385. READ, Allen Walker. Plans for the Study of Missouri PlaceNames. Missouri Hist. Rev., Jan., XXII, 237-41. 386. READ, WILLIAM A. Louisiana Place-Names of Indian Origin. (Bibl. 1927, 304.) Rev. by Roland G. Kent in Language, Sept., IV. 212-13; by Eilert Ekwall in Anglia Beibl., Feb., xxxix, 43–5. 387. Research in American Place-Names. Zeitschr. für Ortsnamenforschung, IV, 185-91. 388. SCHERERZ, C. Studien zu den Ortsnamen von Cambridge shire (Schluss). (Bibl. 1927, 307.) Zeitschr. für Ortsnamenforschung 1927-8, III, 176-99. 389. STRACHAN, L. R. M. 'Cat' in Place-Names. N.Q., May 26, CLIV, 374. 390. SWANSON, ROY W. The Swedish Surname in America. Amer Speech, Aug., III, 468–77. 391. VERMEULE, C. C. New Jersey. Some Early Place-Names Proc. of the New Jersey Hist. Soc., n.s., 1925–6, X, 241–52; XI, 151– 60. 392. WATKINS, A. A Neglected Factor in Place-Names. (Cf. Bibl. 1927, 312.) N.Q., June 30, CLIV, 455-8; July 7, CLV, 4–7; July 28, pp. 60-2; Aug. 18, pp. 121–2. 393. WEEKLEY, ERNEST. London Street Names. Cornhill, May, LXIV, 622-8. 394. Surnames. (Second ed.) (Bibl. 1927, 314.) Rev. by W. F. Bryan in M.L.N., Nov., XLIII, 478–81. 395. WORD STUDY. The Magic of Proper Names. Apr., III, 3—4. 396. ZACHRISSON, R. E. English Place-Names and River-Names [various monographs]. (Bibl. 1926, 279 and 284; 1927, 318.) Rev. by A. H. Smith in M.L.R., Jan., XXIII, 84-5. 397. English Place-Names and River-Names containing the primitive Germanic Roots *vis, *vask. (Bibl. 1926, 279.) Rev. by Gustav Binz in Anglia Beibl., Feb., xxxix, 45–50. 398. Romans, Kelts and Saxons in Ancient Britain. (Bibl 1927, 317.) Rev. by Kemp Malone in M.L.N., Nov., XLIII, 481–4 by Reginald A. Smith in Antiquaries' Jour., Oct., vIII, 533. 399. Some English Place-Name Etymologies. (Bibl. 1924, 192; 1926, 281.) Rev. by Gustav Binz in Anglia Beibl., Jan., XXXIX I-6. 400. Some English Place-Names in a French Garb. (Bibl 1925, 240; 1926, 282.) Rev. by Gustav Binz in Anglia Beibl., Mar. XXXIX, 62-3. 401. Some Yorkshire Place-Names. (Bibl. 1926, 283.) Rev by Gustav Binz in Anglia Beibl., Jan., xxxix, 7–8. 402. Topographical Names containing Primitive Germani *geb. (Bibl. 1926, 284.) Rev. by Gustav Binz in Anglia Beibl., Mar. XXXIX, 63-4. Names. 403. Ångström] FRIES, E. F. B. Ångström in English Science, June 29, LXVII, 652. 404. Arrallas] FÖRSTER, MAX. Die Bedeutung des ne. Ortsnamen 'Arrallas.' Archiv, Dec., CLIV (n.s. LIV), 273−4. 405. Bondelay] BEAUMONT, G. F. Essex Rev., Apr. 1927, xxxVI, 106-7. 406. Cole] LÉON, HENRI M. N.Q., Sept. 1, CLV, 159; cf. Sept. 15, 195. 407. Hamlet] MALONE, KEMP. More Etymologies for Hamlet. (Cf. Bibl. 1927, 297.) R.E.S., July, IV, 257-69. 408. Hunlafing] M.L.N., May, XLIII, 300-4. 409. Mayfield] ANSCOMBE, ALFRED. The name of Mayfield in Sussex. Anglia, Mar., LII, 76-8. 410. Oglethorpe] MORRIS, JOHN. Bulletin of the University of Georgia, xxvIII, no. I a, Jan. Studies 1, no. 12. Reprinted from the Georgia Hist. Quart., XI, nos. 3-4. pp. 63. Rev. by Roland G. Kent in Language, Sept., IV, 211–12. 411. Saxon] NewLin, Claude M. Early American Uses of 'Saxon.' Amer. Speech, June, III, 421–2. 412. Wokingham] HEELAS, ARTHUR T. The Origin and Spelling of the Name. Berks., Bucks. and Oxon. Archaeol. Jour., Spring, XXXII, 31-7. VI (d). SEMANTICS 413. BLACK, WILLIAM GEORGE. The Scots 'Mercat Cross,' an Inquiry as to its Origin and Meaning. Rev. in N.Q., Sept. 1, CLV, 162. 414. FUNKE, OTTO (ed.). Von den logisch nicht begründeten synsemantischen Zeichen. Aus A. MARTYS Nachlass. E. St., Sept., LXIII, 12-40. 415. GÜNTHER, J. H. A. A Handbook of English Idiom. Vol. II. English Synonyms and Homonyms, Explained and Illustrated. 5th ed., revised by H. G. de Maar. Groningen, The Hague: Wolters. - 81 × 52. pp. viii, 407. Fl. 5.40. 418. KOESSLER, M. and J. DEROCQUIGNY. Les faux amis, ou les trahisons du vocabulaire anglais; conseils aux traducteurs. Paris: Vuibert. 16mo. pp. xx, 389. 417. RHEINFELDER, HANS. Das Wort 'Persona.' Geschichte seiner Bedeutungen. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Heft 77. 418. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM D. Current Significance of the word 'alum'; with reference to literature. Chicago: Commonwealth Press, 1927. 12mo. pp. 93. $1.00. VI (e). IDIOMS 419. ADDY, S. O. 'Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth.' N.Q., May 26, CLIV, 367. 420. ANSTEY, L. M. Eighteenth Century Phrases. N.Q., Feb. 4, CLIV, 82; cf. ib., Mar. 17, CLIV, 193. 421. BOND, RICHMOND P. More Animal Comparisons. Amer. Speech, Dec., IV, 123−4. 422. CRAIGIE, W. A. 'At the Eastward.' Amer. Speech, Dec., iv, I00-I. 423. EDWARDS, R. L. Diction in Scientific Writings. Science, Aug. 17, LXVIII, 158. [Discussion of expression '1000 times larger.'] 424. FIELD, GEORGIA. Odd Expressions. Amer. Speech, Aug., III, 463. 425. GRANT, W. Scottish Phrase: 'Barking and Fleeing.' N.Q., Oct. 6, CLV, 244. 426. LAMBERT, MILDRED E. Studies in Stylistics: 1. The Importance of Colloquial Idiom. See 513. 427. MORRISON, ESTELLE REES. 'You All' Again. (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 297; 1927, 330.) Amer. Speech, Oct., IV, 54–5. 428. ONIONS, C. T. Middle English: (i) 'Wite God, Wite Crist.' (ii) 'God it Wite.' R.E.S., July, IV, 334–7. 429. R., V., H. ASKEW, and others. As plain as a Pikestaff.' N.Q., June 23, CLIV, 444; June 30, PP. 464-5. 430. SALMON, DAVID. 'To Round in the Ears.' N.Q., May 5, CLIV, 321; cf. F. P. Barnard, ib., May 12, CLIV, 340. 431. WORD STUDY. In Praise of Idioms. Sept., 1927, III, I. What Is an Idiom? Sept., 1925, I, 2. 432. VII. HISTORY OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR VII (a). GRAMMARS Historical. 433. WYLD, HENRY CECIL. A Short History of English. 3rd ed. rev. and enlarged. (Bibl. 1927, 339.) Rev. by C. B. in M.L.R., July, XXIII, 387-8; by Rudolph Willard in M.L.N., Nov., XLIII, 496-7. Present Day. 434. BLANTON, Annie WebB. An Advanced English Grammar. Dallas, Tex.: Southern Publ. Co. 12mo. pp. 512. $1.20. 435. ICHIKAWA, SANKI. On Palmer's 'Grammar of Spoken English.' (Bibl. 1924, 197; 1926, 309.) In 'A Miscellany in Honour of Professor Okakura.' Tokyo: Kenkyusha. 9 × 6. pp. 29. 436. JESPERSEN, OTTO. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part III. Syntax. Second volume. (Bibl. 1927, 343.) Rev. by E. A. Sonnenschein in Sat. Rev., Jan. 21, 3769, 68;: by A. G. K. in Amer. Speech, Apr., 111, 334-9; by G. O. Curme in. Language, June, IV, 135-48. 437. KRUISINGA, E. An English Grammar for Dutch Students. Vol. I. A Shorter Accidence and Syntax. (4th ed.) Utrecht: Kemink and Zoon. pp. xv, 230. Fl. 3.50. Rev. in R.E.S., Oct., IV, 494. 438. A Handbook of Present-day English. (Bibl. 1925, 147; 1927, 345.) Rev. by W. van der Gaaf in E. St., May, LXII, 400–18; by A. G. K. in Amer. Speech, Apr., III, 334-9. 439. LONG, MASON. A College Grammar. New York: Roland Press. 8vo. pp. v, 323. $3.00. Rev. by A. G. K. in Amer. Speech, Oct., IV, 73-4. 440. POUTSMA, H. A Grammar of Late Modern English. Pt. II, I. (Bibl. 1926, 310; 1927, 346.) Rev. by A. G. K. in Amer. Speech, Apr., III, 334-9. 441. A Grammar of Late Modern English. Part 1, Section 1: The Elements of the Sentence. Second edition. Part I, Section II: The Composite Sentence. Second edition. Groningen: P. Noordhoff. 23 × 16 cm. 2 vols. pp. xi, 540; 543-1057. Fl. 10.25 each vol. 442. SETZLER, E. B. Confusion in Grammatical Nomenclature. The Anglo-Saxon, Mar., 1, 1-5. 443. STRALENDORFF, B. Alphabetische englische Grammatik. Selbstverlag, 1927. pp. 80. 444. WELLS, JOHN E. Practical Review Grammar. New York: D. C. Heath. 12mo. pp. xxiv, 344. $1.52. VII (b). ORTHOGRAPHY VII (c). PHONOLOGY (INCL. PHONETICS) 445. ARMSTRONG, L. E. and T. C. WARD. Handbook of English Intonation. (Bibl. 1927, 351.) Rev. by Fritz Karpf in E. St., LXIII, 78-9; by A. Bohnhof in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 1927-8, XXIX, 269-72; by M. B. Ruud in M.L.N., Dec., XLIII, 567–8. 446. BALDWIN, H. M. English Phonetics for Foreign Students. Engl. Jour., Oct., 1927, XVI, 624–32. 447. BARROWS, SARAH T. and ANNA D. CORDTS. The Teacher's Book of Phonetics. (Bibl. 1926, 316; 1927, 354.) Rev. by C. K. Thomas in Quart. Jour. of Speech, June, XIV, 434–6. 448. BERRY, MILDRED FREBURG. Correction of Cleft-Palate Speech by Phonetic Instruction. Quart. Jour. of Speech, Nov., xiv, 523-9. 449. BOGGS, RALPH S. Practical Phonetics of the American Language. San Juan, P.R.: Univ. of Porto Rico, 1927. 8vo. pp. 29. 450. BRIDGES, ROBERT. Pronunciation of 'Clothes,' etc. See 163. 451. CURRIE, ANNE. British and American Pronunciation. Amer. Speech, Apr., III, 347. 452. EIJKMAN, L. P. H. More Soft Palate and Nasality. (Cf. Bibl. 1927, 357.) E. Studies, X, 114–18. 453. FORCHHAMMER, JÖRGEN. Das Ergebnis der Kopenhagener Konferenz zur Lösung der phonetischen Transskriptionsfrage im Lichte der neuen Phonetik. (Cf. Bibl. 1927, 377.) G.-R. Mon., Nov.-Dec., 1927, XV, 285–95. 454. GREENE, JAMES S. and EMILIE J. WELLS. The Cause and Cure of Speech Disorders. New York: Macmillan, 1927. 8vo. pp. xv, 458. 455. JAMES, A. LLOYD. Broadcast English. See 191. 456. JOHNSON, H. P. Who Lost the Southern R? Amer. Speech, June, III, 377-83. 457. JOYCE, WILLIAM. A Note on the Mid Back Slack Unrounded Vowel [a] in the English of To-day. R.E.S., July, IV, 337-40. 458. K., J. S. Correct Pronunciation. Amer. Speech, Dec., Iv, 150-3. 459. KAFFENBERGER, ERNST. Englische Lautlehre nach Thomas Sheridans Dictionary of the English Language (1780). Beitṛ. Engl. u. Nordamerikas, III, 1926, 33-88. 460. KAUTER, HEINRICH. Englische Lautlehre nach Richard Hodges' 'The English Primrose' (1644). Beitr. Engl. u. Nordamerikas, vi, 1-60. 461. KENYON, JOHN S. On Teaching Pronunciation. Engl. Jour., May, xvII, 368–72. 462. XVII, 454-7. Pronouncing American English. Engl. Jour., June, 463. KIHLBOM, ASTA. A Contribution to the Study of FifteenthCentury English. (Bibl. 1926, 335.) Rev. by Hermann M. Flasdieck in Anglia Beibl., May, XXXIX, 128–31; by J. M. Steadman, Jr., in M.L.N., May, XLIII, 338–40. 464. KOPELOFF, NICHOLAS. The Pronunciation of 'research.' Science, Mar. 23, LXVII, 319; cf. ib., May 4, LXVII, 465–6. 465. KRUISINGA, E. An Introduction to the Study of English Sounds. Fourth ed. (Bibl. 1926, 337.) Rev. by Fritz Karpf in Anglia Beibl., Mar., xxxix, 60–2. 466. LUICK, KARL. Ein bisher unbeachtetes Zeugnis für den frühneuenglischen Lautwert des Vokals in use. Anglia Beibl., Oct., XXXIX, 323-4. 467. MACKENZIE, BARBARA A. The Early London Dialect. See 535. 468. MAHLING, CARL. Über Tonvokal + ht im Frühmittelenglischen. Phil. Diss. Berlin. Leipzig: Mayer and Müller. 8vo. pp. 200. 469. METFESSEL, MILTON. The Collecting of Folk Songs by Phonophotography. Science, Jan. 13, LXVII, 28–31. 470. METZGER, WOLFGANG. How Do the Vocal Cords Vibrate? Quart. Jour. of Speech, Feb., XIV, 29–39. 471. MOORE, S. Historical Outlines of English phonology and morphology. (Bibl. 1925, 256.) Rev. by Karl Brunner in Archiv, June, pp. 257-9. 472. NOESGAARD, A. Craigies System. Vor Ungdom (Copenhagen), Dec. 1926, pp. 503-9; cf. Otto Jespersen, ib., Dec. 1926, pp. 509–13; cf. A. Noesgaard, ib., Jan. 1927, PP. 43–4; O. Jespersen, ib., Feb. 19, 1927, pp. 108–9; A. Noesgaard, ib., Apr. 1927, pp. 229– 32, 232-4. 473. PALMER, FRANCIS L. The Superfluous R. Amer. Speech, Aug., III, 466–7. 474. RANKIN, PAUL T. The Importance of Listening Ability. Engl. Jour., Oct., XVII, 623-30. |