Abbildungen der Seite

3448. ZACHRISSON, R. E. Modern engelsk världsåskådning. See 3084.

Sherman, Stuart Pratt. 3449. Shaping Men and Women. Essays on Literature and Life. Ed. by JACOB ZEITLIN. New York: Doubleday, Doran. 12mo. pp. xlv, 277. $2.50. Rev. by Johan Smertenko in Amer. Bookman, Nov., LXVIII, 359-61.

Sitwell. 3450. All at Sea. A Social Tragedy in Three Acts for First Class Passengers only. By Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell. With a Preface entitled 'A Few Days in an Author's Life' by Osbert Sitwell. London: Duckworth; New York: Doubleday, Doran. 9 × 6. pp. 199. 8s. 6d.; $2.50.

3451. BALSTON, THOMAS (Comp.). Sitwelliana, 1915-27. Being a handlist of works by Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell, and of their contributions to certain selected periodicals, together with an Introd., and some Notes on the periodicals and three portraits of the authors by Albert RUTHERSTON. London: Duckworth. 71⁄2 × 5. Pp. x, 24. 2s. 6d.

Sitwell, Edith. 3452. Popular Song. Designs by Edward Bawden. (Ariel Poems, No. 15.) London: Faber and Gwyer. Is.; 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 20, p. 1007.

3453. Rustic Elegies. (Bibl. 1927, 2900.) Rev. by Marie Luhrs in Poetry, Jan., xxxI, 224-6; by Leonard Bacon in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Apr. 7, Iv, 736; by Louis Untermeyer, ib., June 23, IV, 985; by Karl Arns in N. Sprachen, July, xXXVI, 370–5.

Sitwell, Osbert. 3454. England Reclaimed. A Book of Eclogues. (Bibl. 1927, 2902.) Rev. in Independent, May 5, cxx, 437; by Gerald Bullett in Sat. Rev., Jan. 28, CXLV, 3770, 101.

Sitwell, Sacheverell. 3455. German Baroque Art. New York: Doubleday, Doran. 8vo. pp. vi, 7–109.

3456. The Cyder Feast and Other Poems. (Bibl. 1927, 2904.) Rev. by Morton D. Zabel in Poetry, Mar., XXXI, 347-9; by Robert Penn Warren in New Republic, Feb. 29, LIV, 76; by Karl Arns in N. Sprachen, July, xxxvi, 370-5.

Stephens, James. 3457. Collected Poems. (Bibl. 1926, 2622; 1927, 2907.) Rev. by William Rose Benét in Yale Rev., Jan., xvii, 366-74.

3458. Etched in Moonlight. London: Macmillan. 72 × 51. pp. 199. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 22, p. 210; by A. K. K. in Amer. Hebrew, Apr. 6, p. 852; by William R. Benét in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Apr. 14, IV, 759; by Quincy Howe in Atlantic Bookshelf, Apr., P. 54; by Burton Rascoe in Amer. Bookman, Apr., LXVII, 185; by Ernest Boyd in Independent, Mar. 24, cxx, 283.

3459. WEYGANDT, C. The Riddling of James Stephens. See 851. Tagore, Rabindranath. 3460. Fireflies; Decorations by Boris Artzybasheff. New York: Macmillan. i2mo. pp. 274. $2.50. Rev. shortly in Dial, July, LXXXV, 73.

3461. Lectures and Addresses. Selected from the speeches of the

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Poet by ANTHONY X. SOARES. London: Macmillan. 7 × 4. PP. 172.


3462. Letters to a Friend. London: Allen and Unwin. 72 × 51. pp. 159. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 13, p. 976.

3463. CHASSÉ, CHARLES. Rabindranath Tagore, ou l'apôtre économe de son cœur. Figaro, 19 mai.

Thomas, Edward. 3464. Collected Poems. With a Foreword by WALTER DE LA MARE. London: Ingpen and Grant. 7 × 51. pp. xix, 195. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 12, p. 269.

3465. The Last Sheaf. Essays. With a Foreword by THOMAS SECCOMBE. London: Cape. 72 × 51. pp. 221. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 12, p. 269.

3466. Selected Poems. With an Introd. by EDWARD GARNETT. Newton, Montgomeryshire: Gregynog Press. 91 × 61. pp. xix, 96. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 12, p. 269.

Thompson, Edward. 3467. This Brain, with Sorrow's Dint. [A poem.] Mercury, Jan., xvII, 242–3.

Turner, W. J. 3468. New Poems. London: Chatto and Windus. 81 × 51. pp. 60. 5s. Rev. in Mercury, xvIII, 315.

Untermeyer, Louis. 3469. Burning Bush. New York: Harcourt, Brace; London: Cape. 8 × 51. pp. 109. $2.00; 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 22, p. 914; by J. N. in Poetry, July, xxXII, 224–5; by Theodore Spencer in New Republic, July 25, LV, 257–8; by O. W. Firkins in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Sept. 1, p. 84.

Walpole, Hugh. 3470. Anthony Trollope. (English Men of Letters Series.) See 2979.

3471. The Silver Thorn. London: Macmillan. 8vo. pp. x, 371. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 18, p. 754; in Engl. Rev., Dec., XLVIII, 732.

3472. Wintersmoon. Passages in the Lives of two Sisters, Janet and Rosalind Grandison. London: Macmillan. 8 × 5. pp. 620. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 15, p. 186; in Engl. Rev., May, XLVI, 613. 3473. PRIESTLEY, J. B. Hugh Walpole. Engl. Journ., Sept., XVII, 529-36.

Watson, Sir William. 3474. Poems. Selected, with notes by the Author. London: Thornton, Butterworth. 82 × 6. pp. 336. 10s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 13, p. 644; in Sat. Rev., June 30, CXLV, 3792, 837; by Robert Underwood Johnson in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Aug. 11, v, 35-6.

Webb, Mary. 3475. The Collected Works of Mary Webb. London: Cape. 7 × 4. 5s. each. Vol. v. Poems, and The Spring of Joy. With an Introd. by WALTER DE LA MARE. Pp. 249. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 27, p. 1022.

3476. SQUIRE, J. C. Mrs Webb. Mercury, May, xvIII, 6–8.

Wells, Herbert George. 3477. The Book of CATHERINE Wells, with an Introd. by her Husband, H. G. Wells. London: Chatto and Windus. 8 × 51. PP. 313. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., May 3, P. 332.


3478. Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady. (Bibl. 1927, 2930.) Rev. by Mary C. Humphrey in Virginia Quart Rev., Jan., IV, 119–30. 3479. Mr Blettsworthy on Rampole Island. London: Benn. 7 × 5. pp. 288. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 6, p. 630; in Engl. Rev., Oct., XLVII, 491; in Life and Letters, Sept., 1, 312-13; by Edward Shanks in Mercury, Sept., XVIII, 538; by F. Y.-B. in Spectator, Sept. 1, pp. 269-70.

3480. The Open Conspiracy. Blue Prints for a World Revolution. London: Gollancz; New York: Doubleday, Doran. 7 × 5. Pp. 156. 5s.; $2.00. Rev. in T.L.S., May 24, p. 388; by J. M. Murry in New Adelphi, Sept., II, 73–4; in Life and Letters, June, 1, 54-5; by Philip Littell in Amer. Bookman, Nov., LXVIII, 355-6; by John Macy in Nation, Oct. 24, CXXVII, 428; by Thos. H. Gammack in Outlook, Aug. 22, CXLIX, 673.

3481. A Quartette of Comedies. London: Benn. 7 × 51. pp. 1100. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S. (Leading article, 'The Wells and Bennett Novel'), Aug. 23, pp. 597-8.

3482. The Way the World is Going. Guesses and Forecasts of the Years Ahead: 26 articles, and a Lecture. London: Benn. 7 × 5. pp. xi, 301. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 8, -p. 162; by J. M. Murry in New Adelphi, June, 1, 362-3; by D. H. Robertson in NationAthen., Mar. 24, XLII, 940.

3483. BRAYBROOKE, PATRICK. Some Aspects of H. G. Wells. London: Daniels. 9 x 6. pp. 170. 7s. 6d.

3484. MURRY, J. MIDDLETON. Art and Society. New Adelphi, Dec., II, 121-7.

3485. NÖRLUND, PAUL. Moderne Historieforskning. Copenhagen: Tilskueren, Nov., XLV, 299-300.

3486. ROHÁČEK, VL. H. G. Wells a věda. [Science in the Thought of H. G. Wells.] Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, Prague, III, 29-70; English Summary, pp. 65-70.

3487. VANČURA, ZD. Filosofie vývoje u H. G. Wellse a G. B. Shawa. [Philosophy of Evolution in the Works of H. G. Wells and G. B. Shaw.] Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, Prague, III, 1-24; English Summary, pp. 22-4.

3488. ZACHRISSON, R. E. Modern engelsk världsåskådning. See 3084. Wharton, Edith. 3489. The Children. New York: Appleton. 8 x 5. pp. 347. $2.50; 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 20, p. 664; by Grace Frank in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Sept. 1, v, 84.

Wilder, Thornton. 3490. The Angel that Troubled the Waters and Other Plays. London: Longmans; New York: Coward, McCann. 8 x 5. pp. xi, 107. 6s.; $2.50. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 8, p. 826; by T. S. Matthews in New Republic, Nov. 28, LVII, 49; in Sat. Rev., Nov. 10, CXLVI, 3811, 615.

3491. The Bridge of San Luis Rey. (Bibl. 1927, 2944.) Rev. by Burton Rascoe in Amer. Bookman, Jan., LXVI, 559-62; by Ruth

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Suckow in Outlook, Jan. 4, CXLVIII, 36; by Harry Salpeter in Outlook, Apr. 18, CXLVIII, 634, 640; by William Lyon Phelps in Scribner's Mag., Feb., LXXXIII, 224-5; by Harold B. Armitage in Independent, Feb. 11, CXX, 140; by O. in Standard, July, xv, 20-1; by Henry Neumann, ib., Dec., xv, 117-22; by Edw. 'Shanks in Mercury, Jan., XVII, 323-4; by Edmund Wilson in New Republic, Aug. 8, LV, 303-5.

Wolfe, Humbert. 3492. This Blind Rose. London: Gollancz. 71 × 51. pp. 145. 6s. Rev. by E. G. Twitchett in Mercury, Aug., XVIII, 434-5; in T.L.S., June 14, P. 448.

3493. Cursory Rhymes. (Bibl. 1927, 2945.) Rev. by Louis Untermeyer in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Oct. 27, v, 291.

3494. Dialogues and Monologues. London: Gollancz. 71 × 51. pp. 278. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 13, p. 984; by Barrington Gates in Nation-Athen., Nov. 10, XLIV, 212; in Sat. Rev., Sept. 15, CXLVI, 3803, 330.

3495. Requiem: Poems. (Bibl. 1927, 2950.) Rev. by John Rodker in Poetry, Jan., xxx1, 218–22; by Leonard Bacon in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Apr. 7, IV, 736; by Malcolm Cowley in New Republic, Feb. 1, LIII, 304; by Karl Arns in N. Sprachen, May, xxxvi, 311-13.

3496. The Silver Cat, and Other Poems. London: Benn. 91 × 61. [No paging.] 63s. Rev. in T.L.S., June 14, p. 448.

3497. Troy. Drawings by C. Ricketts. (Ariel Poems, No. 12.) London: Faber and Gwyer. 4 × 71. Is.; 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 20, p. 1007.

Woolf, Virginia. 3498. Orlando. A Biography. London: Hogarth Press; New York: Harcourt, Brace. 83 × 51. pp. 299. 9s.; $3.00. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 11, p. 729; in Sat. Rev., Oct. 13, CXLVI, 3807, 474; in Life and Letters, Nov., 1, 514–16; by H. S. Canby in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Nov. 3, v, 313–14; by Gerald Bullett in Engl. Journ., Dec., XVII, 793-800.

3499. To the Lighthouse. (Bibl. 1927, 2952.) Rev. by Mary C. Humphrey in Virginia Quart. Rev., Jan., IV, 119–30; by J. J. Mayoux in Rev. anglo-amér., juin, pp. 424–38.

Wylie, Elinor Hoyt. 3500. SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Black Armour. [Obituary on Elinor Wylie.] (Cf. Bibl. 1923, 3001.) Dec. 29, V, 549, 551.

3501. Symbols in Literature. Engl. Jour., June, XVII, 442–5. Yeats, William Butler. 3502. The Death of Synge and other Passages from an Old Diary. Mercury, Apr., XVII, 637–51.

3503. Sophocles' King Edipus: A Version for the Modern Stage. Rev. in Contemp. Rev., May, cxxxIII, 673–5.

3504. The Tower. (Cf. Bibl. 1927, 2957.) London: Macmillan. 8 × 51. pp. vi, 110. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 1, p. 146; by G. R. Stewart in Univ. Calif. Chron., Oct., xxx, 484-5; by Theodore Spencer in New Republic, Oct. 10, LVI, 219-20; in Nation-Athen., Apr. 21, XLIII, 81; by E. G. Twitchett in Mercury, Aug., XVIII, 433–4;


by H. Gregory in Poetry, Oct., XXXIII, 41-4; by Humbert Wolfe in Sat. Rev., Feb. 25, CXLV, 3774, 225.

3505. MALVIL, ANDRÉ. William Butler Yeats. Le Monde Nouveau, oct.

3506. WEYGANDT, C. With Yeats in the Woods of Coole. See 851.


3507. ACCETTO, TORQUATO. Della Dissimulazione Onesta. 1895.

See 3508. ADAMS, N. B. A Note on Garcia Gutierrez and Ossian. See 2232.

3509. ALLEN, PHILIP SCHUYLER. The Romanesque Lyric: Studies in Its Background and Development from Petronius to the Cambridge Songs (50-1050). With Renderings into English Verse by Howard Mumford Jones. Chapel Hill: Univ. N. Carolina Press. 8vo. pp. xviii, 373. $4.50. Rev. by Clifton P. Fadiman in Nation, Sept. 5, CXXVII, 229-30; by E. K. Rand in New Republic, Dec. 12, LVII, 112-14. 3510. BENNETT, R. E. A Note on the Cyrano-Swift Criticism. See 2303.

3511. BENSON, ADOLPH B. Houghton's The Legend of St Olaf's Kirk. Scandinavian Studies and Notes, Nov., x, 99-103.

3512. BLOOM, MARGARET. French and English Romanticism. [Abstract of thesis.] Urbana: Univ. of Illinois. 24 cm. pp. 16.

3513. BUSH, DOUGLAS. Musaeus Musaeus in English Verse. M.L.N., Feb., XLIII, 101-4.

3514. CARTER, HUNTLY. The New Age of the Moscow Arts Theatre. Fortn. Rev., Jan., CXXIX, 58-71.

3515. CASTIGLIONE, BALDESAR. Il Libro del Cortegiano. Ed. by M. Scherillo. Milan: Hoepli. 18 lire. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 6, p. 632. 3516. CHINARD, G. La littérature française dans le sud des ÉtatsUnis, d'après le 'Southern Literary Messenger,' 1834-64. Rev. de Litt. comp., janv., VIII, 87-99.

3517. CLARK, FRANK LOWRY. A Study of the Iliad in Translation. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1927. 8vo. pp. ix, 354. $3.00.

3518. COOPER, LANE and ALFRED GUDEMAN. A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle. (Cornell Studies in Engl., xI.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford. 8 × 61. pp. xi, 193. $2.00; 9s.

3519. CRUMP, PHYLLIS E. Nature in the Age of Louis XIV. London: Routledge. 8 × 5. PP. 324. IOS. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 27, p. 683.

3520. ELIOT, T. S. Baudelaire in our Time. See 3235.


Niccolo Machiavelli. (Cf. Bibl. 1927, 3013.) See 3235. 3522. EMPEROR, JOHN BERNARD. The Catullian Influence in English Lyric Poetry, circa 1600-1650. Univ. of Missouri Studies. July, III, 133.

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