Shift takes a more balanced view of globalization. It identifies both the massive changes that continue to transform the world economy and affect local communities across the globe, and the complex processes involved. It focuses on the interrelated actions of transnational corporations and states within a volatile technological environment. Richly illustrated with more than 200 specially designed figures and tables, this bestselling cross-disciplinary book provides a unique approach to one of the key issues of the new millennium.

Im Buch


Preface to the Third Edition
Introduction A brief historical perspective

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Autoren-Profil (1998)

Peter Dicken is recognized as a leading world authority on economic globalization. He is Emeritus Professor of Geography in the School of Environment and Development at the University of Manchester, UK, and has held visiting academic appointments at universities and research institutes throughout the world. He is an Academician of the Social Sciences, a recipient of the Victoria Medal of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), the Centenary Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and an Honorary Doctorate of the University of Uppsala, Sweden.

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