SPURGEON. Milford, 1928. 8vo. 8 × 54. pp. 144. To Members, 3s. 6d.: to Non-members, 7s. 6d. Contents:—1. BERTHA S. PHILLPOTTS: Wyrd and Providence in Anglo-Saxon Thought. 2. HELEN WADDELL: John of Salisbury. 3. JOHN M. MANLY: Sir Thopas: a Satire. 4. EMILE LEGOUIS: La Réaction contre la Critique Romantique de Shakespeare. 5. H. J. C. GRIERSON: Scott and Carlyle. 6. MARJORY A. BALD: Shelley's Mental Progress. 7. LORD DUNSANY: England Language Conditions! 119. BAILEY, JOHN. A Question of Taste. (Pamphlet, no. 65.) (Bibl. 1926, 74.) Rev. in N.Q., Feb. 19, 1927, CLII, 144. 120. HARTOG, PHILIP. On the Relation of Poetry to Verse. (Pamphlet, no. 64.) (Bibl. 1926, 76.) Rev. in N.Q., Feb. 19, 1927, CLII, 144. 121. A Reference Library: English Language and Literature. Second Edition. (Pamphlet, no. 66.) London: Milford, 1927. 9o × 6. pp. 31. 2s. 6d. 122. ROBERTS, S. C. Lord Macaulay, the pre-eminent Victorian. (Pamphlet, no. 67.) London: Milford, 1927. 9a × 61. pp. 18. 2s. 123. SADLEIR, MICHAEL. The Northanger Novels: a Footnote to Jane Austen. (Pamphlet, no. 68.) London: Milford, 1927. 9 × 61. Pp. 28. 124. Year's Work in English Studies. Vol. VI, 1925. See 24. English Place-Name Society. 125. Vol. I. Introduction to the Survey of English Place-Names. (Bibl. 1924, 67; 1925, 106; 1926, 79.) Rev. by Kemp Malone in M.L.N., Apr. 1927, XLII, 259–60; by Gustav Binz in Anglia Beibl., Sept. 1927, XXXVIII, 273–93. 126. MAWER, ALLEN and F. M. STENTON. Vol. II. The Place-Names of Buckinghamshire. (Bibl. 1925, 107; 1926, 81.) Rev. by Kemp Malone in M.L.N., Apr. 1927, XLII, 259–60; by Laurence M. Larson in Amer. Hist. Rev., Jan. 1927, XXXII, 302-3. 127. Vol. III. The Place-Names of Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire. (Bibl. 1926, 80.) Rev. by M.W. Hughes in History, Apr. 1927, 51-2; by L. M. Larson in Amer. Hist. Rev., Jan. 1927, XXXII, 302–3. 128. MAWER, A., F. M. STENTON and F. T. S. HOUGHTON, Vol. iv. The Place-Names of Worcestershire. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. xli, 420. Map. 20s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 29, 1927, 660; in N.Q., Sept. 17, 1927, CLIII, 215-16. 129. Essays in Memory of Barrett Wendell, by His Assistants. (Bibl. 1926, 82.) Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 3, 1927, 72; by Frederick L. Allen in Forum, Apr. 1927, LXXVII, 638–9; by Karl Young in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Mar. 12, 1927, III, 641.. 130. Festschrift für Johannes Hoops. (Bibl. 1926, 83.) Rev. by W. van der Gaaf in E. Studies, Feb. 1927, IX, 13–17. Festschrift für K. Luick. 131. Neusprach. Studien. Festgabe Karl Luick zu seinem 60. Geburtstage.. (Bibl. 1925, 109; 1926, 85.) Rev. by Kemp Malone in M.L.N., June 1927, XLII, 425-6; by F. Karpf in N. Sprachen, 1927, XXXV, 4, 312-13.. Festschrift für Eduard Sievers. 132. Germanica. (Bibl. 1926, 86.) Briefly rev. in M.L.R., Jan. 1928, XXIII, 119; by H. Naumann in Deutsche Literaturztg., 1927, XLVIII, N.F. 4, 14, 670–3; by H. Suolahti in Neuphil. Mittn., 1927, XXXVIII, 5-6, 170–6. Göttingen: Versuche deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner. 133. 27.-30. Sept. 1927. Includes:-1. M. FLASDIECK: Die Idee einer engl. Sprachakad. in Vergangenh. u. Gegenw. 2. M. DEUTSCHBEIN: Grundfragen der neuengl. Syntax. 3. H. MUTSCHMANN: The American Language. 4. L. L. SCHÜCKING: Die Wurzeln des Puritanischen Persönlichkeitsideals. 5. H. J. C. GRIERSON: Sir Walter Scott. 6. W. LINDEN: Zur Struktur des Shakespeareschen Erlebnisses. Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. 134. Ed. by W. KELLER. Bd. LXI. (Bibl. 1926, 88.) Briefly rev. by E. K. C[hambers] in M.L.R., July 1927, XXII, 360; by E. Deckner in Anglia Beibl., Apr. 1927, XXXVIII, 120-5; by O. Weidenmüller in N. Sprachen, 1927, XXXV, 4, 304-5. 135. Ed. by W. KELLER. Bd. LXII. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz. 8 M. Rev. by A. Ludwig in Die Literatur, 1927, XXIX, 10, 606. Medieval Studies in Memory of Gertrude Schoepperle Loomis. 136. New York and Paris, 1927. Items in their respective sections. Royal Society of Literature. 137. Essays by Divers Hands, being the Transactions of. Ed. by G. K. CHESTERTON. New Ser., vol. vi. (Bibl. 1926, 90.) Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 20, 1927, 41. 138. Essays by Divers Hands, being the Transactions of. Ed. by MARGARET L. WOODS. New Ser., vol. VII. London: Milford, 1927. 83 × 5. pp. xv, 156. 7s. Contents:-SIR HENRY IMBERT-TERRY: The Reminiscences of a Chancellor and his Wife, pp. 1–37. V. SACKVILLE-WEST: Some Tendencies of Modern English Poetry, pp. 39-54. J. A. GOTCH: Inigo Jones: A Modern View, pp. 55–80. CAROLINE F. E. SPURGEON: Jane Austen, pp. 81–104. M. GASTER: Yiddish Literature of the Middle Ages, pp. 105-31. J. M. MANLY: The Miracle Play in Mediaeval England, pp. 133-53. Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 16, 1928, 109. Scottish Text Society. 139. IRLANDIA, JOHANNES DE. The Meroure of Wyssdome. (Bibl. 1926, 92.) Rev. by G. R. Owst in M.L.R., Oct. 1927, XXII, 459-60. 140. The Maitland Folio Manuscript. Containing Poems by Sir Richard Maitland, Dunbar, Douglas, Henryson, and Others. Ed. by W. A. CRAIGIE. Vol. 11. London and Edinburgh: Blackwood, for the Scottish Text Society, 1927. pp. 187. (N.S. 20.) Shakespeare Association. 141. A Series of Papers on Shakespeare and the Theatre, together with Papers on Edward Alleyn and Early Records illustrating the Personal Life of Shakespeare by Members of the Shakespeare Association. London: Milford, 1927. 10 × 61. pp. 240. 16s. Contents:-W. W. GREG: Edward Alleyn. C. M. HAINES: The Development of Shakespeare's Stagecraft. G. B. HARRISON: Shakespeare's Actors. J. ISAACS: Shakespeare, as Man of the Theatre. R. NOBLE: Shakespeare's Songs and Stage. F. S. Boas: The Play within the Play. G. H. COWLING: Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Stage. M. ST CLARE BYRNE: Shakespeare's Audience. C. C. STOPES: Early Records illustrating the Personal Life of Shakespeare. Rev. in N.Q., Oct. 22, 1927, CLIII, 305. 142. ELIOT, T. S. Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca. An Address, March 18, 1927. Oxford: Univ. Press, for the Shakespeare Association, 1927. 91 × 61. pp. 17. 28.. 143. SISSON, C. J. Shakespeare in India. (Bibl. 1926, 94.) Rev. by E. Deckner in Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1927, XXXIII, 19–25. Society for Pure English. 144. Tract No. xxi. BRIDGES, Robert. The Society's Work. (Bibl. 1925, 119; 1926, 97.) Rev. by A. Carnoy in Leuvensche Bijdragen, Bijblad, XVIII, 1926, 17. 145. Tract No. xxv. JESPERSEN, OTTO. On Some Disputed Points in English Grammar. (Bibl. 1926, 101.) Rev. by Mats Redin in Anglia Beibl., Aug. 1927, xxXVIII, 232–3; in N.Q., Jan. 15, 1927, CLII, 54; by E. Kruisinga in E. Studies, June 1927, IX, 89–92. 146. Tract No. xxvi. Aikin, W. A. English Vowel Sounds. With an Introd. by ROBERT BRIDGES: and FOWLER, H. W. on 'Ing.' A reply to Dr Jespersen's Paper in Tract xxv. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. 175–96. 2s. 6d. Rev. in N.Q., May 14, 1927, CLII, 360. 147. Tract No. XXVII. CRAIGIE, W. A. The Study of American English. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. 199–219. Rev. in N.Q., June 25, 1927, CLII, 467–8. 2s. 6d. 148. Tract No. xxvIII. English Handwriting. Ed. by ROBERT BRIDGES. Continued from Tract XXIII. (Bibl. 1926, 99.) London: Milford; Oxford: Clar. Press, 1927. 91 × 6. pp. 223–51. Plates 34–65. IOS. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 27, 1927, 754. Studies in Shakespeare, Milton, and Donne. 149. By Members of the English Department of the Univ. of Michigan. (Bibl. 1925, 124; 1926, 103.) Rev. by Henning Larsen in Philol. Quart., Jan. 1927, VI, 92–3; by Ph. Aronstein in Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1927, XXXVIII, 13–18. ENGLISH LANGUAGE V. GENERAL 150. AMMANN, HERMANN. Die menschliche Rede. Sprachphilo sophische Untersuchungen. I. Teil: Die Idee der Sprache und das Wesen der Wortbedeutung. (Bibl. 1926, 109.) Rev. by O. Funke in Anglia Beibl., Dec. 1927, XXXVIII, 370-8. 151. BALD, M. A. The Pioneers of Anglicised Speech in Scotland. Scottish Hist. Rev., 1927, XXIV, 179–93. 152. BECHTEL, JOHN H. Errors in English. Revised by REESE JAMES. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1926. 16 cm. pp. 224. : 153. BLOOMFIELD, LEONARD. On Recent Work in General Linguistics. M. Phil., Nov. 1927, XXV, 211–30. 154. BRANDL, A. and O. ZIPPEL. Mittelenglische Sprach- und Literaturproben. Mit etymologischem Wörterbuch zugleich f. Chaucer. (Neuausgabe von Mätzners altenglischen Sprachproben.) 2te Aufl. Berlin: Weidmann, 1927. 8vo. 10 M. 155. COLLINSON, W. E. Contemporary English. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1927. pp. v, 161. Rev. by W. Ebisch in Anglia Beibl., Dec. 1927, XXXVIII, 383-5. 156. CRESSMAN, EDMUND D. What is the English Vocabulary? Classical Jour., June 1926, XXI, 671–7. 157. DE LAGUNA, GRACE ANDRUS. Speech, Its Function and Development. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford, 1927. 9 × 6. pp. xii, 363. $5.00. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 15, 1927, 918. 158. DUNSANY, LORD. England Language Conditions! 118. See 159. FEATHER, WILLIAM. Anglicizings. Amer. Speech, Jan. 1927, II, 203. 160. FLASDIECK, M. Die Idee einer engl. Sprachakad. in Vergangenh. u. Gegenw. See 133. 161. FLETCHER, EDWARD G. Another Note on 'Anglo-Saxon' [meaning modern English]. Amer. Speech, May 1927, II, 367. 162. FRASER, J. Linguistic Evidence and Archaeological and Ethnological Facts. See 104. 163. FRIES, CHARLES C. The Rules of Common School Grammars. P. M. L. A. Am., Mar. 1927, XLII, 221–37. [Study of English grammars, 1586–1825.] 164. FRITZ, CHARLES A. Early American Works on Speech Training. Quart. Jour. Speech Ed., Apr. 1927, XIII, 151–60. 165. FUNKE, OTTо. Satz und Wort, etc. Aus A. Martys Nachlass. (Bibl. 1925, 133.) Rev. by W. Franz in E. St., 1927, LXI, 281–3; by F. Karpf in Anglia Beibl., Aug. 1927, XXXVIII, 225–8. 166. Studien zur Geschichte d. Sprachphilosophie. 1. Zur Sprachphilosophie d. 18. Jahrhunderts: J. Harris' 'Hermes.' II. Zur Sprachphilosophie d. Gegenwart. Bern, 1927. 4s. 9d. [Neujahrsblätter d. lit. Gesellsch., N.F. 46.] 167. GOETZE, GERTRUD. Sprachverwirrung und ihr Ende. N. Sprachen, 1927, XXXV, 3, 197–8. 168. GRAVES, ROBERT. Lars Porsena: or the Future of Swearing. See 2747. 169. HAYES, R. J. Comparative Idiom: An Introduction to the Study of Modern Languages. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1927. 71 × 51. pp. vii, 109. 3s. 6d. 170. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Ein englisches Gedicht in kymrischer Schreibung. Anglia Beibl., Oct. 1927, xxXVIII, 326–9. 171. HOOPS, J. Internationale englische Sprachkonferenz in London. E. St., 1927, LXI, 3, 467–9. 172. JESPERSEN, OTTO. Menneskehed, Nasjon og:Individ i Sproget. (Bibl. 1926, 131.) Rev. by E. Hermann in Göttingische gelehrte. Anzeigen, Nov.-Dec. 1927, CLXXXIX, 473-4; by Jacob Zeitlin in J. E. G. Phil., Oct. 1927, xxvi, 595–8. 173. The Philosophy of Grammar. (Bibl. 1924, 93; 1925, 141; 1926, 132.) Rev. by Leonard Bloomfield in J. E. G. Phil., July 1927, XXVI, 444-6; by Mildred E. Lambert in M.L.N., May 1927, XLII, 339–42; by A. Carnoy in Leuvensche Bijdragen, Bijblad, 1927, XIX, 6-8; by F. Karpf in Anglia Beibl., Feb. 1927, XXXVIII, 33–46,. May 1927, XXXVIII, 141–55. 174. JØRGENSEN, TH. Om Anglo-Frisiske, Heruliske og Burgundiske Indskrifter med de Ældre Runer fra Nordens tre Riger. (Bibl. 1925, 142.) Rev. by E. V. Gordon in R.E.S., July 1927, III, 352-4. 175. KENNEDY, ARTHUR G. A Bibliography of Writings on the English Language, from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Cambridge and New Haven: Harvard Univ. Press, Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford, 1927. 26 cm. pp. xvii, 517. $25.00. Rev. by George P. Krapp in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Dec. 3, 1927, IV, 376; in T.L.S., June 16, 1927, 428. L 176. KENT, R. G. and E. H. STURTEVANT. Survey of Linguistic Studies. Opportunities for Advanced Work in the United States. Linguistic Soc. of America Bull., no. 1, Dec. 1926. pp. 14. 177. KIRKCONNELL, WATSON. Linguistic Laconism. A. J. Phil., Jan.-Mar. 1927, XLVIII, 34–7. 178. KOCH, C. O. and K. KÄRRE. Det engelska språket. Rev. by Carl Ernolv in Moderna språk, XXI, 221–6. 179. KRAPP, GEORGE PHILIP. A Comprehensive Guide to Good English. Chicago: Rand, McNally, 1927. 18.5 cm. pp. xxxviii, 688. Rev. by A. G. K. in Amer. Speech, Dec. 1927, III, 146–51. 180. The Knowledge of English. New York: Holt, 1927. 22.5 cm. pp. x, 572. Rev. by A. G. K. in Amer. Speech, Dec. 1927, III, 146–51. 181. LAMBERT, MILDRED. Studies in the Relationship of Thought and Syntax in Colloquial English. [Univ. of Chicago.] Abstracts of Theses, Humanistic Series, III, 347-55. 182. MALECOT, GASTON LOUIS. A Note.on Gesture and Language. Quart. Jour. Speech Ed., Nov. 1927, XIII, 439–42. 183. MALONE, KEMP. 'Anglo-Saxon' Again. [Fourth instance of the term meaning 'Contemporary English.'] (Cf. Bibl. 1926, 691, 692.) Amer. Speech, Jan. 1927, 11, 192; Feb. 1927, 243 [fifth instance]. 184. MATHESIUS, V. New Currents and Tendencies in Linguistic Research. MNHMA, Prague, 1927, pp. 189–203. 185. MATTHES, PAULA. Sprachform, Wort- und Bedeutungskategorie und Begriff. Philosophische Untersuchungen im Anschluss an das Kategorienproblem in der gegenwärtigen Sprachwissenschaft. A. u. d. T. Philos. u. Geisteswissenschaften, ed. A. Rothacker. Bd. III. |