Abbildungen der Seite
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790. SCHRAM, O. K. An Unrecorded King of East Anglia. T.L.S., July 7, 1927, 472; cf. K. M. Buck, ib., July 14, 488.

791. SCHUTT, J. H. A Guide to English Studies. The Study of the History of Old and Middle English Literature. E. Studies, Oct. 1927, IX, 140-8.

792. SEHRT, EDWARD H. Vollständiges Wörterbuch zum Heliand u. altsächsischen Genesis. (Bibl. 1926, 695.) Rev. by Otto Basler in Deutsche Literaturztg., Jan. 1, 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4, 105–7.

793. Van der Merwe SchoLTZ, H. The Kenning in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Poetry. Utrecht and Nijmegen: Dekker and Van de Vegt en J. W. van Leeuwen, 1927. 24 × 16. pp. viii, 180. (Diss. Utrecht.)

794. Weber, Georg. Suffixvocal nach kurzer Tonsilbe von r, n, m im Angelsächsischen. See 383.


Alfric. 795. JOST, KARL. Unechte Ælfrictexte. Anglia, Aug. 1927, N.F. XXXIX, 81-103; Dec. 177–219.

Aldhelm. 796. Cook, Albert StanburRough. Aldhelm at the Hands of Sharon Turner. Speculum, Apr. 1927, II, 201−3.


Who Was the Ehfrid of Aldhelm's Letter? Speculum, Nov. 1927, II, 363-73. 798.

Sources of the Biography of Aldhelm. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Apr. 1927, XXVIII, 275-93.

Andreas. 799. The Fates of the Apostles; translation and critical commentary by F. OLIVERO. Milan: Treves, 1927.

800. Cook, A. S. The Old English Andreas and Bishop Acca of Hexham. (Bibl. 1924, 550; 1925, 628.) Rev. by H. M. Flasdieck in E. St., 1927, LXI, 288-90.

Battle of Maldon. 801. BRETT, CYRIL. Notes on Old and Middle English. See 833.

Bede. 802. COOK, ALBERT StanBURROUGH. Bede and Gregory of Tours. Philol. Quart., July 1927, VI, 315-16.

Beowulf. 803. ADDY, S. O. The 'Stapol' in 'Beowulf.' See 222. 804. CORNELIus, Roberta D. Palus Inamabilis. Speculum, July 1927, 11, 321-5. [Association of the fen district with ideas of hell.] 805. CRAWFORD, D. H. (tr.). Beowulf; tr. into English Verse. (Bibl. 1926, 705.) Rev. by Kemp Malone in M.L.N., Mar. 1927, XLII, 202–3; by Elsie Blackman in R.E.S., Apr. 1927, III, 237–9; by M. S. MacLean in Anglia Beibl., Oct. 1927, XXXVIII, 312–14.

806. KLAEBER, F. Attila's and Beowulf's Funerals. P. M. L. A. Am., June 1927, XLII, 255–67.

807. KRAPPE, ALEXANDER HAGGERTY. Eine mittelalterlichindische Parallele zum Beowulf. G.-R. Mon. 1927, XV, I−2, 54-8.

808. MAGOUN, F. P., Jr. The Burning of Heorot: An Illustrative Note. M.L.N., Mar. 1927, XLII, 173-4.


809. MALONE, KEMP. Hrethric. P. M. L. A. Am., June 1927, XLII, 268-313.

810. RATTRAY, R. F. Beowulf. [Mythological comments.] T.L.S., Jan. 6, 1927, 12.

811. STRÖMHOLM, D. Försök över Beowulfdikten och Ynglingasagen. Edda, Nordisk Tidskrift, 1926, xxv, 233–49.

812. STRONG, ARCHIBALD. Beowulf: Translated into Modern English Rhyming Verse. (Bibl. 1926, 713.) Rev. by E. B. in R.E.S., Jan. 1927, III, 115-16; by Fr. A. Pompen in E. Studies, Aug. 1927, IX, 115-17.

813. THOMAS, P. G. Further Notes on 'Beowulf.' (Ed. Wyatt and Chambers, ll. 358-9, 804, 937, 970–2, 1231, 1537, 1798, 1880, 2394 and 2692.) M.L.R., Jan. 1927, XXII, 70–3.

814. WESSÉN, E. De nordiska folkstammarna i Beowulf. (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Handlingar, XXXVI, 2.) Stockholm: Wahlström och Widstrand. 3 kr.

815. WILLIAMS, R. A. 'Beowulf,' ll. 1086-8. M.L.R., July 1927, XXII, 310-13.


Zur Erwiderung an Fr. Klaeber. Anglia Beibl., Feb.

1927, XXXVIII, 2, 61-3.

Cædmon. 817. The Cadmon Manuscript of Anglo-Saxon Biblical Poetry. Junius XI in the Bodleian Library. With an Introduction by SIR ISRAEL GOLLANCZ. Oxford: Univ. Press; London: Milford, for the British Academy, 1927. 162 × 11. pp. 127 and plates. IO guineas.

818. COOK, ALBERT STANBURROUGH. King Oswy and Cadmon's Hymn. Speculum, Jan. 1927, II, 67–72.

819. KLAEBER, F. Analogues of the Story of Cadmon. M.L.N., June 1927, XLII, 390.

Charms. 820. GRATTAN, J. H. G. Three Anglo-Saxon Charms from the 'Lacnunga.' (1. The Charm for a Sudden Stitch. II. The Nine Herbs Charm. III. The Nightmare Charm.) M.L.R., Jan. 1927, XXII, 1-6.

Christ. 821. KLAEBER, F. Weitere Randglossen zu Texterklärungen. See 782.

822. WILLARD, Rudolph. Vercelli Homily VIII and the 'Christ. See 829.

Christ and Satan. 823. CLUBB, MERREL DARE (ed.). Christ and Satan, an Old English Poem ed. with Introd., Notes and Glossary. (Bibl. 1925, 644.) Rev. by F. Klaeber in Speculum, Apr. 1927, II, 211-14; in N.Q., Feb. 19, 1927, CLII, 143.

824. KLAEBER, F. Weitere Randglossen zu Texterklärungen. See 782.

Chronicles. 825. CLASSEN, E. and F. E. HARMER (eds.). An AngloSaxon Chronicle from Brit. Museum Cott. MS., Tiberius B. IV. (Mod. Lang. Texts, Engl. Ser.) Manchester: Univ. Press, 1926. 8vo pp. xvi, 150. Rev. by F. Holthausen in Anglia Beibl., July 1927.



XXXVIII, 195; by Kemp Malone in M.L.N., Jan. 1927, XLII, 60-1; George T. Flom in J. E. G. Phil., Apr. 1927, XXVI, 277-8.

Cynewulf. 826. COOK, ALBERT STANBURROUGH. Cynewulf's Part in our Beowulf. (Bibl. 1925, 645.) Rev. by S. J. Crawford in M.L.R., Jan. 1927, XXII, 94-6; by G. Hübener in E. St., 1927, LXI, 290-2.

Durham Ritual. 827. Rituale Ecclesiæ Dunelmensis. The Durham Collector. A new and revised ed. of the Latin Text with the Interlinear Anglo-Saxon Version. Publications of the Surtees Society, CXL. London and Durham, 1927. Introduction, Chapter 1, pp. vii-xlii, by A. HAMILTON THOMPSON; Introduction, Chapter II, pp. xliii-lxxvi, and Text and Notes, pp. 1-221, by U. LINDELÖF.

Genesis. 828. KLAEBER, F. Weitere Randglossen zu Texterklärungen. See 782.

Homilies. 829. WILLARD, RUDOLPH. Vercelli Homily VIII and the 'Christ.' P. M. L. A. Am., June 1927, XLII, 314-30.

Phoenix. 830. BRETT, CYRIL. Notes on Old and Middle English. See 833.

831. KERN, J. H. Phoenix 25. Neophilologus, Apr. 1927, XII, 193. Psalters. 832. HEINZEL, O. Kritische Entstehungsgeschichte des ags. Interlinearpsalters. (Bibl. 1926, 722.) Rev. by A. Eichler in Anglia Beibl., Aug. 1927, XXXVIII, 242-3; by F. Holthausen in Deutsche Literaturztg., Apr. 30, 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4, 861-2; by H. Jantzen in Zs. f. franz. u. engl. Unterr., 1927, XXVI, 6, 470.

Riddles. 833. BRETT, CYRIL. Notes on Old and Middle English. [Exeter Book, Riddle 58; Exeter Book Riddle (Tupper xvi, Wyatt xv); Phoenix, 11. 404 ff.; Battle of Maldon, 11. 46-8.] M.L.R., July 1927, XXII, 258-64.

Seafarer. 834. KLAEBER, F. Weitere Randglossen zu Texterklärungen. See 782.

Waldere. 835. KLAEBER, F. Zu den Waldere-Bruchstücken. Anglia, Aug. 1927, N.F. XXXIX, 121–7.

Wanderer. 836. ASHDOWN, MARGARET. 'The Wanderer,' ll. 41-3. M.L.R., July 1927, XXII, 313-14.


Miscellaneous. 837.

Legend. See 1050.


ALLISON, TEMPE E. On the Body and Soul

838. AUDIAU, JEAN. Les Troubadours et l'Angleterre. Contribution à l'étude des poètes anglais de l'amour au Moyen-Age (13o et 14e siècles). Paris: Vrin, 1927. 18.5 cm. pp. 136.

839. BARROW, SARAH F. and WILLIAM H. HULME (trs.). 'Antichrist' and 'Adam.' See 2963.

840. BRAMPTON, C. KENNETH. The De Imperatorum et Pontificum Potestate of William of Ockham. Hitherto Unpublished.

Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. 7 × 51. pp. xxxviii, 108. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 14, 1927, 260.

841. BRANDL, A. and O. ZIPPEL. Mittelenglische Sprach- und Literaturproben. See 154.

842. BRETT, CYRIL. Two newly found Middle English texts. (1. A Fifteenth Century letter; II. A late Fourteenth Century quatrain.) M.L.R., Jan. 1927, XXII, 73-5.

843. CAPLAN, HARRY. Rhetorical Invention in Some Mediaeval Tractates on Preaching. Speculum, July 1927, II, 284–95.

844. CHAMBERS, E. K. The Date of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History Again. (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 734.) R.E.S., July 1927, III,


845. CUMMING, WILLIAM P. A Middle English мs. in the Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève, Paris. P. M. L. A. Am., Dec. 1927, XLII, 862-4.

846. DEFERRARI, ROY J. Early Ecclesiastical Literature and Its Relation to the Literature of Classical and Medieval Times. Philol. Quart., Apr. 1927, VI, 102–10.

847. HAMILTON, GEORGE LIVINGSTONE. A New Redaction (J 3a) of the Historia de Preliis and the Date of Redaction J 3. Speculum, Apr. 1927, II, 113-46.

848. HECHT, HANS and LEVIN L. SCHÜCKING. Die englische Literatur im Mittelalter. See 78.

849. KRAPPE, ALEXANDER HAGGERTY. Two Medieval Derivatives of Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiæ. Leuvensche Bijdragen, 1926, XVIII, 1-6. [Wace's Roman de Rou and the Chronicle of Richard of London.]

850. LEA, CHARLES H. A Fourteenth Century Book-Lover. [Richard de Bury.] Engl. Rev., June 1927, XLIV, 6, 714–19.

851. MACKENzie, Barbara A. A Special Dialectal Development of O.E. ea in Middle English. See 369.

852. MOORE, SAMUEL. Loss of Final ʼn in Inflectional Syllables of Middle English. See 372.

853. MÜLLER, W. Der schauspielerische Stil im Passionsspiel im Mittelalter. Leipzig: Eichblatt, 1927. M. 5.60.

854. MURRAY, J. The Eustace Legend in Medieval England. M. H. R. A. Bull., Sept. 1927, 1, 35–47.

855. OwsT, G. R. Preaching in Medieval England: An Introduction to Sermon Manuscripts of the Period. (Bibl. 1926, 746.) Rev. by Charles H. Haskins in Speculum, Nov. 1927, II, 496; by William F. McGinnis in Commonweal, Mar. 23, 1927, v, 557-8; by Alfred H. Sweet in Amer. Hist. Rev., Jan. 1927, xxxII, 305-6; by H. B. Workman in Lond. Quart. Rev., Oct. 1926, ser. v, no. 64 229-36.

856. PAETOW, Louis John. Morale Scolarium of John of Garland (Johannes de Garlandia.) A Professor in the Universities of Paris and Toulouse in the 13th century. Ed. with an Introd. on the Life


and Works of the Author. Berkeley: Univ. of California, 1927. Folio. pp. 69-273. $5.00.

857. PARRY, JOHN J. Geoffrey of. Monmouth and Josephus. Speculum, Nov. 1927, II, 446-7.

858. PATCH, HOWARD ROLLIN. The Goddess Fortuna in Medieval Literature. (Cf. Bibl. 1923, 985; 1926, 884.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1927. 8vo. pp. xii, 215. $5.00.

859. PATON, LUCY ALLEN (ed.). Les Prophécies de Merlin. Edited from MS. 593 in the Bibliothèque Municipale of Rennes. Part One: Introduction and Text, pp. xl, 496. Part Two: Studies in the Contents, pp. iv, 406. (Monograph Series of Mod. Lang. Assoc. of Am.) New York: Heath, 1926. $9.00. Rev. by A. H. Sweet in Amer. Hist. Rev., Oct. 1927, XXXIII, 177–8.

860. POOLE, Reginald LanE (ed.). Ioannis Saresberiensis Historiae Pontificalis quae Supersunt. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. c, 128. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 17, 1927, 176.

861. RABY, F. J. E. A History of Christian-Latin Poetry from the beginnings to the close of the Middle Ages. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. Royal 8vo. 101 × 7. PP. 504. 21S.

862. RICKERT, EDITH. Documents and Records. A Leaf from a Fourteenth-Century Letter Book. M. Phil., Nov. 1927, XXV, 249–55. 863. SCHUTT, J. H. A Guide to English Studies. The Study of the History of Old and Middle English Literature. See 791.

864. SCHWARtzkopff, WerNER. Sagen u. Geschichten aus dem alten Frankreich u. England. Munich: Bruckmann, 1925. 8vo. pp. xx, 318. 10 M. Rev. by A. Hübner in Deutsche Literaturztg., Jan. 1, 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4, 16–18.

865. SERJEANTSON, MARY S. The Development of Old English eag, eah in Middle English. See 379.

866. See 430.

The Dialects of the West Midlands in Middle English.

867. SLOVER, CLARK HARRIS. William of Malmesbury and the Irish. Speculum, July 1927, II, 268–83.

868. THORNDIKE, LYNN. Some Thirteenth-Century Classics. Speculum, Nov. 1927, II, 374-84.

869. TUPPER, FREDERICK. Types of Society in Medieval Literature. (Bibl. 1926, 754.) Rev. by George R. Coffman in M.L.N., Nov. 1927, XLII, 489–91.

870. VON HIBLER, LEO. Methodisches zur Ermittlung der Schreiberindividualität in mittelenglischen Handschriften. Anglia, Dec. 1927, N.F. XXXIX, 354–71.

871. WADDELL, HELEN. The Wandering Scholars. London: Constable, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. xxviii, 292. 21s. Rev. in T.L.S., May 26, 1927, 369.

872. WELLS, JOHN EDWIN. A Manual of the Writings in Middle English. Third Supplement. (Bibl. 1926, 755.) Rev. shortly by J. R. H. in M. Phil., Nov. 1927, XXV, 244.

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