Abbildungen der Seite

London: Methuen, 1926. 63 × 41. pp. 192. 4s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., June 23, 1927, 429-30.

619. Cox, JOHN HARRINGTON. 'The Yew Pine Mountains': A 'John Hardy' Ballad. Amer. Speech, Feb. 1927, II, 226–7.

620. DABNEY, J. P. The Relation between Music and Poetry. Musical Quart., July 1927, XIII, 377-83.

621. DOBIE, J. FRANK. Ballads and Songs of the Frontier Folk. Pub. of the Texas Folk-Lore Soc., VI, 121–76.

622. FINGER, CHARLES JOSEPH (ed.). Frontier Ballads; illus. by Paul Honoré. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1927. 23.5 cm. Pp. 188. $3.50. Rev. by Carl Sandburg in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Dec. 3, 1927, IV, 373-4.

623. FISHER, WILLIAM ARMS (ed.). Seventy Negro Spirituals. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1926. 32 × 24°5. Pp. xxxv, 212. Rev. by Newman I. White in S.A.Q., Apr. 1927, XXVI, 202–4.

624. FULKS, CLAY. The Sacred Poesy of the South. Amer. Mercury, Sept. 1927, XII, 75-80.

625. GIBBON, J. MURRAY (comp. and transl.). Canadian Folk Songs (old and new); Harmonizations by Geoffrey O'Hara, and Oscar O'Brien. New York: Dutton, 1927. 8vo. pp. xxii, 105. $2.50. Rev. by Ernest F. Boddington in Commonweal, June 8, 1927, VI, 136. 626. GRAVES, ROBERT. The English Ballad: A Short Critical Survey. London: Benn, 1927. 74 × 51. Pp. 139. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 22, 1927, 975; in Sat. Rev., Feb. 19, 1927, CXLIII, 277-8; in New Statesman, Mar. 21, 1927, XXVIII, 738.

627. HAWORTH, PETER. English Hymns and Ballads and Other Studies in Popular Literature. Oxford: Blackwell, 1927. 8vo. 8 × 51. pp. 160. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 22, 1927, 975.

628. JOHNSON, James Weldon (ed.). The Second Book of Negro Spirituals. Musical Arrangement by J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON. (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 533.) New York: Viking Press, 1926. 26 × 19.5. pp. 189. $3.50. Rev. by Melville J. Herskovits in New Republic, Jan. 12, 1927, XLIX, 230; Newman I. White in S.A.Q., Apr. 1927, XXVI, 202-4; by Louise Pound in Amer. Speech, May 1927, II, 368–9. 629. KANE, W. T. Ballads Old and New. Month, Nov. 1927, 420-6.

630. Korson, GEORGE GERSHON (comp.). Songs and Ballads of the Anthracite Miner; a Seam of Folklore which once ran through Life in the Hard-Coal Fields of Pennsylvania. New York: Hitchcock, 1927. 21.5 cm. pp. xxviii, 196. $3.00. Rev. by Thomas Walsh in Commonweal, Oct. 19, 1927, VI, 588.

631. MORROW, ALICE M. Songs of the Prairies. Long Beach, Calif.: Robinson Pr. Co., 1927. 21 cm. pp. 100.

632. NAGEL, KURT. Wie ein Volkslied wird. (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 541.) Anglia, Aug. 1927, N.F. xxxIX, 119–20.

633. NILES, JOHN J. Singing Soldiers. Illus. by Margaret Thorniley Williams. New York: Scribner's, 1927. 8vo. pp. x, 171. $3.00.

Rev. by Abbé Niles in New Republic, June 8, 1927, LI, 76–7; by Gren. ville Vernon in Commonweal, Apr. 20, 1927, v, 667–8.

634. PLARR, VICTOR S. The Oldest English Folk-song. Edin. Rev., Apr. 1927, CCXLV, 375-84.

635. PRESCOTT, FREDERICK CLARKE. Poetry and Myth. New York: Macmillan, 1927. 20.5 cm. pp. 190. $2.00. Rev. by Clark S. Northup in Cornell Alumni News, Dec. 1, 1927, XXX, 124.

636. RATCHFORD, FANNIE E. and MATTIE AUSTIN HATCHER. Three 'First' Texas Poems. Southwest Rev., Jan. 1927, XII, 132–42.

637. RICKABY, FRAZ (col. and ed.). Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy. (Bibl. 1926, 545.) Rev. by Newman I. White in S.A.Q., Apr. 1927, XXVI, 202–4; by T. C. B. in Minnesota History, Mar. 1927, VIII, 87-90.

638. Scarborough, DorotHY and OLA Lee Gulledge. On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs. (Bibl. 1925, 452; 1926, 547.) Rev. by Isobel G. Carter in Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore, Oct.-Dec. 1925, XXXVIII, 623-4.

639. SEARS, MINNIE EARL and PHYLLIS CRAWFORD (eds.). Song Index; an Index to more than 12,000 Songs in 177 Song Collections, comprising 262 Volumes. (Standard Catalogue Ser.) New York: Wilson, 1926. 4to. pp. xxxii, 650.

640. SHOEMAKER, HENRY WHARTON. Indian Folk-songs of Pennsylvania. [Lim. ed.] Ardmore, Pa.: Newman F. McGirr, 1927. 8vo. PP. 15. $2.50.

641. SQUIRE, J. C. (comp.). The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1927. 72 × 51. Pp. ix, 470. 8s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., May 26, 1927, 371; in N.Q., May 14, 1927, CLII, 359–60; by George N. Shuster in Commonweal, Aug. 31, 1927, VI, 404.

642. STATON, KATE E. (ed.). Old Southern Songs of the Period of the Confederacy; the Dixie Trophy Collection. New York: S. French, 1926. 8vo. pp. 146. $1.00.

643. THOMAS, GATES. South Texas Negro Work-Songs: Collected and Uncollected. Publ. of the Texas Folk-Lore Soc., 1926, v, 154–80. 644. VERNON, GRENVILLE (comp.). Yankee Doodle-doo; a Collection of Songs of the Early American Stage. See 606.

Prose. 645. Carver, GEORGE and ELLEN M. GEYER (eds.). Representative Catholic Essays. (Bibl. 1926, 556.) Rev. by George N. Shuster in Commonweal, Feb. 9, 1927, V, 388.

646. English Letter Writers. Selected, with an Introd. by R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON. London: Gerald Howe, 1927. 7 × 5. pp. xvi, 344. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 20, 1927, 731.

647. Essays and Essayists. Comp. and ed. by HENRY NEWBOLT. With Notes by G. E. HOLLINGWORTH. London: Nelson, 1927. 71 × 51. pp. 302. 3s. 6d.


General. Drama. Fiction. Poetry. Prose

General. 648. ABERCROMBIE, LASCELLES. Romanticism. (Bibl. 1926, 560.) Rev. by Robert M. Lovett in New Republic, June 22, 1927, LI, 128; by T. C. in Commonweal, July 20, 1927, VI, 284; in Sat. Rev. of Lit., May 14, 1927, III, 822.

649. ARONSTEIN, PHILIPP. Englische Stilistik. (Bibl. 1924, 265; 1925, 355; 1926, 562.) Rev. by U. Lindelöf in Neuphil. Mittn., XXVII, 7-8, 240–1.

650. BINZ, ARTHUR FRIEDRICH. Von Aufbruch und Untergang. Aufsätze über Dichter und Dichtungen. Heidelberg: Münster, 1927. PP. 94. 2 M. [Deals with Stevenson and Galsworthy.]

651. BODKIN, MAUDE. Literary Criticism and the Study of the Unconscious. Monist, July 1927, XXXVII, 445–68.

652. BOILLOT, F. The Methodical Study of Literature. (Bibl. 1924, 387; 1925, 463.) Rev. by E. Rosenbach in E. St., 1927, LXI, 284-6.

653. BOYD, Ernest Augustus. Literary Blasphemies. New York and London: Harper, 1927. 22.5 cm. pp. 265. $2.50.

654. BROWN, STEPHEN J., S.J. The World of Imagery: Metaphor and Kindred Imagery. London: Kegan Paul, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. vii, 353. 12s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 28, 1927, 294; cf. T. Sturge Moore in New Criterion, 1927, VI, 158–61.

655. BURDETT, OSBERT. Critical Essays. (Bibl. 1926, 566.) Rev. by Allen Tate in New Republic, June 8, 1927, LI, 80-1; by Arthur Colton in Sat. Rev. of Lit., May 21, 1927, III, 840-2; in Dial, June 1927, LXXXII, 528; by H. J. Forman in N.Y. Times, Dec. 19, 1926, 19; by J. W. Gassner in Nation, Dec. 15, 1926, cxx111, 646.

656. CALVERTON, V. F. Sex Expression in Literature. (Bibl. 1926, 568.) Rev. by Rosamond Gilder in Theatre Arts Monthly, Apr. 1927, XI, 310-11.

657. CASTELAIN, MAURICE. Ne peut-on vraiment définir l'humour? Rev. anglo-amér., fév. 1927, 194–207.

658. CLUTTON-BROCK, ARTHUR. Essays on Literature and Life. (Bibl. 1926, 571.) Rev. by Ernest Boyd in Independent, Feb. 5, 1927, CXVIII, 162; by J. H. Collins in N.Y. Herald Tribune, Mar. 13, 1927, 14; in N.Y. Times, Feb. 27, 1927, 2.

659. COOPER, ANICE PAGE. Authors and Others. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1927. 12mo. pp. 190. $2.00.

660. CORY, Herbert EllswORTH. The Cycle of Criticism. M. Phil., Aug. 1927, XXV, 1–15.

661. DU BOS, CHARLES. Approximations. Deuxième Série. Paris: Crès, 1927. 12 fr. (Cf. Bibl. 1923, 567.) Rev. in T.L.S., Aug. 11, 1927, 548.

662. ERSKINE, JOHN. The Literary Discipline. London: Nash and

Grayson, 1927. 8 × 51. pp. xvi, 231. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 29, 1927, 660.

663. FRAZER, SIR JAMES GEORGE. The Gorgon's Head, and Other Literary Pieces. With a Preface by ANATOLE FRANCE. London: Macmillan, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. xvi, 453. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., June 16, 1927, 421.

664. GORDON, GEORGE. Companionable Books. Series 1. London: Chatto and Windus. 72 × 42. pp. ix, 96. 2s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., July 14, 1927, 480.

665. Gosse, Sir Edmund. Leaves and Fruit. See 2743.

666. GRIERSON, H. J. C. The Background of English Literature. (Bibl. 1925, 485; 1926, 579.) Rev. by J. W. Gassner in Nation, Dec.15, 1926, CXXIII, 644; by Arthur Colton in Sat. Rev. of Lit., May 21, 1927, III, 840–2; by Jacob Zeitlin in N.Y. Herald Tribune, Oct. 3, 1926, 25.

667. HARGREAVES, H. L. The 'Faculty' of Imagination. An Inquiry Concerning the Existence of a General Faculty' or Group Factor of Imagination. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1927. IO X 7. pp. viii, 74. 75.

668. KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE. Autolycus Pack; or What You Will; Literary Essays, Studies in the Great Poets; Shakespeare, Dante, Carducci, Emerson, Whitman; Simplicity of Life; Cosmic Stoicism; The Passing of the Preachers, etc. West Yarmouth, Mass.: The Author, 1927. $2.00.

669. LEWIS, WYNDHAM. Time and Western Man. London: Chatto and Windus, 1927. 9 × 51. pp. 493. 21s. Rev. by Joseph Wood Krutch in Nation, Dec. 7, 1927, cxxv, 643-5.

670. LEWISOHN, LUDWIG. Cities and Men. New York and London: Harper, 1927. 19:5 cm. pp. 273. $2.50. Rev. by Lewis Galantiere in Nation, Dec. 7, 1927, cxxv, 658–9.

671. LUCAS, F. L. Authors Dead and Living. London: Chatto and Windus, 1926. pp. 297. 7s. 6d. Rev. by B. Ifor Evans in R.E.S., Jan. 1927, III, 120–1.

672. MASON, DANIEL GREGORY. 'Artistic Ideals.' New York: Norton, 1927. 19.5 cm. pp. xi, 201. Rev. by Ernest Boyd in Independent, Mar. 26, 1927, CXVIII, 342.

673. MAURON, CHARLES. The Nature of Beauty in Art and Literature. Translated, with a preface, by ROGER FRY. London: Hogarth Press, 1927. 6 × 41. pp. 88. 3s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 7, 1927, 246. 674. MURRY, JOHN MIDDLETON. The Metaphysic of Poetry. Hibbert Jour., July 1927, 610-22.

675. OPPENHEIM, D. E. Dichtung und Menschenkenntnis. Psychologische Streifzüge durch alte und neue Literatur. München: I. F. Bergmann. pp. lxxxiv, 262. 12 M. Rev. by B. Fehr in Anglia Beibl., Nov. 1927, XXXVIII, 337-41.

Romanticism and Other Isms.

676. PIERCE, FREDERICK E. J. E. G. Phil., Oct. 1927, XXVI, 451–66.

677. POLGAR, ALFRED. Ja und Nein: Schriften des Kritikers. 3 vols. Berlin: Rowolt, 1926. [Contains dramatic criticisms, as of Shakespeare and G. B. Shaw.] Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 13, 1927, 28.

678. RALLI, AUGUSTUS. Critiques. London: Longmans, 1927. 8×5. pp. 205. 10s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Aug. 25, 1927, 573; in New Statesman, Oct. 15, 1927, XXX, 22—4.

679. RICHARDS, IVOR ARMSTRONG. Principles of Literary Criticism. (Bibl. 1924, 445; 1925, 510; 1926, 592.) Rev. by Ramon Fernandez under 'Esquisses pour un Humanisme critique. I. L'Art et la Connaissance,' in Nouvelle Revue Française, fév. 1, 1927, 250-7; by B. Fehr in Anglia Beibl., Nov. 1927, XXXVIII, 341-7.

680. RICKERT, EDITH. New Methods for the Study of Literature. Chicago: Univ. Press; London: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1927. 8 × 51. pp. xiii, 275. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., May 26, 1927, 370; by Allen Tate in New Republic, Apr. 27, 1927, L, 281–2; by Francis P. Donnelly in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Mar. 12, 1927, III, 644.

681. SAINTSBURY, GEORGE. Irony. Dial, Mar. 1927, LXXXII, 181–7. 682. SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Back from Nature. Feb. 5, 1927, III, 556, 560; corr. by John Hyde Preston, ib., Mar. 12, 1927, III, 652.





The Concern of Criticism. July 9, 1927, III, 955.

The Ground of Criticism. July 2, 1927, III, 939, 942. Place and Literature. June 25, 1927, III, 923.. Talks on Criticism, 1. Oct. 22, 1927, IV, 233, 236; 11. Nov. 12, 1927, 297, 300; III. Nov. 19, 1927, IV, 317-18; IV. Dec. 17, 1927, IV, 449-50.

687. While Brown Brooks Run. [Lack of appreciation of nature by the man of the industrial age, especially in literature.] Sept. 24, 1927, IV, 129, 131.

688. SELDES, GILBERT. Satire, Death of.... New Republic, Jan. 5, 1927, XLIX, 193.

689. SHANKS, EDWARD. Second Essays on Literature. London: Collins, 1927. 9 × 51. pp. 224. 16s. Rev. by Sylva Norman in Nation-Athen., Apr. 16, 1927, XLI, 2, 53-4.

690. SMITH, LOGAN PEARSALL. The Prospects of Literature. London: Hogarth Press, 1927. 6 × 41. PP. 35. Is. 6d. Rev. by Edmund Blunden in Nation-Athen., Dec. 3, 1927, XLII, 9, 368.

691. STEEVES, HARRISON ROSS. Literary Aims and Art. Newark, N.J.: Silver, Burdett, 1927. 12mo. pp. xi, 235. $1.80.

692. STEVENSON, LIONEL. Appraisals of Canadian Literature. London and New York: Macmillan, 1927. 12mo. pp. xviii, 272. $2.25.

693. STOLL, ELMER EDGAR. Certain Fallacies and Irrelevancies in the Literary Scholarship of the Day. Studies in Phil., Oct. 1927, XXIV, 485-508.

694. TAYLOR, HOUGHTON W. Realism and the Romantic Spirit. Sewanee Rev., July-Sept. 1927, XXXV, 336-51.

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