873. WILLARD, JAMES F. Progress of Medieval Studies in the United States of America. Bulletin no. 5. Boulder, Col.: Medieval Acad. of America and Univ. of Colorado, 1927. PP. 52. XI (b). MIDDLE ENGLISH WRITINGS Alexander Romances. 874. MANLY, J. M. The Romance of Alex ander. T.L.S., Sept. 22, 1927, 647. Arthurian Legend. 875. BECKWITH, MARTHA W. A Note on Punjab Legend in Relation to Arthurian Romance. Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. pp. 49-74. See 136. 876. BROWN, ARTHUR C. L. The Irish Element in King Arthur and the Grail. Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. pp. 95-111. See 136. 8. BRUCE, JAMES Douglas. Modred's Incestuous Birth. Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. Pp. 197–208. See 136. 878. CLEMENT, NEMOURS H. The Influence of the Arthurian Romances on the Five Books of Rabelais. (Bibl. 1926, 765.) Rev. by Robert V. Merrill in M. Phil., Feb. 1927, XXIV, 361-2. 879. GEROULD, GORDON HALL. King Arthur and Politics. Speculum, Jan. 1927, II, 33–51; Nov. 1927, II, 448. Note by Arthur C. L. Brown, ib., Nov. 1927, II, 449–55. 880. LOOMIS, LAURA HIBBARD. Arthur's Round Table. (Bibl. 1926, 767.) Rev. by Arthur C. L. Brown in M. Phil., Nov. 1927, XXV; 242. 881. LOOMIS, ROGER SHERMAN. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1927. 23.5 cm. pp. xii, 371. $6.00. Rev. by Morris W. Croll in M.L.N., Dec. 1927, XLII, 560-4; by H. G. Leach in Forum, Oct. 1927, LXXVIII, 632–4; by A. G. van Hamel in E. Studies, Oct. 1927, IX, 155-8. 882. The Date, Source, and Subject of the Arthurian Sculpture at Modena. Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. pp. 209-28. See 136. 883. Problems of the Tristan Legend: Bleheris; The Diarmaid Parallel; Thomas's Date. Romania, XLIII, 82–102. 884. MURRELL, E. S. Some New Arthurian Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. M.L.R., Jan. 1927, XXII, 87–90. 885. NITZE, WILLIAM A. Geoffrey of Monmouth's King Arthur. Speculum, July 1927, II, 317-21. 886. PEEBLES, ROSE J. The Children in the Tree. See 980. 887. VAN DER VEN-TEN BENSEL, E. The Character of King Arthur in English Literature. (Bibl. 1925, 683; 1926, 771.) Rev. by John J. Parry in M.L.N., June 1927, XLII, 417–20. Bestiary. 888. BRETT, CYRIL. Notes on Old and Middle English. ('Bestiary,' 1. 598, “blac so bro of qual”; ‘Piers Plowman,' A, vii, 117 = B, vi, 124 = C, IX, 129, a liri"; Idem, B, Prol. 123 ff.; 'Owl and Nightingale,' 11. 961–2, 1. 816, and Atkins' ed. p. lxxxiv and 1. 80; 'Chaucer C.T.' B, 782 ff.) M.L.R., July 1927, XXII, 258-64. Charters. 889. FLASDIECK, HERMANN M. (ed.). Mittelenglische Originalurkunden (1405-30). (Bibl. 1926, 789.) Rev. by Oliver F. Emerson in J. E. G. Phil., July 1927, XXVI, 406–7; by Cyril Brett in M.L.R., Jan. 1927, XXII, 96–7; by E. Ekwall in Anglia Beibl., Aug. 1927, XXXVIII, 239-41; by G.. Binz in Literaturblatt, Jan.-Feb. 1927, XLVIII, 25-6.; by U. Lindelöf in Neuphil. Mittn., 1927, XXVIII, 3-4, 117–18; by Eilert Ekwall in Anglia Beibl., 1927, xxxviii, 8, 239-41. Chaucer. 890. The Book of Troilus and Criseyde. Ed. from all the known мss. by Robert KILBURN ROOT. (Bibl. 1926, 790.) Rev. by John M. Manly in New Republic, Feb. 23, 1927, L, 26; by George N. Shuster in Commonweal, Dec. 29, 1926, v, 220-1; by A. J. Wyatt in R.E.S., Apr. 1927, III, 240–1; by E. P. Hammond in Anglia Beibl., Oct. 1927, XXXVIII, 315–18. 891. SISAM, KENNETH (ed.). The Nun's Priest's Tale. Oxford and New York, 1926. 12mo. pp. xlvi, 82. 50 cents. Rev. by E. P. Hammond in Anglia Beibl., Oct. 1927, XXXVIII, 314-15. 892. BERKELMAN, Robert G. Chaucer and Masefield. Engl. Jour., Nov. 1927, XVI, 698–705. 893. BRETT, CYRIL. Notes on Old and Middle English. See 888. 894. BRUSENdorff, Aage. The Chaucer Tradition. (Bibl. 1926, 792.) Rev. by Robert K. Root in J. E. G. Phil., Apr. 1927, XXVI, 258-62; by C. R. D. Young in R.E.S., Jan. 1927, 80-3; by Mario Praz in M.L.R., Apr. 1927, XXII, 202–8; by J. Koch in Literaturblatt, Mar. Apr. 1927, XLVIII, 101-8; by G. Hübener in Deutsche Literaturztg., Mar. 19, 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4, 559–61. 895. CONRAD, BERNARD R. The Date of Chaucer's Prologue. N.Q., May 28, 1927, CLII, 385. 896. CORNELIUS, Roberta D. Corones Two. (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 800.) P. M. L. A. Am., Dec. 1927, XLII, 1055-7. 897. COWLING, GEORGE H. Chaucer. London: Methuen, 1927. 7 × 5. pp. viii, 223. Illus. 6s. Rev. by Barrington Gates in NationAthen., May 7, 1927, XLI, 5, 160; in New Statesman (Lit. Suppl.), May 21, 1927, XXIX. 898. CURRY, Walter Clyde. Chaucer and the Mediaeval Sciences. (Bibl. 1926, 798.) Rev. by Frederick Tupper in Nation, June 29, 1927, CXXIV, 720-1; by James J. Walsh in Commonweal, Apr. 27, 1927, v, 695-6. 899. CURTISS, JOSEPH T. The Horoscope in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale. J. E. G. Phil., Jan. 1927, XXVI, 24–32. 900. DEROCQUIGNY, J. Note sur Chaucer (Canterbury Tales, B, 1687, 'an heep'). Rev. anglo-amér., déc. 1927, 160–1. 901. DEW, R. Tamarside Dialect and the Language of Chaucer. See 423. 902. DUSTOOR, P. E. Chaucer's Astrology in 'The Knight's Tale.' T.L.S., May 5, 1927, 318. 903. Notes on 'The Knightes Tale.' (A, 1612-14; 1882-4; 2153 and 2179; 2450; 2623-5; 2815; 2892 ff.) M.L.R., Oct. 1927, XXII, 438-41.. 904. FAIRCHILD, HOXIE NEALE. Active Arcite, Contemplative Palamon. J. E. G. Phil., July 1927, XXVI, 285–93. 905. FRENCH, ROBERT DUDLEY. A Chaucer Handbook. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1927. 19.5 cm. pp. xi, 394. $2.00. Rev. by Cortlandt van Winkle in Commonweal, Oct. 9, 1927, VI, 586. 906. GOFFIN, R. C. Chaucer's Lollius. T.L.S., Apr. 21, 1927, 280. 907. GRIFFITH, D. D. A Bibliography of Chaucer, 1908-24. (Bibl. 1926, 805.) Rev. by J. Koch in E. St., 1927, LXI, 440–1; by Martin B. Ruud in M.L.N., May 1927, XLII, 343–4. 908. HILL, MARY A. Rhetorical Balance in Chaucer's Poetry. P. M. L. A. Am., Dec. 1927, XLII, 845-61. 909. HINCKLEY, HENRY BARRETT. Chauceriana. Philol. Quart., July 1927, VI, 313-14. 910. LANGE, HUGO. Victor Langhans, und die Unechtheit des F-Prologs in Chaucers Legende von guten Frauen. Anglia, Aug. 1927, N.F. XXXIX, 128–35. 911. LANGHANS, V. Zu Chaucers Traumgedichten und deren Auffassung durch A. Brusendorff. Anglia, Dec. 1927, N.F. XXXIX, 323–53. 912. LINEBERGER, JULIA E. An Examination of Professor Cowling's New Metrical Test. (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 797.) M.L.N., Apr. 1927, XLII, 229-31. 913. LOOTEN, C. Les portraits de Chaucer: leurs origines. Rev. de Litt. comp., juil.-sept. pp. 397–438. 914. MAGOUN, F. P., Jr. The Chaucer of Spenser and Milton. M. Phil., Nov. 1927, XXV, 129–36. 915. The Source of Chaucer's Rime of Sir Thopas. P. M. L. A. Am., Dec. 1927, XLII, 833-44. 916. MANLY, J. M. Chaucer as Controller. T.L.S., June 9, 1927, 408; cf. also M. Phil., Aug. 1927, XXV, 121–3. 917. XXIV, 257-9. 918. Chaucer's Lady of the Daisies. M. Phil., Feb. 1927, Piggesnye. (Cant. Tales, A, 3, 268.) T.L.S., Oct. 6, 1927, 694; cf. Agnes Arber, ib., Nov. 3, 1927, 790. 919. 817. 920. The Prioress of Stratford. T.L.S. (Corr.), Nov. 10, 1927, Sir Thopas: a Satire. See 118. 921. Some New Light on Chaucer. (Bibl. 1926, 814.) Rev. by James F. Royster in M.L.N., Apr. 1927, XLII, 251-6; by Frederick Tupper in Nation, Sept. 21, 1927, CXXV, 289–90; by Robert K. Root in New Republic, May 11, 1927, L, 345-6; by George Carver in Commonweal, Feb. 16, 1927, V, 417-18; by Gordon H. Gerould in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Apr. 16, 1927, III, 726-7; in T.L.S., Jan. 13, 1927, 25; cf. Walter Rye, ib., Feb. 24, 1927, 126; by F. Delattre in Humanitas, Oct.-Dec. 1927, 11, 258–9; by J. Koch in Literaturblatt, July-Aug. 1927, XLVIII, 263–7. 922. MATHESIUS, V. (tr. and ed.). Výbor z Canterburských povídek Geofreye Chaucera. Obecný prolog a Vyprávění kněze jeptisčina. (A Selection from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The Prologue and The Nun's Priest's Tale. A Czech Tr. with Introd. and Commentary.) Prague, 1927. pp. 62. 923. Moore, SAMUEL. Chaucer's Pardoner of Rouncival. M. Phil., Aug. 1927, XXV, 59–66, 924. The New Chaucer Items. (Cf. Bibl. 1925, 707.) M.L.R., Oct. 1927, XXII, 435-8. 925. PATCH, H. R. Chaucer and Lady Fortune. M.L.R., Oct. 1927, XXII, 377-88. 926. PRAZ, MARIO. Chaucer and the Great Italian Writers of the Trecento. New Criterion, 1927, VI, 18–39, 131-57, (Bibl.) 238–42. 927. RICHARDSON, H. G. ‘Godeleef my Wyf.' (Bibl. 1926, 822.) T.L.S., Jan. 20, 1927, 44. 928. RICKERT, EDITH. Chaucer at the Funeral of the Princess of Wales. T.L.S., Aug. 11, 1927, 548. 929. Chaucer's Debt to John Churchman. M. Phil., Aug. 1927, XXV, 121–3. 930. XXIV, 503-5. 931. Chaucer's Debt to Walter Bukholt. M. Phil., May 1927, 'Goode Lief, My Wyf.' (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 822.) M. Phil., Aug. 1927, XXV, 79–82. 932. 1927, 766. More Payments to Chaucer. T.L.S. (Corr.), Oct. 27, 933. RUUD, MARTIN B. Thomas Chaucer. (Bibl. 1926, 824.) Rev. by C. R. D. Young in R.E.S., Jan. 1927, III, 80-3; by Frederick Tupper in J. E. G. Phil., July 1927, XXVI, 407–10; by Robert K. Root in M.L.N., Jan. 1927, XLII, 56–8; by E. P. Hammond in Anglia Beibl., Feb. 1927, XXXVIII, 54-6. 934. SCHLAUCH, MARGARET. Chaucer's Constance and Accused Queens. N.Y. State Library, 1927. 8vo. pp. viii, 142. $3.00. Rev. in N.Q., Aug. 27, 1927, CLIII, 161. 935. SPENCER, THEODORE. Chaucer's Hell: A Study in Mediaeval Convention. Speculum, Apr. 1927, 11, 177–200. 936. SPURGEON, CAROLINE F. E. Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion. (Bibl. 1925, 714; 1926, 826.) Rev. by John M. Manly in M.L.N., June 1927, XLII, 401–4. 937. TATLOCK, JOHN S. P. and ARTHUR G. KENNEDY. A Concordance to the Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and to the Romaunt of the Rose. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institute, 1927. 111 × 91. pp. xiii, 1110. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 10, 1927, 816. 938. THOMPSON, NESTA M. A New Way with Chaucer. Univ. Calif. Chron., Oct. 1927, XXIX, 366–79. 939. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT. Two Masters of Comedy. Leading Article, Aug. 25, 1927, 565–6. 940. WELLS, WHITNEY. An Unnoted Analogue to the Pardoner's Tale. M. Phil., Nov. 1927, xxv, 163–4. 941. WILSON, S. C. The Name Chaucer. T.L.S., May 12, 1927, 336; cf. Walter Rye, ib., May 19, 355. Debate of the Soul and the Body. 942. ALLEN, BEATRICE. The Debate of the Soul and the Body in MS. Digby 86. M.L.R., Apr. 1927, XXII, 189. Floris and Blanchflour. 943. TAYLOR, A. B. (ed.). Floris and Blanchflour: A Middle-English Romance. Edited from the Trentham and Auchinleck MSS. Oxford: Clar. Press; New York: Milford, 1927. 7 × 51. pp. 108. 4s. 6d. Gower, John. 944. HAMILTON, GEORGE L. Studies in the Sources of Gower. J. E. G. Phil., Oct. 1927, XXVI, 491–520. Hilton, Walter. 945. The Scale of Perfection. Modernized from the first printed edition of Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1494, by an Oblate of Solesmes. With an Introd. from the French of Doм M. NOETINGER. London: Burns and Oates, 1927. 6 × 4. pp. lvi, 404. 5s. Julian of Norwich. 946. HUDLESTON, DOM ROGER. Revelations of Divine Love. Shewed to a devout Ankress, by name Julian of Norwich. Newly edited from the мss. With an Introd. London: Burns and Oates, 1927. 6 × 4. pp. xlviii, 256. 55. King Horn. 947. LEIDIG, PAUL. Studien zu King Horn. (Phil. Diss. München.) 1927. pp. ix, 100. Miracle Plays. 948. CADY, FRANK W. The Maker of Mak [of the Second Shepherds Play]. Univ. Calif. Chron., July 1927, XXIX, 261– 72. 949. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Das Wakefielder Spielvon Kain und Abel. E. St., Nov. 1927, LXII, 132–51. 950. MANLY, J. M. The Miracle Play in Mediaeval England. See 138. Octavian. 951. FISCHER, E. Der Lautbestand des südmittelenglischen Oktavian verglichen mit s. Entsprechungen im Lybeaus Desconus u. im Launfal. (Anglistische Forschungen, LXIII.) Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1927. M. 4.80. Orologium Sapientiæ. 952. SCHLEICH, G. Zur Textgestaltung der mittelenglischen Bearbeitung von Susos Orologium Sapientiæ. Archiv, June 1927 (n.s. 52), CLII, 36–50; Oct., 178–92. Owl and Nightingale. 953. BRETT, CYRIL. Notes on Old and Middle English. See 888. 954. DICKINS, BRUCE. The Owl and the Nightingale. T.L.S. Apr. 7, 1927, 251; cf. J. P. Gilson, ib., June 9, 408. Parthenope. 955. LEACH, HENRY G. Is Gibbonssaga a Reflection of Partonopeus? Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. pp. 113-33. See 136. Pearl. 956. Pearl. Ed. by SIR ISRAEL GOLLANCZ. (Bibl. 1921 |