Malory, Sir Thomas. 1353. Le Morte Darthur; ed. by Sir EDWARD STRACHEY. Globe ed. (Cardinal Leather Ser.) New York: Macmillan. 12mo. pp. 565. $3.50. 1354. HICKS, EDWARD. Sir Thomas Malory: His Turbulent Career. (Bibl. 1928, 1250.) Rev. by E. K. Chambers in R.E.S., Oct., v, 465–7; by W. A. N. in M. Phil., Feb., xXVI, 372–3. 1355. READ, HERBERT. Malory. See 869. 1356. VINAVER, EUGÈNE. Malory. Oxford: Clar. Press. Demy 8vo. pp. 216. Illus. 15s. Rev. in Nation-Athen., Dec., XLVI, 13, 464. Norton, Thomas. 1357. The Ordinall of Alchimy. Written by Thomas Norton of Bristoll. Being a facsimile reproduction from Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. With annotations by ELIAS ASHMOLE, and Introd. by E. J. HOLMYARD. London: Arnold. 8 × 5. pp. viii, 125. 10s. 6d. Page, John. 1358. Siege of Rouen. Ed. by HERBERT HUSCHER. (Bibl. 1927, 1052; 1928, 1254.) Rev. by E. von Erhardt-Siebold in E. St., Jan., LXIII, 261–6. Revelations of St Birgitta. 1359. CUMMING, WILLIAM P. (ed.). The Revelations of St Birgitta. See 142. Valentine and Orson. 1360. DICKSON, ARTHUR. Valentine and Orson: A study in late medieval romance. New York: Columbia Univ. Press; London: Milford. 12mo. pp. vi, 309. $3.50; 17s. 6d. Rev. by Archer Taylor in M.L.N., June, XLIV, 412–13. XIII. 2. SIXTEENTH CENTURY XIII. 2 a. GENERAL Anthologies. 1861. BOLWELL, ROBERT G. W. The Renaissance. New York: Scribner's. 16mo. pp. xli, 520. $1.00. [One of a 6-vol. anthology of English lit.] 1362. CAMPBELL, KathleenN (comp.). An Anthology of English Poetry, 1503-1683. (Home Univ. Libr.) London: Butterworth. 6 × 4. PP. 250. 2s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 28, p. 996. 1363. DRAPER, JOHN W. A Century of Broadside Elegies. (Bibl. 1928, 1258.) Rev. by Hyder E. Rollins in M.L.N., June, XLIV, 398-400. 1364. GEROULD, GORDON HALL (ed.). Nelson's English Readings. Vol. 2, Sixteenth-Century Literature. New York: Nelson. 16mo. PP. 394. $1.00. 1365. HEBEL, J. WILLIAM and HOYT H. HUDSON (comps. and eds.). Poetry of the English Renaissance, 1509-1660. Selected from early editions and manuscripts. New York: Crofts. 9× 61. pp. viii, 1068. $5.00. Rev. by Clark S. Northup in Cornell Alumni News, Oct. 17, XXXII, 56; in T.L.S., July 11, p. 563; by W. Keller in ShakespeareJahrbuch, LXV, 201-2. Cf. also T.L.S. (Leading Article), Sept. 19. 1366. MÉGROz, R. L. (comp.). Letters of Women in Love. See 1319. 1367. OLIPHANT, E. H. C. Shakespeare and his Fellow Dramatists. New York: Prentice-Hall. 8vo. pp. xx, 1177; xiii, 1173. $8.00. Rev. by B. M. in Philol. Quart., Oct., VIII, 413-14; by R. S. Forsythe in Quart. Jour. of Univ. of N. Dakota, Fall No., xx, 60-1. 1368. SAINTSBURY, G. (ed.). Shorter Novels. Vol. 1. Elizabethan and Jacobean. London: Dent (Everyman's); New York: Dutton. 7 × 41. pp. xxii, 356. 2s.; 80 cents. Contents:-THOMAS DELONEY: 'Jacke of Newberie,' and 'Thomas of Reading.' ROBERT GREENE: 'Carde of Fancie.' THOMAS NASHE: 'The Unfortunate Traveller.' Miscellaneous. 1369. ALBRIGHT, EVELYN MAY. Dramatic Publication in England, 1580–1640. (Bibl. 1927, 1053; 1928, 1263.) Rev. by H. de Groot in E. Studies, June, XI, 108-14. 1370. ALLEN, P. S. and H. M. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami denuo Recognitum et Auctum. Tom. VII. 1527-1528. Oxford: Clar. Press; London: Milford. 9 × 61. pp. xxiii, 560. 28s. Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 21, p. 130. 1371. ANTHONY, KATHERINE. Queen Elizabeth. New York: Knopf. 8vo. pp. 272. $4.00. Rev. by Herbert Gorman in Amer. Bookman, Nov., LXX, 333. 1372. ARONSTEIN, PHILIPP. Das englische Renaissance-Drama. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner. 8vo. pp. x, 336. RM. 12. Rev. by T. De Ronde in Leuvensche Bijdragen, Bijblad, xx1, 73-4; by P. Meissner in Deutsche Literaturztg., VI, 952–5; by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 198–9; by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterr., XXVIII, 469–70; by A. Ludwig in Die Literatur, XXXI, 674–5. 1373. AYRES, H. M. A Specimen of Vulgar English of the MidSixteenth Century. See 187. 1374. BASKERVILL, C. R. The Elizabethan Jig. (Bibl. 1927, 1059.) 8vo. pp. x, 642. Rev. in T.L.S., May 16, p. 399; cf. W. J. Lawrence, ib., May 23, pp. 419-20; by E. Bliss Reed in Sat. Rev. of Lit., July 13, V, 1174; by Hyder E. Rollins in J. E. G. Phil., Oct., xxvIII, 551–5. 1375. BENTLEY, G. E. New Actors of the Elizabethan Period. M.L.N., June, XLIV, 368–72. 1376. BOAS, FREDERICK S.. Visits of Professional Players to Abingdon, 1558-1587. T.L.S., July 4, p. 535. 1377. BOROWSKI, BRUNO. Die Rolle der Autologie im Lebenssystem des ausgehenden Mittelalters und der Renaissance in England. See 125. 1378. BURCKHARDT, J. The Civilization of the Renaissance. Translated from the Fifteenth German Edition by P. G. C. MIDDLEMORE. London: Harrap. 102 × 7. pp. 527. 42s. T.L.S., Oct. 10, p. 780. 1379. Calendar of State Papers. Foreign series of the Reign of Elizabeth. Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. xxi, Pt III, Apr.-Dec. 1587. Edited by SOPHIE CRAwford Lomas and ALLEN B. HINDS. (Cf. Bibl. 1928, 1269.) H.M. Stationery Office. 101 × 71. pp. xliii, 608. 35s. 1380. CONLEY, C. H. The First English Translators of the Classics. (Bibl. 1927, 1065; 1928, 1270.) Rev. by Pauline Aiken in J. E. G. Phil., Apr., xXVIII, 288–90. 1381. CRAIG, HARDIN. Recent Literature of the English Renaissance. (Cf. Bibl. 1928, 1272.) Studies in Phil., Apr., xxvi, 192–303. 1382. DEETJEN, WERNER. Goethe und Tiecks elisabethanische Studien. Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 175-83. 1383. ECKHARDT, E. Das englische Drama im Zeitalter der Reformation und der Hochrenaissance. (Bibl. 1928, 1275.) Rev. by Max J. Wolff in N. Sprachen, xxxviii, 675-6; by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 196–8; by A. F. Arnold in Die Literatur, XXXI, 360-I. 1384. ELLISON, L. M. Elizabethan Drama and the Works of Smollett. See 2271. 1385. The Earliest English Translations of Erasmus's Colloquies, 1536-1566. (Humanistica Lovaniensa, No. 2.) Ed. by Henry de VOCHT. Oxford: University Press; London: Milford, 1928. Demy 8vo. pp. lxxxviii, 320. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 19, p. 722. 1386. GREG, W. W., J. P. GILSON, HILARY JENKINSON, R. B. MCKERROW, and A. W. POLLARD (eds.). English Literary Autographs, 1550-1650. Selected for Reproduction. Part II. Poets. (Cf. Bibl. 1925, 2.) Oxford: Univ. Press; London: Milford, 1928. Plates XXXI-LX. 30s. Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 14, p. 115; cf. W. W. Greg, ib., Feb. 21, p. 142; by R. Flower in R.E.S., Oct., v, 472-3; by G. C. Moore Smith in M.L.R., Apr., xxiv, 215-16. 1387. HACKETT, FRANCIS. Henry the Eighth. New York: Horace Liveright. 8vo. pp. xi, 452. $3.00. Rev. by Conyers Read in Yale Rev., Summer, XVIII, 793-4; by H. L. Mencken in Amer. Mercury, Aug., XVII, 508-9; by Robert Morss Lovett in New Republic, May 22, LIX, 40-1; by W. T. Laprade in S.A.Q., July, xxvIII, 334-5; by Olga Katzin in Amer. Bookman, May, LXIX, 315-16; by Georgiana P. McEntee in Commonweal, July 3, x, 258-9; by F. L. Robbins in Outlook and Independent, Apr. 10, CLI, 586-7; by Wallace Notestein in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Apr. 13, v, 875-6; by Frank Kingdon in Methodist Rev., Sept., CXII, 787–8. 1388. HARRISON, G. B. England in Shakespeare's Day. (Bibl. 1928, 1282.) Rev. by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 206. 1389. An Elizabethan Journal, being a Record of those Things Most Talked of during the Years 1591-1594. (Bibl. 1928, 1281.) Rev. by T. S. Matthews in Amer. Bookman, May, LXIX, 335; by Wallace Notestein in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Apr. 6, v, 858; by M. St Clare Byrne in R.E.S., July, v, 342-4; in Criterion, July, VIII, 755-6. 1390. HASSELKUSS, H. K. Der Petrarkismus in der Sprache der englischen Sonettdichter der Renaissance. (Bibl. 1928, 1283.) Rev. by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 196; by Mario Praz in E. Studies, Dec., XI, 225-7. 1391. HECHT, HANS (ed.). Thomas Platters des Jüngeren Englandfahrt im Jahre 1599. Halle: Niemeyer. pp. xi, 181. M. 8. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 18, p. 306; by G. C. Moore Smith in M.L.R., Oct., XXIV, 468-9; by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 206–7; by S. B. Liljegren in Anglia Beibl., Apr., XL, 117–23; by A. Koszul in Rev. Critique, Dec., pp. 560-1. 1392. HOLMES, ELIZABETH. Aspects of Elizabethan Imagery. Oxford: Blackwell. 7 × 5. pp. 150. 7s. 6d. Rev. in Nation-Athen., Aug., XLV, 20, 659; by Mario Praz in E. Studies, Dec., XI, 227–31. 1393. JOHNSON, A. F. One Hundred Title-Pages: 1500-1800. See 87. 1394. KARMA-BALDSZUN, ISI. Elisabethanische Liebeslieder. Allg. Musikztg., LVI, 837-8. 1395. KELLETT, E. E. The Whirligig of Taste. See 845. 1396. KELSO, RUTH. The Doctrine of the English Gentleman of the Sixteenth Century. Univ. of Illinois Studies in Lang. and Lit. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Press. 26 cm. pp. 288. $2.50. 1397. LAW, ROBERT ADGER. More about the 'Boke of Balettes.' (Cf. Bibl. 1928, 1279.) T.L.S., Dec. 26, p. 1097. 1398. LAWRENCE, W. J. The Dedication of Early English Plays. Life and Letters, July, III, 30–44. 1399. The Physical Conditions of the Elizabethan Public Playhouse. (Bibl. 1927, 1078; 1928, 1288.) Rev. by Joseph Quincy Adams in J. E. G. Phil., July, XXVIII, 433–7. 1400. Pre-Restoration Stage Studies. (Bibl. 1927, 1079; 1928, 1289.) Rev. by Charles Sisson in M.L.R., Jan., xxiv, 81–2. 1401. LEE, Sir SIDNEY. Elizabethan and Other Essays. Selected and edited by F. S. BOAS. Demy 8vo. pp. 366. 18s. 1402. LESSER, ERNEST. Queen Elizabeth and Essex in English and Foreign Drama. T.L.S., Jan. 24, p. 62; cf. Dixon Wecter and J. B. Trend, ib., Jan. 31, p. 90; Ralph James and Percy Allen, ib., Feb. 7, p. 98. 1403. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII. Preserved in the Public Record Office. Addenda. Vol. 1, Part 1. H.M. Stationery Office. 10 × 7. pp. vii, 1411. 30s. 1404. List of Early Chancery Proceedings, Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. VIII. Lists and Indexes. No. LI, 1538-44. H.M. Stationery Office. 131 × 81. pp. 270. 25s. 1405. MCGREW, J. FRED. A Bibliography of the Works on Speech Composition in England during the 16th and 17th Centuries. See 524. 1406. Minutes and Accounts of the Corporation of Stratford-uponAvon and Other Records, 1553-1620. Vol. IV. 1586-1592. Transcribed by the late RICHARD SAVAGE and others. With Introd. and Notes by EDGAR I. FRIPP. (Dugdale Soc. Publ., x.) Cr. 4to. pp. liii, 166. 35s. 1407. MOORE, John Robert. The Songs of the Public Theaters in the Time of Shakespeare. J. E. G. Phil., Apr., xxvIII, 166–202. 1408. MOORE SMITH, G. C. Sir William Temple the Elder. T.L.S., June 27, p. 514. 1409. NUNGEZER, EDWIN. A Dictionary of Actors and of Other Persons Associated with the Public Representation of Plays in England before 1642. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford. 9×61. pp. 438. 22s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 26, p. 1098. 1410. OLIPHANT, E. H. C. Collaboration in Elizabethan Drama: Mr W. J. Lawrence's Theory. Philological Quart., Jan., VIII, 1–10. 1411. PARRY-WILLIAMS, T. H. Fragments of English or concerning English from Welsh Manuscripts. See 125. 1412. REGISTRUM MATTHEI PARKER, A.D. 1559-1575, Diocesis Canterburiensis. Register 1, Vol. 1. Transcribed by E. MARGARET THOMPSON and edited with an Introduction by W. H. FRERE, D.D. The Canterbury and York Society, Part LXXXIII, 1928. London: The Society. 101 × 62. pp. xl, 769-890. Ann. sub., 215. 1413. SCHOELL, FRANK Z. Études sur l'Humanisme Continental en Angleterre à la fin de la Renaissance. (Bibl. 1926, 970; 1928, 1304.) Rev. by M. J. Wolff in E. St., Oct., LXIV, 124–5. 1414. SCHÜCKING, L. L. Die Familie im Puritanismus. Studien über Familie und Literatur in England im 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. (Bibl. 1928, 1305.) Rev. by G. C. Moore Smith in M.L.R., Apr., xxiv, 222-3; by H. Schöffler in Anglia Beibl., May, XL, 129–33; by E. D[e] R[onde] in Leuvensche Bijdragen, Bijblad, xxi, No. 3-4, 75; by K. Arns in Der Gral, xxiv, 2, 186; by A. Hafenclever in Theol. Litztg., LIV, 620-2; by H. Jantzen in Z. f. franz. u. engl. Unterr., XXVIII, 470-I. 1415. SCOTT, JANET. Les Sonnets élisabethains: les sources et l'apport personnel. Paris: Champion. 161 × 25 cm. PP. 343. 45 fr. Rev. by Mario Praz in E. Studies, Dec., XI, 227–31; by G. B. Harrison in M. Phil., Nov., XXVII, 241-2; by E. Legouis in Rev. anglo-amér., Oct., 1929, pp. 66–7. 1416. SISSON, CHARLES. Henslowe's Will Again. R.E.S., July, v, 308-II. 1417. SMITH, BROMLEY. Queen Elizabeth at the Cambridge Disputations. Quart. Jour. of Speech, Nov., xv, 495–503. 1418. SMITH, WINIFRED. Italian Actors in Elizabethan England. M.L.N., June, XLIV, 375-7. 1419. SPENCER, HAZELTON. The Elizabethan 'To board.' M.L.N., Dec., XLIV, 531-2. 1420. STRACHEY, LYTTON. Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History. (Bibl. 1928, 1312.) Rev. by Wallace Notestein in Yale Rev., Spring, XVIII, 588–90; by C. K. Trueblood in Dial, Apr., LXXXVI, 335-8; by W. Keller in Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, LXV, 208–9; by J. S. in Oxford Mag., Feb. 7, p. 387; by Esther Murphy in Amer. Bookman, Jan., LXVIII, 596–8; by A. Rüegg in Schweiz. Rundschau, xxIX, 112–25; by Bonamy Dobrée in Criterion, Apr., VIII, 524-9. Cf. J. C. Daniell in T.L.S. (corr.), Jan. 17, p. 44. Rev. by F.-L. Danchin, Les Langues Modernes, May, pp. 278-94. 1421. TAVERNER, JOHN. Certaine Experiments concerning Fish |