Abbildungen der Seite

2886. KANE, W. T. George Bernard Shaw. Month, Aug. 1927, 115-26.

2887. KRUTCH, JOSEPH WOOD. Papa Shaw. Nation, Dec. 14, 1927, CXXV, 690. (On 'The Doctor's Dilemma.')

2888. MACCARTHY, DESMOND. The Gaiety of Bernard Shaw. New Statesman, Aug. 13, 1927, XXIX, 569–70.

2889. O'DELL, GEORGE E. The Secret in the Poet's Heart. Standard, Feb. 1927, XIII, 186–7.

2890. ROBERTSON, J. M. Mr Shaw and 'The Maid.' (Bibl. 1926, 2604.) Rev. by J. L. Cardozo in E. Studies, Dec. 1927, IX, 210–11. 2891. SPECTATOR, THE. The Latest from Colonel Lawrence. Mar. 12, 1927, 429.

2892. Three Plays [by William Archer]. With a Personal Note by G. B. Shaw. See 1982.

Sherman, Stuart Pratt. 2893. The Main Stream. New York: Scribner's, 1927. 8vo. pp. xii, 239. $2.50. Rev. by Arthur Colton in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Aug. 13, 1927, IV, 36.

2894. DE MILLE, GEORGE E. Stuart P. Sherman: the Illinois Arnold. Sewanee Rev., Jan.-Mar. 1927, xxxv, 78–93.

Sigerson, George. 2895. COLUM, PADRAIC. An Irish Poet-Scholar. Commonweal, July 13, 1927, VI, 256–8.

Sinclair, May. 2896. The Allinghams. London: Hutchinson, 1927. 72 × 51. pp. 288. 7s. 6d. New York: Macmillan. 12mo. pp. 368. $2.50. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 31, 1927, 230; by F. W. K. in Sewanee Rev., July-Sept. 1927, xxxv, 364-6; by Mary Ross in Nation, June 1, 1927, CXXIV, 613-14; by Amy Wellington in Sat. Rev. of Lit., May 14, 1927, III, 821; by Mary Ross in N.Y. Herald Tribune, Mar. 27, 1927, 5; in Independent, Apr. 9, 1927, CXVIII, 392; in Living Age, Apr. 15, 1927, CCCXXXII, 938; in N.Y. Times, Mar. 27, 1927, 8; in Outlook, May 18, 1927, CXLVI, 90.

2897. History of Anthony Waring. London: Hutchinson, 1927. 8 × 54. pp. 187. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 8, 1927, 606.

Sitwell, Edith, Osbert, and Sacheverell. 2898. BURDETT, Osbert. The Sitwells. Mercury, Mar. 1927, XV, 515–25.

2899. MÉGROZ, R. L. The Three Sitwells. A biographical and critical study. London: Richards; New York: Doran, 1927. 8 × 5121. PP. 331. 8s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., May 5, 1927, 315.

Sitwell, Edith. 2900. Rustic Elegies. London: Duckworth, 1927. 7× 5. PP. 94. 5s. New York: Knopf. 8vo. pp. 69. $2.50. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 7, 1927, 246; by Robert P. Warren in New Republic, Nov. 23, 1927, LIII, 23-4.

Sitwell, Osbert. 2901. Before the Bombardment. (Bibl. 1926, 2616.) Rev. by Henry McBride in Dial, Apr. 1927, LXXXII, 338–40. 2902. England Reclaimed. A Book of Eclogues. London: Duckworth, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. 96. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 27, 1927, 760. Sitwell, Sacheverell. 2903. All Summer in a Day: An Autobiographical Fantasia. (Bibl. 1926, 2617.) Rev. by L. M. in New Re

public, Apr. 19, 1927, L, 282; by Peter Morris in Dial, Jan. 1927, LXXXII, 66–8.

2904. The Cyder Feast. London: Duckworth, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. 937s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., July 28, 1927, 516.

Stanton, Frank Lebby. 2905. NATION. The Poet of Georgia. Jan. 19, 1927, cxxiv, 55–6.

Stein, Gertrude. 2906. Three Lives: stories of the good Anna, Melanctha and the gentle Lena. J. Rodtker, 1927. 8vo. .82 × 51PP. 279. 7s. 6d.

Stephens, James. 2907. Collected Poems. (Bibl. 1926, 2622.) Rev. by Jessica N. North in Poetry, Oct. 1927, XXXI, 41–4.

2908. A Poetry Recital. (Bibl. 1925, 2335; 1926, 2623.) Rev. by Jessica N. North in Poetry, Oct. 1927, xxxİ, 41–4.

2909. EGLINTON, JOHN. Impatience of a Proseman. Dial, June 1927, LXXXII, 491–4.

Sterling, George. 2910. Lilith: a Dramatic Poem. (Bibl. 1926 2627.) Rev. in Sewanee Rev., Apr.-June 1927, XXXV, 256.

2911. AUSTIN, MARY. George Sterling at Carmel. Amer. Mercury May 1927, XI, 65–72.

2912. MONROE, HARRIET. Comment. Poetry, Jan. 1927, XXIX 208-13.

2913. SINCLAIR, UPTON. My Friend George Sterling. Amer Bookman, Sept. 1927, LXVI, 30–2.

Stuart, Muriel. 2914. New Poems and Old. (Bibl. 1926, 2629Rev. by E. M. Kayden in Sewanee Rev., Apr.-June 1927, xxxv 238-9; by Joseph Auslander in Forum, Oct. 1927, LXXVIII, 639–40.

Tagore, Rabindranath. 2915. THOMPSON, EDWARD. Rabindra nath Tagore. Poet and Mystic. (Bibl. 1926, 2634.) London: Milford 1926. Rev. in New Statesman, Feb. 12, 1927, XXVIII, 544; by O. Strauss in Deutsche Literaturztg., Aug. 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4 1606-8.

Teasdale, Sara. 2916. Dark of the Moon. (Bibl. 1926, 2635 Rev. in Sewanee Rev., Apr.-June 1927, XXXV, 249; by S. Foste Damon in Yale Rev., Apr. 1927, XVI, 587–91; by R. P. Harris i S.A.Q., Apr. 1927, XXVI, 216–17.

2917. RITTENHOUSE, JESSIE B. Sara Teasdale. Amer. Bookmar May 1927, LXV, 290–4.

Thomas, Edith Matilda. 2918. Selected Poems of Edith M Thomas. Ed. with a Memoir by JESSIE B. RITTENHOUSE, New York Harper, 1926. 12mo. pp. xiii, 247. $2.00. Rev. by Robert Under wood Johnson in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Jan. 1, 1927, III, 480,

Thomas, Edward. 2919. HERRING, ROBERT, Edward Thomas Mercury, Jan. 1927, XV, 279–87.

2920. MURPHY, GWENDOLEN. Bibliographies of Modern Author No. 2. Edward Thomas. Mercury, May 1927, XVI, 73-5; ib., Jun 1927, XVI, 193-8; ib., Sept. 1927, XVI, 525-30; ib., Nov. 192 XVII, 76.

Thompson, Edward. 2921. An Indian Day. London: Knopf, 1927. Cr. 8vo. 71 × 51. PP. 312. 7s. 6d.

2922. These Men Thy Friends. London: Knopf, 1927. 7 × 51. pp. 286. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 1, 1927, 906.

2923. SQUIRE, J. C. Article in Mercury, Mar. 1927, XV, 544. Turner, W. J. 2924. The Esthetes. London: Wishart, 1927. 7 × 5. pp. viii, 71. 4s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., June 16, 1927, 418. 2925. Marigold, An Idyll of the Sea. London: Fleuron, 1926. II × 71. PP. 34. 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., June 23, 1927, 429–30.

Tynan, Katharine. 2926. Twilight Songs. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1927. 8 × 54. pp. 63. 5s. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 13, 1927, 713.

Untermeyer, Louis. 2927. The Collected Parodies of Louis Untermeyer. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1926. 12mo. pp. xiv, 324. $2.75. Rev. by Lee Wilson Dodd in Sat. Rev. of Lit., June 25, 1927, III, 926.

Van Doren, Mark. 2928. 7 p.m. and Other Poems. New York: Boni, 1927. 8vo. pp. 89. $1.75. Rev. in Nation by Allen Tate, Apr. 27, 1927, CXXIV, 482–3; by Babette Deutsch in Amer. Bookman, Apr. 1927, LXV, 220; by L. S. Morris in New Republic, Apr. 6, 1927, L, 204-5; by Harriet Monroe in Poetry, Oct. 1927, XXXI, 47-50.

Walpole, Hugh. 2929. Jeremy at Crale. London: Cassell, 1927. 7 × 5. PP. 312. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 10, 1927, 812. Wells, Herbert George. 2930. Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady. London: Benn, 1927. 71 × 5. pp. 288. 7s. 6d. New York: Doran. 12mo. pp. vi, 13–200. $2.50. Rev. in T.L.S., July 28, 1927, 518; in New Statesman, Aug. 6, 1927, XXIX, 540–1; by D. H. Robertson in Nation-Athen., July 30, 1927, XLI, 17, 581; by Johan Smertenko in Nation, Sept. 7, 1927, CXXV, 231–2; by Donald F. Rose in Forum, Nov. 1927, LXXVIII, 797-8; by Harry L. Binsse in Commonweal, Sept. 21, 1927, VI, 476–7; by Joseph Anthony in Century, Sept. 1927, CXIV, 636-7; by Lee W. Dodd in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Aug. 20, 1927, IV, 54.

2931. The Short Stories of H. G. Wells. London: Benn, 1927. 7 × 51. PP. 1148. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 15, 1927, 620; by Edward Shanks in Sat. Rev., Aug. 27, 1927, CXLIV, 278.

2932. The World of William Clissold. (Bibl. 1926, 2643.) Rev. by J. M. Keynes in New Republic, Feb. 2, 1927, XLIX, 301-3; by Frederick P. Mayer in Virginia Quart. Rev., Jan. 1927, III, 127–42; by J. M. Keynes in Nation-Athen., Jan. 22, 1927, XL, 16, 561; by Paul Dottin in Rev. de France, I août, 1927, 568–74; by Abel Chevalley in Rev. de Paris, 15 fév. 1927, 167–80.

2933. AAs, L. H. G. Wells og hans senere verker. Edda, Nordisk Tidskrift, 1926, xxiv, 182–206.

2934. CECCHI, E. H. G. Wells: sentimenti d' un socialista intellettuale. Nuova Antologia, Dec. 1926, 318-25.

2935. CROSS, WILBUR. The Mind of H. G. Wells. Yale Rev., Jan. 1927, XVI, 298–315.

2936. DOUGHTY, F. H. H. G. Wells, Educationist. London: Cape, 1926. 8 × 51. pp. 192. 5s.

2937. GATES, BARRINGTON. Hammer and Tongs. Nation-Athen., Jan. 15, 1927, XL, 15, 540; cf. J. W. Pointer, ib., Jan. 29. [Criticises Belloc's attack on Wells's 'Outline of History.']

2938. HRYHORIEK, S. Pedagogické názory H. G. Wellse. [Mr H. G. Wells's Views on Education.] Pedagogické Rozhledy, 1927, XXXVII, 169-75, 230-6, 296–301.

2939. Nováková, M. Poměr jedince a celku v myšlení H. G. Wellse. I. [Individuality and Collectivity in the Thought of H. G. Wells.] Časopis pro moderní filologii, 1927-8, XIV, 43-7.

Wharton, Edith. 2940. The Great American Novel. Yale Rev., July 1927, XVI, 646–56.

2941. Twelve Poems. London: Medici Soc., 1927. 91 × 61. PP. 5142s. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 17, 1927, 183.

2942. Twilight Sleep. New York: Appleton, 1927. 12mo. PP. 372$2.50. Rev. by William L. Phelps in Forum, Aug. 1927, LXXVIII, 315-16; by Edmund Wilson in New Republic, June 8, 1927, LI, 78; by P. A. Hutchison in N.Y. Times, May 22, 1927, 1; in T.L.S., June 16, 1927, 422; by Orlo Williams in New Criterion, 1927, VI, 440-6..

2943. MELISH, Lawson MCCLURY. A Bibliography of the Collected Writings of Edith Wharton. New York: Brick Row Bk Shop, 1927. 12mo. pp. 98. $3.00.

Wilder, Thornton. 2944. The Bridge of San Luis Rey. London: Longmans, 1927. 8vo. 81 × 51. pp. 148. 6s.

Wolfe, Humbert. 2945. Cursory Rhymes. London: Benn, 1927. 71 × 51. pp. 128. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 24, 1927, 885; in Sat Rev., Dec. 17, 1927, CXLIV, 860-1.

2946. Kensington Gardens. London: Benn, 1927. 71 × 5. pp. 81 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 24, 1927, 885.

2947. English Bards and French Reviewers. New Criterion, Jan 1927, V, 57-73.

2948. Humoresque. (Bibl. 1926, 2656.) Rev. by S. Foster Damor in Yale Rev., Apr. 1927, XVI, 587-91; by Elling Aannestad in New Republic, Feb. 23, 1927, L, 24–5.

2949. News of the Devil. (Bibl. 1926, 2657.) Rev. by Frederick E Pierce in Yale Rev., Oct. 1927, XVII, 176–8; by Louis Untermeyer in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Sept. 3, 1927, IV, 85; in T.L.S., June 23, 1927, 429-30.

2950. Requiem: poems. London: Benn, 1927. 71 × 5. PP. 123 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., June 2, 1927, 390.

2951. GORMAN, HERBERT. Humbert Wolfe. Amer. Bookman, Aug 1927, LXV, 634-9.

Woolf, Virginia. 2952. To the Lighthouse. London: Hogarth



Press; New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. 7 × 51. PP. 320. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., May 5, 1927, 315; by Orlo Williams in New Criterion, July 1927, VI, 74–8; by F. W. K. in Sewanee Rev., July-Sept. 1927, XXXV, 364-6.

2953. ELIOT, T. S. Le Roman anglais contemporain. See 2599.

Yeats, William Butler. 2954. Autobiographies; Reveries over Childhood and Youth, and, The Trembling of the Veil. New York: Macmillan, 1927. 12mo. pp. vii, 477. $3.50. Rev. by Mark van Doren in Nation, Mar. 16, 1927, CXXIV, 290; by Edmund Wilson in New Republic, Feb. 23, 1927, L, 22–3; by L. W. Payne, Jr., in Southwest Rev., Oct. 1927, XIII, 123-5; by Thomas Walsh in Commonweal, Apr. 27, 1927, v, 696–7; by John Eglinton in Dial, Aug. 1927, LXXXIII, 94-7; by Marie Luhrs in Poetry, Aug. 1927, XXX, 279–83; in Outlook, Mar. 23, 1927, CXLV, 376; by H. J. Forman in N.Y. Times, May 15, 1927, 13; by Elinor Wylie in N.Y. Herald Tribune, Feb. 13, 1927, 1. 2955. Poems. New and Revised Edition. London: Fisher Unwin, 1927. 8vo. 8 × 51. PP. 335. Ios. 6d. Rev. in New Statesman, Apr. 16, 1927, XXIX, 17.

2956. Poetical Works of William Butler Yeats. Vol. I. Lyrical Poems. Vol. II. Dramatic Poems. (Bibl. 1926, 2663.) Rev. by Marie Luhrs in Poetry, Sept. 1927, XXX, 346–9.

2957. The Tower. New Criterion, 1927, v, 287-93. Rev. by R. Ellis Roberts in Bookman, Apr. 1927, LXXIV, 42−3.

2958. AAS, L. William Butler Yeats og hans Verker. Lyrik, prosadiktning og kritik. Ord och Bild (Stockholm), 1927, 145–52, 461-8.

2959. TALLQVIST, C. E. William Butler Yeats. En studie. Finska Tidskrift, 1927, CII, 119–41, 281–307.

2960. WILSON, EDMUND. Oct. 5, 1927, LII, 176–77 a.

Proust and Yeats. New Republic,


2961. ABBOTT, LAURENCE F. Honoré de Balzac and Sinclair Lewis. See 2791.

2962. ADAMS, CHARLES DARWIN. Demosthenes and His Influence. (Our Debt to Greece and Rome.) New York: Longmans, 1927. 12mo. PP. v, 184. $1.75.

2963. BARROW, Sarah F. and WILLIAM H. HULME (trs.). ‘Antichrist' and 'Adam.' Western Reserve Bull., Aug. 1925, XXVIII, 1-68. Rev. by George R. Coffman in M.L.N., Feb. 1927, XLII, 129–33.

2964. BEAUMONT, CYRIL W. The History of Harlequin. With a preface by SACHEVERELL SITWELL... and Illustrations from Contemporary Sources. London: Beaumont, 1927. 101 × 8. pp. 156. 42s. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 3, 1927, 139.

2965. BELLEZZA, P. Shakespeare e Manzoni. See 1205.

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